3 Hour Impact Rating is in: How much did it draw?...

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Last night's 3 hour Impact drew.....

Last night's 3 hour special edition of TNA Impact, featuring the debut of Hulk Hogan, finished with a 1.5 cable rating. We should have a breakdown of the quarter hours when that information becomes available.


That is a big improvement considering they didn't even hype most of the surprise faces. Now, with Flair appearing and Hardy signing along with the other surprises that will be revealed. I think TNA will be getting in the 2.0 ballpark very soon.
1.5 is their highest rating to date... It's not the 3.0 that Hogan first bragged about but it's a start.

I just hope the next show is better and really highlights AJ as Champion (since Hogan put him over) and Jeff Hardy's signing. Hardy was probably 2009's most over wrestler... TNA need to capitalise on that big time. Have him in some big time matches wth guys like the Pope, Hernandez or Wolfe who can really wrestle. Really show what TNA can do.
Well I hope Hogan gets a little perspective now. He was going on about getting a 3.0, but he was never gonna get more than a 2.0 at the very most.

Now, a 1.5 is pretty good for TNA, no doubt. A .5 jump in one week is big. But there are two questions, 1) Did they impress first time viewers and 2) Can they capitalise upon it. If I had been watching TNA for the first time last night, I wouldn't have been that impressed. The KO tag title match and Angle vs AJ were good, but the promos did nothing to draw me in. And Hardy's debut, while big, was kinda shit.

So TNA need to hope that they didn't put anyone off and they need to put on a better show next week, or else this progress will be lost.
That is a nice jump from their usual 1.0ish rating. This is only the start of the story, however. The two biggest numbers won't be seen for awhile.

First, how many views did Impact gain/lose once Raw started and throughout that show. If a large number of the viewers left once Raw started and never came back, that is a problem. If only a few left, or some left and ended up returning, TNA is in a good place.

The other big number is what they do next week to follow this show. A big show that was advertised as much as this one should and did deliver a better rating. Not only do they need to see if they held viewers once Raw started, but they need to see if those viewers stick with TNA for the days, weeks, and months to follow.

To sum up, this is a very nice start, but only a start. It will take a couple weeks before we know the whole story.
Highest rating to date? Their previous highest rating is 1.3. That's not much difference for such a HUGE draw in Hulk Hogan, a 3 hour show that was promoted everywhere and was chalk full of great surprises and awesomeness as TNA fans believe. And how is that a start? They've had SEVEN years to lift up their ratings! This isn't a start, this is seven years in the making.. and that's an epic fail. That kind of growth, that kind of increase in SEVEN years, is horrible. I'm sorry to say this but TNA fanboys really need a reality check.
Last night's edition of TNA Impact drew a 1.50 rating and averaged 2.20 million viewers over the course of three hours to be TNA's most-watched Impact episode ever.

Impact peaked with 2.90 million viewers for the 9:00 to 9:15 p.m. EST quarter-hour with Hulk Hogan's debut opposite WWE Raw opening with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.

TNA's previous high rating was a 1.33 rating and 1.97 million viewers on the April 2 Impact prior to WWE's WrestleMania weekend.

Caldwell's Analysis: Very good showing for TNA. We haven't seen Impact quarter-hour ratings yet, but we'll report those numbers with details on how the show flowed over the course of three hours.


To be fair to Hogan about 3.0 did tune in to see him at least...
Not a big improvement, but it's a great rating for TNA. They did so much to get it all hyped up for tonight and pulling a 1.5 is rather disappointing from what I see.

However, if the ratings trend seems to go only higher, then this show was a great idea to compete on Monday with RAW.

Raw was only approximately two hours, with an okay show with Bret Hart, and we haven't seen their ratings but if they pulled somewhere like a 3.8-4.0, then it'd be a downer for TNA because of all the surprises and one hour advantage they had over RAW, even though that hour was the most frustrating bullshit hour I've seen on a wrestling show.
OK lets think this through..look at what they where going against for their in what i consider their first big show...they had the fiesta bowl in football and dont forget the best there is the best there was and the bes there ever will be..bret hart. Considering this im glad that they could powl in the rating that they did but can we really count this in for what tna can do considering what they where up against. Now lets wait for there next show and see what the ratings will have done becuase then we can really tell if they got peoples attention for tna because they dont have anything stoping them on thursday so just whold off guys and take it easy on tna. I have officialy crossed the line and im going to seriously give them a second chance and watch them. So they way it see it is that this past rating is not that important. It's what follows that is really going to matter in the big picture.
Now that's fuel for your mind
This is a great start.

