2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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... Mother fucker! We swore we'd never bring that up again!

That's history right there, man!

It's awesome history. That's why I always bring it up. I remember it fondly as one of the pieces that made our bromance so strong.

What's good anyway, bro?

Just livin' man. Looking forward to next weekend though. Going to Milwaukee to visit a friend on Saturday, and then Sunday is WRESTLEMANIA!! Excuse me. WrestleMania.

I already know things on your end are grand.
I was going to sign up anyway; the decision was made to hold the thing overlapping my impending house move, so I couldn't meet the necessary guarantee of activity.
No dipshit. What got worked out was that punctuality points are not as big a deal as I thought them to be. As Miko told me punctuality points are mosstly split until and unless you fail to respond within the time limit. Making quicker posts does not matter too much. As such the punctuality point is not something to lose sleep over.

Yeah, as I said, D-Man put you in check which he did. Go back and look at the post. Here's what he said.

First off, I'm not basing the tournament around your schedule. Secondly, I announced the debates' time frames weeks ago, so this should be no surprise.

Lastly, that's why I'm giving all first-round debates a four day deadline. It gives you all one day for every required post, plus a day (if you need that long to complete everything.)

And I had said the only thing that got worked out was you, which the quote above heavily suggests. Doesn't look like there was much negotiation going on there or anything so what exactly got "Worked Out" again??? I read the conversation dink. You were all "oh no different time zones, how am I going to respond, I'm going to lose points" and you got a hand across your face telling you to chill out, you have plenty of time to respond. Am I missing anything here?

To beat anyone in a debate you first need to understand the topic at hand. So far you have not made a great start.

You might want to take your own advice, you didn't even know what to make of the schedule and it had to be spelled out for you. What are you going to do when someone makes a very clever argument against you? You should surrender your spot to me, or put your money where your mouth is and take me on since you know so much about what it takes to beat anyone in a debate. I'm not threat right? So what is the harm?

Ba-Bomb, gotta say, you're coming out mightily big-headed.

SShhhhhhh, that's part of the strategy, :icon_wink:
You've got to let people's ego's get the best of them, then watch them implode when you dominate them.


You're not in the debate league, asshole. Accept this fate.

Awwww how cute, he thinks he's being clever. Again, I'll tell you the same as I told Rattlesnake, put your money where your mouth is and take me on in a debate for your spot. If you are any good you should be able to beat me easily right?

To be fair even though Talon probably can't debate his way out of a wet paper bag, replacing him with Ba-Bomb would be like replacing the wet paper bag with a damp paper bag which sits on the top of a river, becoming submerged by the water, cause as we learnt during the Mod Election campaign, he just posts a lot and very rarely makes a logical, decisive point.

Well that wasn't very nice :rolleyes:. Are you in the tournament? Why don't you put your spot up against me? After all, with your keen insight to my so called inability, it should be a walk in the park right? If I just post a lot and very rarely make a logical or decisive point, what do you have to lose?

Open challenge stands. Your spot in the tournament for a chance to humiliate and shut me down. You know you want to.
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Yeah, as I said, D-Man put you in check which he did. Go back and look at the post. Here's what he said.

And I had said the only thing that got worked out was you, which the quote above heavily suggests. Doesn't look like there was much negotiation going on there or anything so what exactly got "Worked Out" again??? I read the conversation dink. You were all "oh no different time zones, how am I going to respond, I'm going to lose points" and you got a hand across your face telling you to chill out, you have plenty of time to respond. Am I missing anything here?

You might want to take your own advice, you didn't even know what to make of the schedule and it had to be spelled out for you. What are you going to do when someone makes a very clever argument against you? You should surrender your spot to me, or put your money where your mouth is and take me on since you know so much about what it takes to beat anyone in a debate. I'm not threat right? So what is the harm?

SShhhhhhh, that's part of the strategy, :icon_wink:
You've got to let people's ego's get the best of them, then watch them implode when you dominate them.

Awwww how cute, he thinks he's being clever. Again, I'll tell you the same as I told Rattlesnake, put your money where your mouth is and take me on in a debate for your spot. If you are any good you should be able to beat me easily right?

