A "Face" Legacy?


Getting Noticed By Management
With the real Legacy being heel and all wouldn't it make sense to have a face version of Legacy, but not so much a stable as it would be coming to the aid of the most well known wrestling famliy (landing a job), and stepping in to a solid storyline? I don't think this should be a permanent stable, and so don't come back with the "We don't need a bunch of stables every where". Stephanie is going to need some help.

Vince has always had the Briscos to have his back even in the old days against Stone Cold. Why not bring up FCW's star Wes Brisco? I'm sure fans know the name. I'm sure in one of the heated Legacy fighting one of the Briscos got in to a scuff with one of the Legacy members. Last, but not least Brett Dibiase. Teddy's brother would make this very personal, and everyone loves a brother v.s brother feud. I could see Orton punting Brett in front of Teddy, can you?

The Leader would be Shane Mac. That would be his back up just like his dad had his boys back in the 90's. Both Brett, and Wes are very skilled in the ring. I'm sure both of them are ready to go big time as we speak. Both have a look that hasnt' been seen in wrestling, and they aren't roided up freaks. They are wrestlers with natural builds, and common skill that they have learned from their fathers. Truly amazing how far the apple doesn't fall from the tree.
I see where your coming from, but in the grand scheme of things it's not a good idea.

Legacy is going to be what evolution was in the sense that they have brought along 2 young guys in rhodes and dibiase to learn from orton, to build these guys up i imagine they'll have them win the tag straps and beat all sorts of teams or singles competitors, and then once they're "big enough" they'll be sent to fly on thier own (ie when orton was "kicked out" of evolution).
I actually don't think this is such a bad idea. You could add Jesse in there and make either Stephanie or Vince the leader of the heel Legacy...
There isn't a viable 2nd gen superstar to rival Randy Orton as the opposing leader.

A Mcmahon as leader doesn't really appeal to me cos' they aren't full-time or equally skilled wrestlers.

It could work but it'll look utterly weak, since the other 2nd gen wrestlers aren't receiving any push or buildup, whereas Orton is madly over, and people are starting to get accustomed to Rhodes and Dibiase.
I realize that there isn't a strong 2nd Gen star like Orton, but that is not the point. I'm just talking about something to add to this whole Legacy saga. The point isn't to create some new great force such as Orton out of this. This Legacy won't stay togther too much longer, and so it is about putting them over. However once that happens Cody/Teddy will have had some kind of show down with other 2nd gen stars that they can continue feuds with. Orton will move one, and what makes of Cody/Teddy.

Bringing in Brett, and Wes makes sense. It sheds light on to a possible feud between them all. Introducing them now helps in the long run. No, they aren't here to stop Legacy, but to make them stronger. Ultimately break up as well. Remember that I said Orton punting Brett would be something to look for. This would be a test of Orton's on Teddy obviously. I think it would be interesting.
I realize that there isn't a strong 2nd Gen star like Orton

randy orton is a 3rd generation superstar. his grandfather bob orton sr wrestled and so did his father, cowboy bob orton. just thought i'd clear up the facts and all.

as far as a "face" legacy. it wouldnt work, but then it wouldnt. it would give the guys who take part in the storyline their 15 minutes of fame, but then what happens after the storyline goes it's distance? they're thrown back into the midcard pit.
randy orton is a 3rd generation superstar.

Finally someone said it lol...The closest 2nd gen wrestler to his level is Carlito, but that wouldn't happen now with them, but that would be interesting to see, they could put him and his brother together with D. H. Smith since they are also Canadian(1/2), but they wouldn't, there's a lot of different things they could do now with anyone
What a bad, bad idea! Thank God you're not a writer. A better storyline would be sort of a "wrestling aristocracy/legacy" whose Dad's helped them get into the business vs. people who didn't have connections, like CM Punk and Shelton Benjamin.
What a bad, bad idea! Thank God you're not a writer. A better storyline would be sort of a "wrestling aristocracy/legacy" whose Dad's helped them get into the business vs. people who didn't have connections, like CM Punk and Shelton Benjamin.