Impact doesn't have the same built in fanbase that Raw has. TNA set an all-time record last night and if they go full-time, they'll build momentum.

For all of the naysayers who were claiming it would be a .8 opposite Raw, you were wrong.

FWIW it was also .9 higher than the last time they went against Raw, so this was definitely a big step.

IMHO this is enough to kick-start a full time Monday slot.
To be fair to Hogan about 3.0 did tune in to see him at least...

What are you smelling?
2.90 million does not equal a 3 rating. 2.20 million equals on average a 1.5. Do the math. It certainly doesn't equal anywhere near a 3 rating.
Highest rating to date? Their previous highest rating is 1.3. That's not much difference for such a HUGE draw in Hulk Hogan, a 3 hour show that was promoted everywhere and was chalk full of great surprises and awesomeness as TNA fans believe. And how is that a start? They've had SEVEN years to lift up their ratings! This isn't a start, this is seven years in the making.. and that's an epic fail. That kind of growth, that kind of increase in SEVEN years, is horrible. I'm sorry to say this but TNA fanboys really need a reality check.

It took WCW and ECW more time than that to establish themselves. Last night proved TNA can hang with Raw as well as prove that WWE is conscerned (Jericho taunting Hogan). We all know Hogan exaggerates a lot. But last night he proved there are good intentions for TNA. Sure the production quality is low and the show tends to circulate around the older folk, but judging by how strong the crowd reaction was, they'll learn soon enough. They can follow up the ratings next Thursday without doing much, but something has to happen that night to continue hooking the fans. So far, great wrestling matches seems to be the calling card, so they need to capitalize on that like they did on last night's main event.
Everyone also needs to remember that Impact has gotten their other high ratings (the 1.3s) on Thursday night against no wrestling competition. Raising their average unopposed rating on a night when they were facing off against Monday Night Raw and a NCAA BCS bowl game. That is a lot of competition for them to still raise their rating. Like I said in my other post, though, there is still a couple weeks until we see where the truly stand.
Highest rating to date? Their previous highest rating is 1.3. That's not much difference for such a HUGE draw in Hulk Hogan, a 3 hour show that was promoted everywhere and was chalk full of great surprises and awesomeness as TNA fans believe. And how is that a start? They've had SEVEN years to lift up their ratings! This isn't a start, this is seven years in the making.. and that's an epic fail. That kind of growth, that kind of increase in SEVEN years, is horrible. I'm sorry to say this but TNA fanboys really need a reality check.

An epic fail after just seven years? they have only been on Spike TV for a few years and this wasn't Thursday night this was Monday night going against Bret Hart and The Fiesta Bowl. 1.5 is pretty impressive for TNA. Not to mention that the early prediction for Raw is a 3.3. Which if it's true that is really disappointing considering the biggest debut in wrestling history showed up last night on Raw.

It's especially alarming considering that last week Raw pulled in a 3.6 with Timbaland of all people. Are you telling me people tuned in more to see Timbaland then Bret Hart? TNA isn't going to get to 3.0 over night, but we can't say Impact was an epic fail when Raw dropped in ratings while Impact ratings increased 50%.
You also can't base their ratings on next week. Next week is going to be another taped show, were people will read what happens and think is it worth watching? To me TNA would have more viewers if people stopped posting the taped stuff before it airs.

TNA needs to do something big to market their product. The things they are doing now are not working. And to add, Spike tv sucks! TNA really needs to branch out to a better network. Try and get a deal with T.S.N for us people in canada, and try to get on something bigger in USA.

TNA will always fail till they get a better network and market better.
Last night's 3 hour Impact drew.....

That is a big improvement considering they didn't even hype most of the surprise faces. Now, with Flair appearing and Hardy signing along with the other surprises that will be revealed. I think TNA will be getting in the 2.0 ballpark very soon.

