A chance for a star to emerge


Pre-Show Stalwart
So in light of the news of Batista's injury who is most likely to step up.

How will the WWE handle this situation?

Will they take a risk with Kennedy and offer him a second chance?

Will they go out into the free agent market and grab some of the higher priced wrestlers to fill the void left by losing 2 big names from raw and one from smackdown in Kennedy,Batista, and Umaga?

I think Kennedy will be brought back if he is in fact not injured like his video display's and the WWE could use what is said to have happened to make a feud between Orton and Kennedy much like they did with the Matt Hardy/Edge/Lita situation after Matt was released and he started his personal internet campaign that eventually lead to his return and a Edge feud.

Whatever the case i would not be surprised at all if the WWE uses this opportunity to push some of their younger future star's or if the offer contract's to previously released stars who might appear to be destined for TNA.

I dont know what the future will hold for the WWE but i think with his age up there and his injury bug one might say Batista may have had his last run but i may be wrong.
For the love of god I hope they don't bring Kennedy back. To be honest if their booking and business sense has become so sporadic and desperate that they bring back an injury prone guy they legit fired for being a hazard in the ring to replace the spot of another injury prone guy, then Vince has finally entered senility.

Why would they need to go out and get someone new? MVP is climbing onto a rocket that's gonna shoot him to the moon and back if creative would light the fuse and commit to his face push fully. Look no further, you want someone to replace Batista as a main event face? The answer is BALLIN'

Honorable mentions:
1.) Kofi Kingston: IMO needs more build up and a lengthy US title run before he steps up
2.) Evan Bourne: On ECW, hasn't held any title yet. Not likely to be Main Event yet.
3.) Chavo: Well shit, Vickie resigned, where does that leave Chavito? Face push maybe?
I was leaning more towards Kennedy being turn around as a work as an excuse to bring him back.Sure i can see you argument about not bringing him back but he does have a fan base and with guys like Batista going down and Jeff Hardy possibly leaving it would not surprise me to see them offer Kennedy a final chance just if for no other reason to keep him out of TNA.

I can see Bourne and MVP making it to the top also.
Another option would be offering RVD a contract but im not sure if RVD would be ready to return to the road full time.Not sure how his wife's health is now days.
damn I gotta say Im pretty upset with all this recent news - well besides Batista being injuried & Vickie stepping down. It's terrible to see Kennedy crumble when perhaps it could of finally been his time. And Umaga - thats just insanity - I mean christ he was just in a ppv yesterday! Pretty wild - and I have to also say Victoria going to TNA is a great move on her part - WWE didnt deserve her talent - I mean sure they gave her the title a few times but damn it she was jobbing for along time that lasted all the way till she eventually left WWE. I really think they've lost it - Vince - Shane - the whole lot of them ha
- its gonna be interesting to see who they make the next big thing. Christian loosing the ECW title to Dreamer - maybe build him up to be an ultimate babyface ? I'd prefer him as a heel I'd have to say. Evan Bourne - definitely be rad to see a new small guy get the brightest spotlight. Matt Hardy - still waiting for that arm to heal.
Who steps up?

I'll give you a hint..... He is Awesome!


Look, the Miz has quickly risen as Raw's best mouthpiece. He gives the best promos, and his ring work continues to improve as a heel. He really knows what it means to be a heel, and capture all of the hatred from fans. Folks, he isn't getting simpe X-Pac heat... He is attacking the WWE fans directly, and the thing is, fans know that all he is saying is true. Now then, I add this contingent factor, and that is that they allow The Miz to work good matches in the ring, as well. He doesn't have to fixate on doing promos against Cena. Have him fight MVP every now and then, or even challenge Kofi for the US title. Have him work himself up the ladder, to the point where when he challenges Cena, he looks like a very viable threat. This man simply captures the fan's attention, and wants you want to pay money to watch him get his ass kicked. Hell, even give him Maryse as a manager/ flame. The two have a bit of chemistry, and The Miz has a history of flaunting his sex life. Pairing those two together works for me.

