5 Feuds you would like to see in WWE soon

The Hillside

Pre-Show Stalwart
1- CM Punk vs The Miz: I hope WWE makes The Miz a main eventer soon again and push him into a feud with Punk. They haev never had a feud over the world title or in the main event. Not that there will be great matches, but both of them have the Fonz Factor and can put on a funny, interesting and a cool rivalry and both are good mic workers. Both of them are emerging superstars from the same era.

2- HHH vs Rey Mysterio: Should have been done a long time ago. They have never wrestled each other on television or PPV. I would have Mysterio play the underdog here who gets bullied by heel HHH and is pushed into a feud. Even a face HHH vs face Mysterio feud won't be bad.

3- John Cena vs Daniel Bryan: One of the few fresh main event feuds left for Cena at the moment other then Ziggler. This one should not be hard and I can see this one coming soon after Wrestlemania 29. Should be fantastic and would be long definitely.

4- Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan: I say have Daniel Bryan win the next Royal Rumble and challenge Orton for the WHC at Wrestlemania 29. One of the few interesting fresh matches left for WWE at the moment.

5- HHH vs CM Punk: I want to see this again, with one of them playing heel and the feud ending in a bloody hardcore match.

There were few more ideas involving part-timers like Taker, Lesnar and The Rock but I am not counting them.
1- CM Punk vs The Miz: I hope WWE makes The Miz a main eventer soon again and push him into a feud with Punk. They haev never had a feud over the world title or in the main event. Not that there will be great matches, but both of them have the Fonz Factor and can put on a funny, interesting and a cool rivalry and both are good mic workers. Both of them are emerging superstars from the same era.

I don't look for this to happen very soon, if at all. It's true that Miz is the new Intercontinental Champion, but he could still very much be in the WWE doghouse. Since coming back, he's looked good but it's going to take a good amount of time before Miz is elevated back to the main event scene. He & Punk could have a solid feud but, all in all, Miz just isn't on Punk's level anymore. A year ago about this time, maybe, but not now. I think they'd have good solid matches and promo segments and Miz's character does seem somewhat different. He's more aggressive and certainly whines a lot less. Miz is kind of a big question mark for me right now.

2- HHH vs Rey Mysterio: Should have been done a long time ago. They have never wrestled each other on television or PPV. I would have Mysterio play the underdog here who gets bullied by heel HHH and is pushed into a feud. Even a face HHH vs face Mysterio feud won't be bad.

Of all the feuds you've listed, this one has the least chance of taking place. For all intents and purposes, Triple H's in-ring career as a wrestler are over. He's devoted the past couple of years to learning the ropes of the business side of WWE and will probably take over from Vince within the next few years. For the past 2 years, Triple H wrestles only in huge money matches. His two matches against Taker at WrestleMania and his upcoming match against Brock Lesnar constitute three of the four matches Trips has wrestled over the past few years. At this point in time, Mysterio is a guy that's beneath Triple H. Rey doesn't have the charisma & personality to pull off a main event level feud against someone like Triple H. The matches would be highly entertaining, I've little doubt of that, but a feud with Mysterio would be a huge step down for the future CEO of WWE.

3- John Cena vs Daniel Bryan: One of the few fresh main event feuds left for Cena at the moment other then Ziggler. This one should not be hard and I can see this one coming soon after Wrestlemania 29. Should be fantastic and would be long definitely.

This has some real possibilities and it's a feud idea that already has a lot of people interested and talking about it. Since this past December, Daniel Bryan has upped his overall game to levels that, quite frankly, the vast majority of fans didn't think he could reach. He's had some of the most interesting feuds and angles of the year and has been involved in several legitimate match of the year candidates. He looked great against Cena last Monday and it was a good mix of strength & tenacity vs. skill & tenacity. I don't look for this to happen soon because there are a lot of questions still in the air. There's been talk of Rock winning the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble and then facing Cena in a WM rematch with the title on the ling. It's not confirmed, but that's had some allegedly serious thought put into it. The problem is that The Rock might not be able to make WrestleMania this year because the second GI Joe movie opens just one week before WrestleMania. That means The Rock is going to be out heavily promoting the movie from coast to coast, going to premieres in foreign countries, appearing on talk shows, radio shows, giving interviews, etc. If The Rock isn't able to make WrestleMania, I expect it'll be Cena vs. Punk for the title in which Cena wins. I could see Bryan feuding with Cena into next summer or into the later months of next year. It'd be a very entertaining one in my opinion.

4- Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan: I say have Daniel Bryan win the next Royal Rumble and challenge Orton for the WHC at Wrestlemania 29. One of the few interesting fresh matches left for WWE at the moment.

I definitely like the idea of this one and the way you've set it up. Orton vs. Bryan would be another fun feud. Unlike John Cena, I think that Bryan has a good shot of coming out on the winning end of this feud. I think he'll at least win a few matches. Since last year, Orton has been used to put over younger or other talent in general. He's put over Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Christian, Sheamus, Big Show, Wade Barrett and a few others I think. Using Orton to look strong while putting over other guys sometimes is a good role for him at this point in his career. Even though Orton is only 32 years old, he's done pretty much everything that can be done in WWE. I can see WWE keeping this same sort of strategy with Orton generally speaking. They'll put him back in the main event picture for a while so as to get the most out of the lucrative contract he has. Having Bryan challenge Orton for the WHC at WM would be interesting. It's a fresh idea and Bryan could finally get himself a WrestleMania moment.

5- HHH vs CM Punk: I want to see this again, with one of them playing heel and the feud ending in a bloody hardcore match.

