Who will be in Ted Dibiase's future faction?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The WWE sure are putting Ted Dibiase Jr. in his father's footsteps. Now that Teddy's on his own as a single's wrestler he has his whole future in the industry to look forward to. With the "trust fund" storyline in affect, Teddy's this generations "million dollar man"!

He had his dad's right-hand-man in Virgil, has a valet like his dad had (Sensational Sherri R.I.P.), and the million dollar belt! Now all Teddy needs is his own faction like his father the million dollar man had in "the million dollar corperation". There has been rumored that Ted Dibiase Jr. would have his own stable very soon called "the fortunate son's" when his little brother Brett is called-up from FCW & healed up from his current injury, so he's in it.

So this fortunate son's faction is basiclly "legacy 2.0". You have to be a son of a wrestler to be in the group. Which means Maryse will be gone sooner than later (everyone knows that Ted is a married man anyway). So let's look at the potenial next generation superstars...

Primo Colon-He's a heel now, and starting to show up on RAW on a more weekly basis. And Primo & Ted has done business before when Teddy paid-off Primo (and brother the released Carlito) to assault R-Truth in the ring.

Joe Henning aka Michael McGill...Whatever!-Cocky heel over on NXT soon to be called over to RAW, NXT winner or not. And was former FCW tag team champions with Brett Dibiase.

David Hart Smith-After he & the WWE creative team grow tried of the hart dynasty team, little Davey will most likely turn heel once again and join the fortunate son's. And if the faction didn't have the word "son" in the group, Nattie Neidhart would be in the stable too.

Husky Harris- I don't know why? Just for the simple fact that Husky's a third generation wrestler and WWE hall of famers Stone Cold Steve Austin & Good ol' J.R. Jim Ross support him.

But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happen's in the near future with this stable.
Ted DiBiase Jr. is the kind of character that doesn't play nice with others unless he has to. I don't think the 2nd gen superstar faction is going to make sense, because he was already paired with Cody RHodes and didn't go anywhere until they split up. Now, Teddy is using the trust fund to employ the likes of Maryse to accompany him to the ring every week and help him win matches. But what if he needs somebody to watch his back? What if Ted needs his Batista? No, I'm not saying he should bring Dave back, I'm saying he might eventually need a bigger guy to watch his back, for a price. What if he could help Sheamus to a WWE Title by buying off a ref or a GM? Speaking of which, why doesn't he buy off refs like his old man used to? That would be cool... It doesn't have to be Sheamus, but if DiBiase is going to hire out, it's probably going to be for a bigger guy who can watch his back in return for cold hard cash and an easy way to the top. He shouldn't start the "Fortunate Sons" he should just continue buying his way to the top, until maybe his dad makes a return and cuts him off, and he finally has to make it on his own. At that point he won't be able to afford to keep his bodyguard, and that could lead to a feud between them and the loss of Maryse. It's also possible that his brother could come to his aid against the body guard, or use his trust fund money to spite his father.
As Killam said, Ted Jr. doesn't play nice with others. Let's break down why this future faction thing would be a bad idea:

1. We've already had attempts at such a faction. Anyone remember Legacy? Ended up with Sim Snuka/Manu getting fired and Ted/Cody being jobbed out at WM26.

2. Maybe instead of Legacy version 2, there could be an attempt at the Million dollar corp. version 2. Once again, anyone remember how THAT went? It was over for a while but in the end the only real success was the Ringmaster (aka Stone Cold).

3. Ted has rather good promo skills with decent in-ring work, so I could see him taking the MDM gimmick and putting a new twist on it and gain a title shot to prove he's better than his daddy. Of course an eventual appearance by Ted Sr. is a given. He's doing just fine as is.
Ted should only get his own stable when he becomes a world champ. why you might ask? well, it could be like JBL's cabinet: ted as the main event guy, bret as the challeneger for the mid-card title, the uso's and tamina as the tag team and diva's champs respectively. if its going to be a huge faction, add husky harris and micheal whatever-cutty (as the enforcer) just coz they 2nd gen into the mix
I dont think it should happen Ted seems to be doing alright by himself but if it does then

Ted - The leader obviously maybe going after the WWe championship
Brett- Midcard guy US title contender
The Usos- Tag Champions
Tamina- Divas Champion
Michael Mcgillicutty - Another mid card guy Maybe an IC title contender
Husky Harris - The muscle/enforcer of the group
Maybe add primo aswell if they want to make this a really big stable

I think this could be a really good stable especially if they could capture afew titles
The furthest I could see Ted Dibiase going with any other superstars would be he and his brother teaming up with Maryse as their valet.

They can still take the name "Fortunate Sons" and not technically have a running faction, but rather have more of a Carlito/Primo relationship, which would suck but I see that as the only direction they could really go with it.
I dont think ted would benefit from the faction but if it did happen it would have him and his brother brett and maryse as their manager for a while until she leaves (kicked out)
I think this is what needs to happen. Maybe not so much a "faction," but just a corporation. I say bring Shad Gaspard to Raw as Ted's bodyguard. For now, leave it at that. Have Ted wrestle and have Shad be the Diesel of the group and just fuck people up. Maybe in the future bring in a guy or 2, but solidify Ted as a top heel by having someone to mess up his opponents, really let him steal victories.
It depends on the route they go i would rather see a new million dollar corporation then a "fortunate sons" aka Legacy 2.0

Ted Dibiase - Main Event Leader
Maryse - Valet
Big Zeke - Bodyguard - Virgil role
McGuillicutty & Harris - Tag team and second generation stars if they decide to eventually kick out Zeke and make it a fortunate sons stable
For some reason, I have a tendency to fall asleep now, whenever I see Dibiase in the ring. Seriously, he really hasn't set the world on fire as expected. On Smackdown, Cody has done far, far more. If they are going to do something with Ted in terms of a faction, they need to think it out. Any faction led by Ted Dibiase is going to be completely drowned out by Nexus, in the sense of importance. Ted would probably have been better off getting drafted to Smackdown, IMO.

Sorry....just not been impressed with Ted as of late. He had some real fire up his ass a year ago, but the flame went out, maybe due to the fault of poor booking, rather than Ted himself.
Well i think that the WWE are booking Ted abit bland & boring latley.
This new faction need to hold all of the titles so that they can be seen as a threat.

Ted - U.S Champ
Maryse - Diva's Champ
(The 2 from FCW) - Tag Champs

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