Team Finnley Baylor
I'm stealing Will's idea, only it relates to someone who actually established a long career in wrestling. His name is Jerry "the KING" Lawler. The man from Memphis was an icon in the Mid South area, always headlining the Mid South Coliseum fighting the likes of Nick Bockwinkel, Randy Savage, Ric Flair, Stan Hansen, Hulk Hogan, Austin Idol, Superstar Bill Dundee and countless others. If you were a traveling champion coming through Jerry Jarrett's CWA territory, you were headlined against Jerry Lawler.
Lawler earned his King moniker by beating Jackie Fargo in Memphis. Back then, Fargo was the King of Memphis Wrestling, and Lawler dethroned Fargo for the title. There can be a case for both. One is that he never one a HUGE title, and before you go on about the AWA Title, it lost a LOT of luster after Stan Hansen vacated the belt. The other is that he holds wins over Hogan and has never lost to Flair, Savage, and others.
So the question beckons... Jerry Lawler, overrated, or underrated?

Lawler earned his King moniker by beating Jackie Fargo in Memphis. Back then, Fargo was the King of Memphis Wrestling, and Lawler dethroned Fargo for the title. There can be a case for both. One is that he never one a HUGE title, and before you go on about the AWA Title, it lost a LOT of luster after Stan Hansen vacated the belt. The other is that he holds wins over Hogan and has never lost to Flair, Savage, and others.
So the question beckons... Jerry Lawler, overrated, or underrated?