The WWE has something here with The Miz. Let's hope they don't screw it up.
All signs point to MVP, its odd how he seems to get more over as his matches go on. like the crowd is kinda dead until he does the balling thing and hits some of his signature moves. the miz draws great heat, but he still needs to get some wins before he gets to the world title, or even the main event. i like how wwe is really not letting us see what will happen when he and cena face off. miz always looks ready to go and unafraid, like he knows something cena doesnt. it is ..."awesome"...(had to do that one, sorry) matt hardy and william regal could step up, but they seem to fit better in the mid/upper mid card portion of the show. i think however, this will speed up HBK's return to the ring for sure.
I think its about time they moved Jack Swagger to Raw. i think he is prime ready to be a top heel on either the A or B show (which one is which i will not define) ECW could handle it particualry as it would allow the Hart Dynasty to take ECW control
The Miz is on his way up. His mic work is incredible his wrestling skills keep getting better every time I watch him he'll be in the main event in id say about 4-6 months. I can see miz pulling off a clean victory against cena in the near future ending there little fued. BTW i can't stand the site of big show. His and cena's fued in my opinion is straight up boring. Im not sure why the miz is involved in that he should be contending for the us title right now against kofi or something like that. A fued between miz and mvp would be interestng as well.
The Miz is pretty good on the mic and i really hoping Vince sees the potential this guy has. I can see a triple threat with Cena vs Big Show vs The Miz happening in the future possibly at the Bash. If it does happen i think a good way for it to end is if Big Show Show and Cena are fighting while Miz is out of the ring for whatever reason then Big Show should lay out Cena with a knock out punch or chokeslam, Miz comes in the ring with the chair hits big show with it and knocks him out of the ring then pins Cena. It would give him extra heat and he could come out the next night and cut another great promo about he's still undefeated against Cena. They should save the actual one on one match between him and Cena at Summerslam. As much as i'd like to see The Miz beat Cena we all know Cena's going to win but hopefully he can make The Miz look good like he did Swagger the night of the draft.
They're already building MVP for the main event. They had him drop the US title to Kofi, they had him go Face so that he'd be able to feud with Orton/The Miz/Big Show. Hell, he could even pull of a Face/Face Cena feud. Why? Because Cena's that damn good.

I'm seriously thinking MVP to fill Batista's spot. Give him a main event feud with Big Show or the Miz to get him going, then have him join Triple H and (Cena or McMahon, probably) against Legacy. Books itself, really.

Though they could use this oppurtunity for Kofi. I doubt it. He's US champing it up. But they are trying to make room in the mid-card for Santino. I can feel it. Especially with his recent "Oh my god, I learned how to punch" shit. I won't mind. It'll give him a chance to prove himself as a in-ring competitor. If he can't pull it off he'll be resigned to comedy jobber hell.
What they should do is let Miz and MVP fued for a while and then eventually put the strap on one of them by letting them win the Rumble and then winning at Wrestlemania, this will inevitably bring the other up with him. Like when Stone Cold Steve Austin won the strap, his presence eventually brought The Rock with him from their previous history which in turn brought HHH up, it's synergy. Bringing up Stone Cold basically created two other new guys for the Main Event scene. Another example is how Bret Hart kinda brought Shawn Michaels with him and Michaels brought Diesel with him, 3 for the price of 1.
I don't think for a second that a star will be made as a result of this. If the belt goes to anybody other thanOrton, Triple H or Cena I'll be very surprised. But yeah, it would be a great oppertunity to make a star. Look at Kevin Nash. He was a former IC Champion, but he was hardly near the top of a perspective list of candidates for the belt at the time. His run might not have worked, per se. But it still made him into one of the biggest stars of the 90's. It's not like there isn't another world champion to fall back on. I'd take a punt on anybody, really. I'd even bypass MVP, who seems like an obvious choice other than the three I mentioned.
I'd say, now that Orton is champion (I guess??) have HHH come out and challenge him at The bash. Then Show comes out and says that he is the most dominate athlete in history and should get a title shot. Then Cena comes out and says he beat Show at Extreme Rules and HE deserves the title shot. This leads to a fatal-four way at The Bash. Then Miz comes out later in the show and goes on a rant aout how he is awesome, he's undefeated against Cena, and he should get a title shot too. Then MVP comes out saying he's worked hard and he should get the title match over Miz. So they have a #1 contenders match at The Bash. Cena wins the title, Miz beats MVP, Miz gets a month to improve his ring and mic skills, we get a Miz/Cena fued for awhile (something fresh in the title picture). You could even toss MVP in for a triple threat match one time. Now you have two new people in the main event picture ( Miz and MVP) and one big star (Miz).And either Miz can win the title if he's advanced enough or Batista can come back, ending in a triple-threat match for the title where he wins and he can battle Orton again. But either way, Miz is now a serious main event heel.
Well Raw Needs Heels if they want a heel champion they can use the overly-over looked jobs to every1 but is better than half the guys on the roster...Chavo Guerrero. Chavo May be old but he still got he can still wrestle his mic skills r Decent n he deserves it.if they wanna face as champ cant look no further than mvp. or a wild card i say carlito make him into a razor ramon kinda heel put the wwe strap on him n u have 1of the best wrestlers ever.
Folks, he isn't getting simpe X-Pac heat... He is attacking the WWE fans directly.

