2011 Elimination Chamber - The Miz (c) vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler - WWE Championship

It's nice to know how bad the WWE is right now. That everyone that is bashing me considers that Jerry Lawler is getting great reactions from the crowd, yeah sure.
Sorry. I was too busy judging Lawler based on the reactions he actually gets to gives a shit about your blatant ageism and refusal to acknowledge the sounds being emitted by live audiences.

And I loved the line he threw at The Miz: "You guys think that Miz suck?" (YEAH!), I even bet you stood up cheering "Lawler! Lawler! Lawler!"
I did. Because he's that good.
It's pathetic. A 60 years old guy that doesn't even had a spot in the active roster for so much time, even being considered for this position is stupid.
Why? He's given Miz the hottest match of his title run. When he's better than people who are actually on the active roster, why not give him a push which is reflective of that? He's clearly deserving of it.

The Miz doesn't need to beat some old fart to be considered relevant.
True, but another monotonous match with Randy Orton doesn't do a whole lot in the name of variety and Morrison certainly isn't as over as Lawler.

I'm pretty sure that 50 years from now no one will know who the fuck was Jerry Lawler.
I'm pretty sure that 50 years from now, nobody will know who Chris Jericho was either. But one doesn't need to consider what people in the future will think when making money today. I'm sure Jericho isn't going to be think about such things when pimping his book like a madman this week. The same logic applies to the Lawler-Miz storyline.

In this business, "history" is just anothing reason to get you to buy DVDs. It means a grand total of nothing in wrestling.

But yeah, he is getting great reactions from the kids. Yeah, he looks as pathetic in the ring as Khali right now, he is doing fewer moves than John Cena, but fuck it, he is great, he is so damn great that he is gonna sell pay-per-views, because after you watch Miz vs. Lawler you will want to see Lawler vs. Cole at Wrestlemania, but not as much as Ms. Wrestlemania bullshit that WWE now does every other year.
Khali and Cena also get great reactions from the crowd. It's almost as though how many moves a person does means nothing. Hmm.

Go ahead, cheer the fuck out for Lawler.
Thanks for the permission. I will.

An old guy that hasn't been relevant in decades. Why couldn't WWE just run Miz/Morrison storyline? 3 months would be a perfect time to play it.
Morrison isn't as over as Lawler.

Then, after, Wrestlemania they could fight again by the time of Summerslam, but no, everyone wants to see Lawler, a guy that is average on the mic as a color commentator because he can't even be a good face, and all the WWE fans will remember him for being the guy that sometimes yelled "puppies!".
It's true, WWE fans will remember him as the puppies guy and the guy who feuded with Bret Hart. And that has what to do with this storyline?

If this was TNA, and Jerry Lawler was Tazz, a guy who has retired not 10 years ago, everyone would be bashing TNA for doing it, because it looks bad for a guy that is retired to wrestle in a PPV, but it is WWE and everybody will eat everything McMahon throws at you.
It probably has more to do with TNA's inability to do anything tactfully. But nice try. I'm as big on the McMahon brainwashing conspiracy theory as anyone, but this storyline is straight up good and a time when I'm more than willing to sit back and take my brainwashing like a man. Take the tinfoil hat off and chill the fuck out, would you?
You little kids make me laugh. The Miz is perhaps the worst world champion in WWE history. The guy is nothing. He's the best of a bunch of green boring young guys.
Jerry Lawler is a legend. Sure he's too old and it doesn't make sense but wrestling's not
real and almost regularly makes no sense. How can a guy with three moves like Hulk Hogan be a world champ for 4 years? How can a guy like John Cena stay on top of a title scene for a decade? How can a guy like Rey Mysterio beat a guy like the Big Show? And in what other field of entertainment could a pansy ass MTV reality show guy like the Miz be world champion? Jerry Lawler is main eventing to show the Miz a thing or two about how it's done. The Miz is nothing
but a lost little puppy dog. The guy has no game. Jerry Lawler, as old and out of shape as he is, can still work a ring, work a mic, and show The Miz how it's done.

