2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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Damn does this round suck, or what? Guess that happens when you keep your top guy waiting for a challenge. But with challengers this slow and dull, I don't think I'll be getting much.
Pretty hard to sustain momentum when your opponent doesn't show up at all and you aren't allowed to post again until he does.
That's the only setback with having only two debates per week. I think I'm going to make the next round a lightning round and have it run only three days. I wanna get to the end, SO badly.

But, that's up to you guys. You're all in different timezones and I don't want to cheat anyone. Would you guys mind if the rounds sped up? Please sound off...
I want to get to the end too, D-Man, but I think rushing it will only hurt the debates more. We don't need a whole week or anything, but 4 days at least allows a debate to really get going.

Slightly off-topic, I find that I prefer to take the penalty of losing the punctuality point if it means taking the time to craft a better post. I'd rather be good and late than half-assed and on time. Of course, this slows down the debate a bit, so I'm trying to speed up some.
Nice work habs, your opening post was so good Rojan went running for the hills.


Well he's been MIA ever since the 27th, so he was missing before habs even got his opening statement up. I'm disappointed in his vanishing act and he better have an absolutely amazing post ready to contribute to his debate by the time he returns, if he even comes back before the deadline at all. This is worse than what awesome_miz pulled. :disappointed:

Pretty hard to sustain momentum when your opponent doesn't show up at all and you aren't allowed to post again until he does.

Understandable. If he no show's then this might be the easiest victory for you in the tournament. Be prepared in case he does return though. I was looking forward to reading the debate between you two so hopefully he does come back in time to provide SOMETHING.
That's the only setback with having only two debates per week. I think I'm going to make the next round a lightning round and have it run only three days. I wanna get to the end, SO badly.

But, that's up to you guys. You're all in different timezones and I don't want to cheat anyone. Would you guys mind if the rounds sped up? Please sound off...
I think 4 days is the best time. 3 days feels like we don't get everything in that we want to say, yet 5 days feels like we already said everything before the end.

Well he's been MIA ever since the 27th, so he was missing before habs even got his opening statement up. I'm disappointed in his vanishing act and he better have an absolutely amazing post ready to contribute to his debate by the time he returns, if he even comes back before the deadline at all. This is worse than what awesome_miz pulled. :disappointed:
I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he hasn't been online at all during that time, he may be having computer issues, or other issues keeping him from being online. And I think this is unlike him. awesome_miz apparently does that a lot, but I didn't think Rojan did.

Either way, it sucks for the debate league, but it's unfortunately the way life works.
I definitely give Rohan the benefit of the doubt here. I really don't think he would just purposefully no show. I'd say something unexpected came up and he simply has been unable to get online to participate in his debate.

Of course, that isn't going to stop me from giving him some solid trash talking whenever he does reappear. After ranting on for months about wanting to debate with me, even before the Debaters League even started, he'll deserve it.
Didn't Rohan mention in his last debate that he was having to do all his replies on his phone? I'd guess he's having some computer issues given his unexpected inactivity.
Ummm... so like, guys: I'm back.

Flew to Spain on the 27th until the 29th, had no internet. London Heathrow on the 30th, my flight got delayed and I had to stay in a hotel with no laptop or mobile phone for three nights courtesy of British Airways. Finally got on a flight to Vancouver yesterday, and I arrived late last night. I just got up now, local time of 16.25 jet lagged as fuck. Honestly, I've had the worst of weeks that debating really hasn't been on my mind. I'll have something up tomorrow around this time, but I'm actually really sorry to both Habs and the judges.
So, past 11am PST is too late to get a reply up, right? Guess it's too late to get mine up.

Actually, Snakey's last post fell after the deadline as well. In the tradition of what has been done before in this debate, can we have that post stricken from the debate? T'is only fair.

Also, really Snakey? Stables were a creation of the 80's just because The Four Horsemen were from then? I guess you know nothing about Jimmy Hart's First Family, among others that came before.
Yeah, sorry Jose. I got caught up in some work today so I was late in compiling this post. Sorry that you won't be able to get a reply in but I think you will win anyway.

Man, this topic was just too vast for a three day debate.
Yeah, I agree. I think with only this last day, we could have really gone into nitty gritty stuff with the debate. I fear that 3 day debates will lead to either two things;

1: Debates that never make it past the opening stages due to time issues.

2: Debate openers bloated with information and needless writing in an effort to do all the work at once and still swipe the info point.
Actually, Snakey's last post fell after the deadline as well. In the tradition of what has been done before in this debate, can we have that post stricken from the debate? T'is only fair.

How? The debate ends at 2PM EST, right? I got my post up before that.
Guys, this debate went up Sunday at almost 12pm EST. So technically, you had four days to complete the debate. You both know how this all goes and we expect at least one reply for every day that a debate is active. So all of these excuses about "vast topics" and "not enough time" to me is weak.

The way I see it, you both saw a tough topic and threw your hands up in the air before you even dug into it. But that doesn't matter since it affects your scoring, so it's your funeral.
DirtyJosé;3885405 said:
So, past 11am PST is too late to get a reply up, right? Guess it's too late to get mine up.

Actually, Snakey's last post fell after the deadline as well. In the tradition of what has been done before in this debate, can we have that post stricken from the debate? T'is only fair.


Also, really Snakey? Stables were a creation of the 80's just because The Four Horsemen were from then? I guess you know nothing about Jimmy Hart's First Family, among others that came before.

See for yourself:

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