7 Months Gone Of The Six Sided Ring


King Of The Wasteland
At Genisis this TNA went from their established six sided ring back to a traditional four sided ring.

At the time there was uproar and people were calling for Hogan's head and chanting 'We want six sides' they believed TNA had been robbed of their identity and was now trying to be like WWE.

My question is have you noticed a big difference in the quality of the matches since TNA has gone to a four sided ring, I sure haven't. The matches are still top quality (depending on the participants) and do seem to flow better now that the ropes have a bit more give.
I always considered the 6 sided ring kinda gimmicky IMO...I know its standard in AAA wrestling down in mexico, but TNA was 4 sides for a long time and then went to 6 sides when they had some kind of affiliation with AAA.

but I think the in ring action is still top notch with 4 sides!
Well in a few matches (like ultimate x) it was better, but overall it is not different, except when Christopher did the BME it was kind of different:shrug:
I honestly had not thought about the 6 sided ring in quite a while. I agree it was purely a gimmick and I don't miss it at all.
imo the quality of the matches is no better or worse since the switch but my complaint is the ring justs looks really small.
They are probably using a 16' or 18' ring which would explain the ring looking smaller...on the other side though, it makes the guys look bigger...wcw used a 16 footer.... they're kinda fun to work in but quite difficult for bigger guys... AS FAR as the 6 sided ring goes.... they're a bit more difficult to work in, in my opinion.... and there is no upside to 'em.... thank god it's gone
The type of ring certainly hasn't affected the quality of matches. There's still a decent amount of shit with some brilliance thrown in. To agrue that the number of sides has changed the match quality either way would be pretty absurd.

I still think they should've stayed with the 6 sided ring through. Played well into the whole TNA being an alternative thing. Would it have helped them compete against the WWE? Likely not, but who knows?

As for the future, look for them to cut the number of sides down even further in order to gain an edge. I expect the 3 sided ring witin the next couple of months.
To me, it doesn't even make a difference. The matches are the same exact quality. So what if the ring looks different? It's still wrestling.

6-2=same company.
I really never understood the commotion about a six sided ring. I know that TNA was known for that but also known more about their X division early. Also, TNA originally had a 4 sided ring to begin with. If people are still desperate to see a six sided ring, then go down to Mexico or watch a TNA house show overseas. I hear they used the six sided ring in England.

I don't think it has affected anything. If someone can't enjoy a wrestling show because of the color of the ring ropes or the size of the ring then they have problems, and nothing can please them.

Have we seen the end of the six sided ring in TNA? probably, but if Hogan and Bischoff decide to leave TNA in the next year, then we could probably see the six sided ring again. Either way, I could care less.
It was innovative. Remember AMW vs. Triple X (Skipper and Daniels) in the six sides of steel. Skipper walked the cage and gave a hurricarana to James Storm off the top? Maybe bring it back for Ultimate X and six sides of steel?
I don't think dropping it hurt the product. Having it for special events and such would be cool though.
Better story will make TNA better. Not unique looking rings. Or hall of fame rings....
I htink they should have left it and here's why.

The 6 sided ring was great for Ultimate X and 6 sides of steel and was something different then what WWE had. Did it automatically make TNA better? no but it got people talking because outside of Mexico people didn't see a ring thike this on any sort of regular basis.

What I see now is a WCW ring. With hardCORE justice people are talking about Dixie bring back ECW but what about Hogan & Eric bringing back WCW? With the ring and the air the older ex-WCW wreslters are getting that's what it looks to me like what they're trying to do.

So in closing i would like to see them bring back the 6 sided ring if for mo othe rreason then it's what made me watch it in the first place and it would let TNA be a little different
Well most of you are lame and sad in you bashed TNA in saying they are trying to copy WWE now when it's not WWE you don't follow your options and say you like the four sided ring now!!

