3 Hour Raw Rating is...


Is WWE fucking stupid? Hornswoggle and Khali, but hold him off.

Fucking bullshit.

I'm hoping that maybe that Kennedy just couldn't make it so they made last minute changes.

I'd have loved to hear KING KENNNNNNNNNNNNEDY.....


Nice ring to it.
To everyone who thinks Kennedy's absence has anything to do with the ratings being bad...


That is all.
I dont know, Cena returning probably had just as big as effect as the rumble...Why?

Well for people who love Cena, he was finally back, to cheer for, to watch wrestle again, there hero was back!

For people who hate Cena. Yes, now they could once again boo him, bitch about how he "cant wrestle," and pray to god that he wouldn't win the title back.

You see, Cena returning could make people who love him or hate him want to watch more. Which would make the rating skyrocket like it did.
Can I post links on the board?

There's a link to a site where they have the ratings for the RAW's of this year so far.
So, if the ratings were to rise next Monday, you'd be okay with saying the only reason is because they are coming off Backlash?


That's common sense it's going to draw the night after, because it's such a big event and people want to see what happens. It's a top 4 PPV for christ's sake.

Had nothing whatsoever to do with JUST Cena. Not saying he didn't play a role, but still, if it was because of him, ratings would have stayed consistent through his NWO run and it peaked AFTER NWO, just because of how big the PPV was with the gimmick matches and it's the last PPV before Mania, therefore opening more storylines for the rest of the road.

Plus, HHH won #1 contender ship making him, a draw. FACT.
Well I didn't know bout that one:p

But the site I was talking about has the ratings so far and saying what the ME was so you could pinpoint what may have caused an increase/ decline in ratings.

But w\e.

Thanks though...that seems to be a large amount of info you have there...how long did it take to amass it?
ppl like unpredictability...plain and simple Slyfox....King of Ring was horrible because many of the matches were downright predictable....I mean come on...u put a little man against William Regal....whos gonna win? Great Khali in a match? come on! I mean there are rarely title changes on Raw anymore. I mean World Title changes......last time a World title changed on Raw? July 2nd, 2006 Edge beats RVD for the title.....2 years and counting almost
Guys, it's simple, the EXACT reason for the lack of viewers is this

Lack of shawn o' haire
While I'll Agree that Sean O'Haire was not used properly.

The real reason the ratings tanked was because they did not advertise the KOTR particapants and they overhyped The presidential thing.

Then again if they did release the particapants with what they were shown on raw nobody wouldve watched.

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