For all you whiny smarks out there dumping on Jerry Lawler, all i can say is shut up.
The wrestlers of today are nobodies, nobody's gonna give a shit about them in 20
years. Cena, Miz, Barrett, Morrison, Ziggler are all a bunch of nobodies. They are
so boring they make CM Punk look entertaining. I'm so sick of bratty know it all kids
dumping on anyone older than 40 years old. In the real world, younger people might
be stronger and look harder to beat but older people can still compete with the young
It's ageism to think otherwise. An older guy can whoop a younger guys ass any day
in the charisma department. And older guys should be able to hold their own with younger guys. What makes it so that a 45 year old can't? Wrestling's not real like football or MMA. If Rey Mysterio can beat a 450 pound giant, then i think an old seasoned legend whose won over 100 titles can sneak a victory or two over a green young emo punk. Wrestling is entertainment, so if a guy like The Miz can't entertain you then he's gonna need an old fart like Lawler as an opponent to get him over.
I agree, this feud is pointless. This month should have been about making Miz look more credible as champion to build him up for the Cena feud.

Right now a feud with Lawler is making Miz seem weak

Miz is supposed to look weak, he's a heel.

To be honest I've not been happy with the way Miz has been booked and if he loses at EC my feeling is he'll be forever damaged by it, but I don't think he'll lose. It's fairly certain he won't win clean though either as Michael Cole interference looks likely (though that could happen in a RAW rematch if the impossible happens).
What's most important in all of this is that Miz wins at Wrestlemania, or else the last 18 months of his build will be ruined. His elevation started with Cena and at Wrestlemania he has to win to show he's actually moved on from that point.

I think watching Miz chase the title, cheating his way back to the promise land, would be amazingly entertaining. Maybe Miz looks weak, because he IS weak.

In my opinion and many others, Miz hasn't been booked in a way to show that his wrestling skills match what a world champion needs.

That's the point. He's not supposed to look credible.

In the first place, Miz obviously isn't the best wrestler on the roster and then booking him in a way to never get a clean pin isn't helping his liability as a champion.

Sounds like you want the WWE to tell us Miz is great in the ring, when he clearly isn't. So, you want them to lie to you?

They're playing to his strength. His mouth is what got him to where he is right now, and it will most likely carry him through his entire career.

Then by putting him against Jerry Lawler at one of the most important PPVs (if not the most important PPV) before 'Mania is just stupid.

Really? I'm guessing you haven't been paying the live crowds much mind. They are LOVING this.

We know King won't win the title at Elimination Chamber so Miz will retain then the Elimination Chamber match isn't very relevant as no one could really care if it doesn't have the title in it.

I think Lawler could win, and drop it back the next night. Likely? No. Possible? Yes.

I'll make this as clear as possible; heel champions do not need to look strong. Making Miz look weak has been the most entertaining part of his reign.

Get this through your heads; Miz isn't going to look strong. Never. Why? Because he doesn't need to. Cheating to win the majority of your matches is a lost art among heel champions, and I'm glad the tactic is being used again. Miz has never had a great match, so why would I buy into him being credible? Making him look like a total coward is absolutely the best way this entire title reign could have been booked, and is the only reason I care about Miz as the champ.
This is great. This is new. This is something different. The WWE needs to freshen things up a bit from time to time. If someone like Randy Orton would have to face the Miz AGAIN, it'd be a bore-fest travesty. We've seen it before countless times. No need to repeat it on a consecutive basis. That kills every hype there is. Insert someone like Jerry Lawler that no one was expecting, and you have a great angle/story. Jerry Lawler may not have much credibility in the WWE due to the fact that he was more of a commentator than a wrestler, but he has been physically active in Memphis. He has had his share of moments and matches against guys like Bret Hart and Jake "The Snake" Roberts. He can still go. If he can defeat Shane Helms, then it shouldn't be a big surprise that he can handle the Miz. It's all about setting up the suspense and unpredictability factor.