Well unlike most people I see the change and think it is terrible for example TNA was built on the X-Division now thanks to the four sided ring and higher ramp (we all know that it was put there so Hogan's lackey the nasty boys could get in the ring)

It just does not feel like the same TNA as it used to it feels an emotion I can't describe I probably will when I get the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD. Well what I am saying is that TNA had that ring and got on the rise it makes the fans familiarly with the ring and it just god damn it dose not feel the same.
I think the "TNA is turning into WCW" crap is getting old, with all due respect. Take a look at the latest TNA top ten rankings...

1. “The Monster” Abyss
2. Jeff Hardy
3. Mr. Anderson
4. Samoa Joe
5. Jay Lethal
6. A.J. Styles
7. Hernandez
8. Kurt Angle
9. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero
10. “The Freak Rob Terry

...do you see any "over-the-hill" wrestlers in that list, whether they be from WCW or WWE? Hogan and Bischoff haven't been on TV in weeks, Nash has had little to no in-ring activity in quite a while, Sting is "suspended," and all of the older guys that Hogan brought in (Nasty Boys, Hall and Waltman, Morley) are long gone. Enough already.

As for the topic at hand, I don't miss the 6-sided ring. It was a pretty cool gimmick, but it was nothing more than that...a gimmick. One difference I see is that wrestlers aren't turning their heads to see where the ropes are anymore since the switch to 4-sides. I think things just flow better now.
I aggree that six sides was purely a gimmiky thing, and to be honest I hadnt even noticed that it was gone. In terms of match quality it is probably either the same or better.
I don't think it has changed the wrestling product any. I like the look of the four sided ring alot more. I always thought the six sided ring was too gimmicky. I remember the first time I watched TNA after the wednesday night PPVs when they were on FSN, and I saw the six sided ring I honestly didn't know if I was watching a gimmick match or what it was. I thought it looked dumb. Im glad its been 7 months of a four sided ring with no looking back.
I can't believe that people are still harping about the six sided ring. But, I guess it is so much easier to focus on something as overall irrelevant as the shape of a wrestling ring rather than focus on actual problems like the shit storylines, the weak wrestlers being pushed, the lack of young stars being produced or pushed, meaningless titles and the fact that TNA is a company that allows itself to be defined by nostalgia rather than attempting to move forward towards the future.
Sigh... can't believe nobody noticed this yet but it's been 6 months since TNA got rid of that circus ring. I say good riddance and pray that someday over the rainbow we stop discussing this topic.
Sigh... Can't believe no one noticed this yet but it's actually been 6 months since TNA got rid of the circus ring. See 7-1=6, it's simple math. I say good riddance to six sides and pray that we can some day, over the rainbow, stop discussing this topic.
Honestly i was never one that liked the 6 side ring, if you got good workers which TNA does they can put on a show no matter what the shape of the ring is. Focus on the action inside the ring and not the appearance of the ring itself. Thats more then likely why they made the switch, it wasn't a major rating boost on a long term basis and like the old saying goes if it aint broke don't fix it.
I can't believe that people are still harping about the six sided ring. But, I guess it is so much easier to focus on something as overall irrelevant as the shape of a wrestling ring rather than focus on actual problems like the shit storylines, the weak wrestlers being pushed, the lack of young stars being produced or pushed, meaningless titles and the fact that TNA is a company that allows itself to be defined by nostalgia rather than attempting to move forward towards the future.

The lack of young stars being pushed? Really? Are we back to that cliche again?: Yeah let's play along with you for a second and just imagine that MCMG, Rob Terry, Beer Money, Ink Ink, Jay Lethal, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Anderson, Pope, Kazarian, Kendrick, Doug Williams, Samoa Joe, and Abyss aren't being pushed. Yeah those guys aren't being pushed. They're all being buried by Hogan's big leg drop. :rolleyes:

Anyway back to the topic. I never cared about how many sides a ring has. When people call it a WWE or WCW ring, they sound so ignorant. It's a traditional ring and I have no problem with a traditional ring. It's much easier on the eyes than the 6 sided ring imo.
At Genisis this TNA went from their established six sided ring back to a traditional four sided ring.

At the time there was uproar and people were calling for Hogan's head and chanting 'We want six sides' they believed TNA had been robbed of their identity and was now trying to be like WWE.

