2011 Elimination Chamber - The Miz (c) vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler - WWE Championship

I agree, this feud is pointless. This month should have been about making Miz look more credible as champion to build him up for the Cena feud. Maybe should have been in a program with an R-Truth or John Morrison leading up 2 elimination chamber with Miz dominating the feud. Right now a feud with Lawler is making Miz seem weak
I probably think you're the only one thinking that. They've done this on multiple occasions throughout wrestling history. It doesn't mean you're "getting buried". One really good instance I can remember is John Bradshaw Layfield on Smackdown! He was to face Spike Dudley for the WWE championship, in what would be a squash, but Spike almost won. Granted we all knew Spike wouldn't win, but these things happen to set up other storylines or feuds, especially this close to Wrestlemania. This is definitely a set up for Jerry Lawler's match at Wrestlemania, whether it be against Michael Cole, or someone else. Do you honestly think Jerry is gonna win? If Jerry won, I could understand being upset, but in no way is he going to win, unless some drastic change in booking happens. This is also a good learning experience for the Miz, to be in there with a legend like Jerry. Also if I'm correct, Jerry from 2006-2007 was beating regulars in matches for the ECW gimmick. If you're truly offended by this, I'm sorry, but there's absolutely no reason to be. While rare, this is a great way to set up other future events and storylines.
I understand that, and I believe that's the point WWE is trying to make, but at the same time they are showing that Miz might not be ready to headline RAW or even a PPV if he can barely beat Lawler who hasn't been an active wrestler for a long, long time.

I know this is gonna be followed with Cole or Riley vs. Lawler at Wrestlemania, and that's fine for me, but they aren't wasting time with this storyline, and burying Miz by doing so.

It doesn't make sense, it's not logical booking, 3 months in a row, Miz beats Randy Orton, the top face of the company, and now he will have trouble beating Jerry freaking Lawler?! If Lawler was Miz first title challanger, it would have been fine with me, now, it's seems rushed and pointless.
To be honest I've not been happy with the way Miz has been booked and if he loses at EC my feeling is he'll be forever damaged by it, but I don't think he'll lose. It's fairly certain he won't win clean though either as Michael Cole interference looks likely (though that could happen in a RAW rematch if the impossible happens).
What's most important in all of this is that Miz wins at Wrestlemania, or else the last 18 months of his build will be ruined. His elevation started with Cena and at Wrestlemania he has to win to show he's actually moved on from that point.
Jerry Lawler is an absolute joke and should not be in the WWE Title match at a PPV, on Raw then maybe yeah it is something fun for the fans to get behind him and give Lawler a match, but on PPV? Really? Really?

It just made Miz look so weak when Lawler should have beaten him before Cole interfered and he will look weak again on PPV when Lawler comes close to winning again, I expect Riley and or Cole to interfere setting up Cole/Riley v. Lawler at WM.
At Elimination Chamber as you know we gonna have a WWE Championship Match between The Miz and Jerry Lawler, and this match-up makes me laugh, hard!
Because The Miz needs 61 year old Jerry Lawler to guide him by the hand to another fantastic match? Yeah, that is hilarious.

Well, The Miz is very good as an entertainer and he is even remotely good on the ring, so I have no problem with him being champion, he deserves it. But seriously what's up with Jerry Lawler main-eventing PPVs?

I am not a big fan of Jerry Lawler, but I know he was a great wrestler, one of the best heels of all time when he was on his prime, but right now this is pathetic. He is hurting The Miz a lot, this is way worse than Punk vs. JBL or Jack Swagger being buried on SmackDown when he was the World Heavyweight Champion. And as a fan it doesn't make any sense at all, Jerry Lawler is 61, well you can say that Ric Flair is 61 too, but Ric Flair could work a good match even if he was 91. Lawler has passed his prime a long time ago, 15 to 20 years ago.
The facts:

-Lawler can still do less with more and get people to give him wild reactions. His TLC match a few months back was one of the best matches Miz has ever had and proof that people are willing to invest in this story. It's also proof that Miz, someone who's also very limited in the ring, has a lot to learn about storytelling from a guy like Lawler.