Who says that Lawler is gonna even win the WWE Championship? Does this particular direction make the Miz look weak/weaker? The Miz is supposed to be a cowardly heel. He's doing fine as the WWE Champion as far as a cowardly heel goes. Does anyone remember Honky Tonk Man as the IC Champion? No one, including the Miz believed that Lawler could go toe to toe with him in that TLC match. Look what happened. It was fantastic story-telling. To add more to the excitement, they're making Lawler win more matches. He's pinned the Miz and Ted DiBiase in separate Tag Team matches. He's won the RAW Rumble match. Let the old man have his final shine before he bows out. It's all for his path leading up to his first WrestleMania match. Remember, that IS his true goal. In fact, the whole Miz/Jerry Lawler match-up is something that will delight old fans that have watched Lawler back in the AWA and USWA days. No matter what the case is, I can't see this being a bad thing.
I wouldn't want to see Orton/Miz again because I'm bored of Orton. Lawler is getting that one last match possibly. And who cares, people buy that PPV for the elimination chamber matches.

It makes Miz look bad? For "smart" fans it does. The live crowd still hates Miz regardless.
This storyline does make sense in the grand scheme of things. The King is a face who will lose to the Miz, making him more hated and over than ever. Cole will interfere setting up a match with The King, who will finally get a Wrestlemania match. As long as he's been in the business and as much as he's done for the WWE, he deserves these upcoming matches. Don't be fooled in thinking that The King will get the strap from Miz. It's all a great setup.
Fantastic storytelling.

For those old enough to remember...Ric Flair also played the cowardly heel as well during some of his title runs. He always had the Horsemen backing him. Miz has Riley and Cole as his distractions.

Lawler at 61 can still do the one thing in wrestling that makes up for any downfall in athletic ability....the psychology game. He knows how to get the fans to bite on something. Knows when to slow it down and when to get his opponent to step it up. Miz is learning TONS from a guy like Lawler (Miz has even said so in a few interviews) and this will only make him better.

As most people have said...this is building Miz as champ heading into WM and leading Lawler to WM against either Riley, Cole, or some combination of (maybe even a match vs Riley where if he wins he gets 5 minutes alone with Cole).

31 years old and this reminds me of the old school storylines. Stuff with Bullet Bob Armstrong and Cowboy Bill Watts...where they have to step up and try and get the young cocky heel to fall off his perch.
you guys are wrong this is a entertaining feud and the miz damage after this nope look at edge first wwe title regain he had it three weeks then lost and look where he is now, miz def had it over 3 weeks and its not hurting him, didnt edge defend the wwe title against ric flair in a tlc match before he face cena, now i know jerry is now ric flair but jerry do deserve a chance, its all to set up jerry first match at mania
At Elimination Chamber as you know we gonna have a WWE Championship Match between The Miz and Jerry Lawler, and this match-up makes me laugh, hard!

Well, The Miz is very good as an entertainer and he is even remotely good on the ring, so I have no problem with him being champion, he deserves it. But seriously what's up with Jerry Lawler main-eventing PPVs?

I am not a big fan of Jerry Lawler, but I know he was a great wrestler, one of the best heels of all time when he was on his prime, but right now this is pathetic. He is hurting The Miz a lot, this is way worse than Punk vs. JBL or Jack Swagger being buried on SmackDown when he was the World Heavyweight Champion. And as a fan it doesn't make any sense at all, Jerry Lawler is 61, well you can say that Ric Flair is 61 too, but Ric Flair could work a good match even if he was 91. Lawler has passed his prime a long time ago, 15 to 20 years ago.

So you have at Elimination Chamber a 61 years old commentator, former wrestler, fighting against the WWE Champion, who should be the most important guy on the roster, and there are fans that believe that Lawler can win this and lose it the next night...

And damn, it doesn't make sene. So Lawler has been a commentator for what? As far as I can remember, since the 90's, and now suddenly, when he is 61 years old he remembered that he wants to be WWE Champion because he never was, so why didn't he tried to be WWE Champion before? Why does he have to do it now, and why does he have it do in a way that hurts The Miz a lot.

And by the way, Lawler won't get anything out of this. Even if he becomes champion for a night only or for a week, 15/20 years from now no one will care if he was WWE Champion, people will think about the great career he had before that. It's like giving Ric Flair another world championship, he doesn't it need, he is already stablished as one of the greats of all time.

