A Finisher that doesnt fit the wrestler


Occasional Pre-Show
Ok so how often have you seen a finisher that just doesnt look right.I mean like if kane started doing the sharpshooter even if he did it right you would still be like Wtf. So in closing who do you think has a finisher that doesnt fit there character

PS. Mine is MVP'S Drive by it just looks sloppy when he does it.
The drive-by is perfect. The playmaker doesn't fit, Anywhere. It so uncomftable for both the user, And the reciever, MVP has to swing the person's arm to say he's ready, And 9/10, The reciever fall's to quick, Or to slow. Which make's the move look so sloppy.
I don't think any wrestler would have a problem, performing moves and making it realistic. (short of Kane doing the 619 or something) Its just that people get accustomed to seeing certain people doing it. Its like seeing a wrestler with long hair cutting it short. He would look completley different. If Jericho started using Sweet chin music and HBK started using, the walls of jericho it would seem weird because your just not used to seeing it. but after a few months you wouldn't think about it.

But, I think that the undertakes submission move don't fit him. The guy went so far in his career without using one, that now when he uses it it feels awkward. The guy looks like he could knock you out with one punch and yet he has to resort to that.
But, I think that the undertakes submission move don't fit him. The guy went so far in his career without using one, that now when he uses it it feels awkward. The guy looks like he could knock you out with one punch and yet he has to resort to that.

Really? I do remember Undertaker used to use the standing Dragon Sleeper, a Triangle Choke, and the fujiwara armbar. Adding his new gogoplata doesn't seem out of the ordinary...? I would actually consider him quite the submission expert. The fact that he has had really strong finishers might hide that fact from people, but I assure you, he is quite versed in submission.

As for finishers that don't fit. None, they all fit, in time.
But, I think that the undertakers submission move don't fit him. The guy went so far in his career without using one, that now when he uses it it feels awkward.

The only awkward thing about it, In my opinion, Is that he has to be in a vunerble position to apply it. I would rather him go back to using the Dragon sleeper(Even though he never applied it properly), Or the Triangle choke, As it show's dominance, Instead of desperation.
mine is a little old school the ultimate warrior using a big splash he was like 270 lbs and that was a big guy move i think he could have used something else after the military press
mine is a little old school the ultimate warrior using a big splash he was like 270 lbs and that was a big guy move i think he could have used something else after the military press

It's was a combination move, He needed both in quick sucession the beat someone. Think Jeff Hardy with the Twist of fate, And Swanton bomb.
interesting topic.. i'm leaning towards the samoan spike. for someone as strong and agile as umaga, the spike is rather.. lame.

his swinging rock bottom type move should start being his finisher.
interesting topic.. i'm leaning towards the samoan spike. for someone as strong and agile as umaga, the spike is rather.. lame.

his swinging rock bottom type move should start being his finisher.

I disagree with that, The samaon spike would be crap if it was used like the pedigree, But it's used as a statement move, Umaga doesn't use it to win matches, He uses it as an exclamation point. Almost every match Umaga could pin his opponent before the Spike.
I think the GTS doesn't fit CM Punk very well. It appears to be a strength move. Punk spends the whole match using kicks to avoid getting close enough to grappel and flying around trying to use his whole body as a weapon. When you get to the end of the match, all of a sudden he's lifting people over his head.
Remember when Jericho first debuted for the WWE in '99 and he was using the double powerbomb? Yes, a 5'9" 215 lb guy was doing TWO POWERBOMBS IN SUCCESSION to Ken Shamrock and X-Pac, then I think never did it again. Regardless, Jericho's use of the double powerbomb finish definately ranks as #1 on Finishers That Don't Fit Wrestlers.

Oh, and any wrestler that continues to do the Overdrive/Roll The Dice/Swinging Inverted Neckbreaker. That move blows and has been done to death. I think it's actually "alternate finisher #1" on SvR.
Shelton Benjamin's finisher, Paydirt or whatever it's called. I think it looks dumb as hell. I'd rather see him with a finisher that showed his amateru wrestling skills, some sort of devestating suplex type manuever.
I hated that Boogeyman's finisher was the pumphandle slam. Although it seems to be the lame copout finisher that's given to mediocre midcarders who don't have one, it was especially bad with Boogeyman. You'd think he'd do something more sinister and devastating than such a common move.
Shelton Benjamin's finisher, Paydirt or whatever it's called. I think it looks dumb as hell. I'd rather see him with a finisher that showed his amateru wrestling skills, some sort of devestating suplex type manuever.

I agree with you here. He used to do the T-Bone suplex if I remember correctly, and I'm not too sure why they switched it up (perhaps just to fit with his slight gimmick change somehow?)