Well that wasn't very nice :rolleyes:. Are you in the tournament? Why don't you put your spot up against me? After all, with your keen insight to my so called inability, it should be a walk in the park right? If I just post a lot and very rarely make a logical or decisive point, what do you have to lose?

Open challenge stands. Your spot in the tournament for a chance to humiliate and shut me down. You know you want to.
No one is putting their spot up against you so just shut the fuck up.

You're coming off as a whiny child who didn't get invited to the party.
Yeah, as I said, D-Man put you in check which he did. Go back and look at the post. Here's what he said.

And I had said the only thing that got worked out was you, which the quote above heavily suggests. Doesn't look like there was much negotiation going on there or anything so what exactly got "Worked Out" again??? I read the conversation dink. You were all "oh no different time zones, how am I going to respond, I'm going to lose points" and you got a hand across your face telling you to chill out, you have plenty of time to respond. Am I missing anything here?

Yeah, all the conversations that took place after that post you quoted including the ones with D-Man wherein he said that time zones were a bit of a problem but there was no real way to solve it. Not to mention the conversations with Miko and CH David which reassured me that time zones were nothing to worry about. It could even work out in my favour.

So, I was right. You did not read anything past one post wherein you sensed an opportunity to get in. Just like the elections. Proving yourself an idiot with every step.

You might want to take your own advice, you didn't even know what to make of the schedule and it had to be spelled out for you. What are you going to do when someone makes a very clever argument against you? You should surrender your spot to me, or put your money where your mouth is and take me on since you know so much about what it takes to beat anyone in a debate. I'm not threat right? So what is the harm?

The confusion was with punctuality points being given on quicker posts, which is what happened in the preliminary debate, which is why I wanted to get it changed. I was reassured that the schedule would work out well for me. The example of Falkon who did very well last time round despite being from a very different time zone was what put me at peace.

You, on the other hand, are just an annoying twat. It has been clearly mentioned in the title of this thread that you cannot sign up for this anymore. This is just a game, dude, and yet you are acting as if your life depended on winning this league. Is making a name on this forum that important to you? Because it sure as hell is coming off that way.

You are coming across as the biggest try hard on the forum apart from being annoying and an egomaniac. There are many more who wanted to sign up but just missed the date but they are not making a hue and cry about it. They are patiently going to wait for their turn next year and so should you.
I find it amusing Ba-Bomb wants to be in this thing far more than I do.

He is obviously not prepared. He had plenty of opportunity to sign up. He is like the guy that shows up to the party after all the beer is gone and complains.
He is obviously not prepared. He had plenty of opportunity to sign up. He is like the guy that shows up to the party after all the beer is gone and complains.

Ba-Bomb isn't complaining by any means. He is just upset that he didn't notice a chance to sign up for a debate and know he is pestering everyone willing to give him any attention.
No one is putting their spot up against you so just shut the fuck up.

You're coming off as a whiny child who didn't get invited to the party.

How so? I haven't been complaining or whining about anything? I've just been testing peoples mettle. I don't really appreciate you telling me stfu though, that was pretty uncalled for. The only ones I see whining are people like yourself and a couple others who are pitching a bitch because I've been trying to find a way to participate in what I figured would be a lot of fun. I don't get what everyone's problem is.

Yeah, all the conversations that took place after that post you quoted including the ones with D-Man wherein he said that time zones were a bit of a problem but there was no real way to solve it. Not to mention the conversations with Miko and CH David which reassured me that time zones were nothing to worry about. It could even work out in my favour.

So, I was right. You did not read anything past one post wherein you sensed an opportunity to get in. Just like the elections. Proving yourself an idiot with every step.

What do the posts following what I quoted have to do with anything? Don't try to divert the attention elsewhere, my point stands. Thanks for helping me further to prove it. It took reassurance and explanation from several other individuals for you to even grasp the concept. And you are in this why?

So, you may THINK you were right about something but that something is irrelevant. I did read past where I quoted but I only used what I needed to, I didn't quote a couple pages of conversation, that would have been pointless. And just like the elections, here I am trying my damnedest to get something done, and people like you and a few other gripers make a big fuss about it. If anything I'd say you are the one who looks like an idiot. I offered a simple challenge, if you can't handle that and have to get all worked up, obviously you aren't up to it and I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to get pwned by me either.