I'd like to see this feud reignited as well. Nothing was ever really settled. Triple H did get a win over Punk in their one match, but it was due to outside interference. There's money in Trips vs. Punk, especially now that Punk is going heel. At the same time, it'd only work I think if Punk was the one who ultimately went over. Punk could use the rub and deserves the rub quite frankly. As I said earlier, Triple H's in-ring career is all but over right now and he only straps on the boots for big money matches. His match with Lesnar at SummerSlam will probably contribute to some big buys for the event. Punk is one of the most over wrestlers on the roster, so there's money to be made there. Trips beating Punk and then hanging up the boots for another 6 or 8 months wouldn't accomplish anything. Guys like Punk are the future of the WWE, they're going to be carrying the WWE for the next decade or so, so going over Punk just so Triple H can give himself an ego boost isn't in WWE's best interest.

There were few more ideas involving part-timers like Taker, Lesnar and The Rock but I am not counting them.[/QUOTE]
1. Triple H vs Daniel Bryan- this wold be a great WRESTLING feud and even if HHH would get the final win (as it wouldn't be a shock to anyone really), it could still help Bryan in the long run.

2. Triple H vs CM Punk- an actual feud that lasts a little while with these two could be great in and out of the ring. Again, Triple H might win the final bout, but another veteran for Punk to face would only help him get to the top.

3. Daniel Bryan vs John Cena- a great way to put Bryan as one of THE guys in the WWE. Have Cena lose cleanly for a change. A loss or two won't kill Super Cena. Bryan would carry the matches and Cena would put the spotlight on Bryan.

4. Rey Mysterio vs Triple H- something we really haven't seen I don't think and a nice feud between two veterans. I was always a little curious to see these two in the ring together.

5. Chris Jericho vs Damian Sandow- yes Sandow is new, but he's excellent in the ring and with all this new talent with so many top level guys leaving, this would be a great way to push a new guy into the spotlight. It doesn't have to be the main event or for a title, but Sandow, along with a lot of other young talent need to go over some of these vets or we're going to be in neutral for a long time.
I was thinking since Rock, Lesnar, Taker and Cena are being talked into wrestling each other somehow at Wrestlemania, it leaves spot for two big matches at Wrestlemania:

HHH vs CM Punk- No Holds Barred
Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan- World Heavyweight Championship
1. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz
Everybody was begging to see Punk vs. Jericho because of both men's promo work, so why not this? Miz isn't on Jericho's level when it comes to promos but he can still talk a good game. Plus there's that whole ripoff complaint from Jericho a few years back where he accused Miz of ripping him off for his mic work, the 0-3 angle with Cena and probably some more stuff that I'm forgetting. Basically this would be the same as the Punk-Jericho feud this year. Could be just as interesting as that feud was.

2. Daniel Bryan vs. Rey Mysterio
I don't think the build ups between the two would be anything special but the matches between the two would be awesome. Technical vs. high flyer matches are always interesting clash of styles and I could see this one being a lot like the Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio feud in 96 in WCW.

3. The Rock vs. Randy Orton
Both are 3rd generation superstars, both are the youngest World Champs in WWE history along with Lesnar, both are the second top guys in their generation and Orton has been one of Rock's criticizers this past year, this is just a feud screaming to happen.

4. Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton
This was originally planned for Summerslam and it made sense since like I mentioned above, they are both the youngest World Champs in WWE history and they both did it at Summerslam's but maybe this can still happen at Survivor Series. I know Taker is a more likely option with Survivor's being his PPV but I also think of Survivor's as Orton's PPV what with his history at Survivor Series. If not Survivor Series then maybe Royal Rumble. Wherever they do this at though, I think they could put on a good match together.

5. Wade Barrett vs. Undertaker
They never did follow up on Nexus burying the Undertaker at Bragging Rights and I think this could be a good match as both men's styles are similar; they're both powerhouse wrestlers & strikers. A win over Taker would put Barrett over big.

Other feuds I'd like to see are...
Bryan vs. Orton
Bryan vs. Cena
Punk vs. Miz
Lesnar vs. Sheamus
Rhodes or Ziggler vs. Foley
Barrett vs. Sheamus
Lesnar vs. Taker
Ryback vs. Barrett
Ryback vs. Lesnar
Jericho vs. Sandow

But Ryback vs. Lesnar is likely to never happen. I just think maybe a match between the two Goldberg spinoffs could make up for Lesnar vs. Goldberg at WM XX.
1. CM Punk vs The Rock/Stone Cold
I am going with one or the other at this point, I don't think both can come back and face off against CM Punk. Either match up would put up for some damn good promos and would be a great overall feud for a month or two leading up to a big fight at Wresltemania or SummerSlam. I'm sure Punk would have to come out on top somehow and I feel like he would get a HUGE rub if he went one on one with one of the two of the biggest superstars in the WWE hopefully putting him into that next level.

2. John Cena vs Daniel Bryan
This match-up would probably be the most realistic to happen in the near future as Daniel Bryan is so over right now with the crowd and John Cena is always in a big feud whether it will be for the title or not. I think Cena is going to walk out of the punk feud with the Title and it would be a great feud to throw Bryan in and they would have a great feud heading up into the Royal Rumble and then they would decide on who they want to face the Rock at that PPV.

3. Brock Lesner vs The Undertaker
I really hope this happens, these two will brawl and put on one hell of a fight at Wrestlemania whether this happens at this wrestlemania or the next one after that. Everyone was really excited for this possibility after the confrontation at the UFC event where The Undertaker stared down Brock as he headed into the octagon.

4. Sheamus vs Randy Orton
This would be a real turning point for Sheamus as these two superstars have teased the idea of a feud. I think turning Orton heel would refresh his character and having Sheamus look so dominant over a very over heel Randy Orton would be great for him as a superstar in the future whether he wins the feud in the end or loses.

5. Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan
How great would these matches be? Once Dolph cashes in his MITB contract, I think he will do it around the time Daniel Bryan did it last year, I would love to see this feud heading into Wrestlemania to showcase the young wrestling talent that the WWE has and hopefully Dolph will open up on the mic and him and Daniel Bryan can make this a great feud heading into the big event creating a heated rivalry that is personal and memorable.
Stone Cold vs CM Punk
Ever since that brilliant backstage promo last year when Austin offered CM Punk a drink and he just replied with WHAT? I have dreamed of this match. If they do it, then they need to turn CM Punk to what he was a year ago, the loudmouth says what he wants character. At the moment he's a generic "Respect me because I did this and I did that"

Barrett vs Jericho
Big Barrett fan. Big Jericho fan. Know it probably won't ever happen now but I think those two could have had several PPV matches that would have stolen the show and probably put Barrett over so much that after Jericho had left Barrett would have had the heat for a title run.

