A Finisher that doesnt fit the wrestler

For me its edge using the spear he has the potential to hit just about any move he wants yet he uses a spear and simply i just dont get it, i like that he is starting to use the sharpshooter but just because ur from Canada doesn't mean you have to do the sharpshooter
anyway, i've always hated The Miz's finisher and the Batista Bomb, ever since i saw him first use it, i always thought Batista should've been doing something more powerful looking, like an F-5 type move or something, oh and Big Show's knockout punch, just stick with the huge chokeslam, i've hated it ever since Show tried to be a boxer, then he comes back and he just looks ******ed trying to do his boxing stance and punches :)

How is the Batista Bomb not powerful looking. A sit out Powerbomb is a classic big man/power guy move. Its a hell of a lot more better looking then the f-5.
I agree with Edge and his spear. He makes the move look weak in a way. Like if he hit me with a spear, i might go down, but i wouldn't stay down. I think the spear only works for a wrestler who is big, in that when they hit a guy it looks like it will rip the guy in two. Batista (sadly) and Goldberg are the top two in my mind who work well with the spear. There are so many other finishers that don't fit the wrestler. Like CM Punks GTS, he is too small of a guy to have such a power move. I would like to see when he uses that kick to the guy's head as his finisher as it looks lethal. Also, why doesn't Punk use the anaconda vice anymore, I thought that move fit him well. Mysterio's 619 is just stupid, as that move only sets the guy up for his deadly west coast pop. When Mysterio does a small or a seated senton, its weak. He is too small, 170 pounds coming down onto a guy double his weight is nothing. I like when he uses the 619 in combo with the hurricarana pin, I think that works.
I agree that its not about the believability of the finisher, I was just commenting because others did as well similarly. I agree on the GTS, especially since Punk, like said, isnt strong. Hes a martial artist, and a firemans carry to a knee to the face is his only saving grace, because it incorporates his quick feet. Although after the way he messed up mysterios face and broke snitskys nose, maybe they should go back to the anaconda vice. That suits his style so much more.
I hate the scissor kick finisher that Booker/R-Truth use. - I mean how long are you supposed to be bent in half in the middle of the ring before someone drops you to the mat. That move does my head in.

The other, quite obvious one, is Kozlov's ridiculous headbutt. If that's a finisher, then I'm a grape.
I think the GTS doesn't fit CM Punk very well. It appears to be a strength move. Punk spends the whole match using kicks to avoid getting close enough to grappel and flying around trying to use his whole body as a weapon. When you get to the end of the match, all of a sudden he's lifting people over his head.

Agree, I've always hated the GTS, and when ever Punk does it it never looks right, the main reson for this IMO are cause either his opponent doesn't know how to take the move and sell it right or they are just too big and it looks like shit, I think Punk would be better off either going back to the Anaconda Vice, or useing something else, something he can lock in a deliver fast and out of nowhere, something like the Pepsi twist (the move looked similar to the Final Cut or Eye of the Hurricane) or whatever if was called, or even the shining wizard
John Cena's STFU. I think he only started using it as a response to the "You Can't Wrestle" crowd. Having one submission hold in one's repertoire does not mean he is a better wrestler than before he learned it. So many finishers now are just copies of the originals, so it is hard for me to think of them as the new wrestlers move as opposed to the old guys move.


I highly doubt ******ed chants of "you can't wrestle" made him add another move to his moveset unless he's playing the crowd. How does it not fit him? It applies pressure to the face, knee and back and he's strong as all fuck. It more than likely added for him to have another finisher, having 2 finishers keeps the crowd hyped, and the crowd always goes nuts during submissions. When you main event and follow a routine as much as he does, you need two.