I would prefer to see Orton vs. Miz again, even if The Miz had to lose his title, let's say at Royal Rumble, so he could regain it at Elimination Chamber. But this, it's plain pathetic, The Miz deserves and as everyone on the roster to be treated with respect. Guess what? John Cena didn't have to fight no former wrestlers to get where he is. Sure, Orton fought legends, but he squashed them, The Miz is seen as somebody that can barely beat Jerry Lawler, so by Wrestlemania, if he is champion I would think by the same logic that John Cena or whoever wins the Elimination Chamber would squash him...

So, I'm the only one offended by this storyline? Or I am the only that thinks The Miz is being buried right now?

Are you serious about the Flair/Lawler comparison? Tell me you're not. I would much rather see Jerry than Ric at this point and not because I think Lawler is a better performer (they're actually tied, IMO) but because Flair is somewhat of an embarassment to himself and beyond that, should be protecting his legacy, not destroying it, again, IMO.

And why are you offened? Offended by what? Have you looked at the top of the WWE roster lately, especially on Raw? THAT'S the reason why someone like The Miz is champion, because there's no one really viable there. C'mon, a former MTV reality TV "star" is champion of wrestling? I know it's always been & will forever be "fake" but at least back in the 80s they would NEVER think of doing something like this. Instead of YOU being offended, it should be someone like Jerry Lawler offended that he even has to do this program with someone who'd be more like Andy Kauffman than someone related to Jerry Lawler.

Finally, Jerry has done wonders for that company, quite like Jim Ross, and he deserves the spot that he's in. Do I think they could be doing more with someone else? Certainly, but whom shalt that be? No HHH. No Jericho. No Shawn Michaels. No Undertaker. No Rock. No Angle. No Austin. No, no, no. The list goes on and on. So yeah, they're throwing Jerry a bone. But one one believes he's gonna walk out of EC as champion, and even if he does (which, I would be happy to see him do, actually) it'll be a short reign, maybe a day, maybe a week or two. He won't headline WrestleMania, and no one's expecting him to. The thing is, the Raw roster doesn't have a lot of credible main event guys, and I'm not sure who didn't prepare themselves for these moments, but these moments are here and until they are gone, whenever that'll be, we might have to deal with Jerry Lawler trying to play Rocky to the "hungry" young boxer. It could be worse, much worse. So stop your belly aching.
What many people don't realize about this match and build up is that alot of people are talking about it and that can only be good for RAW, the Miz, and WWE. Most people think there is no way they put the belt on Lawler. That's exactly what Vince wants you to think, then he pulls the gotcha moment and does just that. Lawler loses the belt before WM back to Miz by outside means from Cole, loses the rematch the same way, and that sets up the WM match for Lawler that he has always wanted.

Lawler was considered in the 80's one of the best faces in the business. Although he never really left the Memphis territory until joining WWE, he was over nationwide. Everyone knew who he was in any territory/organization. Wherever he went, they packed the buildings. The other thing people forget is he was ranked at #20 on the all time, ahead of Hulk Hogan, Lou Thesz and Bruno Sammartino.

All I'm saying is give the match/feud a chance. Miz is learning so much from Lawler in this case. The biggest thing missing from those coming up in the last 5 years in ring Psychology. Lawler can snap an arena quicker than most anyone.
Lawler can still go in the ring, he's still just as good on the mic and he gets pops that are only rivalled by the Ortons and the Cenas of the world, so why is it bad?

When he's in the ring granted as of now he isn't a DB or JoMo or CM Punk but he sells the match well and keeps it flowing effortlessly. Also if this does happen to be Lawler's last few matches/fued/moment in the WWE and if he can still go and put the "future of the WWE" over in a match at a PPV. Why not?
What has to be recognised is that the main events of Elimination Chamber are the actual Chamber matches. The Raw Chamber match is now packed with stars and all are viable World Champions.

The alternatives to having Lawler in the Main Event would be to:

1) either take someone like Sheamus or Morrison from the chamber and replace them with someone like R-Truth, Mark Henry or a member of the Nexus, thus lessening the star power of the Chamber match and, if a Nexus member was added, would make it all about the double team changing the match entirely.

2) Take someone like R-Truth or Mark Henry or even Santino for being the last man eliminated in the Rumble and put them in a match for the title which we still would 'Know' that Miz would win.