Samoa Joe's Pump Up Buster I never thought fit him, especially now. He's a more technical/submission wrestler, and then comes this move where a guy has to start on the top rope, which doesn't make much sense for everyone not in the X-division. I think since he's not part of that anymore, he should stick to the ground and pound submission hold, and maybe get a new finisher. Even a Pump Up Suplex or something so it has the vintage Joe feel but isn't as ridiculous.
I don't think the STFU fits John Cena as a finishing move. I have never seen his as a submission wrestler like Chris Benoit was, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, or Ric Flair. John Cena is a Brawler, Powerhouse type wrestler. It is like seeing Khali on the top rope. It just doesn't fit. I could see Cena do headlocks as a regular move but not as a Finisher.
To add to what Think said, Chavo Guerrero also can't pull off the 3 Amigos suplexes. I really mean that the other wrestler has to jump over him for the move to be successful.
MVP also needs to work on his playmaker finisher. He can't do it right and needs a hell of a lot more practice on it. When he does the playmaker, either he falls too fast or the other wrestler twists his body too quickly.
i agree on the playmaker, I know we have to suspend disbelief watching wrestling, but the moce takes so damn long to position someone for and execute, its so unbelievable. As for Umaga's Samoan Spike, couldnt agree more, a FREAKIN THUMB is gonna knock someone out? and Jericho did use SCM, during the match with Michaels at WM19, to utter perfection. Like u said, alot of these superstars COULD execute others finishers, its just what theylve pattened. Im a HUGE Cena fan, but anyone could hit the FU. Other then the playmaker as a finisher, i love mysterio, but the 619 is ABSURD. knocks them into perfect position on the ropes, they lay there like a dumbass, he comes flying across and connects, alot of times w such little impact the opponent has to HILARIOUSLY sell.
i agree on the playmaker, I know we have to suspend disbelief watching wrestling, but the moce takes so damn long to position someone for and execute, its so unbelievable. As for Umaga's Samoan Spike, couldnt agree more, a FREAKIN THUMB is gonna knock someone out? and Jericho did use SCM, during the match with Michaels at WM19, to utter perfection. Like u said, alot of these superstars COULD execute others finishers, its just what theylve pattened. Im a HUGE Cena fan, but anyone could hit the FU. Other then the playmaker as a finisher, i love mysterio, but the 619 is ABSURD. knocks them into perfect position on the ropes, they lay there like a dumbass, he comes flying across and connects, alot of times w such little impact the opponent has to HILARIOUSLY sell.

I don't think this thread is about the believability of a finisher, but rather whether or not it fit the wrestler using it. Believability is an entirely different topic.

I think Christians Unprettier finisher falls into this category. He's gotten better at pulling it off, but it all still just seems awkward.
For me it's John Morrison's front flip neckbreaker type move, I don't know what he calls it. Morrison is a freaking star and I think he should use a finisher that makes use of his athleticism, like the Lionsault.

BTW, has anyone else noticed that when Morrison faces HBK he always uses the Super kick? I think I've even seen him do it to some other people too but not as a finisher. Maybe once Michaels heads out to pasture, John will take over the move and make it his own?
Here are a few. Starting with Evan Bourne...just kidding. ;)

Paydirt. It looks awkward and doesn't always seem to come out right. With maybe the most athletic guy in the WWE in Shelton...I would expect something different. For a guy who can leap to the top rope I would think he could have something better.

This may be unpopular but I've never really like the Twist Of Fate. I don't know if it's just too slow looking? It's never sold me as a finisher. I think it hurts that Jeff uses it as a set-up, but Matt uses it as a finisher.

But by far the worst is Ricky Ortiz's. Is it the "Big O"? I don't even know? He's terrible all around but that sloppy lean back splash makes me want to puke. Wait a second....nevermind it's perfect for him!!!
Alright, pretty big list we have going so I'll try to go through them all.

The Samoan Spike could legitimately kill you if done with full force. (Hitting the corotid artery, as well as potentially crushing thewindpipe) The fact that the announcers haven't played that up is the only failing I see with that move. Umaga's a wild savage so using a simple but effecting strike fits him more than a swinging rock bottom.

The funny thing about the pumphandle slam is that when Bryan Clarke(as Wrath) first did it, I thought it was the coolest move ever. Then it got overused. Also, nobody does it with the amount of snap that Clarke did.

I'm not a big fan of the GTS either. It's too easy to legitimately hurt someone with it and that's something that will hold CM Punk back because do you think they're going to put a top guy like Triple H in there if Punk is breaking peoples noses left and right. (Although, in Hunter's case that might be an improvement.) I always think of the Foley philosophy when it comes to finishers. A good finisher should be able to be done to anybody, no matter their size. Notice anytime Punk wrestles someone bigger than him he struggles with the GTS and ends up hurting them(Snitsky for example).

The overdrive was awesome when Elix Skipper first did it but Randt Orton kind of ruined the move forever. I think it fit MVP to have a lame finisher when he first came in because being the overhyped sports star was his gimmick so building up to this lame finish was a good payoff to that. Now that's he's being taken a little more seriously, he should just use the Drive-By and the big boot in the corner.