Ryback vs Sheamus
Don't actually know why I'd like to see this. Haven't formed an opinion about Ryback yet and dislike a face Sheamus but I think a programme between these two might work. I'm not saying it should be for the title, Ryback obviously isn't there yet, but sometime in the future after Sheamus drops the belt. Oh and Ryback should be neither heel nor face, he should just be silent or shout out catchphrases but never give interviews. (Really push the Goldberg sterotype)

Christian vs Randy Orton
Been done before, but this time you should reverse the roles. Randy Orton needs to drop the boring Viper gimmick and go back to his cocky frat Evolution days and go fully heel. Love Christian and we all know they work brilliant matches together. Just think this time the sstoryline should be a bit better...well alot better

Alex Riley vs Anyone really...
Must admit I am a bit of a Riley fan, think he might have "it". But then again I am probably wrong and am okay with that...
John Cena vs Danial Bryan-It could be great, provided it ain't the same ol thing that WWE usually do with Cena and that Bryan stops screaming NO! Because it's not really funny anymore. But yeah a feud between two extremely talented individuals and great in ring performers, both in the top 10 in WWE today. I think that Cena would need to be champ and Bryan should be the chaser.

Miz-CM Punk- I have absolutely NO interest in this feud what so ever. The miz is no where near ready for the main event level again, he still has a while of reestablishing himself prior to entering the main event. CM Punk is better suited to guys like Cena, Bryan, Barrett and Jericho. Establish Performers who can be main event when ever you need them to be.

HHH vs Mysterio? Really?

Ryback vs a legit roster member, someone Tensai. A feud between these two could be great, it may be one or the few feuds which could be good without great mic skills. Unless they decide to give either a mic to change them up a little.

Dolph Ziggler vs John Cena could be interesting but I'm not sure Ziggler is ready to join Cena in carrying the load in the main event. Maybe in 6 months to a year when Ziggler is more established.
Wade Barrett vs. Chris Jericho - With Wade coming back soon, Jericho would be a great first feud.

Jack Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler - Ever since Swagger lost Vickie he lost ever match, a face turn and a feud with Ziggler could help him.

Cody Rhodes vs. Zack Ryder - I think these two could have great matches against each other and it could help both since they both aren't doing much right now.
Alex Riley vs. Brock Lesnar - Instead of having Brock Lesnar have some huge money match, use him to put somebody over. Have Riley call Lesnar out, saying that the WWE gave Lesnar everything, and he walked out after two years, and the WWE took their frustrations out on Riley and his peers by dangling opportunities in front of them and yanking the rug out from under them to test their loyalty and make sure they don't "walk out like Brock Lesnar did". Lesnar would absolutely destroy Riley, and win the match, but Riley gets built up as being tough as nails.
These are some feuds i would like to see:

*The Undertaker vs Jack Swagger:
It can be something like Swagger wanting to proove that he's worthy of being a big star, but the WWE screwed him, and now to demonstrate that he can be great he like to end the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania.

*Triple H vs Wade Barret:
This would be an epic battle, the commentators can start comparing the two, that they are very similar and stuff, then Barret calls out Triple H and chalenge him to a match, that way Triple H can pass the torch in the process.

*CM Punk vs Damien Sandow:
I love this one just for the promos they can do, i would love to see these two to go in a battle of words, Punk being straight edge and Sandow as the savior for the ignoramuses, their promos can be as entertaining as their match.

*Sheamus vs Brock Lesnar:
The battle of the fighters, both have smash mouth styles, that match can be great.
1. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz
Everybody was begging to see Punk vs. Jericho because of both men's promo work, so why not this? Miz isn't on Jericho's level when it comes to promos but he can still talk a good game. Plus there's that whole ripoff complaint from Jericho a few years back where he accused Miz of ripping him off for his mic work, the 0-3 angle with Cena and probably some more stuff that I'm forgetting. Basically this would be the same as the Punk-Jericho feud this year. Could be just as interesting as that feud was.

I always wanted to see this feud especially once they were turned into a tag team. Should have been an interesting feud 2 years ago, putting these two in a 3 months long feud with all the mic/promo work involved and Jericho would have well put The Miz over since he doesn't mind jobbing to newcomers. It is still a possibility and I think WWE can use this feud to elevate The Miz to main event status again.

2. Daniel Bryan vs. Rey Mysterio
I don't think the build ups between the two would be anything special but the matches between the two would be awesome. Technical vs. high flyer matches are always interesting clash of styles and I could see this one being a lot like the Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio feud in 96 in WCW.

This should be done definitely before Mysterio retires or gets injured big-time. The feud won't be interesting but 3-4 match-ups between them should be interesting and will keeps all kinds of fans excited (especially kids). Yeah and I agree this reminds of WCW cruiserweight division, only that this will be on a main-event level to upper-midcard level. I will be more excited if these twto are put in a ladder match or half-hour iron man match.

3. The Rock vs. Randy Orton
Both are 3rd generation superstars, both are the youngest World Champs in WWE history along with Lesnar, both are the second top guys in their generation and Orton has been one of Rock's criticizers this past year, this is just a feud screaming to happen.

WWE should do this at Next Year's Summerslam. I don't think The Rock is completely leaving WWE before Wrestlemania 30 so this leaves window open for this potential match-up and feud. This is a dream match since a long time and should be a fan favorite.

4. Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton
This was originally planned for Summerslam and it made sense since like I mentioned above, they are both the youngest World Champs in WWE history and they both did it at Summerslam's but maybe this can still happen at Survivor Series. I know Taker is a more likely option with Survivor's being his PPV but I also think of Survivor's as Orton's PPV what with his history at Survivor Series. If not Survivor Series then maybe Royal Rumble. Wherever they do this at though, I think they could put on a good match together.

Not much excited about this, but being a dream match this is, I will at least be bothered to see what they do with this.

5. Wade Barrett vs. Undertaker
They never did follow up on Nexus burying the Undertaker at Bragging Rights and I think this could be a good match as both men's styles are similar; they're both powerhouse wrestlers & strikers. A win over Taker would put Barrett over big.

Nah! Taker has about 3-4 matches left in him and he has guys like The Rock, Lesnar, Cena, Sheamus and Jericho lined for him to face. I don't see Taker vs Barrett ever happening.

Other feuds I'd like to see are...
Bryan vs. Orton
Bryan vs. Cena
Punk vs. Miz
Lesnar vs. Sheamus
Rhodes or Ziggler vs. Foley
Barrett vs. Sheamus
Lesnar vs. Taker
Ryback vs. Barrett
Ryback vs. Lesnar
Jericho vs. Sandow

Bryan vs Orton, Bryan vs Cena, Punk vs The Miz, Lesnar vs Sheamus yeah! Other's I don't see happening soon or ever. Foley did his task by heping Edge and Orton go over, tried to help Carlito too.

But Ryback vs. Lesnar is likely to never happen. I just think maybe a match between the two Goldberg spinoffs could make up for Lesnar vs. Goldberg at WM XX.

Maybe if Lesnar stays around for Wrestlemania 31 :S
1. CM Punk vs The Rock/Stone Cold
I am going with one or the other at this point, I don't think both can come back and face off against CM Punk. Either match up would put up for some damn good promos and would be a great overall feud for a month or two leading up to a big fight at Wresltemania or SummerSlam. I'm sure Punk would have to come out on top somehow and I feel like he would get a HUGE rub if he went one on one with one of the two of the biggest superstars in the WWE hopefully putting him into that next level.

I am 90% sure Rock vs Punk is going to take place at Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Extreme Rules or next year's Summerslam. Austin vs Punk has a very small chance, but like everyone I will totally buy into this match. Shall be fun and will put Punk over big time.

2. John Cena vs Daniel Bryan
This match-up would probably be the most realistic to happen in the near future as Daniel Bryan is so over right now with the crowd and John Cena is always in a big feud whether it will be for the title or not. I think Cena is going to walk out of the punk feud with the Title and it would be a great feud to throw Bryan in and they would have a great feud heading up into the Royal Rumble and then they would decide on who they want to face the Rock at that PPV.

My potential feud too, I am sure WWE will start this long feud somewhere in the next year and before that I don't think Bryan will turn face.

3. Brock Lesner vs The Undertaker
I really hope this happens, these two will brawl and put on one hell of a fight at Wrestlemania whether this happens at this wrestlemania or the next one after that. Everyone was really excited for this possibility after the confrontation at the UFC event where The Undertaker stared down Brock as he headed into the octagon.

Everyone is talking about this match and it is in their cards for WM 29 or WM 30. I have seen these two battle it out in Hell in a Cell making an end of a feud and before that they battled each other a couple of times I guess. I am not excited about this, Taker will win simple, what does Lesnar have to achieve by beating Taker anyways? I don't this will be a great match anyways. Wouldn't mind seeing these two have a go at Survivor Series this year, but again I am not interested in this.

4. Sheamus vs Randy Orton
This would be a real turning point for Sheamus as these two superstars have teased the idea of a feud. I think turning Orton heel would refresh his character and having Sheamus look so dominant over a very over heel Randy Orton would be great for him as a superstar in the future whether he wins the feud in the end or loses.

Another feud that has been done till death ending inside a Hell in a Cell. I don't want to see this again and this won't be a good feud or anything, nor am I expecting any good matches from these too.

5. Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan
How great would these matches be? Once Dolph cashes in his MITB contract, I think he will do it around the time Daniel Bryan did it last year, I would love to see this feud heading into Wrestlemania to showcase the young wrestling talent that the WWE has and hopefully Dolph will open up on the mic and him and Daniel Bryan can make this a great feud heading into the big event creating a heated rivalry that is personal and memorable.

Definitely yes! But not now, maybe after 2 years when Ziggler and Bryan are established into even bigger stars. I will book these to battle for one of the World Titles and give them about 30 minutes for a match so that their full potential can come out.
Stone Cold vs CM Punk
Ever since that brilliant backstage promo last year when Austin offered CM Punk a drink and he just replied with WHAT? I have dreamed of this match. If they do it, then they need to turn CM Punk to what he was a year ago, the loudmouth says what he wants character. At the moment he's a generic "Respect me because I did this and I did that"

Yeah, but only if Punk wins and Austin can still wrestle.

Barrett vs Jericho
Big Barrett fan. Big Jericho fan. Know it probably won't ever happen now but I think those two could have had several PPV matches that would have stolen the show and probably put Barrett over so much that after Jericho had left Barrett would have had the heat for a title run.

I teased the idea for this when Jericho was Barrett's mentor in the NXT show. Should be fun Student vs Teacher feud. Barrett returns and gets Jericho as his teacher and manager where after sometime together Barrett betrays Jericho or Jericho turns on Barrett out of jealousy. Either way this sets up a feud and I am expecting great chemistry between these two inside the ring and some fantastic matches.

Ryback vs Sheamus
Don't actually know why I'd like to see this. Haven't formed an opinion about Ryback yet and dislike a face Sheamus but I think a programme between these two might work. I'm not saying it should be for the title, Ryback obviously isn't there yet, but sometime in the future after Sheamus drops the belt. Oh and Ryback should be neither heel nor face, he should just be silent or shout out catchphrases but never give interviews. (Really push the Goldberg sterotype)

Definitely yes! If Ryback is turned into a main eventer, I can see this happening soon. Should be fun, I will build Sheamus as a monster heel in this and Ryback is already a monster. So a heel monster vs a face monster feud/match, anyone would be interested in this one.