You, on the other hand, are just an annoying twat. It has been clearly mentioned in the title of this thread that you cannot sign up for this anymore. This is just a game, dude, and yet you are acting as if your life depended on winning this league. Is making a name on this forum that important to you? Because it sure as hell is coming off that way.

Annoying twat? Why? Because I've tried to find a way to get myself in the debate tournament I didn't get to sign up for? If that's all it takes to annoy you, you've got a lot to learn about life and patience. Even here you're like a petulant child lashing out at me, and why? Because I put up a challenge to you that you don't want to face. That's fine, I get it, you can't hold your own.

I'm not acting as if my life depends on this, and it's not about "making a name", I just thought it would be really fun, I didn't get to sign up because due to personal reasons, and so I've been trying to carve a path in. I was looking forward to it and was kind of bummed I missed out. So if I wanted in the only way would be to get someone to put their spot up against me, common sense here. If you have a problem with that, well, you're the one with the problem not me.

You are coming across as the biggest try hard on the forum apart from being annoying and an egomaniac. There are many more who wanted to sign up but just missed the date but they are not making a hue and cry about it. They are patiently going to wait for their turn next year and so should you.

Good, I put forth more effort in the things I do than other people, Yay Me! Label me what you want, you're the one being a d-bag here not me. I haven't been crying about anything as I've noted already, just making an attempt to cover lost ground. Apparently that's a big problem.

I find it amusing Ba-Bomb wants to be in this thing far more than I do.

Than give me your spot.

He is obviously not prepared. He had plenty of opportunity to sign up. He is like the guy that shows up to the party after all the beer is gone and complains.

Actually I DIDN'T have much opportunity to sign up. Unlike a lot of folks here I was heavily entrenched in something that is obvious foreign to many of you called "WORK" so I could pay what you call "BILLS" because I have something else few of you seem to know about "RESPONSIBILITY". Unfortunately in that time the sign up came and went, and at the same time I was "downsized" along with many others. So now I have plenty of time for this, I am raring to go, and I thought "Why not try to see if you can still get in?" Don't see what the big deal is. And don't worry about me being prepared, as soon as debate time hits I am ready to go.

Ba-Bomb isn't complaining by any means. He is just upset that he didn't notice a chance to sign up for a debate and know he is pestering everyone willing to give him any attention.

Thank you for noting the obvious that I am not complaining about anything. I'm not really trying to pester anyone for attention though. I am trying to get someone to give me a shot to get in fair and square by beating them in a debate but other than that I don't see what people have got their panties in a bundle about. Was I supposed to just be like "Oh well, I'll wait another 365 days or more to have a shot at this." or does it maybe make a little sense that if it's something I wanted to do, I stop at nothing to try and make it happen??? Again, if you are so apathetic about it and you don't care, give me your spot. Obviously I do want to do it more than you, so why waste your time and everyone elses if you don't even care?

I think folks are just pissed off because I am persistent, relentless, and I don't hush easily. Some folks want to talk me down, call me foul names for no reason, make fun of me, and all that stupid shit as if it's supposed to discourage me from what I am trying to do but it doesn't work and I think that is what is actually annoying to you. You think all that effects me but it doesn't which pisses you off. It does show me the poor character and pettiness of people, but that doesn't effect me. It only makes me more sure that I am on the right course or else I wouldn't face so much opposition. It sounds to me like some folks are threatened even which is sad. I simply issue a challenge and people get all puffed up and start hurling insults and accusations. What weak and pathetic minds. If I am no threat than why so serious? Why so threatened? Maybe it's because you know I can win.
There is no lost ground for you to cover. You missed out, no one is going to debate you for their spot or give you their spot in general. If they didn't have some desire to be in this thing they wouldn't have signed up in the first place.

There really is nothing you can do but wait til next year
There is no lost ground for you to cover. You missed out, no one is going to debate you for their spot or give you their spot in general. If they didn't have some desire to be in this thing they wouldn't have signed up in the first place.