Yes, correct you are in pointing out that this isn't X-Pac heat, it is in fact cheap heat. Just like when Mick Foley gets a cheap pop by mentioning the name of the town he's in, the Miz gets cheap heat by making fun of the local sports team or the fans themselves.

Miz only draws cheap heat, that's why I don't see him in the Main Event. He hasn't done anything save for a cut a few decent heel promos and annoy the fuck out of John Cena (although I will admit that I enjoyed seeing him cut loose with a chair on last night's Raw). The Miz needs to draw some genuine heat to be a logical choice for a main eventer.

JBL best summed up the Miz, for me, after a match against Matt Hardy early in his career, which the Miz won. While Michael Cole was blithering on about how great Hardy was a while later, JBL flatly retorted "he lost... to the Miz". I remember that quote every time I watch the Miz because I remember how much it cracked me up on hearing it. I just can't take the Miz seriously... Sorry to offend all the Mizaholics, Mizophiles, Mizettes, Mizaninites and Mizogynists on this forum but I'm honestly surprised the WWE didn't enter Miz into an angle where he beats Santina and becomes Miz Wrestlemania or something, that's about how seriously I can take the Miz.

I'm not opposed to having Miz at Main Event, if the WWE can find a way to successfully push him as a legitimate main event heel then great, just what Raw needs. But in his current state? No thanks. At the moment the Miz isn't on the same level as Edge or Orton, who draw genuine heat often, and if all the WWE wants to do is job him to John Cena then it looks highly doubtful that the Miz will be going anywhere near major gold for a while. Unless of course Vince takes the time to read these posts and is convinced the Miz really is awesome! (About as likely to happen as a Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart wedding)
Ignorance is bliss lol. If anybody thinks that the powers that be in the WWE are going to use this opportunity to boost someone into the main event that previously wasn't there, you deserve a pat on the head and an ice cream cone for being so naive lol.

WWE is going to do what they always do in this situation: run the program into the ground by adding more rewinds and more repetitive feuds with the same tired people. Look at what we have for the Fatal Four Way to determine the new champion. Cena, Big Show, Orton, and HHH. No MVP...no Miz...no Kofi......nobody new.

Batista's injury means one thing and one thing only - we'll be forced to sit through HHH & Cena vs Orton & Show for the next few months, having Lawler and Cole tell us that HHH wants his revenge on "the slithering snake" Randy Orton, and blah blah blah. If we're not getting those tag matches, we'll get more of the same old HHH vs Legacy shit.

Why they don't have Orton/MVP as a feud, I have no fucking idea. Take a goddamn risk once in a while and it may pay off, rather than being content with your declining ratings and your fans being bored of your repetitive product. Thank god for Smackdown lol.
why orton ever fueded with hhh for the millionth time, no one knows. I'm sick and tiered of the same fued thats been going on for years since like evolution same with show cena. Raw has 4 fresh blood guys so why dont they take all 4 in the tripple threat and pair then with one of the 4. Pair cena and miz, orton and mvp, kofi and show, and hhh and kendrick.This will provide 4 nice fueds that havent been done yet. In my mind big show should be us title level so have him and kofi fued for the title. Orton and mvp will not be for any title or anything it will be based on mvp's idea that just because ones legacy they shouldnt get special treatment and throw in the colons to take care of rhdes and diabiasse. As for HHH and kendrick have itover respect. For Cena and Miz have it for the title because we all know wwe gets the best ratings when cena is after the title. This will fill the show nicely and when batista comes back have him go after randy and move mvp onto cena and miz making the fued last even longer.

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