Christian vs Randy Orton
Been done before, but this time you should reverse the roles. Randy Orton needs to drop the boring Viper gimmick and go back to his cocky frat Evolution days and go fully heel. Love Christian and we all know they work brilliant matches together. Just think this time the sstoryline should be a bit better...well alot better

No not again, please. Yes these two had 4-5 good matches, had a watchable feud and a long rivalry, but if anything like this main events one of the shows again, I won't watch it.

Alex Riley vs Anyone really...
Must admit I am a bit of a Riley fan, think he might have "it". But then again I am probably wrong and am okay with that...

They gave Riley his big chance against the fresh Wrestlemania 27 main-event winner The Miz. They gave him wins over The Miz, they gave him mic time, yet Riley could not impress WWE. I don't see any kind of push for him anytime soon or probably never. But anyways if I had to pick one, I will book Riley vs. Dolph Ziggler
These are some feuds i would like to see:

*The Undertaker vs Jack Swagger:
It can be something like Swagger wanting to proove that he's worthy of being a big star, but the WWE screwed him, and now to demonstrate that he can be great he like to end the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania.

LOL!, Why wouldn't they give such a chance to Sheamus, Barrett or The Miz?
I don't want to see Taker vs Swagger feud or match ever and will be total fun of Taker's current Mega-Star status.

*Triple H vs Wade Barret:
This would be an epic battle, the commentators can start comparing the two, that they are very similar and stuff, then Barret calls out Triple H and chalenge him to a match, that way Triple H can pass the torch in the process.

Not bad, but hard to say if it will ever happen.

*CM Punk vs Damien Sandow:
I love this one just for the promos they can do, i would love to see these two to go in a battle of words, Punk being straight edge and Sandow as the savior for the ignoramuses, their promos can be as entertaining as their match.

I will buy into this match, Sandow's push is not far away and we can have an awesome feud with two great mic/ring workers.

*Sheamus vs Brock Lesnar:
The battle of the fighters, both have smash mouth styles, that match can be great.

True, I will be interested in this. I will build Sheamus as a face monster for this and come out as the destroyer in this one, but Lesnar will win anyways.
I like the D. Bryan vs. Cena feud the most out of your 5 feuds. I think it is the one with the most chance of being great. The Bryan vs. Orton feud I could also see happening, and pretty soon too if they keep up with the anger management angle with Bryan. Logically, he should go up against Orton after Kane. I would have had Orton and Bryan at Summer Slam instead of Kane. I think that is how Orton should have been brought back, to be in that feud between Sheen and Bryan. Have Sheen in Orton's corner at Summer Slam and him cost Bryan the match.

Besides this, the 5 feuds I would like to see happen soon are as follows:

#1. Sheamus vs. Orton. This feud could be to see who is the main guy on Smackdown. I would have Sheamus win and Orton turn heel, angry that he is not the face of SD anymore.

#2. The Miz vs. Tyson Kidd. this could be a great battle for the INC. title in which Kidd wins out in the end and carries on the Hart Legacy.

#3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Cody Rhodes. After Dolph is done with Jericho and if he is not going to cash in anytime soon, I would like to see him feud with Rhodes over the briefcase. I know they are both heels but they are both rising stars as well which can put on a great show in the ring. This could be the beginning of an even bigger rivalry down the road if they both make it to the main event scene.

#4. Wade Barrett, Regal, Ryan and Drew, known as The Barrage vs. The Top guys in WWE for dominance over the company. They could be a U.K. version of Evolution and take over WWE by storm. They could beat up Triple H., Cena, Sheamus, and Barrett could become a WWE or WHC. in the process. They could capture a lot of the gold, even add Layla as a member and keep the Divas title on her. I would love to see Barrett come back this way. Just having the Oylmpics in London too, would help their push as dominant winners.(IMO)

#5. Ryback vs. Tensai. I would say Big Show but I think Ry-Back won't face him until Mania 29. In the meantime I would like to see Ryback knock off a lot of the big guys on his path to the Big Show such as Kane, Henry and Tensai. I think this would be a great test for Ryback to show off his power on someone in his own league. A battle of the big guys would be great to see and help the Ryback legend grow.
1. Ryback vs. Brodus Clay vs. Damien Sandow- These three superstars has been really dominate against competition. But everyone is really doubting each and one of these guys. Have this rivalary go on for about 3 monthes, starting the night after Summerslam. Have Sandow attack Clay again then have Ryback come make the save. Have Brodus Clay and Ryback team up to face Damien Sandow and David Otunga. Then have Otunga steal the victory over Ryback after a mistake that Brodus Clay did. Then have Ryback attack Brodus Clay after the match, during the mist of Ryback attacking Brodus have Sandow come in and hit Clay and Ryback with a Chair. That attack by Ryback would set a match up with Clay vs. Ryback. Have this match go in a double disqualification with Sandow attacking both. Then have Booker T come out make a huge announcement concerning the number one contendership to the United States Championship at Night of Champions. The announcement is that it will be a Triple Threat next week on Smackdown and the winner will face Santino Marella for the United States Championship in three days, have the winner be Ryback with pinning Sandow. So it would be United States Champion Santino Marella vs. Ryback at Night of Champions. Have Ryback dominate that match until the ref gets knocked out by Santino after Ryback pushes him into the referee on accident. Have Sandow come in and hit Ryback with a chair and then his finishing move on both Santino and Ryback. Then drag Santino to make the cover and beat Ryback. This would cause a match between Ryback and Sandow on the following edition of Smackdown. Have Sandow defeat Ryback and let Booker T come out after the match and make a championship match on the following week, United States Champion Santino Marella vs. Ryback vs. Damien Sandow. Have Ryback win by pinning Marella after his finishing move and win the United States Championship. Then have Brodus Clay get his revenge on both Sandow and Ryback after the match. Have a rematch for Santino for on the next Smackdown and make a match saying who ever wins faces the United States Champion at Hell in a Cell. The match would be Brodus Clay vs. Damien Sandow. Have Clay win this match to face Ryback in a Steel Cage Match for the United States Championship. Have Ryback win by escaping the cage and this would cause an uproar with Brodus saying the Ryback never pinned him. This would be a promo for Smackdown and have Sandow say that Ryback did not pin him to win the United States Championship. Have Booker T come out and make an Elimination Triple Threat United States Championship, United States Champion Ryback vs. Damien Sandow vs. Brodus Clay at Survivor Series. This would happen with Sandow pinning Clay after hitting him with the championship. Then have Ryback win this match totally by hitting him with his finisher on a chair and pin him. The rivalary would be over between the three after that and just have one more match on Smackdown with Ryback sucessfully defending his title against Clay. That would be an awesome rivalary.