It's one of the better finishers in the WWE atm.
has everyone forgot about DJ Gabriel? his finisher just doesn't look right for him. this guy who looks like he could bench press a school bus is doing a a flying move it just don't seem right to me I'm used to seeing strong dudes using power moves instead of having them spring off the turnbuckle
I think Mark Henry's Strongest Slam is Just weak. Henry should be crushing people instead of using a weak looking body slam which is just an inverted saomen drop.
interesting topic.. i'm leaning towards the samoan spike. for someone as strong and agile as umaga, the spike is rather.. lame.

his swinging rock bottom type move should start being his finisher.

I agreee completely I've been a fan of umaga since the 3min warnning days and I was glad to see him redebut however the samoan spike just plain sucks it almost ranks up the with mick Foleys mandiable claw and big shows knockout punch
Nice topic ! Signature moves and finishers are what define a wrestler and give them their unique character. Naming a finisher is almost as important as devising a finisher. An example would be the "tombstone".

Anyways heres my list of stupid finishers along with the reason.

1. DDT - Jake the Snake made this move incredible. Sadly these days its pointless. Cody Rhodes has the DDT as a finisher. Tell me why when Rhodes uses it he can score a pinfall yet if say HHH, Cena, Undertaker or Batista use it they cant ???. These guys are bigger, better and badder than rhodes. POINTLESS !. The DDT seems to be a standard stamp finisher these days when someone cant think of anything else. Not to mention the fact that 90% of the WWE divas use a DDT as there finisher.

2. Rey Mysterio Spash - Simply stupid, just use the 619, dont use a pathetic looking splash. I get the point its to honour eddie guerrero but it looks silly seeing a 150lb guy splash say Mark Henry.

3. STFU or the Attitude Adjustment ST or the STAA oR whatever the hell it is ! - (First off I hate John Cena. I'm in the 18=25 yo male category and used to think Cena was awesome. Cena became the top WWE superstar because of who he was. He changed to the kiddies hero when he reached the top. I BOO him because he betrayed his fans who got him to where he is and turned his back on them. LOSER !!!. His wrestling skills suck and his promos are stale and boring these days. STFU looks so stupid plus he stole the STF from William Regal.

4. Knockout Punch - Big Show uses this now and its pathetic. Whats different about the knockout punch from any other punch big show throws ?. Chokeslam was good but should have been named different, also like when he used "the final cut".

5. Samoan Spike - Simply does not have a big impact.

6. Pumphandle Slam - Overused and takes far too long to pull off.

7. Unprettier - Great move but takes far too long and is awkward to get in place.

8. Edges Spear - Looks pathetic. Why can HHH or Batista spear people but not get a pinfall and edge can ???.

9. Paul Burchill neckbreaker - seriously......trying to push a guy who had a neckbreaker as a finisher......give me a break.

10. Ted Dibiase - Million Dollar leg sweep. Why not just use the Million dollar dream ???. Why use the MDD but add a leg sweep at the end. Silly.

I have many more but 10 is enough for now.
For the people complaining about spears and Kozlov's head-butt, have you ever taken a real shot to the sternum? You feel like you can't breath for about 2 minutes. And then you feel like you just sprinted 5 miles for the next few. You need a 3 count. 5 seconds tops. Some spears look better than others and I know Edge has tried other finishers. I also agree that if one guy uses it as his finisher, then the next shouldn't use it as a standard move (especially since I feel one guy should be allowed to use a finisher per company but that is my opinion). When people get speared, they hold their stomach and it probably would be hard to kick out of a standard cover if you just took a nasty shot to the stomach; especially since the lightest guy using it weighs around 240lbs. And the Somoan Spike is one that if you think about, you could see someone getting a 3 count. A heavily taped thumb jabbed right into throat/juggular (sp?). You may be convulsing but you probably are going to have a hard time getting a 350lb man off of you for the next minute or two. Clostheline From Hell would be a lot better if it wasn't used as a standard move as well. It is a move you could break someone's neck withbut too many people use the clostheline.

