RAW vs. iMPACT! ratings - 4/26/10

Jack-Hammer said:
No, actually Smackdown typicially does over 3 million. You really should do your research a little before you decide to engage someone in a debate regarding facts. Let's see, http://www.wrestleview.com/viewnews.php?id=1270059911, I happened to run across this link displaying the Smackdown rating for March 19th. It's a little out of date, but it's what I found on short notice. Now, if you go to this link, http://www.gerweck.net/ratings.htm, you'll see what Smackdown has been drawing thus far this year. Mostly, they draw anywhere between 1.8 and 2.1.

That link just takes you to search results. I want actual proof and evidence from you yourself to backup your claims. Until then, it's fairytales.

Jack Hammer said:
I know I'm right about that, that's why I said it. I'm glad you agree that you and the other hopeless TNA marks try to hype the TNA product out to be much better than it actually is. See, listen to yourself. You're calling it "our promotion", that's further proof how much of a hopeless mark you are. I'd love to see TNA give fans a legitimate alternative to watch. At one time, they used to do that, but they don't anymore. I do want TNA to succeed, but I'm not going to pretend that I think TNA has a better product or even has an overall good product right now.

Hopeless? Marks? Lol at all of these names you have. So you're trying to tell me that somewhere deep down, you don't have any animosity towards TNA fans and as a result, you don't take it out on the product itself? I find that hard to believe with those choice of words. I believe you are jealous of the unison fanfare TNA fans have for their product and you do your best to play devil's advocate. The fanfare of TNA is what feuls your overall bias outlook of TNA. You sit here and say you can't pretend for TNA yet you pretend for WWE all the time. That is why I've been on you because you are a hypocrite and you are upset because I see through you.

Jack Hammer said:
Wow, you really are hopeless. You say in one sentence that TNA never delcared any ratings war and, in the very next sentens, you say that TNA meant the Monday Night Wars as a means of giving fans something to choose. Well, let's put it this way, the fans did choose and they chose WWE Raw. Why do you think TNA iMPACT! is moving back to Thursday nights? Because they're getting killed in the ratings. I have no "games" as you put it nor do I have any sort of "occupation". Your problem is that you're simply not mature enough to understand and accept that there are fans that simply do not agree with your assessment of the TNA product. If you wish to debate me on my stance on the TNA product, actually bring some facts, some legitimate reasons to back up your position instead of relying on lame, tired rhetoric. Otherwise, there's not really any reason for me to waste my time responding.

You see your problem is you feel you are some type of elitist when you are close to illiterate. It's a "war" because the last time 2 wrestling programs were on at the same night, it was titled as a war. TNA did nothing but follow history and went ahead and called it a war. It would've been known as a "war" regardless because the fans would've put that title on it despite ratings. If you actually think TNA went onto Mondays thinking they would get 3s next to WWE, then you are saddenly mistakened. TNA made it clear that their intention of moving to Monday was to simply grab some of Monday's viewing audience to sample their product.
That link just takes you to search results. I want actual proof and evidence from you yourself to backup your claims. Until then, it's fairytales.

The ratings for Smackdown come out every single week. All you have to do is open your eyes and see what the ratings are, the same way you see what Impact's ratings are every week when they're posted, and then do the MATH. You can't be THAT stupid.

Hopeless? Marks? Lol at all of these names you have. So you're trying to tell me that somewhere deep down, you don't have any animosity towards TNA fans and as a result, you don't take it out on the product itself? I find that hard to believe with those choice of words. I believe you are jealous of the unison fanfare TNA fans have for their product and you do your best to play devil's advocate. The fanfare of TNA is what feuls your overall bias outlook of TNA. You sit here and say you can't pretend for TNA yet you pretend for WWE all the time. That is why I've been on you because you are a hypocrite and you are upset because I see through you.

Why in the hell would someone watch a program they don't like? I don't care about this ridiculous argument TNA fans always toss out about helping the alternative because they're sick of WWE's monopoly. I don't think anyone with any sense or intelligence is going to sit down and watch a program they feel is crap just because they want an alternative. What they want is an alternative to the WWE that they can enjoy and get behind, and if TNA isn't giving them that (which they're not) then they have every right to not only NOT watch the product but also criticize it. TNA fans criticize WWE for being a monopoly and being a stale product that they don't want to watch, so why in the hell can't anyone else criticize TNA for not succeeding in making a product they can get behind and feel is an ACTUAL watchable alternative to the WWE? You're a hypocrit, simple as that. Get over yourself.

You see your problem is you feel you are some type of elitist when you are close to illiterate. It's a "war" because the last time 2 wrestling programs were on at the same night, it was titled as a war. TNA did nothing but follow history and went ahead and called it a war. It would've been known as a "war" regardless because the fans would've put that title on it despite ratings. If you actually think TNA went onto Mondays thinking they would get 3s next to WWE, then you are saddenly mistakened. TNA made it clear that their intention of moving to Monday was to simply grab some of Monday's viewing audience to sample their product.

Another example of TNA's revisionist history. They were claiming a new Monday night war and now that it's not working out for them the fans are pretending like it never happened. Hogan specifically made a reference to getting 3s, so your statement about them not getting 3s is hilarious. Whether Hogan was just tossing out the shit and wasn't actually serious or not, he still said it so your statement is false. The fact is is that TNA went on Monday nights to try to grab some viewers and grow their audience and they FAILED. Miserably. In fact they lost parts of the audience they HAD. Those are the facts, you can twist them and rewrite history all you want, but it won't make those things any less true.
I really wanted to stay out of this, as I have been enjoying the back and forth banter( mainly from Jack Hammer and LETEMKNOW). But I can't take it anymore. I am gonna say it: Hammer is right, 100%. And I'll tell you why.

