Personally, the only thing I disagree with about this entire tournament is the issue of punctuality. I say this with no sour grapes about round #1, and with my round #2 not having been judged yet. And I don't say this to criticize the judges at all as all four guys are doing a great job and giving their own free time voluntarily to do it. But I thought this was going to be about being on time, not about it being a race to see who can post the fastest.
If someone posts less than three times in a round, or if they miss the 24 hour deadline, they should forego the punctuality point. But as I see it, if both guys post on time and the right number of posts, they should split the punctuality points. Punctuality counts 20% of the score, and I don't agree that 20% should be awarded just for being faster, regardless of what is being said.
If my opponent posts, then I have 24 hours to respond. Let's say I respond in 6 hours. I consider that punctual. If he responds in 4 hours, he's not more punctual, he's simply faster, and I wasn't aware he would be rewarded for that (this is a hypothetical, I'm not talking about Killjoy or Paralyzer specifically). I think that in this example, the punctuality points should be split.
In round one, I felt I was punctual. I missed no deadlines and I posted the required 3 posts. But Killjoy was faster, so he got 3/4 punctuality points. In this example, I could not possibly have posted faster. I received one of Killjoy's responses in the middle of a work day; there was no possible way I could have responded faster. Another one was received in the middle of the night on a day I was working the next day. Again, impossible to be any faster. In both cases, I responded immediately after I got home from work,which was as soon as possible, yet I lost a lot of punctuality points. Reverse the punctuality points or even split them, and the results are probably different or are at least much closer.
This is not a complaint, just a little constructive criticism. Overall, it's been a lot of fun and I've really been enjoying it.