Winner of the rivalry- Ryback

2. Intercontinetal Champion The Miz vs. Damien Sandow- After being in a rivalary with Ryback and Brodus Clay, they should have Sandow go after the Intercontinental Championship but as a face. Have Sandow attack The Miz in a promo, which would make Sandow a face. Have Damien Sandow team with an unlikely teammate in Zack Ryder to face The Miz and Alberto Del Rio. Have Sandow pin The Miz to put him in line for a title match, then have a triple threat on the following edition of Raw with Damien Sandow, Zack Ryder, and Alberto Del Rio. Have Damien Sandow win with pinning Zack Ryder after Sandow hits his finishing move. Then have Sandow face The Miz at the Royal Rumble and lose to being counted out. This will cause another match with The Miz to make this Rivalry last longer but too much longer. Then have Sandow challenge The Miz to a match later on and if Sandow wins by pinfall or submission then he gets another shot at the title at Elimination Chamber. Have Sandow fight The Miz in a no contest after The Miz hit Skull Crushing Finale off the stage and have them both counted out. The next Raw have Sandow come out and say that he should get another shot because The Miz didn't win or neither did he. He should get another shot at Elimination Chamber, if he loses then he will never get another shot as long as The Miz is the Intercontinental Champion. The Miz comes out and declines the challenge and say that Sandow is not worthly face him again and he should just get out of his ring. AJ's music hits and comes out and say that The Miz has no right to tell Sandow to get out of the ring and if Sandow wins his match that night that he will get that rematch. The Miz says that she can't do that then after he say that, she announces that The Miz will face an old friend of hers right then and there. Kane's music hits and he heads down to the ring to defeat The Miz. Later on the night Sandow defeats the United States Champion Ryback to earn the rematch. At Elimination Chamber, The Miz would lose the match by disqualification after hitting Sandow with the Championship belt. This would have AJ come out to the ring and say that Sandow will have another match but this match would be a No Holds Bared match at Wrestlemania 29. Have that match go on for like 10-15 minutes to have The Miz come on top after hitting the Skull Crushing Finale on top of the steel steps.

Winner of rivalry- The Miz

3. Intercontinetal Champion The Miz vs. Kane-

Right after the match with Damien Sandow, AJ comes out and said that when Sandow won the match against you at Elimination Chamber, well another man won the chance to face right now that night. That man that you are facing right now is.......Kane. Kane comes down to the ring defeats The Miz for the Intercontiental Championship after a 2 minute match. This would cause a huge rant on the following night on Raw saying that Kane got lucky and he shouldn't of had to compete after having a brutal match with Damien Sandow. Kane would come out and say that he earned the chance to face the winner of the match at Elmination Chamber but The Miz took a short cut to successfully defend the Intercontinental Championship so he had already a match for the Intercontiental Championship at Wrestlemania, either it was The Miz or Sandow. Miz said that he didn't agree to it and threatens to sue the WWE, then the COO of WWE comes out and say that Kane did have the match against the Intercontiental Championship but due to The Miz being double booked, the new Intercontiental Champion Kane will face The Miz right now for Miz's rematch clause. The Miz would lose this match and say that he wants another match against Kane after the match. AJ comes out and say if he can defeat Damien Sandow next week on Raw he will have a match with Kane at Extreme Rules. He would go on to defeat Sandow and get the match but after the match, AJ would come out to announce that the match will be an Inferno Match for the Intercontiental Championship at Extreme Rules. Kane would lose the Intercontinental Championship after Sandow came down and helped The Miz set Kane of fire. This would cause a match with Sandow and Kane, Kane would go on to win and injure Sandow. The Miz comes out and challenge Kane to a rematch for the Intercontinental Championship right there and right then because The Miz would think that Kane wasn't ready but after bell rang, The Miz ran up to take advantage but Kane comes out of no where with a chokeslam to win the Intercontiental Championship. The Miz gets up and walks out disappointed, AJ comes out and say that it will be over at Over the Limit because it would be Intercontiental Champion Kane vs. The Miz. Kane would go on to win this match and the rivalry.

Winner of the rivalry- Kane
1 - John Cena vs Daniel Bryan - I see lots of supporters of this here already. Would be a good feud to solidify Bryan as a main event talent. I do see this feud coming as well perhaps at the end of the year or mid-way next year after Wrestlemania.

2 - Sheamus vs Wade Barrett - A rivalry between the two for the World Title ending in a No Holds Barred stipulation = golden TV. Both are amongst the best brawlers in the business and its a great oppurtunity to give Wade the title after his return.

3 - Randy Orton vs Drew McIntyre - In 2011, Orton had feuds with guys like Christian, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry amongst others and at the time before the feud with Orton, they were mid-carders perhaps with the exception of Christian who was World Champion. But despite Orton coming out on top in some of these rivalries, he did help a lot to put them over to the next level. This might work for Drew McIntyre to push him to become at least an upper mid-card player and make him relevant and useful instead of jobbing every week.

