"5 Star" Matches

This started in the Raw LD, but belongs elsewhere. Deserving of its own thread, no? Here are my choices (I reserve the right to add matches, seeing it's 3 o'clock in the morning):

Savage vs. Steamboat, WrestleMania III

Ric Flair vs. Steamboat, WrestleWar '89

Mr. Perfect Vs Bret Hart, SummerSlam 1991

British Bulldog Vs Bret Hart, SummerSlam 1992

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart, WrestleMania X

Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania 12

Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Bret Hart, Survivor Series 1996

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart, WrestleMania 13

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock, WrestleMania 17

John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania 23


Taker vs HBK - Badd Blood
Taker vs HBK - WM 25

Hard for me to give out 5 Stars, I'm pretty anal about it.

Feel free to share, and shit on one another.
Aside from Cena vs. Michaels, that might be the most boring, paint-by-numbers match list I've seen in my entire life. So good job not offending anyone.

Hell in the Cell Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels, Bad Blood 2004
It's you, so I'm not surprised.

Did someone really say the HIAC match with Michaels and Triple H was 5 stars? That was one of the most boring fucking matches ever.
Look at the source.
Dude, what about Hulk vs. Rock at WM18? Cena vs. Hbk is not 5 stars compared to that match.:shrug:

Concern yourself less with my ratings, and more with not being banned.

Not to mention it was too big.

Mhmm. He broke all sorts of rules with that one.

Aside from Cena vs. Michaels, that might be the most boring, paint-by-numbers match list I've seen in my entire life. So good job not offending anyone.

When you post a list, we'll talk. Until then, fuck off.
Off the top of my head:

-Bar Room Brawl @ Vengeance 2003
-JBL vs. Finlay @ WrestleMania 24
-Ric Flair vs. Carlito @ Unforgiven 2005
-John Cena vs. Jesus @ Armageddon 2004
-Tower Of Doom @ Uncensored 1996
-AJ Styles vs. Abyss @ Lockdown 2005
Well, here are just a few of my 5 star matches...

Steve Austin vs. The Rock -WrestleMania 17

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho -WrestleMania 19

Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H -WrestleMania 20

Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels -WrestleMania 21

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker -WrestleMania 25

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar -Iron Man match, Smackdown in 2003

Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena -ECW One Night Stand 2006

CM Punk vs. John Cena -Money In The Bank 2011
Well, here are just a few of my 5 star matches...

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho -WrestleMania 19
Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar -Iron Man match, Smackdown in 2003

Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena -ECW One Night Stand 2006

I liked these three as much as the next guy, and Im a huge Cena mark, but I wouldnt go higher then ****.5 Jericho/HBK, ****.25 for Lesnar/Angle, and ***.25 for Cena/RVD.
My 5 star matches

Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels - Badd Blood 1997
Cactus Jack Vs HHH - Royal Rumble 2000
TLC II - Wrestlemania X7
Stone Cold Vs The Rock - Wrestlemania X7
Chris Benoit Vs Stone Cold - Smackdown May 2001
Kurt Angle Vs Chris Benoit - Royal Rumble 2003
Shawn Michaels Vs Kurt Angle - Vengeance 2005
Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 25


Unbreakable 3 way
Angle Vs Anderson - Lockdown 2010

There is defiantly more TNA ones but i can't remember.
I was thinking, that we could have an HOF on WrestleZone for matches as well. Say a top 50 matches of all time list decided by public votes. A match could go in every month or every other month. What say, people?
I was thinking, that we could have an HOF on WrestleZone for matches as well. Say a top 50 matches of all time list decided by public votes. A match could go in every month or every other month. What say, people?

That's actually a pretty cool idea, reminds me of what DVDR does with their big DVD sets.

I might try to start something like that. It'll only be for matches that I could find a copy of online though so I could post it and everyone could get a chance to watch it so they could vote on it. That's a pretty cool idea though, you may have something there.

The only problem is all of the trolls that would ruin the integrity of it. We wouldn't be 5 minutes into the thing and Coco would be giving Finlay/JBL five stars and Sly would be giving one star to the Punk/Joe trilogy and other dumb shit like that.

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