2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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Meanwhile, D-Mans busy playing beer pong in Vegas. Lucky bastard. My vacations were in the fucking mountains.

Vegas is a fun place. I got married there, and here's some trivia, so did Shawn Michaels.... Although his was at Graceland over a decade ago and mine was two years ago at The Excalibur. The wifey and I stayed at The Luxor for our honeymoon. Anyone who hasn't been to Vegas yet should check it out if they get a chance.
I saw the drive-in chapel where Triple H married Stephanie. I couldn't believe it when I saw the place.
12-3 so far with only Nate's scores remaining. Looks like we'll be entering the sudden death final round!
I'd be worried if I were Habs. If it's as close as you guys said it was while I half-assed it, imagine my A-game.
I'd be worried if I were Habs. If it's as close as you guys said it was while I half-assed it, imagine my A-game.

Actually, I'm not worried, not one little bit. You know damn well that I can with this thing, just like I'm quite sure that you can too. In the end, it will come down to the topic, who wins the coin toss, and how much real life gets in the way.

One more time, Killjoy.
Congrats to Habs, genuinely thought it was gonna be a Killjoy whitewash. But it's nice to see him get handed his first defeat.

I'll be keeping an eye out on that final. Best of luck gentlemen.
Good job, Habs.

I'm back, everyone. Sorry for the delays. But since hatehabsforever secided to spank Killjoy in the championship and hand him his first loss, now the playing field is even and we need a final round. I'll be posting it by the end of the day and I'll run it until Sunday. This will give both parties plenty of time to debate and it won't drag this out any longer than already done.

Good luck, boys.
The sudden death round is now being scored, then D-Man himself will announce our final winner. Good luck to you both in a well fought championship.
Congratulations Habs! Will admit I was pulling for a Killjoy victory, but I'm nonetheless pleased for you.

May you happily attempt to defend your title next year, providing you're around!
:icon_mrgreen:I tied with the champion at one point....

Congratulations Habs.

I noticed that too. Its funny that the winner of the whole thing is someone who came very close to getting eliminated in the earliest possible round. Not that it matters, as Habs most certainly deserves it. If anything it shows how hard habs had to work to obtain the victory.
:shrug: I lost. At first I was really bummed, a lot of stress went into the finals on my part. Close family visiting and all that. But now I'm fine with what I got. I had a ball with it and hey, I'm still the Winner Bracket champ and the only guy who beat Habs. It's not a total loss. I'm glad I got to show my skill and kick a lot of ass.
:shrug: I lost. At first I was really bummed, a lot of stress went into the finals on my part. Close family visiting and all that. But now I'm fine with what I got. I had a ball with it and hey, I'm still the Winner Bracket champ and the only guy who beat Habs. It's not a total loss. I'm glad I got to show my skill and kick a lot of ass.

You've got nothing to be bummed about, Killjoy, you did an excellent job in all three debates we had. You know as well as I do, it could have gone either way. Change a topic, or change a coin toss, or whatever, and the results could have easily been reversed.
So does ANYBODY still care except the people directly involved in this? If not, I'm not sure how much you got to show your skill, KJ.
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