There really is nothing you can do but wait til next year

Milenko is 100% correct here. Also, where's the rep button?
Actually I DIDN'T have much opportunity to sign up. Unlike a lot of folks here I was heavily entrenched in something that is obvious foreign to many of you called "WORK" so I could pay what you call "BILLS" because I have something else few of you seem to know about "RESPONSIBILITY". Unfortunately in that time the sign up came and went, and at the same time I was "downsized" along with many others. So now I have plenty of time for this, I am raring to go, and I thought "Why not try to see if you can still get in?" Don't see what the big deal is. And don't worry about me being prepared, as soon as debate time hits I am ready to go.

What kind of douchebag nonsense is this? I work a full time job, go to school full time, and sit at home with my 2 kids when I'm not doing that... and I signed up. I participated in the Debate for the last spot, and would still be willing to participate should the chance arise. So don't walk around here acting like you had no fucking chance to do it, while insulting everybody else around here.

Simply put,

Bomb, no one is annoyed at you for making challenges. Frankly, you are in no position to make a challenge because we are in and you are not and no one rates you too highly either to be honest. You are just too stupid to understand that. People are annoyed at you for being stubborn and annoying. The administrators of the league, the judges and the participants have told you repeatedly that THERE IS NO WAY in which you can participate and yet you keep trying as if your life depended on it. If it did not mean as much to you, you would have stopped by now. But clearly, as you have posted here before, you are obsessed with proving how good you are around here. Everybody, not just a few gripers as you call them, had an issue with you during the elections and it is the same here.

And as for you calling me out on having queries about the punctuality point, lot's of people have had queries regarding how the league will work. That is what the Ask a Question thread in the debater's league sub forum about. The rules and regulations thread there had mentioned that posters will be judged on punctuality but there was no talk about how the judging would take place. I also thought that the way the punctuality point was awarded in the preliminary debate, it would put me at a disadvantage due to my time zone being 12 hours apart. So I had a doubt and the judges and admins cleared it out for me in the posts after the ones you quoted. You have only used a part of the conversation to serve your own purpose. I'm guessing that is how you debate and let me warn you if you plan on participating next year that this would be a dangerous strategy.

Your situation is not comparable to mine. It has been clearly mentioned that you cannot sign up anymore and yet you keep trying hoping that people will give in to your persistence( read annoyance). I had a query and once that got answered, I moved on. You haven't because you cannot.

You have also idiotically assumed that the people who have signed up do not work or undertake any sort of responsibility. Why Bomb? Do you know who every one of us are? Do you stalk us? That makes you the guy with no life, no?
Bomb, no one is going to give up their spot. They signed up because they wanted to participate. We are not doing any replacements. If someone fails to provide their responses, they lose and their opponent moves on. Simple as that. Even if we WERE doing substitutions, which we are not, then there are others who would get it before you. Sorry dude, you missed the deadline to sign up.

It's not like this contest is the only place you can debate. Find a non-spam post you disagree with and strike up a debate there. We also have the Wrestlezone Tournament coming later as well. You may goof around in this thread shooting the breeze with everyone, but please stop bothering the competitors with requests for their spots in the tournament. D-Man and I are working hard to make certain that this tournament will go smoothly and subbing anyone with someone that begged for a spot would be unfair to the others.
Seriously, Babomb, just shut the fuck up & accept the fact that no-one's gonna give a spot or debate you for your spot. You had a chance to sign up & you missed it, dumbass.
There is no lost ground for you to cover. You missed out, no one is going to debate you for their spot or give you their spot in general. If they didn't have some desire to be in this thing they wouldn't have signed up in the first place.

There really is nothing you can do but wait til next year

It's really not up for you to decide any of that, or anyone else whose cared to chime in. If given the chance, I will beat any one of you in a debate to gain my entry into the debate league, my stance will not change on that. You seem to think not, so I urge any one of you to test me and find out. That's what I can do, I can beat any of you, and I could do it now, next year, yesterday, and in my sleep.

Bomb, no one is annoyed at you for making challenges. Frankly, you are in no position to make a challenge because we are in and you are not and no one rates you too highly either to be honest. You are just too stupid to understand that. People are annoyed at you for being stubborn and annoying. The administrators of the league, the judges and the participants have told you repeatedly that THERE IS NO WAY in which you can participate and yet you keep trying as if your life depended on it.