I agree with the Big Show punch. Too standard by others accounts.
I agree with Mysterio's splash. One minute the guy is catching him out of the air and the next he drops on them for a knock-out blow.
I agree with the Scissors kick. Too long to execute.
Unprettier pushes that "too long to execute rule" but then again, the same could be said about the Pedigree. At least these two the executor has the victim in their grasp unlike the scissors kick.
First post yay

I think that CM Punk's GTS is one of the worst moves in the business at this point in time. Not just because they took away the only thing I liked about him (Anaconda Vise), but because it doesn't have any real impact. If they never hit their feet before the rising knee, then it would be better. A standard knee drop is more devastating in all technicality, especially when it is done after jumping off the rope, as HHH does. Hell, even the knee smash that HHH and MVP do have more impact than this one. Also, he is not a power guy like many have pointed out. If he wanted to do something a little more Muay Thai as I am assuming he is trying to do with this Fireman's Carry to Can-Can Kick, he should have used something more akin to the Codebreaker.
Is anyone even on topic here? It's not bad finishers, etc, it's what finisher doesn't fit the man executing it.

Punk doesn't look right doing the GTS because he doesn't really possess the power to make the move believable enough. Summerslam vs JBL he looked like he was going to drop JBL two or three times. Great finisher, wrong wrestler.

Mark Henry and the World's Strongest Slam don't work at all. He's should be using a move that shows off his strength rather than a move the majority of the roster should be able to do.

Not that I didn't echo what others said..
It seems like lately when someone has a finisher that doesn't really fit them, they change it to something better. Recent examples are Beth Phoenix, Cody Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase. I wish Cody would call his move the Cody-Go-Round, but I digress.

As far as finishers that don't fit...

Mike Knox's Knox Out or Noble Breaker or whatever he calls it. It looks too much like a cruiserweight move, probably because a lot of smaller, quicker guys have used the move. Knox should use a move that fits his power and mean streak, and his current finisher doesn't fit either.

Melina's Last Call. Her finisher that ends with her doing the splits into a pin fits her the best out of anything she's done, so she needs to stick with that. As for the Last Call, that's a dumb name for it... it's already been a name of one of JBL's moves and it made more sense with him. And as for the move itself, it's a great visual, but it supposedly gives the impression that it impacts the opponent down for the count, but I don't buy it. If it looked more like a Mysterio-style cradle, then maybe.

DJ Gabriel's Diving European Uppercut. In a racist sense it fits him, because they're both European. But it lacks that appeal that makes it appear that the opponent is done for when the move hits. He should use it as a set up move.

Paul Burchill... every finishing move he's used since the Royal Mutilation. That move fit him the BEST. It was a sick looking armbar with the arm at a really awkward angle, and I think the term sick is overused (lol). Since then he's had the C4 (cruiserweight move, and not a logically believable one at that), the Curbstomp (cool move, but TERRIBLE as a finisher), and the Twisted Sister (see Curbstomp).

Ricky Ortiz's Big O. If he did it from the top rope it'd be more up his alley for a move. Otherwise it looks too much like a quick set up move. I see him as the type like Val Venis where they can get away with using a top rope splash, so I think the Big O should be from the top rope. Would fit him a lot better.

Edge's Spear. He's not as big as guys like Rhino and Goldberg who really make the Spear look like a killer move. Edge should've stuck with the Implant DDT (though I liked it better when Gangrel used it) and left the Spear as a set up move. Doesn't have the build to make the Spear look believable or fitting.
The "Go To Sleep" is the WORST finishing move in WWE history.

It's awful . . .

I take it you haven't seen the FingerPoke of Doom?

On A finisher that does not fit the wrestler;
JBL's clothesline from hell... It's not even a clothesline it's a freaking high impact lariat. The 3 things I can't get over are that the move's name has hell in it and that has nothing to do with his gimmick, or anything as a matter of facto; Like Kane said: "I've been to Hell and I didn't see a clothesline anywhere". The second thing is that this thing looks too much like an ordinary clothesline now. When he performs the damn move the announcer's are confused to whether he used his finisher or just decided to clothesline someone, until he goes for the pin. It's too ordinary, over used, over sold, over hyped, and it doesn't put anyone over. The third thing is, Jiggly Blob Layfield should've stuck with the damn powerbomb, or at the least he should smuther people with his man titties.

