Eve Torres wins the Divas Title

It's an obvious set up for the future. Or she blew someone right before the event. One way or another, Eve has the title. Personally I don't mind that she won. Eve is hot and isn't completely terrible in the ring. They can make it so that Kong comes out as a monster female heel and takes the title and goes on a long title run rampage until someone can finally take her down. Practically writes itself.

I see this as an a Backlund, Iron Sheik, Hogan triangle. Either way, people can bitch about how it doesn't "fit" or doesn't "work" when in fact we don't know what the plan is. Like most sensible posters say, wait a little bit to find out what the fuck is going on. But for now, I'm going to enjoy the time that Eve has the title.
I really didn't see the point of Eve winning last night. She wasn't really fueding with any of them and it just didn't make sense.

When her music hit, man was I disappointed. I thought for sure it would be Awesome Kong. If it wasn't Kong, the only other person that made sense was Phoenix. But we got Eve.

I like Eve. She's pretty and not that bad in the ring. I just don't have a clue why WWE made her win the belt last night. It seemed kind of pointless to me. I guess we will have to wait and see where this leads us.

I NEVER thought Eve was going to walk out of that match with the belt, though. In a way, I'm thankful she did. I love Natalya and she's phenomonal, but IMO she was starting to get boring. I definately didn't want Lay-Cool to get the title AGAIN, at least not right now. We should give Eve a chance to prove herself worthy of holding the belt. I hope she gets involved in an actual fued and doesn't just fight any random Diva.
There is no way the WWE is gonna let Kong go over Beth or LayCool. So the easiest thing to do, was to give the title to their scrubbiest Diva w/ credentials. Eve is a former Divas champ(another head scratcher), and having Kong destroy her would do no harm to either of their careers. I think every crappy wrestler needs a good squash match to shake things up, get em a little motivated.
Eve will probably be a transitional champion because you can hear crickets whenever she is involved with anything. I think she is warming up the title for Kong or someone else to come and take it from her. I hope it is someone like Kong attacking the Diva's division and ultimately having a feud with Natalya or even Beth Phoenix down the line. I would be upset at the title change if the Diva's division wasn't already a joke. Hopefully Kong will change that.
Im with the consensus here, Eve is about to be fed to Kong and probably tonight considering Wrestlezone is reporting Kong is going to be backstage tonight at Raw.
It's an obvious set up for the future. Or she blew someone right before the event. One way or another, Eve has the title. Personally I don't mind that she won. Eve is hot and isn't completely terrible in the ring. They can make it so that Kong comes out as a monster female heel and takes the title and goes on a long title run rampage until someone can finally take her down. Practically writes itself.

CH...my mentor...you take the words out of my mouth. Words cannot begin to describe the utter disappointment in the room at the bar where I was watching this. Even guys I was there with who think she's the hottest thing, were like :wtf: "Who did she have to suck to get in that match?" Most everyone was thinking "Beth, Kong, or Maryse, or maybe even Gail (now that she's with Bryan)." But alas, I spoke up and said "She probably played the mouth organ with creative backstage (Craig Ferguson joke.) But anyways, I can't complain because I could think of worse people, like Bellas, or LayCool again. However, I do legitly feel like we were screwed out of seeing Lay-Cool possibly have a good 'break-up' match. And I can't be too mad since we know that there was TONS of foreshadowing in lots of the matches last night. I mean, if my only complaint was the divas match out the WHOLE Royal Rumble, then it really wasn't that bad of a show. Besides, the champs do get a re-match anyways. So I mean, LAy-Cool used up their chance, and Natalya can still cash in her re-match anyways. So I mean, I'm not that worried, to me, it seems like Eve will be to the Divas belt this time around what Jillian was when she won it that time...a flash in the pan for this go 'round.
It was a weird moment when Eve was announced as the fourth member of this match last night. I just had this "HUH?" feeling. I was kind of surprised, and I was even more shocked when she won the Divas Championship.

I don't see Eve holding on to the title for too long. Her rematch with Natalya should come pretty soon, but I don't see Natalya winning the title back. Maybe WWE will push more Divas towards the title? I know this might be a stretch, but I wouldn't be surprised if The Bella Twins were pushed towards the Divas Title. We've seen them get more and more air time over the past couple of months, and the brawl with Gail Kim and Daniel Bryan last night could signal a heel turn. I could picture The Bellas using the switch trick to win the title. They could also use this tactic during their title defenses, and who knows, WWE might try to make The Bellas out to be Raw's version of Lay-Cool. Although, they would be Lay-Cool lite.

I'm not 100% sure where WWE is going with this just yet, but I have no problems with Eve being champion, and I'm looking forward to seeing how her reign will turn out.
I seriously was totally confused when Eve came out and won. In all honesty I thought Kong would have been that 4th spot. I'm guessing this is why Eve was on commentary/ pinned Melina but that doesn't explain her win at the RR. I think this was a way to save Maryse IMO. She needs to get away from DiBiase asap. also a few weeks ago Eve pushed Maryse so maybe we will get Eve vs Maryse for the title? I really dont know. Then again Natalya has her rematch against Eve and Michelle did pin Nattie the same time Eve pinned Layla. Personally with so many Divas who have had recent connection to the title I think they should have like a mini rumble/battle royal for the divas have Kong debut, win, become #1 contender for Eve's title. I do not know where this is going but Eve as champion is not bad it's just like HUH? Hopefully this will be explained next week on RAW or this week on smackdown. Who knows we will have to wait. When you think about it Eve was going to get a title shot at some point.
I have to agree with those who think it was just a way to get the title off of Natalya and onto Kong. I Think the WWE sees some actual potential good money matches in the divas divisions with Kong vs Beth and Natalya. They just needed a way to get the belt onto Kong without having her squash Nattie. Eve is an odd choice, but in the bigger picture it makes sense. I Imagine prior to signing Kong the plan was to build to a Nattie / Beth Feud for Mania, but that plan seems to have gone out the window.
When I read the Rumble results for that match and saw Eve was added in, I was immediately like, "What??" I guess it made sense to give her the belt to have someone for Kong to squash, but for her to win the belt over McCool or Natalya was just kinda baffling. However, I did laugh when I read that she was crying/celebrating her win and the Boston crowd gave her no response to the win. That was priceless!
I am a big fan of Eve and the divas division, when she won the divas title at rr i was kinda excited however i think her title reign will be short lived as kong will debut squashing the baby face champion.
Why did they put the strap on Eve?
It's obvious that Eve will drop the belt to Kong sometime soon. Having Natalya or Beth as Kong's first fued is too much of a push, they want to save them & start off with something small like Eve.

What the WWE needs to do is to make Kong have an awesome debut.
My thoughts:
Eve vs Michelle Mccool (Lumberjills Match) Eve wins, Kong comes out & destroys Eve as all of the divas are looking on at ringside.

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