My you are bold. I love when someone gets all confident and acting like they're talking down to someone beneath them. It makes the fall all that much more....liberating. No position to make challenges huh? I put myself in the position, and here I am still right in your face. You and everyone else make a big mistake in underestimating me, and that is YOUR stupidity. You and the select few who are doing all the bitching are the only ones who've given me any crap too, so I wouldn't go as far as making the claims that anyone else has like the judges and administrators. I thought what I was doing was rather harmless yet you guys blow up into something else and concoct these fabrications about me personally for no reason whatsoever. Yet you say I am the one acting like "my life depends on this". I just happened to mention you because you were in the post I quoted from D-Man and you act like I went on some personal crusade against you and started committing atrocities across the board, but I'm the one overreacting.

If it did not mean as much to you, you would have stopped by now. But clearly, as you have posted here before, you are obsessed with proving how good you are around here. Everybody, not just a few gripers as you call them, had an issue with you during the elections and it is the same here.

Look man, you don't know shit about me, so don't presume that you do. You have no idea why I do what I do, and you have no control over it either. I'm not obsessed with anything. I wanted to do the DL simply for the challenge of the debate, not to prove how good I am, but to do me best at it, and have fun debating with the rest of you. You guys sure know how to take the fun out of everything though. It's a farce for you to try and say everybody had issues with me during the elections too. That's why I actually started a party, amassed a decent amount of members(not the biggest but not the smallest group), was in the running for a while, made a deal with the ABC party that made them the biggest party in the election which they went on to win, and had supporters the whole time. Paint any picture of me you want, you'll never capture the true image because it is a figment of your imagination that you've made up in a fit of anger.

And as for you calling me out on having queries about the punctuality point, lot's of people have had queries regarding how the league will work. That is what the Ask a Question thread in the debater's league sub forum about. The rules and regulations thread there had mentioned that posters will be judged on punctuality but there was no talk about how the judging would take place. I also thought that the way the punctuality point was awarded in the preliminary debate, it would put me at a disadvantage due to my time zone being 12 hours apart. So I had a doubt and the judges and admins cleared it out for me in the posts after the ones you quoted.

That's a great story and all but whatever way you weave it, you're the one getting uppity like a bitch over it. I simply said what I said, supported it with the original statements that came before anything else you tried to spin it with, and wasn't even addressing you to begin with. I merely mentioned your name because it was the one mentioned in the post I quoted. But, like the turd you are you just had to snap at me for daring to suggest taking your place if you either didn't understand the rules or the tournament, or were making up excuses and thus might not show up for fear of your little time zone issue putting you at a disadvantage. It was all well thought out I just didn't disclose everything to you. That's because I don't answer to you, and you only serve as a means to and end for me, nothing more. I understand you have no desire to face me, and you'll do your best to downplay me in an attempt to avoid what would be your inevitable fate of losing to me since I got my scope on you, but that doesn't really matter to me either. I just wanted to take someone's spot.

You have only used a part of the conversation to serve your own purpose. I'm guessing that is how you debate and let me warn you if you plan on participating next year that this would be a dangerous strategy.

I only used what was necessary to support exactly what I was saying. You were trying to use a few pages of conversation as a distortion to the simple fact I laid out, simple as that. I say D-Man put you in your place, and he did, and I showed exactly when and where. You simply chose not to respond to him as you have me. You had an issue with it but because he's the mod you didn't go after him, you went after me for using it against you by pointing it out and saying "If this guy is going to start making excuses already, I'll take his spot no problem" and that's what you were doing right then and there, making excuses for why you would be at a disadvantage. Like I said, you got a slap across the face, they told you to chill out and that's when they explained that it didn't matter, and then you just went on like Ghomer Pile.

Why don't you find out how I debate, and find out about my strategy. I assure you-you can't take it. I'm willing to back it up, what about you? Your spot on the line, and you can make up a stipulation for if I lose, anything of your choosing.

Your situation is not comparable to mine. It has been clearly mentioned that you cannot sign up anymore and yet you keep trying hoping that people will give in to your persistence( read annoyance). I had a query and once that got answered, I moved on. You haven't because you cannot.

