2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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While people may have different opinions on what the best match was, one thing that everyone will agree on is that the league has been pretty stellar so far. I mean, there were plenty of naysayers in the Bar Room, mostly the sort of guys that cannot debate their way out of a wet paper bag, but every single person has risen above expectations, IMO.

Also want to congratulate Paralyzer, my first opponent, on a great debate versus a very good poster in HHF. It seems like a very close contest so far which makes me proud of having done battle with you.

And finally, Happy Birthday Stormy.
While people may have different opinions on what the best match was, one thing that everyone will agree on is that the league has been pretty stellar so far. I mean, there were plenty of naysayers in the Bar Room, mostly the sort of guys that cannot debate their way out of a wet paper bag, but every single person has risen above expectations, IMO.

Yes, you have proven to be a prince of debate skills. I especially liked the part where you told Killjoy you were going to teach him about debating, and then he beat you.

Seriously though, I've actually enjoyed taking a peak into some of the debates. I particularly liked Killjoy's posts, and I'm happy to see Rohan doing so well.
Yes, you have proven to be a prince of debate skills. I especially liked the part where you told Killjoy you were going to teach him about debating, and then he beat you.


Oh, how I love thee, JGlass.

Seriously though, I've actually enjoyed taking a peak into some of the debates. I particularly liked Killjoy's posts, and I'm happy to see Rohan doing so well.

I wish you had the time to join this year. You would've been the guy to beat. I'm sure of it.
You're a flatterer, but such formal debates wouldn't be a good fit for me. I reckon I'd start making references to sitcoms and break out in a rendition of Evil Woman.
Yeah so I lost against Killjoy in a very close debate. The closest debate so far actually. I have also won a debate and that too decisively. Check out that score and then you may understand the correct meaning of the word you incorrectly used to describe the debate between me and killjoy.
Yeah so I lost against Killjoy in a very close debate. The closest debate so far actually. I have also won a debate and that too decisively. Check out that score and then you may understand the correct meaning of the word you incorrectly used to describe the debate between me and killjoy.

For the record, it was only close because of an extremely questionable scoring by one judge. Points are one thing; but when three out of four judges have you decisively losing I wouldn't brag too much about it.

Just sayin'.
3-2, the score you gave was a close score too. And labelling ST's judgement as controversial or incorrect makes you look bad not me. You selected the judge, not me. I thought that the judgement was plausible.
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3-2, the score you gave was a close score too. And labelling ST's judgement as controversial or incorrect makes you look bad not me. You selected the judge, not me. I thought that the judgement was plausible.

Actually, I believe that my reputation in the Debater's department precedes me. There's not much that can make me "look bad" in this league. So, coming from a rookie with a horrific, opinionated style of debating, believe me when I say that your words are completely meaningless.

Just because I picked the judges who have a great reputation doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to disagree with them. Once again, you use facts to completely over-exaggerate your own opinion.

See? That's how you debate. Game, set, match.
Actually, I believe that my reputation in the Debater's department precedes me. There's not much that can make me "look bad" in this league. So, coming from a rookie with a horrific, opinionated style of debating, believe me when I say that your words are completely meaningless.

Just because I picked the judges who have a great reputation doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to disagree with them. Once again, you use facts to completely over-exaggerate your own opinion.

See? That's how you debate. Game, set, match.

Cocky sum bitch ain't 'cha?

EDIT- I want to see D-Man vs. the winner of this debate league where there is an open poll when its all through.
If all of the judges just agreed on the same things then there wouldn't be any point of having 4 of us when one or two could just get the job done. So obviously we might disagree on certain things, like in Rattlesnake vs. Killjoy, but I'm sure there's also plenty of things we agree on as well. I think we have a good balance to be honest.

For the most part, there's something we all look for in debates and as a result I think we're going to get better debates as this goes on because the debaters are going to try to hit all the points instead of just some of them. So they have to step up in order to hit all of em. That's just my opinion though, anyone is welcome to disagree with it if they want though :).
Once again, you use facts to completely over-exaggerate your own opinion.
You'd be impressed with my debating skills these days. I have less opinions than ever worth exaggerating. I should be complete devoid of a real stance on anything before the year is out.
Actually, I believe that my reputation in the Debater's department precedes me. There's not much that can make me "look bad" in this league. So, coming from a rookie with a horrific, opinionated style of debating, believe me when I say that your words are completely meaningless.

