A Divas Elimination Chamber?


The King of Swing
so Eve won the divas championship last night. in my eyes this was a bad move. Natalia is just a better wrestler over all and do you see eve holding the title till mania? anyway could they have a divas elimination chamber? with Natalia, Beth, Mccool, Layla, Eve, and u guest it Kong. i see it going down like this. no1 is eliminated untill all 5 women are in the ring. then kong comes out, eliminates EVERYONE. of course Kong has a dominate look but this would just prove to everyone how strong she really is and have her holding the title going into mania. and with the exception of melina and gail kim, these are the six best diva wrestlers in the wwe.

does anyone want to see this match? and would it give a little kick to the divas division?
I think this is a great idea. First, address why the fuck Eve was placed in the match in the first place. Then potentially turn that into a feud with Lay-Cool and Natalya. Add Kong in there somewhere, maybe as Lay-Cool's "bodyguard". Also, instead of Beth, her spot should belong to Kaitlyn or Kelly Kelly. Vickie Guerrero will be pissed at Kelly for the Rumble attack, so Vickie would most likely add Kelly, hoping that she would be taken out by Kong. Also, last time I checked, Kaitlyn still has a title shot from winning NXT, so I think it's about time to give her a push.

Just to sum it all up, I think there should be a Diva's EC with Eve, Natalya, LayCool, Kong, and Kaitlyn/Kelly Kelly.
Honestly I don't see it. I do not think WWE has enough Divas that can carry off an EC match. And even if they could find 6 divas, I cannot see the WWE wanting them in that type of match.

But since you mentioned it in your OP, why Eve? That came out of nownere and makes no sense to me,.
You're kidding right? Nobody would want to watch this. This would be the ultimate bathroom break. I mean, yeah sure, they all have talent (some of them do at least), but nobody is going to sit there and watch this match take place.
I would watch it, something different for the Divas match. it would actually make it interesting. The divas have some good spots and hits once and awhile I think that it might be a good watch... but I would save it for a less interesting ppv not at ec ppv.
You're kidding right? Nobody would want to watch this. This would be the ultimate bathroom break. I mean, yeah sure, they all have talent (some of them do at least), but nobody is going to sit there and watch this match take place.

Come on now, you can't tell me by reading the title you're not intrigued by the sound of this. I am severly intrigued by the sound of an Diva's Elimination Chamber match. I don't care if the WWE divas aren't worth watching these days, the thought of putting them into a cage/chamber just draws me in. When you have Diva's, women who look better than their talent, and you put them in an enviroment such as the chamber, its an instant draw. I wouldn't really care who was in the Diva's Chamber, as long as I see a little more than just a typical divas match. A Diva's Elimination Chamber is something I'd love to see.
I really doubt this would happen. I don't see the divas slamming each other on that hard surface but I could be wrong. The main reason it's not going to happen is because of time. A divas match is usually quicker than a men's match so I really don't see them getting thirty minutes in the chamber.
This isn't likely to happen because they wouldn't want to give Diva's that much air time plus most people won't like it regardless but I think that LayCool, Nattie, Beth Phoenix, and Kong could carry the Diva's through a match like that.
I think the idea is good but I don't think the WWE will do it. While they are trying hard to make the Divas division seem legit, we all know it isn't.

It's not worth the time, and risk for them to have a Divas Elimination Chamber.

Now, if it were to be a Divas Bra and Panties Elimination, that might sell some PPVs!
Interesting idea, especially how the OP suggested it going, with Awesome Kong coming in last and absolutely owning everyone and taking the title. If this was to be the case I would hope Gail Kim could be involved and maybe nail Kong with a chair while being the last woman remaining apart from AK. Although Kong wins, it would help to start the feud with Kim and Kong.

Then at WM, Gail Kim can challenge Kong for the Diva's title, resuming their excellent series of matches that they had in TNA. I do believe this would ressurect some interest in the WWE Womens division, and help people to get over the glory days of Trish and Lita.

With Kong, Kim, Natalya, Melina, Beth Pheonix, Laycool, Kaitlyn etc, that is a good start to a strong women's division. Also, if Taylor Wilde is still a free agent, WWE should bring her in to add even more strength in depth to the roster.

I would be intrigued by a womens elimination chamber, if it was booked right and gave us a Gail Kim v Awesome Kong feud as those 2 would be able to give us a great series of matches, and actually make the womens title relevant again.
It's very unlikely, but I wouldn't mind seeing it.

With the debut of Kong, we could have Kong vs Eve vs Layla vs Michelle vs Beth vs Natalya.

If Kong isn't in the WWE by then, replace her with Melina and you still have a pretty good match. I don't see there being a lot of matches at EC so you might as well give the Divas something credible to do.

Then you can even have Gail Kim vs Bellas in a handicapped match. That gives the Divas two matches in one PPV, and both of them having the potential to actually be decent.

It's not that bad of an idea.
I think this is a great idea. First, address why the fuck Eve was placed in the match in the first place. Then potentially turn that into a feud with Lay-Cool and Natalya. Add Kong in there somewhere, maybe as Lay-Cool's "bodyguard". Also, instead of Beth, her spot should belong to Kaitlyn or Kelly Kelly. Vickie Guerrero will be pissed at Kelly for the Rumble attack, so Vickie would most likely add Kelly, hoping that she would be taken out by Kong. Also, last time I checked, Kaitlyn still has a title shot from winning NXT, so I think it's about time to give her a push.

