2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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I like the Loser Bracket's topics. I have already thought of some interesting arguments for most of them, especially the Mysterio turning heel one. There are two specific arguments I'm looking for though and hope to see them.
I like the Loser Bracket's topics. I have already thought of some interesting arguments for most of them, especially the Mysterio turning heel one. There are two specific arguments I'm looking for though and hope to see them.

I really wanted to give these guys the best chance at staying in this tournament as possible. One of the most pure ways to debate ANYONE on a wrestling forum is to argue whether specific, controversial/stale wrestlers should turn heel or face. But for a limited debate (3 posts total), using guys like John Cena would have been a waste. So, I picked upper-midcarders since they'd make the most interesting arguments.

These topics can't lose.
I've played through the possibility of Rey Mysterio turnng heel before (It was a storyline in two of the WWE videogames - each of them having a different type of heel gimmick), so I think I actually can do pretty good in my debate. But i've seen D&T's debating skills, he's definitely gonna put up more than a challenge though.
This is the last time that I'm going to say this... LEAVE YOUR DEBATING IN THE THREAD. The judges are intelligent, experienced, and seasoned enough to make their own decisions.

Stop trying to sway the judges by posting that shit in here.

Ah let him. He says I'm stupid for putting up a news story written by Nick Paglino from a few years ago, but he did the same with all the other WZ goofballs.
No worries Dirty, I think your overall performance will get you the victory. That was badass.

Also, the damn time zone thing got me by 5 minutes. My last post was deleted as well. I will pay closer attention to that next time when trying to get my last word in before the bell.
I hope you guys plan on getting some judging done today. You only have until tomorrow to finish the four debates in the Winner's bracket.
I'll admit, I read a little of the Killjoy/Rattlesnake debate, and my favorite part is where Rattlesnake says, "I'm going to teach you something about debating," and then Killjoy wins. Decisively.

That's my mentee. I'm very proud.
I hope you guys plan on getting some judging done today. You only have until tomorrow to finish the four debates in the Winner's bracket.

Nope. Planned on nothing. :p

I'll get the other two when I finish up stuff at work. Expect the others to be done around 9:00-9:30ish tonight.
Well, I'm finally home and ready to judge some debates. I work for a timeshare resort so now that the busy season is starting and doesn't seem to be slowing down, we're really getting our asses kicked. Sometimes my job is easy ever since being promoted to a supervisor, but the people who complain about every little thing make it hell.
I just finished judging the Rattlesnake vs. Killjoy debate. I think I might've been a little bit harsh, but I did mean everything I said. It's better to be honest than just be a liar and therefore not allow people to better themselves.
I thought I was quicker on the draw than Rohan with my post time responses. Im not sure why I lost those points. Can someone clarify the rule on Punctuality for me? Maybe I dont fully understand or perhaps I'm missing something.
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