King in this match is a win/win situation. It's great to see a legend actually getting some respect and a decent storyline leading into Wrestlemania rather than just another jobber in a throwaway match. The kids love him. Older guys remember and respect him. And for all we know this could be his farewell to the company and the business. All that makes me glad it isn't The Miz vs R-Truth or The Miz vs Orton or Cena. The Chamber match looks strong and there is actually a storyline being built around King.
It never ceases to amaze me how many internet fans are incapable of seeing what's right in front of them.

Yes, Jerry Lawler is 61 years old but he's a 61 year old that's made himself into a legend by being able to do more with less than just about anybody else in wrestling history. Jerry Lawler was never a great athlete, never had a sculpted body, never had movie star looks, etc. but he used what he did have to his maximum benefit. What Jerry Lawler had in spades, and what he still has in spades when you look at the reactions he's getting from the crowds, is an ability to tell a story that keeps fans emotionally invested in what he's doing. The fans know that Jerry Lawler isn't going to win the title at the Elimination Chamber, but they'll be entertained by watching the match and seeing the story ultimately play out just the same. Also, from a physical standpoint, Jerry Lawler is fully capable of doing just about everything he ever did inside the ring in his prime. While the match won't be some technical masterpiece, it will prove entertaining all the same.

This match is also probably going to help lead Jerry Lawler to finally have his WrestleMania moment. There's been talk that Lawler will face Michael Cole in a match at WM this year. Why would fans be interested in seeing it? For the exact same reasons fans have always loved seeing heel managers and/or commentators get smacked around for decades: for the sheer enjoyment of it. Michael Cole has done a fantastic job of running down Jerry Lawler over the past few months and there's a possibility that he might play a role in Lawler's match against Miz. It could be that he provides a distraction, maybe holds Lawler's legs down so he's unable to kick out of something, maybe he passes Miz a foreign object, etc. It could be anything and the result is a benefit for everybody, including the fans: The Miz retains his title and gets a rub from a beloved legend, the beloved legend then gets himself a fan pleasing match at WrestleMania in which fans can be happy to see Michael Cole get smacked around and the beloved leged gets his own special moment at WrestleMania while entertaining the fans.

So yeah, this seems to be working out just fine I'd say.
I think in his current role, the idea is to intentionally make him look weak...the weasel-y champion role. Kind of like Edge...it doesn't matter who he beats or doesn't beat, he finds a way to keep the title. He beat Orton 3 times, and beat Morrison clean on Raw...the idea is anyone is capable of beating him, and he's capable of beating anyone. Not like HHH, where you have to be absolutely perfect to knock him down, or Cena who you have to crash a battleship into, or Undertaker where you need half the roster...anyone has a shot, even a guy who is past his prime. I think that adds interest for his character, personally.
I am not a big fan of Jerry Lawler

This is why you think that it's going to make you laugh. WWE and the King must feel that this is a good thing. I personally can't wait to watch that match. I'm an old school Wrestling fan but I do enjoy whats come from the 80's and 90's.

I don't see the Title changing hands at the next PPV but remember this is all storyline. Think about it. it's got Cole and Miz on one side and what appers to be Cena and Lawler on the other.

I'm putting two and two together and seeing two matches for WM27.

King vs Cole and Miz vs Cena.

Before you go saying 'seriously?' you should watch the PPV, you might be shocked at how good it turns out, even if it's bad it can't be any worse then Hulk Hogan Vs The Ultimate Warrior in WCW.
"I'm pretty sure that 50 years from now no one will know who the fuck was Jerry Lawler."
Are you taking the piss? If wrestling still exists in the way shape and form in 50 years as it does now then Jerry Lawler will be considered a legend, with his DOZENS of world heavyweight championships and pure charisma... The Miz is most likely grateful of the opportunity to hone his skills against one of the greatest this business has ever seen. If you strongly dislike Lawler that is your ladies perogative, If you assume that the wrestling community is behind you then you are a cunt!
While i believe that this is a waste of what could be a great, unpredictable match, i think that it might just be a good match. I know that Lawler is well past his prime, and i COULD care less about this match, but i believe that this will end up being a entertaining match.


