5-Star/Perfect Matches

Here's the most recent Wrestling Observer/Dave Meltzer ***** match, from New Japan's G1 Climax tournament. I posted it in that thread but figured only a select few actually visit that thread. So, here it is again, give it a watch and see if you agree/disagree:

Here's the most recent Wrestling Observer/Dave Meltzer ***** match, from New Japan's G1 Climax tournament. I posted it in that thread but figured only a select few actually visit that thread. So, here it is again, give it a watch and see if you agree/disagree:


Two dudes literally just beating the shit out of each other...and I thought puroresu died in May when Kobashi retired!
Are we being subjective, or are we actually trying to be objective?

Kane vs Taker @ Mania 14 and Booker T vs HHH @ Mania 19 are subjectively 5 Stars for me since I watch them often.

Objectively I'd say Taker vs HHH - HIAC @ Mania 28 and Cena vs Punk from RAW would have to be pretty close. The latter's got to be the best free televised match in at least a decade.
Mr.Perfect Vs Bret Hart, SummerSlam, 1991

Mr.Perfect Vs Bret Hart, King Of The Ring, 1993

Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Bret Hart, Survivor Series, 1996

10 man tag match, Canadian Stampede, 1997

British Bulldog Vs Bret Hart, SummerSlam, 1992

Chris Benoit Vs Triple H Vs HBK, Wrestlemania 20, 2004

Rey Mysterio Vs Chris Jericho, WWE Extreme Rules, 2009

Chris Benoit Vs Bret Hart, Owen Hart Tribute night, WCW Nitro

Cactus Jack Vs Triple H, Royal Rumble 2000

Shawn Micheals Vs Shelton Benjamin, RAW Gold Rush Tournament

Shawn Micheals Vs Triple H, SummerSlam 2002

CM Punk Vs John Cena, MITB 2011

Ric Flair Vs Terry Funk, I Quit match, clash of champions

and the greatest match of all time

Rey Mysterio Vs Eddie Guerrero, Halloween Havoc 1997
Raw, May 21st, 2001: Tag Team Championships - Stone Cold and Triple H vs Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

Great match, great drama, and a great moment in the Power Trip being defeated for the gold. This is also the match where HHH tore his quad for the first time, which then resulted in one of the biggest pops in pro wrestling when he returned in 02. Yet despite the injury, he carried on, even being put inn the Walls on the announce table.

But yeah, in my opinion, one of the best tag team matches ever.
Mr.Perfect Vs Bret Hart, SummerSlam, 1991

Mr.Perfect Vs Bret Hart, King Of The Ring, 1993

Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Bret Hart, Survivor Series, 1996

10 man tag match, Canadian Stampede, 1997

British Bulldog Vs Bret Hart, SummerSlam, 1992

Chris Benoit Vs Triple H Vs HBK, Wrestlemania 20, 2004

Rey Mysterio Vs Chris Jericho, WWE Extreme Rules, 2009

Chris Benoit Vs Bret Hart, Owen Hart Tribute night, WCW Nitro

Cactus Jack Vs Triple H, Royal Rumble 2000

Shawn Micheals Vs Shelton Benjamin, RAW Gold Rush Tournament

Shawn Micheals Vs Triple H, SummerSlam 2002

CM Punk Vs John Cena, MITB 2011

Ric Flair Vs Terry Funk, I Quit match, clash of champions

and the greatest match of all time

Rey Mysterio Vs Eddie Guerrero, Halloween Havoc 1997

Damn, this is the missing the one match I thought you and I both agreed on: Savage vs. Warrior, WM VII
I have no earthly idea how Rock vs. Austin at 'Mania 17 wasn't given 5 stars.

He may never admit it, but Meltzer loves MMA more than pro wrestling. WWE rarely, if ever, features matches with people beating the living shit out of each other (like NJPW) or finishers with a 50% chance of paralysis (like Misawa-era AJPW and NOAH). This is why WWE rarely posts a 5 star match.
Was HBK Taker I given a 5 star?

If not, Meltzer can wank off!

