Miz vs. Lawler - All in here.

I understand that Miz is a heel, and heels cheat, but you would think from a logical standpoint that the WWE Champion could beat a retired wrestler / commentator by himself. I know that some have said that Miz dominated the match and King only capitalized on Miz's mistake, but I disagree. King got a good deal of offense in on Miz during the match. I definately remember the backdrop on the ladder.

I guess that I shouldn't be too surprised. IMO, the Miz has looked like crap for the last few months. I'll admit that he was really hot around the time that he won MitB and started teasing a cash in, but since then, I can't remember him winning too many matches. He went into that feud with Daniel Bryan, and lost clean both times, and by submission no less. Then, he was the captain of Team Raw at Bragging Rights, and he lost that match, too. It wasn't too long ago that he was trading barbs with Pee Wee Herman. I do remember that he beat Cena to become team captain, but he needed Alex Reilly and Nexus to help him even then.

It just seems that they gave the title to a guy whose credibility they've hurt over the last few months. After he won MitB, I was hoping that they would have him feud with some main eventers in order to make him seem like he belongs among them. I thought that Edge was a good candidate for this, but they shipped him back to SmackDown. I just see shades of Sheamus' title reign from this time last year. They are already starting to portray him as a "fluke champion" which means he won't look credible against anybody like Orton or Cena. I guess that is fine since he is a heel, but it's not the way that I would expect it from a guy who many are praising as the next face of the company.

I don't know. I'll keep on watching. He just don't scream "Mega-Heel" or even "Mega-Star" to me so far. We'll see.
It was a very fun old school style match despite the TLC setting. King still can go and knows how to tell a story (and his worked punches are still some of the best I've seen). He took some major bumps for an older man, like off that ladder at the end. No one should be surprised though, the man won like 50 world titles in the Southern territories through the 70s-80s. And a good opponent to make Miz look cowardly. Good match.
I really think a lot of you are missing the point of miz's character. he's not a credible champion or even a strong champion. The Miz's character is a sneaky conniving little weasel that cheats, makes mistakes and takes short cuts to win.

this was a great match IMO. it did what it was supposed to do in a few different aspects.

1. it gave tribute to Jerry "the King" Lawler. it was his birthday after all, and people love him.

2. it made Miz look like the weak "shouldnt be the champion" heel that he is.

3. it further enhanced Michael Cole's heel persona even more.

Seriously, all you Miz marks really need to see the big picture, just because you like the guy and come all over yourselves every time he cuts a promo, it doesnt mean that hes gonna be a Goldberg type of champion right now.

I didnt much care for the Miz at all until the last few weeks, I really understand the type of character hes trying to portray. and he's doing a damn fine job doing it.

If i would have had to change anything about the match, I woulda had Lawler put Cole through a table also. the crowd woulda lost thier friggin minds!
I really think a lot of you are missing the point of miz's character. he's not a credible champion or even a strong champion. The Miz's character is a sneaky conniving little weasel that cheats, makes mistakes and takes short cuts to win.

this was a great match IMO. it did what it was supposed to do in a few different aspects.

1. it gave tribute to Jerry "the King" Lawler. it was his birthday after all, and people love him.

2. it made Miz look like the weak "shouldnt be the champion" heel that he is.

3. it further enhanced Michael Cole's heel persona even more.

Seriously, all you Miz marks really need to see the big picture, just because you like the guy and come all over yourselves every time he cuts a promo, it doesnt mean that hes gonna be a Goldberg type of champion right now.

I didnt much care for the Miz at all until the last few weeks, I really understand the type of character hes trying to portray. and he's doing a damn fine job doing it.

If i would have had to change anything about the match, I woulda had Lawler put Cole through a table also. the crowd woulda lost thier friggin minds!

Now, I agree with you on that. I'm not a Miz fan. I was just saying that he's not turning out to be the champion that most of his marks wanted him to be. For some reason, I got the feeling that they wanted him to automatically become the face of the company when he won the title. The problem with that is John Cena is still there. I don't see anybody becoming the face of the company when Cena is still there, especially if he's still baby-face.

You're right, though. Miz is playing the "shouldn't be champion" heel perfectly. His fans just didn't want his title reign to be described as a fluke. I don't know why they would be surprised because it seems like every MitB title win is presented just as that.

I sort of think that they are going to present him as champion as they presented Jericho as champion, mostly back in 2008. He's going to be that arrogant guy who should lose the title every time that he has a match, but somehow retains it. The thing is, though, that Jericho never seemed to be the face of whatever show he was on. He was just simply the antagonist to Batista, Shawn Michaels, and John Cena back in 2008. As good as Jericho is, he's never really been the "it" on the show, and I think that is what the Miz fans want him to be. I'm just not sure that is what they are going to get.

I sort of think that they are going to present him as champion as they presented Jericho as champion, mostly back in 2008. He's going to be that arrogant guy who should lose the title every time that he has a match, but somehow retains it. The thing is, though, that Jericho never seemed to be the face of whatever show he was on. He was just simply the antagonist to Batista, Shawn Michaels, and John Cena back in 2008. As good as Jericho is, he's never really been the "it" on the show, and I think that is what the Miz fans want him to be. I'm just not sure that is what they are going to get.

what?, im sure that Jericho was the weak heel champion, but never in my eyes he was in the rear end of batista, even in the feud with shawn, it was the relationship that made the feud good, not only shawn, so i think you are taking away from Jericho what he deserves and that is admitting that he delivered great promos and that he was a important piece of the puzzle there.

from time to time he looked strong, but in the miz's case i think the are going to make him look the weakest of them all, and i don't think it's the best idea right now...

the match itself wasn't bad, but it was predictable, and the king should have delivered the piledriver to cole.
This thought came to me during the recap of the match during NXT just now.

I think a viable reason for the Miz to not only have defended against Lawler and to make the match close, though many won't like it, would be that they are setting up a sort of story where The Miz, having just been in a close fight with a guy he scoffed at, is now going to step it up and we WILL see him facing younger, tougher opponents and he's going to build his credibility up through, what I hope to be, Championship caliber improvement. He should be pulling back the ego and focusing on the victory. That's just a thought I came up with.

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