I would have rathered John Morrison facing the Miz at EC because i know that he wont win but it will keep his face in the mainevent scene, and they would put on a PPV mainevent worthy bout.
While i believe that this is a waste of what could be a great, unpredictable match, i think that it might just be a good match. I know that Lawler is well past his prime, and i COULD care less about this match, but i believe that this will end up being a entertaining match.

The match isn't as predictable as you think, and while I would be surprised, I wouldn't be entirely shocked if Lawler pulled off an upset victory only to have Miz win the title back in the rematch. It's be a long time since we've seen a title change hands that quickly without use of MitB, so it wouldn't be one of those "OMG the WWE is fucking up the meaning of the Championship!" type of things. And yes, Lawler is passed his prime, but he is still capable of putting on a good match as evidenced by the TLC he had with Miz on RAW.

I would have rathered John Morrison facing the Miz at EC because i know that he wont win but it will keep his face in the mainevent scene, and they would put on a PPV mainevent worthy bout.

Morrison is most certainly going to be keeping his face in the main event scene by being in the Elimination Chamber. Hell, I think this is more of a rub for JoMo than having a title match that he'd lose. He's going to be wrestling guys like Orton, Cena, and CM Punk inside the chamber, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see JoMo pull of some absolutely astonishing spots inside the chamber. Being in this match with three of WWE's top wrestlers where he will stand out by using his parkour abilities to put on an amazing match will do much more for his career than having another singles match with The Miz where he loses.
I'm pretty sure that 50 years from now no one will know who the fuck was Jerry Lawler.

How anyone with an old school Sting Avatar instead of the crow look can be so completely ignorant about pro wrestling history is beyond me. Jerry Lawler is one of the all-time greatest pro wrestlers ever. Back in the 80s, there were three champions of wrestling. Hulk Hogan owned the WWF, Ric Flair owned the NWA, and Jerry Lawler owned the AWA and USWA. These three guys dominated their territories. Lawler is often the one left out, most people only refer to Hogan and Flair. But Lawler was every bit as dominant as those guys were. In fact, lets completely eliminate all of his USWA titles. Null and void, erased from existence. They don't count at all. Guess what? He still held more titles from other territories than almost anyone.

He has the titles, he has the accolades from the major wrestling mags, he has the Hall of Fame career.

Even if he hadn't wrestled a single match in the last 20 years, Lawler would still be remembered. His slapping Andy Kaufman on Letterman is one of the most iconic moments in both wrestling and the Letterman show.

Seriously, before you say fucking asinine things like this, you really, really, need to brush up on history.
It was announced earlier today that Jerry Lawler's mother Hazel passed away after battling Alzheimer's Disease for the past 6 years. So it wouldn't surprise me if Lawler isn't at Raw tonight.

This might sound kind of cold, it's not intentionally meant that way, but I hope that the WWE doesn't decide to give Jerry Lawler a brief sympathy run with the WWE Championship that'd last maybe a week or something. We all know that Vince McMahon is all about business but Lawler isn't just another guy on the roster. He's been with WWE for almost 20 years, Vince obviously likes him, Lawler has always been very loyal and Lawler is one of the few that I could possibly see Vince doing this for. You know, dedicate the whole winning the big one in honor of your mother sort of thing.

The problem is that dropping the title to Jerry Lawler would hurt the title and it'd really hurt The Miz. He already catches a lot of undeserved hate in my view, but losing to Lawler will cause a lot of people to never be able to take Miz seriously again.
It was announced earlier today that Jerry Lawler's mother Hazel passed away after battling Alzheimer's Disease for the past 6 years. So it wouldn't surprise me if Lawler isn't at Raw tonight.

This might sound kind of cold, it's not intentionally meant that way, but I hope that the WWE doesn't decide to give Jerry Lawler a brief sympathy run with the WWE Championship that'd last maybe a week or something. We all know that Vince McMahon is all about business but Lawler isn't just another guy on the roster. He's been with WWE for almost 20 years, Vince obviously likes him, Lawler has always been very loyal and Lawler is one of the few that I could possibly see Vince doing this for. You know, dedicate the whole winning the big one in honor of your mother sort of thing.