I highly doubt ******ed chants of "you can't wrestle" made him add another move to his moveset unless he's playing the crowd. How does it not fit him? It applies pressure to the face, knee and back and he's strong as all fuck. It more than likely added for him to have another finisher, having 2 finishers keeps the crowd hyped, and the crowd always goes nuts during submissions. When you main event and follow a routine as much as he does, you need two.

It's one of the better finishers in the WWE atm.

No its not, its ridiculous for a guy who knows no other holds to have as a finisher.

1) I don't necessarily think it was only Cena's idea to put a submission move as his finish, it was probably something Vince "suggested" he do. Why? He isn't as big as Batista, Taker, Show or even HHH, so to have him outmuscle the monsters of WWE didn't really make sense. He had to try to show that he could actually wrestle, so he added a submission hold. But it doesn't work because he doesn't build up for the hold the way other submission wrestlers almost always have, and he really doesn't do any other submissions at all other than rest holds.

2) Have you watched a Cena match? Playing the crowd is the one thing he does better than anyone else. So of course he is "playing the crowd".

3) I never said it was a bad hold, its a great submission, but the STF has always been built up as difficult to apply, and impossible to escape from without grabbing the ropes. Its the difficult to apply part that makes it not work for Cena. Nothing else he does is difficult to apply, he relies on bread and butter style moves, so why have one single move that is difficult to apply? The STF should have been saved for a wrestler who WWE wanted to build up as a great technician.
Edges spear - how can anyone sell a spear from a skinny guy?? This move is reserved for bigger guys like Goldberg, Lashley .......

Big Slow's KO PUNCH - We all know Show trained to become a boxer when he took time off last time, but come on, Big show is slow and the punch looks sloopy and weak that it looks like a standard punch

Slicebread 1,2.../Dudley dog - Another move peformed by Kendrick and spike dudley. I know its for cruiseweights but watching it, doesnt look like a believeable finisher. i could get up if got one of that lol

Scissors kick - looks weak when done by R-truth

Lashleys Dominator - Changed from the dominator to a plumphandle slam. Counldnt he come up with anything better like a F5
The Kenton (senton) bomb that mr kennedy used to do. It just didn't suit him when i saw him hit it im sitting there thinking WTF?, That move should be reserved for high flying guys like jeff hardy or evan bourne
I have to agree with undertakers gogoplata, he looks awkward when applying it and he doesn't have the flexibility to even lock it in properly, when he has his right shin under the throat he is then supposed to bring his left all the way over the opponents neck and shoulders and pull down on his foot not their head.
I think Mark Henry's Strongest Slam is Just weak. Henry should be crushing people instead of using a weak looking body slam which is just an inverted saomen drop.

ok that is just idiotic, Mark Henry does an awsum powerslam
and having a 400 pound gorrila pick you up and drop you down on the matt having him fall on you aswell isnt crushing then what is?
Oh and JBL's closeline from hell is a sick move and looks better then any other closeline, pretty much all moves are just casual moves with a little somthing added
First post so hello *waves*

Can't really understand the amount of people saying Big Show's KO punch, alright I see what you're saying, it doesn't look any different to a normal punch. But lets be honest if we're supposed to believe anybody in the WWE can deliver a KO punch then it's gotta be Show, if he hits you, you're gonna know about it. So it fits him imo.

As for my answer to the OP, Kozlov's headbutt. Don't get me wrong I buy that if you get headbutted in the chest you're going to be in some pain. But this guy is supposed to have all these big credentials, an expert in all these different fighting techniques and he resorts to nutting someone in the chest to win a match? Shouldn't he be pulling out some crazy new submission or highly technical throw of some sort?
Edge's spear.... Woeful move for him, watching him hit a spear on Big Show or any other larger wrestler, hell even on medium size guys (jericho/hardy), it is still not a belivable finisher.

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