Brett Dibiase?

I think whats going to happen is Brett's going to become a new member of legacy and show john cena and dx what the name LEGACY is all about. If Brett joins legacy i don't want to see what they will do to dx and cena hahah i think it would be funny. I'm all for brett joining legacy i mean come on now you can't go wrong with the members now you have ted jr Cody Rhodes and you have the viper randy Orton adding another Dibiase would be the best thing that could make legacy really show the wwe universe that their not going to take anymore b.s. from cena or stupid dx. One last thing i think DX needs to retire and keep themselves from wwe let the younger guys like legacy and randy do the work and i wish they would stop putting randy against cena and triple h its getting rather old and stale
One last thing i think DX needs to retire and keep themselves from wwe let the younger guys like legacy and randy do the work and i wish they would stop putting randy against cena and triple h its getting rather old and stale

Do you know what is old and stale? This. This bullshit about DX. About how amazing Legacy is and how they need to show 'stupid DX'. About how DX should retire. Do you have any idea what it takes to build a feud in the business? To build up characters? DX are doing a great job of building up Legacy. Their promos and match against Triple H and Shawn are the most threatening I've seen them. The way Shawn and Hunter sold the moves during their match made it look as if Legacy were a legit threat. Whether DiBiase joins legacy or not, Legacy NEED DX to further themselves in the business.
So Brett Dibiase was nowhere to be found on Raw tonight. Did they all of a sudden decide to forget about him? I heard reports that he was too green, but still. Why on Earth would they involve him in a big angle that influenced a finish on a PPV without being sure on whether or not he was ready in the first place?
He looks more comfortable on camera than his brother, Ted. That's it though. He still is new to the company and too green in FCW at the moment. He'll get his chance down the road. It just won't be this year, but perhaps 2010 if he plays his cards right. I like how everyone took it very seriously at Summer Slam when he ran in during the WWE Championship match. The kid may have a bright future ahead of him.

For now though, we got to wait and see. See you next year Brett!!!
I think Brett will indeed be the 4th member of Legacy since his brother his goin face i can see Brett teaming with Orton and Rhodes cuz we all know the more people in Legacy the happier his royal highness Randy Orton will be cuz he'll have more people to help him cheat

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