I'm not a fan of Taker's submission. He should have stuck with the Dragon sleeper but Taker's a well known MMA mark(pun intended) so he apparently wanted something more complicated. Anyone put in the move should just roll him up onto his shoulders. Then he'd be forced to break it or else risk losing. That's the problem with it. The whole point of wrestling is to keep your back off the mat. When you willingly put yourself in that position to do an offensive move, you've just told all of us that it's a work because in a real fight if the way you lose is being pinned you wouldn't willingly lay down on the mat no matter how deadly the move you were trying to apply. (Yes, I know it is worked, I'm not five. But they don't have to make it glaringly obvious.) As much as certain people want the two to be mixed, if I want to watch MMA I'll watch it. UFC has a totally different psychology than wrestling and when you mix the two, it never goes well.

The Flatliner was really awesome when Kanyon first used it. But like other's I have listed, the imitators will never be as good as the originators. Mike Knox uses what I consider to be a variation on it but the rate of it looking legitimately brutal is about one in five.(And in those cases, like with Jamie Knoble, he ends up hurting them.) The rest of the time it tend to look sloppy and ineffective. And for a character that's supposed to be an unstoppable bully, using a move like that sort of works because it's kind of a domineering move but something with a little more cruelty that could be done more fluidly would probably work better. I'm hard pressed at current time to think of a move that's not currently being used.

So there's my addition to the list.
John Cena's STFU. I think he only started using it as a response to the "You Can't Wrestle" crowd. Having one submission hold in one's repertoire does not mean he is a better wrestler than before he learned it. So many finishers now are just copies of the originals, so it is hard for me to think of them as the new wrestlers move as opposed to the old guys move.
I've always disliked Jeff Jarrett's Stroke. A foward Russian legsweep is hardly a finishing move. I've always liked it when he used the figure four.

The pumphandle slam is my least favorite move of all time. It's ******ed. To go through all of those steps to do a move that can be done by just putting the guy on your shoulder is ridiculous.

What you gonna do though wrestling is a work if everything was supposed to fit and be constantly realistic wrestling wouldnt work.
Rey Mysterio using a splash. The 619 is one of the simultaneously stupid and yet fun-looking moves in the history of wrestling, but what hurts it as a finisher is that the setup is always ridiculous and causes groans, and on top of that, the opponent simply gets up most of the time so he can do the West Coast Pop (another stupid "finisher"). Some people like to argue that finishing moves should just be an "exclamation" to the match and that the wrestler is just doing it to add a signature, but they could've pinned the person ahead of time. Well, to an extent, I can understand that, but only with someone that has that sort of a match. With Umaga, his Samoan Spike works like that because he usually destroys his opponents. They're lifeless already when he picks them up and does the spike. Mysterio NEVER does this. He gets his 619 out of nowhere, not after "wearing the opponent down", so it looks like the guy goes from being completely fine to suddenly knocked out when little Rey Mysterio does the West Coast Pop or a splash. Splashes should only be finishers when the guy is huge. If Big Show, Kozlov, or Mark Henry did a splash as a finisher, it'd make perfect sense, but not Mysterio. Hell, even Evan Bourne makes more sense having a splash-like move, because it looks like he has momentum on his side making it hurt more. Mysterio's splashes are like slow motion. Makes it seem like someone threw a really soft pillow on top of you at a snail's pace.
for me it has to no doubt be one of the worst finishers of all time, the knock out punh, come one i've seen the big show execute normal jabs and they look exactly the same with the same power so come on no finisher and big show is a power athlete so slams and other moves to drive u down to the mat looks more disasterous.
next will have to be chavos three amigos since come on who honestly belives he can pick up anyone bigger then jamie knoblewith out them giving him motion from a jump
next will be none other then the finishing move of mike knoxx, when this move actually gets executed right he send you to the hostiple.
next has to be the kahli slam or the kahli slap, doesnt fithm at all since he cant perform these moves realistically, yet i dont think he knows how to do any moves right
next is the gtx by punk since its hard to perform and punk hes a arsenal of skills that will fit him better.
lastly i think that the raelsnake elbow drop dosent fit stone cold since an elbow drop is best for superhero types like cena orrock or hogan not antiheros
For me it's John Morrison's front flip neckbreaker type move, I don't know what he calls it. Morrison is a freaking star and I think he should use a finisher that makes use of his athleticism, like the Lionsault.

BTW, has anyone else noticed that when Morrison faces HBK he always uses the Super kick? I think I've even seen him do it to some other people too but not as a finisher. Maybe once Michaels heads out to pasture, John will take over the move and make it his own?

I think they called Morrison's finisher "The Moonlight Drive," ya know, The Doors song :)

anyway, i've always hated The Miz's finisher and the Batista Bomb, ever since i saw him first use it, i always thought Batista should've been doing something more powerful looking, like an F-5 type move or something, oh and Big Show's knockout punch, just stick with the huge chokeslam, i've hated it ever since Show tried to be a boxer, then he comes back and he just looks ******ed trying to do his boxing stance and punches :)

and to mention something else, i never really liked the Spear as a finisher, too many people these days seem to use it as a regular move, it's a good move for setting up an actual finisher, like Goldberg always did..

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