Just because I picked the judges who have a great reputation doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to disagree with them. Once again, you use facts to completely over-exaggerate your own opinion.

See? That's how you debate. Game, set, match.

Just about everything in this post is based on opinion.
Actually, I believe that my reputation in the Debater's department precedes me. There's not much that can make me "look bad" in this league. So, coming from a rookie with a horrific, opinionated style of debating, believe me when I say that your words are completely meaningless.

Just because I picked the judges who have a great reputation doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to disagree with them. Once again, you use facts to completely over-exaggerate your own opinion.

See? That's how you debate. Game, set, match.

Nice to see my detractors having a field day the moment I slip up a bit. I lost a match from an unarguably difficult side. Hell, most of the guys who argued from my side in other debates had opinion based arguements as well. They all lost. I came the closest. These are the facts here. There were few hard facts to help us in this debate. And yet, in typical WZ fashion, I am the only one being persecuted here. Always nice to get this kind of love.

At the end of the day, I could continue this arguement with you. I could point out that the fact that I disproved ALL of Killjoy's arguements in the debate led to ST giving that judgement. I had weak points, admittedly due to the nature of the side I chose, but it is not as if your mentee had stellar points. But then all this would be pointless, because the debate has been done with.

So far, I have won one debate( 16-4 against Paralyzer) and lost one debate( 9-11) against Killjoy. Let us keep it at that. If I win the league( slim chances), I'll bring up how horribly wrong you have always been about me. If I lose, then you can continue with the mocking.
Nice to see my detractors having a field day the moment I slip up a bit. I lost a match from an unarguably difficult side. Hell, most of the guys who argued from my side in other debates had opinion based arguements as well. They all lost.

Hate to say it, but Rattlesnake is right. All the debaters that had to debate against the WWE Jumps lost. It sucks, but it is something we signed up for. We knew we would get some hard topics, so we can't really use that as an excuse.

I'm hoping I can get a few more wins in the Losers bracket. Whoever wins from my side of the bracket has to face Mitch. That's tough.
Can we just put that all under the rug already? I said ST's judging for our debate was controversial because it just came out of left field and was a polar opposite of everyone else's. Not because it was wrong or anything. It's set. It's done. next order of business.
Cocky sum bitch ain't 'cha?

EDIT- I want to see D-Man vs. the winner of this debate league where there is an open poll when its all through.
Me vs D-Man? I got a good topic. How interesting could a CM Punk/James Storm feud be?
Hell, most of the guys who argued from my side in other debates had opinion based arguements as well. They all lost. I came the closest. These are the facts here.

We need to get something straight. At the time, you came closest. Since that debate was judged, DirtyJose and Mitch had the same score. So you can stop pointing out that "you came the closest to winning" now.

Besides, coming close only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades. This is debating, where you either win or lose.
We need to get something straight. At the time, you came closest. Since that debate was judged, DirtyJose and Mitch had the same score. So you can stop pointing out that "you came the closest to winning" now.

Besides, coming close only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades. This is debating, where you either win or lose.

The actual score of Jose/ Mitch was 12-8. Check the scores of the judges again. You made an error there and I have pointed that out earlier. Not that it matters much.

As for the coming close part, believe me I do not want to discuss the debate against Killjoy again. It is a thing of the past and discussing it would not change the outcome no matter what I feel. But what annoys me is people like JGlass, guys who just want to see me slip up just that slight bit so that they can have their ******ed form of fun. That is just childish behavior. People have lost debates by a score of 15-0 in this thing. I don't see them getting mocked. So I am going to tell them to shut up in whichever way I can.
The actual score of Jose/ Mitch was 12-8. Check the scores of the judges again. You made an error there and I have pointed that out earlier. Not that it matters much.

Funkay scored it:
DirtyJose - 3
Mitch - 2

CH David scored it:
DirtyJose - 3
Mitch - 2

I scored it:
DirtyJose - 3
Mitch - 2

SavageTaker scored it:
DirtyJose - 2
Mitch - 3

DirtyJose --> 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 11
Mitch --> 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 9

What the heck are you talking about? So, for the last time, you did not have the closest score. Can you stop being a little baby and throwing in the "last word" now? Maybe if you worried about your own debates, you might win.

As for the coming close part, believe me I do not want to discuss the debate against Killjoy again.

Then stop replying to these emails and bringing it back up.

It is a thing of the past and discussing it would not change the outcome no matter what I feel.

Except during this post... and the next couple of replies that you make to others' comments about it.
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