4 - Chris Jericho vs The Miz - Slim chance of this one soon since Y2J is off with Fozzy soon but if Miz is still holding the IC Title in 2012 and if Jericho comes back, this would be a great feud. Jericho would be like the teacher and Miz the student since they had similar character styles in the past but The Miz now looks better than ever after the hiatus. Jericho doesn't need to win a 10th IC title but, like he did with Punk, Sheamus, Ziggler this year, put The Miz over and stabalise the IC title's relevance as an upper mid-card title.

5 - CM Punk vs Cody Rhodes - I do believe that Rhodes will become a serious main event player in the very near future. He just needs the right feud to place him there. CM Punk and Cody Rhodes would be a great rivalry since they are both very good technical wrestlers and I'm a big fan of both. Cody has sort of fallen down lately for some reason and hasn't really been relevant since about Wrestlemania but something like a slight change in his character could make him relevant again. This doesn't need to be for a title, but more of a who's the better technical star sort of thing.
1. Ryback vs Tensai. I feel I may be in the minority on Tensai, but for a monster heel he's not that bad. Don't put the title on him and keep him out of the main event, but do keep the gimmick going. I think Tensai is someone who realistically could pose a threat to Ryback, and I think humanising him a bit by having Tensai beating him down before he ultimately prevails at a PPV match could put Ryback over as a face in a big way.
2. Sheamus vs Randy Orton. The chemistry between the two of them before and during the Fatal Four Way at Over the Limit was scary, and I think we all felt robbed when that feud never came to pass. I think a story where they allied, only to begin to distrust each other and ultimately one of them turning heel could make for a heated, tragedy style story, plus the matches would be gold.
3. Cody Rhodes vs Daniel Bryan. A face Daniel Bryan could seriously take over from Punk's role as #2 face behind Cena - I think he's that good. A feud with Cody Rhodes keeps both men relevant, elevates Rhodes towards the upper midcard, and again they have the in-ring chops to deliver some decent matches.
4. Dolph Ziggler vs Santino Marella. I'm in Bizarro World, right? However, Ziggler has shown he can wrestle a great technical match with the right opponent (Bragging Rights vs Daniel Bryan). If Ziggler took out Santino, only for Santino to return as a more focused wrestler and seek vengeance, it could lead to an interesting feud. Personally, I'd get Ziggler to take hm out, forcing him to vacate the US title. Then Ziggler cashes in MITB and wins the WHC. Santino returns and challenges him, showcasing newfound wrestling abilities (cos secretly he can actually flat out wrestle - I've seen it). Ziggler scrapes a win after a great bout. Gives him heat over a big babyface, gives us another almost-moment for Santino a la Elimination Chamber, and a great wrestling bout in between.
5. Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton. Although Lesnar is much bigger, Orton is just as lethal in a slightly different way. It'd be an interesting dynamic imo, and it's another big name dream match. Plus if Lesnar goes over Trips at Summerslam and Orton at Survivor Series, they could even bring back Batista to complete the Evolution set and play off his recent forays into MMA in time for the Rumble. Unlikely, but hey, a guy can dream, right?
Alex Riley v Wade Barrett - Wade Barrett comes back from injury and wants in on the title scene immediately. Have Alex Riley come out and talk about how he has been fighting his way to the top for a while now and Barrett can't just come in and demand things. Boom. Old school number one contender feud, give Alex Riley some credibility and maybe a minor championship along the line.

Damien Sandow v Booker T - Sandow is kind of a lost cause at the moment. I mean yeah, beating up a dancing fat guy looks pretty cool, but there is no way he is going to get any of the credibility he deserves by goofing around with Brodus Clay. Have him call Booker T out, tell him he's all washed up and doesn't have it in him anymore and his feud with Cody proved that. Make it a lengthy rivalry as well, so Sandow gets a really good chance to gain momentum.

Kofi Kingston v Damien Sandow - I don't know about anyone else, but I was a huge fan of Kofi in his feud with Orton a short time ago. He showed a lot more character and the crowed LOVED him. After my previous idea with Sandow and Booker, have Sandow take out a few undercard talents backstage i.e Yoshi Tatsu, etc. Have him brutally assault kingston and after a few weeks have Kingston return with revenge on his mind, and watch them both jump into the main event caliber pool.

Chris Jericho v Dolph Ziggler - I know this is already happening but I really like this feud. These are two of the best pound for pound wrestlers in the company who (provided Ziggler ditches vickie) can talk a brilliant game. Have this feud go for a while, have Ziggler win the championship before Survivor Series and have him defend it against Jericho.

Cody Rhodes v Ryback - Swagger (or some other jobber) comes out after one of Ryback's matches and challenges him for a bout at summerslam. Cody then interferes in said bout, and costs Ryback his first loss. Epic feud that doesn't need a mic.
Wade Barrett Vs Sheamus - World Championship
These two have a long history together, they had a sort of fued before the WWE back here in Britain. Plus they are two big brawlers who work very well with eachother and put on some great matches.

Daniel Bryan Vs Triple H
Now this would be a great technical battle between these two, plus Bryan could get a huge rub from working with The Game.

CM Punk Vs Christian
Veteran vs the rising star. These two would put on a great program in my opinion... nothing long term. But long enough to establish Christian back to the main event.

Wade Barrett Vs The Undertaker
New... Fresh and they have an instant feud already. The Nexus burying him alive in 2010 was never explained. Undertaker can and should seek revenge.

Dolph Ziggler Vs Daniel Bryan
Yeah yea they had a short fued before but on a grander scale this would be epic.
Dolph Ziggler v Cody Rhodes

This is what I would like to see them most. I would love to see it play out twofold like Austin/Rock or Rock/Trips. Meaning, they fued when they are each at the top of the mid card (so right now) then they continue there fued when the each reach main event status.

Sheaums v Wade Barrett

This should happen as soon as Barrett comes back. This should have a nice build to it, involve other top wrestlers and culminate in Barrett winning the title at Survivor Series.

