2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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So apparently I have won my debate by default. Without wasting anyone's time, I wonder if the judges could at least give me a little feedback? Will probably help in preparation for next round.
OK, I guess, I thought EST meant Eastern Time. I really did not find the option to set my timing according to Eastern Standard Time.

Oh well, I guess I have nothing to complain about. Had a decent run in the league. A top 6 finish is much more than what I had bargained for anyway.
So apparently I have won my debate by default. Without wasting anyone's time, I wonder if the judges could at least give me a little feedback? Will probably help in preparation for next round.

I have no problem with this. However, I'd like to keep that debate thread closed. Do you mind if the judges post their opinions in here?
OK, I guess, I thought EST meant Eastern Time. I really did not find the option to set my timing according to Eastern Standard Time.

Oh well, I guess I have nothing to complain about. Had a decent run in the league. A top 6 finish is much more than what I had bargained for anyway.

Regardless of our differences, you really did a great job in this tournament. It's a shame if you lose this round because of technicalities in the rules but if that happens then so be it. Just know that you earned some of my respect for what you've done.
I have no problem with this. However, I'd like to keep that debate thread closed. Do you mind if the judges post their opinions in here?

Sure, that would be perfect. I don't want the judges wasting too much time on a debate that was over before it began, but some minor feedback would be nice, as feedback is provided during regular judging. Briefly what they liked, what they didn't, which may help for next round.
See for yourself:

What does this button do?
DirtyJosé;3885494 said:
Because of Snakey, I'll leave this here for anyone else confused about time zones.


I actually had to look it up on the last debate. Then I realize it was also my timezone.
Man, I was expecting a 5-0 from everyone against me in this debate considering I just got one post up in my time limit. But I got a 3-2 against me from CH David. Whether it was kindness or the fact that you absolutely loved my only post there, thanks dude.
¡Roján!;3887218 said:
Fuck, I'm so disappointed at myself. Next year, next year.

Hey, if it's any consolation to you at all, Rohan, I was going to kick your ass from one side of the debate to the other anyway. At least you saved yourself a lot of wasted time :)

All kidding aside, too bad we weren't able to battle it out, I think it would have been fun. Maybe next year. Unfortunately, sometimes real life just gets in the way of things.
I don't want the judges wasting too much time on a debate that was over before it began, but some minor feedback would be nice, as feedback is provided during regular judging. Briefly what they liked, what they didn't, which may help for next round.

I will provide some feedback, man.

What I liked.... I think you had a strong argument, you also did really well with bringing in the information and images to fuel your statement. On the constructive side.... I would have liked to see an image or two, perhaps more video footage, in the conclusion to end on a stronger note. The titles in your opener were a big plus in the clarity aspect, but if you centered them that would have looked even more organized. Anything can happen at this point, so good luck in the next round! :)
And then there were four. I look forward to an excellent debate with Dirty Jose, should be a true challenge. It will be nice to have an opponent again, hopefully Jose won't disappear and no show. Good job by The Rattlesnake again this round and throughout the whole competition. Too bad he was only able to post once and missed the deadline at the end.

Any idea when we get this round going again?
Ok guys, it's all set. Tomorrow, hatehabsforever will face DirtyJose. The winner of that match moves onto the Loser's bracket championship to face off with an angry Stormtrooper!

Mean Gene is back to bring you Debater's League Tournament news!!

As The Killjoy sat back from atop the mountain and viewed the carnage, we waived goodbye to two more strong debaters this week. Unfortunately for Rohan and The Rattlesnake, they had to make their exit. Not everyone can win this thing and these two, strong debaters fell victim to just that. Thanks for the effort, boys.

hatehabsforever coasted to a victory since Rohan couldn't make the time for the debate this week. All he needed was to post an opening statement and victory was attained.

Although DirtyJose continued to show his strengths and rose to victory, he had a similar situation. It appeared as if the two debaters were intimidated by this week's perplexing topic. A lazy debate by himself and his opponent got him a close and lucky victory. Let's hope this coming week against hatehabsforever isn't as boring.

For the next two weeks, we'll see only one debate as the Loser's bracket champion gets decided. Who will move onto face Stormtrooper? Will it be hatehabsforever or DirtyJose? Looks like everyone is going to find out this Sunday!!

Until then, this is Mean Gene signing off!!
We knew it would come to this, Habs.

And I gotta say that I've been a big fans of these topics. I know there's been some bitching about it, but that's nonsense. The TNA 6 Sided ring one is the only one I can think of that was a bit lopsided. The rest have been great.
I think my favorite topic so far was the one debating which was more dangerous, MMA or professional wrestling. It should have been a great debate, you know, if there had been two guys participating.

Personally, I enjoyed the debate between myself and Mitch. I never expected to beat one of the better posters on these forums, and one of the favorites to win this thing, by arguing a position I didn't actually believe.
Thanks, guys. I really tried to make up brand new topics each week and mix in some "classic" debate topics without repeating the same Debater's League year over year.

I hope hatehabsforever and DirtyJose are ready... their debate has been posted!! Since it's only one debate, I'm stretching it until Friday for you guys. Just know, at any time, you guys can agree for the debate to end. Just let us know within the thread and post some closing statements.

Good luck!!
D-Man with the debate topic win yet again!

great topic. Wish I had it. Alas I will have to study this debate closely, as I will have the honor of defeating the winner of this debate.
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