I am hoping you right. I think now that TNA has established alot of the new talent that has been signed, people will tune it to see how they play out. It's nice to see there is someone who isn't trashing TNA.
The good thing is that TNA retained their audience against Raw. Remember back in 2007 when Raw aired on Thursday and TNA's rating was a .4?
But couldn't you say that the WWE was also up against The Fiesta Bowl and up against the greatest in Hulk Hogan? I'm sorry, but a 1.5 rating for something that was so hyped isn't exactly that great. A three hour show. Against Monday Night Raw. The war begins. A week ago, a lot of you who are now BACK TRACKING were saying TNA was going to BEAT Raw. And now you see that Hogan didn't have a significant effect and you're making every excuse in the book. Hey, I'm not against TNA here. But you'd have to think that they might not be too enthused by these ratings, as much as Dixie Carter might say "the ratings don't matter." Did anyone else notice that her and Hogan and Bischoff didn't start saying that till AFTER The Hitman was named guest host? Come on now, good luck TNA, but face it...you got beat.
But couldn't you say that the WWE was also up against The Fiesta Bowl and up against the greatest in Hulk Hogan? I'm sorry, but a 1.5 rating for something that was so hyped isn't exactly that great. A three hour show. Against Monday Night Raw. The war begins. A week ago, a lot of you who are now BACK TRACKING were saying TNA was going to BEAT Raw. And now you see that Hogan didn't have a significant effect and you're making every excuse in the book. Hey, I'm not against TNA here. But you'd have to think that they might not be too enthused by these ratings, as much as Dixie Carter might say "the ratings don't matter." Did anyone else notice that her and Hogan and Bischoff didn't start saying that till AFTER The Hitman was named guest host? Come on now, good luck TNA, but face it...you got beat.

Honestly though we knew Raw would get better ratings but no one thought that their ratings would decline so much. Of course 3.3 isn't bad but every one was expecting a 3.6 or 3.8. I never thought TNA would even get over 1.0 to be honest. 1.5 isn't 3.0 but it's a huge success compared to what TNA was up against. It sounds like TNA are elated by the ratings but I don't think any of them thought they were going to beat Raw. It's the first Monday Night show they have had to go against Raw and Bret Hart. It may be baby steps, but TNA deserves some credit.
But couldn't you say that the WWE was also up against The Fiesta Bowl and up against the greatest in Hulk Hogan? I'm sorry, but a 1.5 rating for something that was so hyped isn't exactly that great. A three hour show. Against Monday Night Raw. The war begins. A week ago, a lot of you who are now BACK TRACKING were saying TNA was going to BEAT Raw. And now you see that Hogan didn't have a significant effect and you're making every excuse in the book. Hey, I'm not against TNA here. But you'd have to think that they might not be too enthused by these ratings, as much as Dixie Carter might say "the ratings don't matter." Did anyone else notice that her and Hogan and Bischoff didn't start saying that till AFTER The Hitman was named guest host? Come on now, good luck TNA, but face it...you got beat.

I think it took alot of balls for TNA to go up against WWE on a monday night with Bret Hart, and Fiesta bowl, and still came out with their highest ratings yet. You are obviously pro-wwe, and no matter what TNA accomplishes you will not give credit where credit is due.
[QUOTE="The Kill Joy" Robert Morales;1672093]It took WCW and ECW more time than that to establish themselves. Last night proved TNA can hang with Raw as well as prove that WWE is conscerned (Jericho taunting Hogan). We all know Hogan exaggerates a lot. But last night he proved there are good intentions for TNA. Sure the production quality is low and the show tends to circulate around the older folk, but judging by how strong the crowd reaction was, they'll learn soon enough. They can follow up the ratings next Thursday without doing much, but something has to happen that night to continue hooking the fans. So far, great wrestling matches seems to be the calling card, so they need to capitalize on that like they did on last night's main event.[/QUOTE]

September 4, 1995 was the first time Nitro and Raw went head to head, Nitro debuted with a 2.5 rating while the taped Raw generated a 2.2 Heres the link to the monday night war ratings chart:


WCW established it self pretty early. Not as the dominant company no, but as a threat. TNA did good last night, the problem is besides AJ who really got a rub from the show? I mean hogan says the talent is huge, but none of 'their guys' were really put in a great position. You had old guys (nash,hall,waltman) beating people up. You had your x-division guys have a no contest finish match and get showed up by Jeff Hardy. Mick Foley entered the program with hogan. The knockouts, whom are supposed to be far superior wrestlers than the divas had a title switch off a squash match. TNA did good, I was actually really impressed cause i have generally disliked TNA and am a much bigger WWE fan, and the atmosphere of both shows made wrestling exciting again for the night. But now they have to prove they can come with the surprises like that night after night and at the same time, make their own stars, and create their own niche. The 1.5 is lower than I expected, They will call it a victory because its their best ever and because of the Fiesta bowl, etc., but there's got to be some disapointment down in orlando over it. The only big victory they can still have is how they affected the WWE. The WWE pulled out Bret Hart, who looked great, actually looked like a guy who could have a match despite his documented medical problems, and who had the crowd in his hand. Did they use Bret enough/right on monday...ahh im not so sure. But they had him. The question for TNA is if they were able to put a dent on Raw last night. If the WWE got a 3.4 I would say they had very little affect, because WWE went against the big bowl game too...
Of course TNA got beat...one would be stupid to think otherwise...but they stood there ground.....I think one of the biggest problems was the hype for it was so HUGE....that people saw the show as...immortal? And when they tuned into it, it was just...TNA with some old guys...lol...But I watched them both (DVR) and thought they were both good...and I think TNA will continue to rise...
This is pretty good. Considering they went up against the Bret Hart return, this is excellent. I would say ratings are irrevelant as iMPACT completely owned Raw from an entertainment perspective. Aside from the Bret Hart segments opening and closing the show, Raw sucked donkey shits. TNA had me marking the fuck out all night. But I'll get to that in some other thread. All in all, this is a very nice start for TNA and it's path to the top. The real challenge begins next week when they have to retain the momentum they gained on the January 4th show.
But couldn't you say that the WWE was also up against The Fiesta Bowl and up against the greatest in Hulk Hogan? I'm sorry, but a 1.5 rating for something that was so hyped isn't exactly that great. A three hour show. Against Monday Night Raw. The war begins. A week ago, a lot of you who are now BACK TRACKING were saying TNA was going to BEAT Raw. And now you see that Hogan didn't have a significant effect and you're making every excuse in the book. Hey, I'm not against TNA here. But you'd have to think that they might not be too enthused by these ratings, as much as Dixie Carter might say "the ratings don't matter." Did anyone else notice that her and Hogan and Bischoff didn't start saying that till AFTER The Hitman was named guest host? Come on now, good luck TNA, but face it...you got beat.

Bret was officially announced last week.

Hogan has been the only person talking about 3.0 ratings and all that fantasy jazz. The objective of last nights Impact was always set to test the waters and see where they're strong and weak. Its further solidified by the fact that next week Raw has to face UFC Fight Night. Spike TV is analizing the playing field to see how TNA measures on Mondays, judging by the big rise inspite of Bret Hart and the NCAA I'd say mission accomplished. Everything TNA and Spike TV (Excluding Hogan) said they were gonna do was accomplished. It only a matter of time before they take the real plunge and stay on Monday nights. You have to also take into acount that TNA isn't as widely known as WWE or the NCAA, so gathering such a large viewership purely on plugging commercials on WWE TV gives us good signs.
Reality check guys.

The 3.37 was in a demo that the WWE hadn't done well in for awhile. It was the highest they have done in some time, just to clear up any confusion. The final Raw rating which HAS NOT been released yet, will likely be a 4.0 or a 4.1.

Cross-posting from another thread, but some of you need some perspective on this. Here's the quarter hour breakdown... which is a lot more telling than the 1.5 rating on its own.

They peaked for Hogan, and then fell off a cliff as soon as Raw started. The fact that they really plummeted after 9:30 or so, causing TNA to basically lose any retention of their viewers and plateau to what they usually get shows that they still have a lot of work to do.

They usually get a 1.1. Were the .4 extra ratings points worth it for everyone they brought in? It's still great they did that, especially against a Bret Hart on WWE Raw, but they have work to do.

I think this does mean that TNA will most likely start going head to head with Raw though. Don't kid yourselves though. This is not a Monday Night War by any means. I like to consider it a "Monday Night Conflict". What they need to focus on now is why they lost viewers after Hogan. TNA better examine those numbers very closely.
I'll admit I am a bit of a WWE mark. But I would be THRILLED if TNA became legitimate competition for the WWE. But the only problem I had with last night was that they should have waited. I've always said this. They should have tested the waters with this "new" TNA. And if, and only if, the ratings started to go up significantly, then they should have gone head to head with Raw. Do you understand what I mean? They should have tested the waters with Hogan, THEN gone after WWE if the ratings started to increase. And as for me being pro WWE, I have read nothing but AWFUL things about WWE by many of you pro TNA'ers. Maybe I should say the same that was said about me. It's obvious that you're very pro TNA and you'll never change your mind.
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