2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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Well, I feel a little guilty about a slightly cheap victory. Congratulations to Paralyzer Z for a great job in the debate, regardless of the outcome. And for being such a good sport about it all.
.Well I got booted, but I had fun anyway.

Rohan, ...I'll be watching you :p

Well, I feel a little guilty about a slightly cheap victory. Congratulations to Paralyzer Z for a great job in the debate, regardless of the outcome. And for being such a good sport about it all.

Truth be told, I judged the debate and then when I was tallying scores, I saw that it was tied. Then I went back and read my own rules which stated that I had the final say. So, I had to go by my original guidelines and count my vote twice.

Ugh... I feel terrible about it. But I stand by the rules I set. This type of situation was never anticipated but now it's on my radar for the future.
Truth be told, I judged the debate and then when I was tallying scores, I saw that it was tied. Then I went back and read my own rules which stated that I had the final say. So, I had to go by my original guidelines and count my vote twice.

Ugh... I feel terrible about it. But I stand by the rules I set. This type of situation was never anticipated but now it's on my radar for the future.

If it makes you feel any better, had I been the tie-breaker then results would have more or less turned out the same. A solid debate by both guys, which habs would have still won by a small margin.
.Well I got booted, but I had fun anyway.

Rohan, ...I'll be watching you :p

Well, I feel a little guilty about a slightly cheap victory. Congratulations to Paralyzer Z for a great job in the debate, regardless of the outcome. And for being such a good sport about it all.

Truth be told, I judged the debate and then when I was tallying scores, I saw that it was tied. Then I went back and read my own rules which stated that I had the final say. So, I had to go by my original guidelines and count my vote twice.

Ugh... I feel terrible about it. But I stand by the rules I set. This type of situation was never anticipated but now it's on my radar for the future.

Hold the fort, everyone... a better solution might be presented soon and I may reverse this decision.

I'll keep you all posted!
Ok, guys... here's the deal...

I gave it some thought and it really IS unfair for my vote to count twice. Therefore, there will be a tie-breaking judgment by...


This will be the final and deciding score of the Paralyzer Z vs. hatehabsforever debate and is the most fair way to come to a decision. Standby for his scoring within the thread.
Alright the results are up. It nearly tied again and in the end it came down to the persuasion bullet being worth 2, so habs wins by one point. Congrats guys, that was a well fought debate. I'll be filling in for Nate a bit in further rounds until he has returned and in the event of another tie (doubt it, but these things happen) D-Man gets the final say. Take a look at my judging in habs/paralyzer to get an idea of what I will be looking for in the next round.

Good luck everyone and keep up the great work so far. :)
I think we're going to start the next round of Winner's debates either tomorrow or Friday. I'm still playing catch-up at work and I'm trying to find the time. Sorry that it's not more "uniform" and we're going with it day-by-day but we've had some late judgings and a few delays on my end.
How about the next round of the lower bracket? 2/4 are already decided and the other 2/4 would appear to be quick judgments. Are we resuming on Friday as well?
I will not post more debates in the Loser's bracket until debating ends and existing debates are judged.

Everyone only has 1 hour left before judging begins. Basically, the entire round is hanging because of Talon and Aweome_Miz.


This thing could've been over two days ago.
I will not post more debates in the Loser's bracket until debating ends and existing debates are judged.

Everyone only has 1 hour left before judging begins. Basically, the entire round is hanging because of Talon and Aweome_Miz.


This thing could've been over two days ago.

I know I'm not in this thing but I'm pretty sure both A_M and Talon are still in school for at least an hour.
Also gonna mention it was Easter on Sunday. Don't know how America works but up here its common to get 5 days off for Easter in Canada.
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