1. As MisterRob pointed out, the ratings for Smackdown are available every week, just like Raw/Impact/NXT are all available. Smackdown has consistently since the start of 2010 done 1.8-2+ in the ratings. Impact I believe has done a 1.5 as their best(if I'm wrong I apologize). So the argument that more than 3 million watch Smackdown is entirely plausable.

2. The only reason it is called a "war" is because TNA said they were going to war with WWE by giving fans an alternative to WWE. By now moving back to Thursdays, they basically are saying "Shit, we apologize. Let's go back home and plan our next move". It is like a person with a Napolean complex running their mouth and getting into a situation with someone much bigger then them, they realize that they can't win so they get out. Nothing wrong with it as it is the smart decision, but it just reeks of poor decision making. I don't know who pulled the plug on Mondays( my bet is that Spike is forcing their hand with this) but they need to chalk this up as a learning experience.

3. This was brought up in the "why do WWE marks hate on TNA thread" and I think it is very appropriate for this thread as well. WWE fans, or if you so choose to call us "marks", hate on TNA for a few reasons.
a) it isn't nearly as good as they make it out to be. I present exibhit A, the opening segment tonight(which ran for 32 minutes btw) that featured a giant clusterfuck of fighting. they didn't give us a reason to get into it. Why did Lethal get the ring from Hogan? They could of used the opening segment to explain that, but they had Lethal do an impression(a very good one I will admit) of Flair, he came out and smacked Letahl, beatdown ensues and good guys come out. Back from break good guys tell bad guys to come to ring and fight and they go right back to where they were before the heels went up the ramp, only this time Hogan came out and hulked up before he even got hit. PLEASE tell me why a segment like this couldn't be condensed into 15 minutes? You could of had another match, or extended the matches that you did have.
b) TNA fans call WWE fans "marks and elitists" because we prefer WWE. I would go so far to say that 80% of the WWE fans watch TNA and hope they succeed. Hammer and myself are in that group. But when I, as a 25 yr old man, am called childish because my product of choice doesn't have blood/chairshots to the head/swearing then I would say that would make YOU an elitist. TNA fans are the ones that say WWE is finished because they are PG and TNA is the future because they are edgy and on the pulse of this generation. Please tell me what happened to ECW when they were edgy and the pulse of a new generation...What about WCW when they had America in the palm of their hand every week for about 2 years? I can tell ya. They didn't adapt and now they are left to live on with Youtube clips/WWE 24/7 shows/ and old VHS tapes when we talk about what wrestling used to be. WWE may do things differently then we as older fans like, but guess what? They did the same exact thing when WE became fans back in the 80's, and once again in the late 90's/early 2000's when a NEW generation came aboard. They are going in a cycle now to rebuild their fanbase. How many of us have actually ordered a PPV more than 2-3 times a year as opposed to streaming it lately? How much merch have we bought, for either company? WE AREN'T THE FAN BASE ANYMORE!

4. Back to one of the earlier points in the thread...TNA only does bad when they are taped or WWE does something big...This would be true, and almost is, except that TNA is perfectly capable of countering this, but choose not to. When you know WWE has a Draft, you announce the week before that you will have some big kind of match on your show(Angle/AJ/Pope/Wolfe) fatal four way elimination match for example. Their problem is they don't plan their programs out. I honestly think their booking process is throwing 2 darts at a board of roster names then another dart at a board of matches. WWE is very predictable in that you KNOW that if you are getting a main event match on free tv you probably won't have a straight ending. They know better. They make you watch the PPV to see who can win legit. TNA however, likes to book big time PPV matches for free tv( Angle/AJ 3 shows in a row before a PPV. All 3 for the most part had the same booking as a PPV match would have) and it doesn't give the fans an incentive to purchase their PPV. If Dixie actually has a hand in creative at all, which I heard she does, then she needs her hand smacked away like a kid at a cookie jar because she doesn't belong. She belongs behind a desk writing checks just like Ted Turner was. Stupid booking decisions are what killed this so called "war" before it even got started.

Spike won't put Impact back on Mondays. They wanted revenge on Vince and it didn't happen. They won't make that mistake again. It is my understanding that Deadliest Warrior is getting higher ratings then Impact, and UFC is Spikes baby. They will find something else to throw on Mondays I'm sure. TNA does much better on Thursdays anyways. But once they go back to Thursdays, if they put a good product then by all means come and say how good it was. Most of us will probably agree with you. But don't come on here flapping your gums about how TNA is the best company in the world and they are the future and how WWE needs to watch their backs like we all heard before this "experiement" happened. We all saw what happened when they took the floaties off and jumped into the deep end
It's a "war" because the last time 2 wrestling programs were on at the same night, it was titled as a war. TNA did nothing but follow history and went ahead and called it a war. It would've been known as a "war" regardless because the fans would've put that title on it despite ratings.

I agree it would have been a war regardless BECAUSE TNA decided to fit the same timeslot. TNA meant what they said when they mentioned going to war, or at least they meant the words if not the actions.

If you actually think TNA went onto Mondays thinking they would get 3s next to WWE, then you are saddenly mistakened.

....what's the point of playing the game if you're not gonna show up? You make it sound like they wanted to lose. I'm sure 3s was what they were hoping for...

TNA made it clear that their intention of moving to Monday was to simply grab some of Monday's viewing audience to sample their product.

Go big or go home. Company A doesn't just up and decide to fit in the same timeslot as Company B simply to "grab some viewing audience to sample their product". That is a ******ed business move. When you go to war (yes, TNA called it a war, and I'm pretty sure WWE didn't even mention it live) you better make a statement the whole way in, or be crushed, which is what happened ex. moving back to Thursdays.

TNA isn't a street vendor. There was no sample. They meant what they said and they failed to a PG WWE.

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