2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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I need help from everyone.

That website I found doesn't allow you to manipulate the tournament brackets that you create. I need to find an online source for creating a double-elimination tournament and running it all online without having to physically do all the work. A site where you can click and drag the winner into the advancing bracket which, in turn, will fill in all applicable brackets. Can you guys find something like that?


Should work. Doc and Jiggles used it for the Battle Tourney.
I tried that one but it still makes me fill in the fields as the brackets advance. I want something a little simpler, if possible.
I'm not hateful. The Puerto Rican Steve Buschemi fan got all up in my bizness, so I just started joking around.

D-Man, I have plenty of friends. All of them are dancing to Talib Kweli songs. In my basement.
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I'm not hateful. The Puerto Rican Steve Buschemi fan got all up in my bizness, so I just started joking around.

D-Man, I have plenty of friends. All of them are dancing to Talib Kweli songs. In my basement.

I'm not hateful. The Puerto Rican Steve Buschemi fan got all up in my bizness, so I just started joking around.

D-Man, I have plenty of friends. All of them are dancing to Talib Kweli songs. In my basement.

I bet when Josef Fritzil was questioned how many friends he had, this was where he said they were. Difference is, he was at least somewhat correct.
DAMN IT. I missed entry, fucked up and posted in the wrong thread before discovering this one, and sign up is closed. I was really looking forward to this damn thing. I've been so busy lately I haven't been on much so I never saw anything for sign up because every time I was on it was only briefly. Now my time is more free, I can do this thing, and I miss it. At any rate I'm still saying, if anyone fails to show up, any replacement is needed, anything at all, I'm throwing my name in the proverbial hat as a back up just in case. Lets just say on an off chance that you go to do brackets and find that you mistakenly have an odd number, add me to even it out.
Ok, guys. The tournament brackets have finally been created and posted. Everyone was chosen and seeded at random and it looks like we've got some interesting first matchups.


Please remember that it all begins this Sunday, March 25th around 2pm EST.

The first round of debates will have the same rules as the preliminary debate. After the home debater, debate stances, and the order of debating are chosen, both participants in each debate are required to create an opening post with no replies. Once both opening statements are posted, you are both able to produce only two more debate posts in any method that you feel will win you the debate (within WZ forum rules and using as many replies as you wish in each post.) Once both posters produce their three total posts, judging will commence immediately. The time frame for judging will be posted within each debate thread.

Good luck, guys!!
Very intriguing first-round matchups, in my eyes:

hatehabsforever vs. Killjoy
deanandterry vs. DirtyJose
Stormtrooper vs. Milenko (I don't know why but this should be filled with lots of LULZ)
Some matchups I could give you the result to right now, but I won't ;)

Others though, I'm not so sure. Really looking forward to mine & Pancake's though.
Stormtrooper vs. Milenko

Not sure I've ever seen Milenko type out more than four or five sentences, and even that is a rare occurrence. I'd be lying if I said I weren't somewhat interested. Don't sleep on Stormtrooper, ladies and gents, just because you think he's a cunt.
Bracket looks pretty snazzy. Rad.

I couldn't find an online provider that can create, fill-in, and manipulate the brackets all online. So I had to settle for doing it the long way. I created the tournament brackets, filled them in, converted them into a jpeg, posted them onto Photobucket, and you can see the result. A big pain in the ass but it looks pretty decent.
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Am I looking at the Bracket the wrong way or something? I'm seeing Rattlesnake vs StormTrooper, Milenko vs CP Munk, and Habs vs Steve

EDIT: Yeah I was. :\
Nice. So this thing is finally starting up. If I could, however, make one request it would be to start my debate a bit before 2 PM EST because at that time it'll be 2 AM in my time zone at which time I am soundly sleeping. So, I would not get to see my topic until say 6-7 hours after it has been posted. If you start the debate a bit earlier, at least I'll get a chance to sleep over the topic.

Not a huge hindrance but I would be glad if you helped me out here.
Mitch and DirtyJosé face off in the second round anyone?

And, what a shame that I have to survive three rounds of debates to potentially face Habs. It's just oo much time for him to lose, like the skinny-fat ass he is.
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