A Few Factoids About KB - TV/Movie Version

1. The theme song from the Wonder Years disturbs me.
I gotta ask why

2. I liked Batman and Robin.
Schwarzenegger makes any movie watchable.

3. I've never seen an episode of Married....With Children. I think that's known already.
That's unfortunate, put down your wrestling review and watch a few episodes. You will be glad you did.

4. I've never seen an episode of any version of CSI, Law and Order or NCIS.
Yeah I don't blame ya, I can't stand shows like that.

5. I've never seen Shawshank Redemption, Se7en, Silence of the Lambs, Full Metal Jacket or Apocalypse Now.
After you're done watching Married With Children watch Full Metal Jacket, Shawshank Redemption, Silence of the Lambs, Apocalypse Now and Se7en (in that order). I didn't care for se7en but the rest were pretty damn good.

6. I've never watched any Star Trek episode or movie of any series.

Watch the Star Trek Trilogy (2,3,4) and all even ones, and the newest Star Trek Movie, omit everything else (also in that order).

7. I haven't seen The Wrestler.
Don't bother unless one day you get the urge to be depressed.
Are we gonna disregard the total brainfuck of a conversation that just happened up there?


I don't think Shawshank is all that great btw.
And now, A joke...


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