2011 Elimination Chamber - The Miz (c) vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler - WWE Championship

It was announced earlier today that Jerry Lawler's mother Hazel passed away after battling Alzheimer's Disease for the past 6 years. So it wouldn't surprise me if Lawler isn't at Raw tonight.

This might sound kind of cold, it's not intentionally meant that way, but I hope that the WWE doesn't decide to give Jerry Lawler a brief sympathy run with the WWE Championship that'd last maybe a week or something. We all know that Vince McMahon is all about business but Lawler isn't just another guy on the roster. He's been with WWE for almost 20 years, Vince obviously likes him, Lawler has always been very loyal and Lawler is one of the few that I could possibly see Vince doing this for. You know, dedicate the whole winning the big one in honor of your mother sort of thing.

The problem is that dropping the title to Jerry Lawler would hurt the title and it'd really hurt The Miz. He already catches a lot of undeserved hate in my view, but losing to Lawler will cause a lot of people to never be able to take Miz seriously again.

I thought the exact same thing (RIP Mummy Lawler btw).

I would be torn on this - on one hand Jerry Lawler being WWE Champion for a short time would be cool, even if for only a few days. However it should not be before WrestleMania.

But flip the coin and having The Miz lose the WWE Title to a 61 year old man could really hurt The Miz's credibility as champion. When The Miz lost to Bret Hart (and I hope that The Miz gets some sort of revenge on Bret Hart at some point) I thought that was stupid, having a fifty odd year old man beat The Miz (Bret Hart in his PRIME was one of the best though). Having The King beat The Miz in various tag matches while he was WWE Champ made The Miz look kind of weak, having Jerry Lawler beat The Miz could be devestating to The Awesome One.
Actually there is a way to get Lawler a reign, Miz the title back, and not really hurt Miz's cred as a weaselly heel. A related question has been "What's in A-Ri's case?" What if it's an instant-rematch contract that Miz cashes in after King wins and the subsequent beatdown happens? Miz pulls up Lawler after the beat down, bell rings, SCF, BAM! Miz has the title back and has garnered even more heat than ever.
lawler will win but someho he will get screwed by the annonymous gm (michael cole) so that sets a match up for them at wrestlemania loser leaves the table for good. what do u swamp rats think of that?
Words cannot describe my disappointment in the fact that they are actually having this match. A guy who has absolutely NO in-ring ability is defending the federation's top championship against a 60 year old announcer who is decades past his prime. Does ANYBODY see the problem here? I won't even get started on who should be carrying the title right now, as that is a topic for another thread. Morrison would make a much better contender than Lawler. They can get Lawler a Wrestlemania storyline without throwing away a PPV main event spot. I think that this match will go on next to last or possibly last. Odds are going to be overwhelmingly against me, but I am giving Lawler the win because the man deserves to have held the belt and they can EASILY take it off him the following night on Raw to give it to whoever will be defending it at Wrestlemania (PLEASE not Miz!!!!). I am not expecting anything great out of this match, it will likely be the worst of the night.

Jerry Lawler will win the WWE Championship.
Ok so many of you know that it will be Cena vs Miz at Mania, but what if they did this what if they made Jerry Lawler win the title and make a whole fiasco about Cena facing Lawler for the Belt which would last one week to just to mess with the fans. What do you guys think because i feel Lawler will win but he will lose the belt the next night or a week later becuase Miz asks for a rematch and Cole screws over Lawler. SO u guys just tell me what u think
Cole will probably screw Lawler at the PPV, if it's not a clean victory for the Miz which I think it will be. I just don't see them taking the title away from Miz even for a day. A loss to Lawler would make him look hella weak, and after a clean victory over Daniel Bryan, and another potential victory over Kofi Kingston on Smackdown, I think they are building for a clean victory over Lawler to solidify a main event for WM.
No sorry. As cool as it would be to see the King as champ it won't happen this is just a filler match to set up a possible match for Lawler at Wrestlemania nothing more. No title win no nothing just Miz being set up to face Cena at Wrestlemania and Lawler getting ready to blow off the whole Cole feud.
No no no. The WWE Championship is not a prop. It is, believe it or not, very prestigous. I seriously doubt the WWE would put the belt on Lawler for no apparent reason. What would be the point? Putting the belt on Lawler for a short period of time would lower its value, this isn't WCW. I'm very sure Lawler does not even want the Championship at his old age. He's had his time in the spotlight and he realizes that. He has nothing left to prove. I could definitely see the Miz and King extending their feud later on after Wrestlemania but Jerry Lawler won't be winning the Championship.
No no no. The WWE Championship is not a prop. It is, believe it or not, very prestigous. I seriously doubt the WWE would put the belt on Lawler for no apparent reason. What would be the point? Putting the belt on Lawler for a short period of time would lower its value, this isn't WCW. I'm very sure Lawler does not even want the Championship at his old age. He's had his time in the spotlight and he realizes that. He has nothing left to prove. I could definitely see the Miz and King extending their feud later on after Wrestlemania but Jerry Lawler won't be winning the Championship.