The problem is that dropping the title to Jerry Lawler would hurt the title and it'd really hurt The Miz. He already catches a lot of undeserved hate in my view, but losing to Lawler will cause a lot of people to never be able to take Miz seriously again.

Hey Jack, I hope they take the high road and don't let this real life terrible loss have any relevance to the Miz/ King/ Cole storyline. It doesn't help any of the guys to use these cheap heat tactics one way or the other, it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
Hey Jack, I hope they take the high road and don't let this real life terrible loss have any relevance to the Miz/ King/ Cole storyline. It doesn't help any of the guys to use these cheap heat tactics one way or the other, it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Indeed Finlay. Too bad i can't green rep you (something bout spreading the rep around!). I have to agree with you that WWE doesn't need to include this in the storyline. If people wanna see what involving family does, look no further than that travesty last night. Powerbombing a guy's kid through a table(Pointing at you Bully Ray)? Putting a stipulation involving kids or escorting for vow renewal(Pointing at you, Kurt/JJ/Karen)? Really? WWE has the advantage over TNA for a simple reason: They've learned not to use these disgusting types of storylines.

Yes I know someone will reply with the Katie Vick angle. Keep in mind that this is a different era in wrestling, "sports entertainment" if you will. Miz can get heat building up to this match with Lawler all on his own, but don't be surprised if WWE takes the low road. Anyone remember Big Bossman reciting a rude poem during a ten-bell salute or dragging the hearse away at a "funeral" during his feud with the Big Show? Or Shelton Benjamin's "Momma"? Or let's take a trip to WCW and the Judy Bagwell angle? Or more recently, the Edge-Kane feud involving Paul Bearer being "kidnapped" (which made Edge look more heel than anything else)?

Indeed, those were all staged and not real like this situation, but my point is that WWE wants to get as much heat on the Miz as possible to cover the fact he's a "weak" champion. Anything can happen.
I have to think if they were going to give Lawler a mini run, it would be because he is retiring for good, not because of his mom. IE, I don't think they would change the Road to Wrestlemania blueprint for Lawler's mom. IF, and that's a pretty big if, they do put Lawler over Miz, it would be because that was the plan already. I just can't see it happening as a pity party. Truth be told, I can't see it happening at all. Lawler has never bitched about not winning a WWE title, his one issue has always been about never appearing at Wrestlemania, and that appears likely to happen with the culmination of his feud with Cole. Personally, I don't think Lawler would even accept the title if it was offered...he is old enough to know he doesn't need it, doesn't deserve it over a full time wrestler. His payoff will ultimately be against Cole, not Miz.
This might sound kind of cold, it's not intentionally meant that way, but I hope that the WWE doesn't decide to give Jerry Lawler a brief sympathy run with the WWE Championship that'd last maybe a week or something.
The worst part is, Now this has happened, If they was planning on giving him the belt at all, everyone is going to assume it was because it was for this reason. I'm all for giving Lawler the belt for dedication and shit, but The whole, Nawww, someone close to you passed away, forget about a tissue, here's a brief title run for you is wrong.

Edit: It is sad to hear about his mum though, It would of been painful seeing her going through what she did. R.I.P
Ok I get that his mother died, may she RIP, but even if that hadn't happened you better believe that after last night I'm definitely picking Lawler to walk into Mania with the title. Why? Because if the rumors of putting Miz with Cena were true... they just got shattered last night.

If The Rock vs. Cena does happen, along with the other speculated matches, that would leave the WWE Champion Miz with nobody to face at Wrestlemania... and WWE right now needs the Miz to appear at Mania in a high profile match to put him on the map as a great champion, or at least a match that means something.

With that said, the only plausible outcomes I can think of are options...

A- Move Edge to Raw and have him face Miz. This wouldn't be such a bad idea if they weren't for building up the Del Rio vs. Edge match at Mania.

B- Hand the title to Jerry so he can have his first run as champion that leads to him having his first match at Mania which will eventually equal out to be his first loss at Mania. This way Jerry can have one of those "You, Miz, have proven yourself worthy" moments and begin to respect the guy more.

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