My question is have you noticed a big difference in the quality of the matches since TNA has gone to a four sided ring, I sure haven't. The matches are still top quality (depending on the participants) and do seem to flow better now that the ropes have a bit more give.

I never cared for the 6-sided ring it was gimmicky and it seemed that the wrestlers had a hard time in it and made the ring look tiny (more or less the heavyweights) I like 4 sides better. The matches seems more fluid .. I don't miss the 6 sides at all.

I think the "TNA is turning into WCW" crap is getting old, with all due respect. Take a look at the latest TNA top ten rankings...

1. “The Monster” Abyss
2. Jeff Hardy
3. Mr. Anderson
4. Samoa Joe
5. Jay Lethal
6. A.J. Styles
7. Hernandez
8. Kurt Angle
9. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero
10. “The Freak Rob Terry

...do you see any "over-the-hill" wrestlers in that list, whether they be from WCW or WWE? Hogan and Bischoff haven't been on TV in weeks, Nash has had little to no in-ring activity in quite a while, Sting is "suspended," and all of the older guys that Hogan brought in (Nasty Boys, Hall and Waltman, Morley) are long gone. Enough already.

As for the topic at hand, I don't miss the 6-sided ring. It was a pretty cool gimmick, but it was nothing more than that...a gimmick. One difference I see is that wrestlers aren't turning their heads to see where the ropes are anymore since the switch to 4-sides. I think things just flow better now.

I completely agree.. these WWE sheep get spoon feed the WWE's re-written history time and time again and belive it all like its gossiple. Like the WWE Hall of Fame being the wrestling "OFFICIAL HoF" when it isn't.. there is not even a mueseum anywhere on the planet for WWE where these great has beens stuff are located for WWE> Ther IS an OFFICIAL hall of fame but it has NOTHING to do with Vince McMohan.

Nothing but young talent is being pushed in TNA.. these WWE ass's need to leave the TNA section because they do not know what they are talking about at all...

All the changes for TNA seem to be on path right now. Hell the last 2 months of Impact have been better than they have been in a long time.

Lets face it, TNA "NEEDED" changes.. they way they were going was not getting them anywhere! we talk about the past the 6 sides, the x-division, the steel asylum, gimmick on a pole match, etc were all gimmicks.. TNA needs to stop with the gimmicks personally as through out the history of TNA it has not helped them get over. I say lets wait to see what happens come next january.

Also in regards to 4 sided ring.. copying WWE??? wrestling has ALWAYS been 4 sides even BEFORE the WWF.. its wrestling tradition and something that wrestling has always done. 6 sides is for UFC and to compare TNA to UFC is flat out silly.. 6 sides made the ring look small.. 4 sides makes more sense and makes matches look better.
I've said it then, and I'll say it now – anyone who thinks TNA needs six-sides back, tell me one thing the six-sided ring provides that a four-sided ring can't. One. That's it. One single, solitary aspect that can't be duplicated and I'll rescind my argument that it was little more than a gimmick designed to try to steal some of the same success the octagon did for the UFC and modern cage-fighting syndicates.

Until then, my point stands – six-sides was little more than a gimmick designed to try to steal some of the same success the octagon did for the UFC and modern cage-fighting syndicates.

Do I miss it? Not in the least.
I don't miss it because I didn't pay attention to the design. When Impact first came on FSN sure I thought it was cool and watched the way the guys did stuff with it....for the first two episodes. After that I could care less and I actually think it makes TNA look better having the traditional four sides because lets face it, pretty much everyone who trainsin wrestling trains in a four sided ring (even most in Mexico) so it's almost a harder transition to go to six sides. To me it makes it easier to see in the ring as well. Does anyone besides me forget how small the ring looked and how hard it was to see action during Ultimate X with that huge ass trusses in the way?
I missed it at first, but now that its been gone for this long... I'm used to it not being there...

I would like to see it used as what it was, a gimmick... I think they should use it for the Lockdown PPV... I mean, the six-sides of steal was a great look and it was better than the traditional four sided cage...

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