What a bad, bad idea! Thank God YOU'RE not a writer.

I mean you've picked two people who are more successful and more established than 2/3 of Legacy. That whole feud would be this:

CM Punk: Hey, I didn't have a father in the industry so I had to pay my dues to become a triple crown champion.

CODY: Well I'm thtill new to thith buthineth, but I'm coming along nithely.

SHELTON: I used to walk around with my Mama, but I'm am a multi time Tag Champ, IC and US Champ.

TED: Well I won the tag team title in my debut, which proves that I'm priceless and in time I'm sure I will have a list of accomplishment thats rival or even surpass yours. Lets have one match to end this fighting!

And then a pointless match happens that nobody cares about and we're all like "What just happened?"
It's not a terrible idea, but it would be so difficult to put over.

Second and third generation stars are so easy to make heel. They just have to say how much better they are than everyone else because of their background and the crowd hates them.
There would need to be alot of work done to have them over as faces.
Right now, I can't see that going anywhere good.

As it is, Legacy is built solely around elevating Orton. Rhodes and DiBiase are not getting a real push out of the faction at all. Unlike Evolution, the new guys aren't being exposed to anything other than group beatdowns or taking bumps.

A second faction of a the same type would just contribute to the same issue. A good faction vs faction feud is rare. Most of the time people just wind up getting lost in the shuffle. Adding in second gen faces that nobody has heard of won't get the crowd behind anybody.
heres an idea other than legacy vs legacy how about legacy vs fathers, like dusty rhodes bob orton and million dollar man now i know this would be a bad match but the build up would be amazing and fun to watch
heres an idea other than legacy vs legacy how about legacy vs fathers, like dusty rhodes bob orton and million dollar man now i know this would be a bad match but the build up would be amazing and fun to watch

I was thinking of the same thing but have other menbers of their family like Wes Goldust and Dibeise and have the fathers manage them. They could have a match at survivor series
Many of you are still getting this all wrong. I'm not suggesting a new stable. Just something for Stephanie to add in to the mix. I'm not calling for an allegiance of other next gen stars to go, and battle. The Mcmahons obviously need backup, and from a storyline point it wouldn't be a bad idea to add two other netx gen stars to the mix that aren't with Orton.

As I said earlier it would be interesting to see how the Dibiase's would pan out being on opposite sides. Someone already mentioned that Cody/Teddy aren't even getting a solid rub off of this whole thing. Why not give them someone to feud with? I'm tired of seeing Cryme Tyme every week jobbing out to Priceless. A next gen tag team feud would be nice, and interesting. So what if there isn't a leader like Orton, this isn't a stable The heel always has the upperhand anyhow in almost any script. Thats what makes an antagonists so special.

The leader could easily be Shane, or even the Mcmahon family. They are a wrestling famliy. Their son-in-law HHH is a professional wrestler as well. Orton is feuding with him, so what do we need a leader for to equal Orton? From a storyline point everything I said makes sense. Basically you would be adding a new tag team to the RAW roster that immediately gets involved in this McMahon saga. I can see Gerry Brisco asking his son to do him a favor backstage on RAW. Like I said we can take this back 10 years ago. The Briscos always had Mcmahons back always. What is the difference with Wes. To top that off his partner would be Teddy's brother.

That is a storyline in, and of itself. Would be a great way to keep Priceless interesting, and would give them something other than being Orton's goons. they don't have much going for right now. They need another title reign. A solid feud would be nice, and I think this would be a great way to take it now. HHH can't do this by himself, and even though Wes/Brett are unproven they could learn fast with HHH, and the Mcmahons backing them. I wouldn't mind seeing a new tag team consisting of Wes Brisco, and Brett Dibiase. Both are progressing well down in FCW.
Do people not remember Evolution?

Batista and Orton were always injured.

There were long stretches of time during Evolution's run that I thought the stable had ceased to exist because either Orton or Batista (or both) had been out with an injury for a significant amount of time.

