3 Hour Raw Rating is...

The real reason the ratings tanked was because they did not advertise the KOTR particapants and they overhyped The presidential thing.

Then again if they did release the particapants with what they were shown on raw nobody wouldve watched.

I agree, but don't you also think that the NBA Playoffs (which has been the most anticipated NBA Playoff season in years) and the NHL playoffs played a factor in Raw's rating? Nobody has mentioned this for some reason, but there were four playoff games Monday night, which means eight different cities had their respective teams playing. Don't you guys think that took a chunk of the ratings out?

Also, I think another problem was that the Raw after 'Mania, which I believed got a pretty decent rating, teased an Orton/JBL feud. Seriously, who wants to tune in for that sort of crap? Then, the next week, they lose some ratings and Cena and HHH stick their asses in the feud. Well, now we have something that's been forced down our throats for months, with JBL thrown into the mix, so it’s even a bigger piece of shit then it was before. Raw just doesn't have a solid main event scene right now and it's their own fault for not pushing and developing new stars the past few years. After Jeff Hardy got suspended, the Raw main event scene was doomed for the upcoming months. Hardy winning the MITB would've kept casual and internet fans alike interested in at least his storyline and progress.

And I use to hate Kennedy. I just thought he was an overrated piece of shit, but him in the main event scene would be a breath of fresh. The only thing he's missing, in my opinion, is a hot broad by his side. If he can get that, he'll then be the Shane Douglas of Raw, only with more pure wrestling ability. And that, for me personally, is one of the biggest compliments I can give a wrestler. I'm sure there are some here who feels that Douglas sucked ass, but I thought he was the man and did a tremendous job carrying ECW once Raven left, and I strongly feel Kennedy could do the same for Raw if given a chance, only of coarse on a much bigger scale and with better results since it's on such a large scale to begin with.
Seriously what the fuck was the WWE thinking with KOTR on a 3 hour Raw edition. I cant believe I was excited for the return of the KOTR.

For starters WWE fans mustn't be very smart if they didn't know Raw started at 8 when the hyped a 3 HOUR EDITION. Randy Orton is definitely not to blame for this rating as he barely appeared on the show except for the main event.

The tournament itself was absolute crap with the exception of maybe 3 matches : Y2J vs MVP, Hardy vs Punk and Punk vs Y2J. My 3 favorites to win the tournament: Kennedy, Benjamin and Morrison WEREN'T EVEN IN THE KOTR TOURNAMENT. Hell they didn't even appear on the show at all.

No wonder why WWE didn't announce who was in the tournament, because not one of the participants deserved to win it. MVP and Matt Hardy were the only participants that I thought could have won it but even they don't deserve to be in the main event picture yet. They were eliminated in the first 2 fricken matches!!!

But the icing on the cake has to be the winner of the KOTR... none other than.... WILLIAM REGAL. He probably wont even get a title shot and just be known as the 'King of the Ring 2008' because he won 3 short matches in 1 night.

What a waste and the only person to blame for this low rating is Vince McMahon himself. I hope this rating is a lesson to Vince and all the other WWE bookers... DON'T WASTE A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD YOUR NEXT MAIN EVENTER.
:undertaker2:god damn the kotr was pure shit and regal winning the thing fuck their were planning to have kennedy and punk last that would have been better match up but no they had regal win it also khali and hornswoggle again shit the two can't wrestle and other reasons it sucked balls was because cena was there I hope wwe thinks cena makes it bad and be keep kennedy coming every week the guy is pure talnet there will be a title change at backlash and a draft afterwards they should move punk to raw and please for the love of good stop making squash matches every week they bore the hell out of me If they but better men in the thing there is a change of it being better and going to a 4.0 ratings but the draft has to go or it will be the same shit every week when jeff hardy comes back I think the ratings improve to 3.7 around there and I know i say this but push kennedy and make cena learn more moves then the 5 moves of doom and make him elimated first in the fatal four way thing. that all I got take it easy cena is a motherfucker piece of shit thank you:suckit: suck it cena
Well I didn't know bout that one:p

But the site I was talking about has the ratings so far and saying what the ME was so you could pinpoint what may have caused an increase/ decline in ratings.

But w\e.