HBK and Taker first fought at Ground Zero. That match neither received nor deserved 5 stars. The first ever HIAC match at Badd Blood (which I think is what you mean by HBK Taker I) did receive 5 stars from Meltzer.
HBK and Taker first fought at Ground Zero. That match neither received nor deserved 5 stars. The first ever HIAC match at Badd Blood (which I think is what you mean by HBK Taker I) did receive 5 stars from Meltzer.

I...uh, I meant Mania 25. Sorry I wasn't specific.

But hey, good to know Meltzer ain't a complete idiot. That first HiAC is still probably the best Cell match ever. Even if Foley/Taker had the most brutal spots.
Rock / Cena would have been better if one of them were heel.. the face/face match ups between those two flat out don't work as well to me.. Rock/Cena 1 was better than 2 though.... But this is why I liked Punk/Rock more.. if Rock comes back I would LOVE to see him come back as a heel...
I...uh, I meant Mania 25. Sorry I wasn't specific.

But hey, good to know Meltzer ain't a complete idiot. That first HiAC is still probably the best Cell match ever. Even if Foley/Taker had the most brutal spots.

To the best of my knowledge, Meltzer has only given one 5 star rating to a WWE match since the Michaels/Taker HIAC match, and that was Cena/Punk at MITB 2011.
It's impossible to take Meltzer's 5 star rating system seriously. Just looking at the matches 2 things are clear:

1) He has a major hard on for Japanese wrestling. All Japan Women's Wrestling has more 5 star matches than any North American promotion.

2) He is no fan of WWE wrestling. If the #1 wrestling company in the world over the last 30 years only has 5 matches considered 5 stars (especially considering some of the masterpieces left off the list) there has to be a bias there.

There's just no way he's impartial and because of that I can't take him seriously.
It's impossible to take Meltzer's 5 star rating system seriously. Just looking at the matches 2 things are clear:

1) He has a major hard on for Japanese wrestling. All Japan Women's Wrestling has more 5 star matches than any North American promotion.

2) He is no fan of WWE wrestling. If the #1 wrestling company in the world over the last 30 years only has 5 matches considered 5 stars (especially considering some of the masterpieces left off the list) there has to be a bias there.

There's just no way he's impartial and because of that I can't take him seriously.

Meltzer doesn't have a hard-on for Japanese wrestling. He has a hard-on for non-gimmick, stiff, and risky matches (this also explains his love of ROH and his relative disdain for old-school ECW). WWE rarely, if ever, features these types of matches.

There are credibility issues with Meltzer's ratings system, but it has nothing to do with a hard-on for puro and a dislike of WWE wrestling (which might not even be the case).
I'd just like to point out that All Japan Woman's Wrestling does not have 5 more 5 star matches then all the North American promotions do. Unless Google is lying to me...
Meltzer measures quantity and longevity, not quality, with many of his rankings. Especially draws. That concept came up in the WZT when it was shown he has Undertaker listed as a bigger draw overall than Austin and Rock, while Misawa has about a bajillion 5 star matches but no other accolades that mark him as a true moneymaker.
The Meltzer hate on this forum is ridiculous. And I doubt any of you have even watched a Misawa match in your life. If not, go do so.
Care to recommend one? I'll confess I have seen none of his work.

Tsuruta vs. Misawa, AJPW 8 June 1990. Important things to remember here are that Tsuruta is considered by most Japanese people to be the greatest wrestler of all time and that Misawa had just dramatically unmasked himself about a month earlier, thus effectively ending the Tiger Mask II era. The storytelling of the match is universal, so there's no real language barrier problem, and this match set up the era of perhaps the greatest professional wrestler who ever lived.
The Meltzer hate on this forum is ridiculous. And I doubt any of you have even watched a Misawa match in your life. If not, go do so.

I'll just say that I mostly agree with his 5 star rated matches when it comes to North American wrestling. He is a sucker for crowd reactions...I don't understand his MOTY picks...they're really weird to me...I'm not crazy about many of those japanese matches he rated 5 stars..I do agree with the 5 star rating of Tanahashi's aganist Suzuki on year ago.

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