Which Old vs Young Championship match was better ?

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Getting Noticed By Management
At the Elimination Chamber we had Jerry The King Lawler VS The MIZ for the WWE title. On 3-3-11 Impact we had Sting VS Jeff Hardy for the TNA title. So the question is simple: which title match was better and why?
Lawler vs Miz was better executed in my mind. Sting vs Hardy was decent but lacked the chemistry and psychology that the Miz and Lawler had.

It's almost unfair to compare the two though. The Miz and Lawler's feud was started months ago and they had a few weeks to build to the actual match. While Hardy vs Sting was a just a surprise and these two have had zero to no interaction with each other. So by default your going to have more involved into the Miz/Lawler match because you've seen their interactions for the past few months.

That being said, I did enjoy the Sting/Hardy match. It was a little on the short side and was a tad sloppy at times but the energy in the crowd and awe of Sting's return almost masked that.
It's almost unfair to compare the two though. The Miz and Lawler's feud was started months ago and they had a few weeks to build to the actual match. While Hardy vs Sting was a just a surprise and these two have had zero to no interaction with each other.

This is very true. Miz and Jerry Lawler have been at each other's throats for a good while now while Jeff Hardy and Sting have never really been in the same ring together.

Sting vs. Jeff Hardy for the TNA Heavyweight Championship would've been an absolute dud had the crowd not been so incredibly into it. All throughout the night, the North Carolina crowd was really into Jeff Hardy which doesn't go well with his heel character. Add in the fact that the crowd jizzed at the sight of Sting made the match great. Not the in ring action. The crowd alone was the reason the match was worth watching. Jerry Lawler and The Miz actually had a backstory to it. A story which has been going on for quite sometime now. Their match told a story. And that's the reason it was the better match. But like Red Skull said, it's a bit unfair to compare the two.

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