It is a prop. It's not a real sport. It's not a real fight. It's as real as Rocky's championship in the Rocky movies.

I can see them doing something like Lawler getting screwed, or people think he won and Miz had his foot on the rope or something, or the GM chiming in and doing something
It is a prop. It's not a real sport. It's not a real fight. It's as real as Rocky's championship in the Rocky movies.

I can see them doing something like Lawler getting screwed, or people think he won and Miz had his foot on the rope or something, or the GM chiming in and doing something

It doesn't matter if its fake or not, the WWE title holds prestige. It has a long history. Using the fake line is getting old. Just because something is scripted doesn't mean something can't hold a value to its name. Having Lawler win the Championship for a couple of days would lower it's prestige and make it look like a joke. You took the word 'prop' out of context. Prop meaning it shouldn't be used as such. Lawler is a damn fine wrestler but having anyone hold the title for a short time is a bad idea.
I think I'm the only one that is spouting crazy talk when I say I believe that The Rock is gonna come out near the end of the match and Rock Bottom the Miz. He'll then put Lawler over the Miz, pinning him for the 1, 2, 3, the win, and the WWE Championship. I feel that this will give The King his reign and won't hurt Miz's credibility because he lost due to interference. Hey, a kid can dream, right?

I liked King Blitzkonic's idea to have the rematch clause inside A-Ri's case. It would totally make sense and would give Miz the chance to defeat The King in the same night and regain the Championship. And like he said, major heat for it heading into WrestleMania.
Prediction: The Miz will retain the WWE Championship

The Miz will win one of the following ways:

A Clean Match- A match that he really needs at this point. By having Miz retain in a clean match shows that he has the balls to hold the WWE Championship without having to get himself DQed, Counted Out, or by interference. This finish would greatly improve his image of being WWE Champion.

Win via Interference- The most likely of scenarios. Micheal Cole or Alex Riley will cause some sort of interference and cost Jerry "the King" Lawler the WWE Championship.

Lose via DQ (Miz retains)- Miz does something to get himself disqualified, either on purpose or accident. Either or, it results in Miz's retention.
EVERYONE seems to have this match figured out- Miz will retain thanks to Cole, and Cole will face Lawler at Mania. Sounds simple and easy.

How about this-

Jerry Lawler wins the championship belt thanks to John Cena.

This puts in a feud between Cena and Miz going into Mania, and as a result, a possible tween-turn for Miz, as fans will boo Cena more and more thanks to the Rock.

This could potentially lead to legitimizing The Miz going forward if he goes over Cena.

Lawler faces someone like Orton or CM Punk on Raw, where Michael Cole costs Lawler the title, and thus, setting up their match at Wrestlemania.

Lawler winning the belt = ratings boost for Raw as fans would want to see the fallout.
I for one, am very happy about this. Nearly all of Jerry "The King" Lawler's success has been made outside of the WWE. The WWE helped to bring attention to Jerry Lawler on a national or even international level. Jerry Lawler hasn't really had any type of momentum inside the WWE until recently with his slight push toward superstardom. His WWE Championship match is his first shot at achieving greatness inside the WWE and I am very happy for him. What's ironic, is that he is 60 years old, getting a championship shot, and it's during the time of a huge youth push.

I'm hoping for a Miz clean win. However, I think if plans follow through of a John Cena/Miz match at Wrestlemania, I would definitely like to see Miz win cleanly for once there instead of here. I can see Miz taking every opportunity to go over Jerry Lawler here but not being able to put him away. A DQ win will just piss me off so I'm hoping the match doesn't end like that. What's weird is that the WWE Championship isn't defended in the Chamber but the World Championship is, so I can definitely see something happening here, who knows what?
They really did it. I can't believe they actually went through with it. The guy who can't wrestle (let alone deserve to hold the federation's top belt) retained against a 60 year old announcer. IN A PAY-PER-VIEW CHAMPIONSIP MATCH. What's wrong with you, WWE!? Why would you air this match and MAKE PEOPLE PAY FOR IT? If Lawler had won, then it would have been worth it.... but he didn't.... and no, this is NOT heel heat for the Miz. It's GO AWAY heat. I refuse to pay money to see him at this point, even if it'd be paying $100 just to see Stone Cold hit him with a Stunner. Lawler should have won because then they could have gotten the belt off of Miz, followed by Lawler then losing the belt somehow on Raw, only to put it on whoever is supposed to take the championship to Wrestlemania, someone who can sell a main event of the biggest show of the year. I don't care who, ANYBODY but Miz. I'd even take Khali at this point as champ rather than Miz. Lawler deserved the win here far more than Miz did, even if it's decades past his prime, and it would have only been a 1 night reign. No, wait, I take that back. This match should never even have been booked! John Morrison should be WWE champion right now, Lawler should have only been announcing, and Miz should have been jobbing in the midcard.

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