Actually my situation is comparable to yours, better than yours in fact. I hold the ability to beat you or anyone else who cares to try in a debate. You may not like that and may not believe that but it is a reality. You keep telling me how I can't sign up anymore, DUUUUUHHHH slick. That was the whole reason I was in here making an open challenge remember???!!! I'm not trying to sign up, I'm trying to win my way in, the same way a couple others were given the opportunity to, and I'm willing to do it against anyone in the DL. They were in a 3-way debate, I could just as easily have been the 4th. Since I wasn't in that I figured maybe someone would be willing to prove their position as well. I guess I overestimated you, you don't have the nerve. You're the ones that have been making a big deal out of it, I've simply responded and pointed out your cross and spiteful bullshit in the process.

You're the ones who have been making a fuss about me, when all I did was try to get a debate, like I did something wrong which I didn't. You act like I'm crazy because I've tried to make a mad dash into this DL so I don't have to wait a whole other year to get into one, how unreasonable of me. You act like me wanting to be in it is some big deal too, like it absolutely means I have something to prove and all that. I just wanted to be apart of it and have fun debating the wrestling topics like everyone else. Sorry for wanting to enjoy myself, have fun with you guys, and give folks a challenge or good debates to read.

Whenever you are ready to lose and lose royally I will be right here waiting.

You have also idiotically assumed that the people who have signed up do not work or undertake any sort of responsibility. Why Bomb? Do you know who every one of us are? Do you stalk us? That makes you the guy with no life, no?

Actually I'm the one whose had such a busy life as of recent, that I missed the sign up for the DL, and I'm also the guy that will snatch your place from you like candy from a baby if you have the nerve to test me. Why does my assumption bother you? It's not like anything I said was entirely false. I didn't say anything about the people in DL directly either, that's a weak ass spin on your behalf putting false meanings behind my words. I don't know who every one of you are, and I'm glad I don't. I wouldn't stalk you, I wouldn't want to be around you at all. I have a life, a better one than a lot of you could ask for, and I don't need to prove anything on here to any of you to make that statement any more true. I simply made the mistake of thinking I could be apart of anything on here with any of you.
You do not fucking get it do you?


I don't expect anyone to give me their spot. I don't expect anything, that seems to be something you are all missing. I simply made a proposal and people flipped shit for my daring to do so. I wouldn't want anyone to GIVE me their spot anyways. I simply thought of a way to EARN a spot. Everyone but Mitch got in without having to do anything but say "Here" and so I thought it would only be fair of me to try and do as Mitch did and earn my way as well. A couple of you have shown that you have no interest in giving me that chance, that's fine. But you don't have to keep berating me for trying and acting like I've got problems because I've been persistent in trying. Like I said, you guys can yell at me all you want and blow everything out of proportion like I'm being such an inconvenience by trying to get in so I don't have to wait a full year to do a DL, but that's not going to make me budge one little bit. All it does is make my resolve even stronger. I know that pisses you off, but I don't care. I will not stop because you don't like me or my persistence and continue to harp on me for no reason.
Here's the thing. No-one's gonna give you the chance to "earn it" either. Why the fuck would we risk our spots so you could potentially get it? We ALL want in the tournament. We have that chance, & and no-one's gonna risk it. At all. Why didn't you just sign-up when sign-ups where available like everyone else?
Ba-Bomb, I (and someone else, can't remember who) gave you some advice a few months ago when you were making a name for yourself in a bad way, so please listen again.

You missed the registration due to work, then unfortunately got downsized. I can imagine your frustration with the timing of both these things, but it's time to drop the constant back-and-forths on an issue you can't change. All you're going to do is make a bad name for yourself over something you really don't need to.

Just chill, drop the topic, take Dagger's advice and look for points of contention in non-spam threads where you can get a debate going there. At the moment you're going round in circles in a downward motion.
Blah, blah, blah... bullshit, bullshit bullshit... wah, wah, wah...

Let me clear all of this up for you. When it comes to anyone giving up their spot, dropping out, or changing my mind, being nice, squeezing another spot into this year's tournament, or doing anything that will allow you to participate in this year's festivities...

(wait for it)

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...

...aaaaaaaand NO.

Now stop being such a whiny fucking baby.
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