Just to sum it all up, I think there should be a Diva's EC with Eve, Natalya, LayCool, Kong, and Kaitlyn/Kelly Kelly.

no way dude, you have to have beth in that match it makes the most sense.
i've been pissed as it is not seing her on smackdown recently lol
putting kaitlyn as much as i like her, in over beth would take away from the match, you have to keep the divas that actually look like they stand a chance in there for people to take it somewhat seriously
It's very unlikely to happen,but if it does,then it should be really great to see.

Anyways I agree with DanielJames,Beth should be in the match,as she is one of the strongest divas in the WWE.

Well,I don't really know if this match would be good as it would be really weird tbh.
Seeing divas getting badly injured from the chamber match would be heartbreaking lol.
WWE have very few women that can actually wrestle and be involved in a match like this! Lay-Cool just about pulled a good match at TLC.. The diva's I think that can actually wrestle are: Beth, Melina, Natalya, Gail Kim, Michelle and Maryse.. Maybe they could have an elimination match at EC?? kinda makes sense as thee will be eliminations! Also yes, Kong aswell..
i can actually picture this happening..i think it would be the perfect way to have kong debut as well..eve should defend the divas title at EC the six partcipants should be
Beth Phoenix
Michelle McCool
Gail Kim or Melina

or better not have kong in the match..have either beth, gail, or natalya win the title and have kong come in at the end of the match destroy them to start a feud heading into mania
If and if they would ever do this, I believe it should include all the women that have been wrestling. Not the barbies, not the "divas", because believe it or not steel does hurt people. Lets look at it, how many of them have been in anything more than a tag or singles match? Not to many, let alone an Elimination chamber match. You would need to ones that are actually formally trained in wrestling, not the models. Because face it, while we may not like the Diva's devision at the moment we don't want any of them to get hurt, and putting the model's division wrestlers in the EC would spell hurt and sidelined for more than one woman.
So I was really thinking more into this and although its probably to late I think a divas EC match would have been great to one..hype up kongs debut and 2 to hype a match for the divas title going into mania..

In the EC match it should be eve defending against beth, natalya, michelle, gail, and melina.

Now depending on whether or not they have kong debut as a heel or a face either have beth or natalya win..or michelle. After the match kong enters the chamber destroys the new champion and from there set up a match at mania..what I would really like to see though is a triple threat involving beth kong and michelle..I think this could put credibility into the divas championship that it has yet to have
Is it going to happen, at least not any time soon. WWE doesn't put that much into the divas. Not saying that bringing Kong into the mix wouldn't set the place on fire for a bit, but in the end it'd be another match that is over thought. Is it intresting, of course it is, but the WWE doesn't have the talent for this. Nattie, McCool, Layla, and Gail Kim, and of course Kong. Everyone else is just blah.
Nothing personal, I just can't see a Divas elimination chamber match ever happening, the match itself is dangerous and can be career suicide, and for the divas to do it, that's like flushing their futures down the toilet....

It would totally go against the PG image of the WWE. Womens wrestling is different than mens wrestling. It doesn't have the sense of violence that mens wrestling does. Nobody wants to actually see pretty girls get hurt unless the are some sick creep. Ive been watching wrestling for twenty years. Ive seen it all from ECW to FMW. About four years ago there was a divas match where one of the girls accidentialy got busted open. It was probably the sickest thing I've seen in wrestling. They immediatly cut away and didn't show any clips of it. The Diva's matches are fun, and nobody takes them to seriously. They are simpley athletic competitions with a little humor thrown in. It would be disturbing to watch these girls choke each other on the chain walls and slam each other onto the steel floor. The WWE knows this and would never put it on.

On top of that, they simpley couldn't pull the match off. Kelly Kelly is lucky if she can give/take an armdrag. Do you really think were going to see her get powerbombed onto the steel by somebody? Is Michelle McCool going to get her face slammed into the pod door or chain wall? These girls make a living off their looks and I don't think Vince wants them comming out on RAW the next night covered in bruises and bandages looking like they were beat by their husbands.

From an in ring prospective it would be a terrible match. Only two things could happen. People would either be bored to tears watching them do cartwheels in the chamber, or they would be disturbed seeing them really get hurt in the match. They don't have layers of muscle all over them like the men do to help soften the blow. Their bodies simpley couldn't handle the abuse they would have to take to make the match exciting.
The womens division is dead in the wwe. Honestly, many fans would just take the match as a longer than usual bathroom break. Heres to hoping that awesome kong can bring some much needed talent to the "divas" :rolleyes:
You're kidding right? Nobody would want to watch this. This would be the ultimate bathroom break. I mean, yeah sure, they all have talent (some of them do at least), but nobody is going to sit there and watch this match take place.

Dude that was uncalled for those women go out every night and put their bodies on the line just like the guys. Some of us actually like the WWE divas why did you post in here just to ragg on the Divas???

I would love to see a Divas elimination chamber and i'm pretty sure the audience would be interested in something new.

Now The miz is a piss break anytime he comes out hell Alicia fox's strut is more entertaining than him.:suspic:

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