Sure, the two showed signs of being future players --- but most of the signs were a result of their affiliation to Triple H. It was well into the Evolution run that Randy Orton became The Legend Killer --- or that Batista became The Animal.

Give Rhodes and DiBiasie some time. This stable isn't even two months old, and people are already saying those two guys are being misused.
I know Truk24 is trying to say it doesn't neccesarily has to be another stable of 2nd or 3rd gen. stars, but I really think that would be the best way to do it... but ONLY if you can find some big names. One of the major reasons Priceless are so buyable as these rising young guns are because of their pedigree. Manu didn't work because not only did they not bother to play up his status as the son of legend, but that "legend" is Afa the Wild Somoan. Not entirely interesting. Sim Snucka could have been more interesting if he hadn't been "Deuce" before. But Dibiase and Rhodes are two of the most recognizable wrestling surnames in the history of wrestling. They need opponents with pedigrees to match... The two that stick out the most in my mind are Reid Flair and Ricky Steamboat Jr. That pairing right there just SOUNDS like a championship team. Someone like Joe Hennig could work also, or Teddy Hart (if hadn't essentially gotten himself blacklisted). But as a wrestling fan, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr. vs. Reid Flair and Ricky Steamboat Jr. just sounds like an instant classic feud in the making.
I have to agree with most of you. A face legacy would stink because their purpose would be to loose to Rhodes and Debiase. Why bring in new talent to ruin their perception with fans. That is why most new guys win their first match. If they want to get Rhodes and Debiase over more have them in a couple of 6 man matches like Trips, Punk and Mysterio/Christian v. Legacy or Priceless and Swagger. Debiase and Rhodes need to be see in the same light as those guys with Rhodes like Jericho or Orton and Debiase like a Punk.
I too think that the only way this works is for big names to be involved. And there can't be a faction vs faction feud...there's no one who could conceivably lead that stable who is near Orton's level. The best thing I could see happening is like Shango said, bring in two guys with big names together and have them team. And you have them work a program against Rhodes and Dibiase. Both teams could get a push, especially the new guys. And it may also create some feuds that will be revisited many times in the future between some future stars. The Hardys and E&C would be a good example of that. There career paths really got jump started together and have crossed many times since, even into world title matches.

The only way I could see more of a faction feud work in this manner is if another member or two is added to Legacy. Then you could have them involved in an angle while Orton is defending the title against someone else.
"Legacy" is already a face team to me. Anyone that kicks the crap out any McMahon is a face in my book. Kidding aside, have you noticed how careful they are about making "Legacy" cowardly, insulting and weak ? They are seriously trying to avoid Orton going over as a face on them, he's even got to insult the audience constantly to keep from getting cheered. Think about it, he did an Austin on McMahon, and they are trying to sell it as a bad thing now.
I hope they run a show in Canada with THIS gem, because "Legacy" will get cheered there.
I think i'd rather see the likes of Triple H grabbing a few guys to go up against Legacy. Not like DX (unless its like Road Dogg and Billy Gunn), but like Triple H, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston?
if there was a face legacy... wouldnt it make sense to have manu and sim snukka be in it!!!!??? lol. As far as a leader goes... i think you could throw cena as the face leader... even tho hes a 2nd gen superstar not 3rd like orton.. but itd be great considering orton is in my opinion the top heel, and without question top heel on raw, and cena is the top face on raw. I think for this to work, orton would have to beat HHH for the title at wrestlemania and build a feud betweeen Cena and orton... then bring back sim and manu full time and have the feud with rhodes and dibiase... the storyline being about being kicked out of legacy... so then 6 man tag match happens, Legacy vs Cena, manu, snukka. Legacy loses... and the feud begins. If this happens... i dont think it would last very long, prolly just long enough to build up feuds between orton and cena... and then put manu, snukka, dibiase and rhodes on the map, and build a storyline after dibiase and rhodes r out of legacy... shoot.. maybe they should even make a new titlebelt... the next gen title... somethin like that.

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