Adding a second finisher


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Whilst I appreciate there have been many successful wrestlers over the years who have just had one finisher; Flair, HHH and Stone Cold all examples who became famous for one main finisher. However I sometimes feel a second finisher can make a match ending a bit more exciting and slightly less predictable. Here are a few ideas I have for moves some guys could add as a second finisher

Dean Ambrose - Sharpshooter
Whilst I appreciate he had adopted a brawler style, he just wants to hurt other people. His face alone as he locks in a sharpshooter could make the move work effectively.

Rusev - Chokebomb
A heel variant of a powerbomb, previously use by Prince Albert. A great power move and reflects his personality well.

Seth Rollins - Phoenix Splash
I feel as a heel, a Phoenix Splash would get too much of a cheer. It would be great move to use consistently when an eventual face turn occurs.

Bray Wyatt - Chokeslam
Whilst I like Sister Abigail. After he faces Taker, why not starting using a chokeslam. Half as a tribute and half to mock him.

Do people like some of these ideas? What moves would be good for others alternate finishers? Would like to hear your ideas.
The more "patented maneuvers" a wrestler has, the better. And I give credit to the current roster because most of them have their own move that others don't use.
I've never really thought of Ambrose as a submission guy, or even a wrestler for that matter, but that's all the more reason to add a submission move in there.

The phoenix splash is way cooler than curbstomp. At the rumble he didn't land it clean though, was just short. I would guess he doesn't do it a lot because of the risk of injury. But now that the cat's out of the bag, I'd expect to see it at his bigger ppv matches.
Not a bad idea, really. I'd like to see it where one finisher can sometimes be kicked out of, but the other one actually finishes the match when it's used.
Dean Ambrose - Sharpshooter
Whilst I appreciate he had adopted a brawler style, he just wants to hurt other people. His face alone as he locks in a sharpshooter could make the move work effectively.

The Sharpshooter isn't a move that the WWE is just going to allow any wrestler to adopt for their moveset. It is way too synonymous with the Hart family. Plus it is already Nattie's finisher(once again, a member of the Hart family).

Rock was allowed to use it, but that was simply as a tribute to Owen due to their very close friendship.

If anyone from outside the Hart family on the current roster is going to use the Sharpshooter as a potential signature submission, it would make the most sense for it to be Kevin Owens. Steen is Canadian and has used the move for years, and he has a well documented strong admiration for Owen Hart, naming his own son Owen as a tribute to him and reportedly taking the surname "Owens" as his WWE ring name for the same reason.
Well you have to have a second finisher to be on the top of the totem pole now, some guys can't be hit with the big moves. Even John Cena has his embarassing STF.

Only things I would change on your list would be Rusev - Chokebomb... It's a silly looking move honestly and maybe 10 years ago that would be a cool side finisher. I would say something like Farooq's Dominator. Grab the guys mid section and just turn him inside out. Ambrose can't use the Sharpshooter, Nattie and Tyson kid use it. Something like a Crossface or Rings of Saturn (Saturn) style move would rule.
Here's a few ideas for additional finishers..

Roman Reigns-Along with the Spear, Reigns could definitely pull off the Orange Crush Delayed Vertical Suplex/Sit-out Powerbomb Pin combo. The Orange Crush would not only make it easier for Reigns to put his opponents through tables, it also looks like a move he'd actually use.

Seth Rollins-He could use the Phoenix Splash along with the Curb Stomp. Though, I also would like to see him bring back one of his ROH finishers, God's Last Gift. It's a great finisher and Rollins should definitely use it alongside the Curb Stomp and the Phoenix Splash.

Rollins hits God's Last Gift at 1:25, by the way

Rusev- He needs to use more submission finishers, in my opinion. Being that he's legit trained in Muay Thai, Sambo and Sumo wrestling, I want to see Rusev incorporate more moves from each of those martial arts into his regular move-set, such as more Muay Thai punch/knee/elbow/kicking combinations, more Sumo attacks(such as palm strike rushes, plus Sumo-style takedowns), along with using some Sambo throws and submission moves. As far as a second finisher goes, to replace the Camel Clutch he uses, Rusev could instead utilize one of the types of chokes from Sambo. As far as power moves go, Rusev using an Exploder Suplex or a Sit-out Alabama Slam pinning combo move would be a good idea.

This is a good example of one of the Sambo chokes I was suggesting Rusev use
I`d have AJ Lee use the Asai DDT she used in FCW in addition to the Shining Wizard and Black Widow.

And since Sasha Banks uses moves called Bankrupt and Bank Statement, i`d include a move called the TRANSFER, i liked the sound of it when i heard it.


And the move is a Jumping spinning inverted DDT.
I'd say give dean the modified sharpsooter or the "Edgecator" it would be perfect. Also I would give Sami Zayn another finisher along with the Helluva kick and the Koji Clutch, he could use the Half Nelson Tiger Clutch Suplex as a finisher or just the Blue Thunder Bomb. Dolph should bring back the Sleeper Hold. Luke Harper should use the spinning sidewalk slam as his finisher for sure. Swagger should start using the Gutwrench powerbomb every now and then. There was also this cool move Roman used to do back in FCW when he was Leakee he called it Check Mate he held someone in a bulldog clutch spin into a 360 and hit a bulldog, not sure if it would work for him now but it would be cool if someone els like Tyson Kidd or Fandago to use it, Here the move he does it at 3:27

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