Damian Sandow v Ryback

These are the two biggest new talents that they WWE has. I would like to see them have there first interaction at the Rumble where Sandow has a low number and is in the Rumble for quite some time and then is eliminated by Ryback (who would be like entrant 20-25). Then after getting eliminated Sandow snaps, comes back in the ring and eliminates Ryback and beats him on the outside being the first guy to lay him out. This would then build all the way to Mania where the two would have a singles match where whichever guy outperforms the other heading into the match gets the win and the faster main event push while the other guy would continue with an extended stay in the mid card at work there way back up by around the end of the year.

Kofi Kingston v R-Truth

The tag team divison is starting to build up steam but the problem is its all up and coming teams and the one dominate established team of Kofi and Truth. To fix this issue I would have one of the young teams (any would suffice) win the belts from Kofi and Truth after Kofi turns his back on Truth turning heel in the process. This would be Kofi's last chance at working his way to the main event. He has tried a few times as a face and failed. Turning heel would give his character a new freshness and another shot at reaching the main event.

Brock Lesner v Undertaker

Outside of Cena and Rock, Brock is the only guy on the roster that would be viewed as a legitimate challenge to Taker's streak. These guys have history, and for all the work Taker put in putting over Brock back in the day, this would be another nice notch in Taker's streak.
1. Rock vs. Punk- This has to be the feud I would most like to see at the moment (meaning sometime leading up to or at WrestleMania29). Phil seems to have a lot of real life animosity towards *Dwaaayne* (CM Punk mocking voice). This was shown during the "Summer of Punk" with his famous on SCSA-shirt promo as well as during the contract signing with Cena for SummerSlam when he says "I wouldn't want Dwayne to make fun of me in a voice like this." This feud becomes 10x better with Punk as a full-blown heel. Not two faces like Rock/Cena though they certainly made it work. Who would go over in the feud? Though I would hope Punk simply from a mark's perspective, WWE could go either way. Another reason why it'd be a great feud.

2. Cena vs. Taker- A lot of people seem to be moaning and groaning about the possibility of this as one of Taker's last WM matches. I don't get it. Cena is one of if not the only man I can see beating Taker. Not a part-timer like Brock Lesnar. The best they can do with Brock is have him beat Taker at Survivor Series in order 1) make Taker look weak heading into Mania and 2) Set up a Brock match at Mania with an up-and-comer and portraying Brock as unstoppable. Potentially, someone can get extremely over. Cena and Taker would put on a good match because their styles are somewhat similar, and like I said with a decent build, we would all buy into the possibility of Cena winning

3. Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus- This is how I would want to see the belt taken off Sheamus. I'm more than ready to see a Barrett championship reign because I think Barrett himself is more than ready. Culminate this feud in a Survivor Series match if you can extend it that long. Afterwards, you could have a Barrett vs. Orton feud culminating at the Royal Rumble. I liked their feud the first time around (Barrett/Orton), and I would like to see it again, but this time it will be for the WHC.

4. Damien Sandow vs. Randy Orton- For the sole purpose of getting Sandow more over. The only issue here is when I would do it and I think the fall months leading up to Survivor Series will work perfectly. Sandow doesn't HAVE to come out on top of this feud (it would set-up Orton better for his feud with Barrett if I'm looking for continuity here), but I think I would rather see Sandow if only because of what happened with Kofi. Great feud with Orton, Orton came out on top, Kofi disappeared for two years pretty much. He's finally reappearing again in the Tag Team division. I would like to see Sandow in the main event someday and it'd be easier to get him here by getting over on Orton as opposed to vise-versa

5. Daniel Bryan vs. Punk- I would view this as the least likely of happening (again) anytime soon. A lot of people have said Bryan/Cena but I'm not sure how much I like that because Bryan has been thriving with the crowd against him. The Yes/No works much better when Bryan is saying one thing while the crowd is saying the other. Last Smackdown! and last Raw had great moments with Bryan getting into a Yes/No fight with a fan. In a feud with Cena, I don't know how much the crowd would be against Bryan. I'm not completely down on this feud for there are positives, I just don't think I'm as high on it as it seems most others are. With Punk/Bryan, I think there is better shot of the crowd remaining against Bryan despite Punk's current heel status (I could be wrong on that too), plus we know the matches will all be match-of-the-year candidates.
John Cena vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29 in an I Quit Match

This would be a fantastic match and something we have never seen before. John Cena has never lost in an I Quit match and the Undertaker has never lost at Wrestlemania.

Daniel Bryan vs. Stold Cold Steve Austin

It seems like everyone wants to see the YES! battle the WHAT? So lets see this in a feud! I can already see it right now, Daniel Bryan keeps yelling YES! and Stone Cold Steve Austin responding with WHAT?

Ryback vs. Goldberg

The fans have been chanting Goldberg ever since Ryback made is return to WWE (known as Skip Shefield while in Nexus) Both very similar in the ring and I believe both would put on a solid match.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Cody Rhodes

I believe both would put on some great matches and a storyline.

Wade Barrett vs. Undertaker

Like another poster mentioned before, there never really was an explanation to why the Nexus buried the Undertaker. So let the Undertaker get his revenge!
Ryback vs Mark Henry
Henry could really establish and put over Ryback as a monster. Ryback needs credible opponents and a fued now and Henry is the man to help him accomplish this.

Sheamus vs Wade Barrett
We saw a mini fued a while back but Barrett to return and go straight for Sheamus would be great. I assume Barrett will return as a 'street fighter' so their styles would match prefectly. Big big dudes and from the same part of the world.

R-Truth vs Kofi Kingston
Have them lose the Titles and Truth turn on Kofi. Truth as a heel was golden. He was fantastic and this could be a really good mid card fued. Replace them in the tag division with someone like Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara.

Alberto Del Rio vs Randy Orton
Del Rios feud with Sheamus will probably end after this next PPV. Randy Orton isnt doing anything at the moment so have them enter something together. These are capable of putting on some great matches with each other.

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