Thanks though...that seems to be a large amount of info you have there...how long did it take to amass it?
The site you are probably talking about is the 100megs4free site, right? That's where most of my information came from.

As far as how long it took to put it all together, it really wasn't that long. I had a lot of information already, just put it in Excel.

Wes, I'll find a way to get you the information when I get home.

ppl like unpredictability...plain and simple Slyfox....King of Ring was horrible because many of the matches were downright predictable....I mean come on...u put a little man against William Regal....whos gonna win? Great Khali in a match? come on! I mean there are rarely title changes on Raw anymore. I mean World Title changes......last time a World title changed on Raw? July 2nd, 2006 Edge beats RVD for the title.....2 years and counting almost
So you knew who was going to win the Punk vs. Jericho match? The Khali vs. Finlay match? The Punk vs. Regal match?

I doubt it.
The reason the KOTR was so horrible was that it didn't have any current stars in it. The closest thing was Y2J, and he isn't really a star these days. I have already said, put guys like Taker, HHH, HBK, Orton, Edge, Cena, ect. in this thing, advertise it and you would get a great rating. It didn't help that there was really no point to it, you didn't really get anything from winning it.
To be honest, I watch Raw every week, and I had NO idea that Monday night was supposed to be the KOTR or that it was going to be 3 hours long. My friend had to tell me after I started watching at 9.

And I guess it would make sense to blame Randy because ratings have been consistently low (for the most part), not just this past Monday.

Flames Out
I don't really see how you could blame one guy when the show is just abysmal.

But fair enough. Cena drew more. FACT.
When you look at the fact that Orton has been in a title fued with HHH and Cena over the past two months, they should receive some of the blame as well. Its just that the KOTR Raw was simply horrible, the only good segments were the Diva's Segment and the ME, besides for that it was three hours of boring. If they would have taken the 8 guys in the ME and put them in the KOTR, minus Chavo, it could have been great, but instead they put a bunch of mid carders in it, who wants to see that?
Verdict: Step your creative game up WWE.

That would do it, seems like a pretty simple solution, but WWE makes it look so hard. Hopefully the draft will fix it, hopefully the draft is coming soon, WWE really needs it. Taker vs. HHH, instant ratings, send Taker to Raw and Orton to Smackdown.
You mean like when Cena returned to Raw and the rating went from 3.3 to 3.9? ;)

Where did you get that 3.3 from? It actually went from 3.5 to 3.9, and its proven that the ratings usually increase after the Rumble anyways.

And to anyone asking, here is a link to the last 13 years worth of RAW Ratings:

There were probably quite a few reasons why Monday's rating was so low. The King Of The Ring was done pretty poorly in my opinion. Firstly, the participants weren't announced, so therefore people didn't know who they were tuning in to. On top of that, the tournament was announced only a week before it happened in its entirity. And the 8 man tag main event was announced on WWE.COM only a few mere hours before the broadcast.

Secondly, the tournament was booked very badly in my opinion. You had two good matches to start it off. By this time, the fans need a break, so then you should have had the divas segment, or maybe a tag team match. But they continued it, and two crappy matches in a row with Finlay-Khali and Regal-Hornswoggle just pissed me off and I suppose did exactly the same for alot of people.
Regal could have attacked Finlay some more after his match, let himself have a bye into the semi's, and then, due to injury, Finlay forfeited the Semi Final match. Punk, having gone through 2 gruelling matches already, taps out to a fresh Regal in the finals.

Finally, if they had saved the final (Punk vs. Regal) for say, Backlash this Sunday, and had the KOTR played out over say, 2-3 weeks, it would have drawn imo. But they rushed it, and it turned out to be a mess.

Although to be honest, the second and third reasons probably don't explain why the 2nd and 3rd hour ratings turned out like they did, seeming as alot of people tuned in at 9pm expecting just a two hour RAW.
Where did you get that 3.3 from?
The average Raw rating with Orton as champion and Cena not on the program.

You just used a source that gives ratings. Do your own match.

I recommend putting them in an Excel document, because it makes it much easier.

In fact, I already did.
the draft should change it up I think but the kotr was bad I mean hornswoggle in the thing wow regal winning is missed up cena coming back booing I hate cena beside the draft will be better please just realse cena then the ratings might improve and make cena learn more moves.

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