-Lawler isn't Flair. Lawler looks better than Flair at this point and isn't blading all the time, doing turnbuckle flips, and embarassing himself by taking off his shirt in front of an audience. Lawler's having a great farewell run and is making some serious coin for the WWE right now in a major position. Flair is humiliating himself with his feeble attempts to recapture his former glory.

-This is generating more interest in Miz than another match with Orton would. How is that bad for Miz? His stock keeps rising. He gets to be part of a superb Rocky Balboa storyline and escape the rut of defending the belt against the same guy for the third PPV in a row. Good for him.

So you have at Elimination Chamber a 61 years old commentator, former wrestler, fighting against the WWE Champion, who should be the most important guy on the roster, and there are fans that believe that Lawler can win this and lose it the next night...

And damn, it doesn't make sene. So Lawler has been a commentator for what? As far as I can remember, since the 90's, and now suddenly, when he is 61 years old he remembered that he wants to be WWE Champion because he never was, so why didn't he tried to be WWE Champion before? Why does he have to do it now, and why does he have it do in a way that hurts The Miz a lot.

And by the way, Lawler won't get anything out of this. Even if he becomes champion for a night only or for a week, 15/20 years from now no one will care if he was WWE Champion, people will think about the great career he had before that. It's like giving Ric Flair another world championship, he doesn't it need, he is already stablished as one of the greats of all time.
Who gives a fuck about 15-20 years from now? Jerry Lawler can make the WWE some coin right now because the fans are invested in this Lawler vs. Cole/Miz story. And right now is all that matters in the wrestling business.

I would prefer to see Orton vs. Miz again, even if The Miz had to lose his title, let's say at Royal Rumble, so he could regain it at Elimination Chamber. But this, it's plain pathetic, The Miz deserves and as everyone on the roster to be treated with respect. Guess what? John Cena didn't have to fight no former wrestlers to get where he is.
Although he did have to sell for scrawny, middle-aged Shawn Michaels. I could argue that that's even worse.

Sure, Orton fought legends, but he squashed them,
Hulk Hogan says you're wrong.

The Miz is seen as somebody that can barely beat Jerry Lawler, so by Wrestlemania, if he is champion I would think by the same logic that John Cena or whoever wins the Elimination Chamber would squash him...
And yet the cowardly heel has held onto the belt while looking weaker than everyone who's challenged him since November. It's almost as though his perceived weakness is part of the plan. Hmm.

So, I'm the only one offended by this storyline? Or I am the only that thinks The Miz is being buried right now?
I'm sure you're not the only one, but that doesn't mean your point of view isn't stone cold ******ed.

This storyline is good for everyone and I love it.
Some people actually are enjoying this storyline.....thats the thing about professional wrestling... some will love certain storylines while others hate the same ones. There is an easy way to solve this problem, if you are not happy with the booking of Jerry Lawler and the undeserving Miz then stop whining and DO NOT order the pay per view. If you are enjoying the storyline then sit back, order EC and enjoy Lawler's Wrestlemania moment(finally). There is nothing wrong with voicing your opinion but there comes a point when you have to sit back and accept it. Peace!
First let me say that I am huge Miz mark. Secondly I don't have a huge problem with this at all. Sure The Miz could be facing a number of other people, but it wouldn't benefit the point they are trying to make with The Miz.

He isn't your normal World Champion, he isn't made out so that you think every week he will dominate the scene, he is billed so every week he believe that at any time he could lose the title. But some how he continues to win and hold on to the belt.

The Miz is here for the long haul and this is a first progression of his legacy. A lot of first World title reigns aren't the best, but they are an establishing point. Orton's first reign was weak, Sheamus' was too. Both are now looked at as dominate competitors and when they have the title they are dominate champions.

The Miz will come out of this just fine.
This buildup since the ladder match has been fantastic. And say what you will about Lawler's diminished skills (he's 61 after all), he shows that he's way over with the fans and that he can engage the fans in the ring after all these years. It's also the perfect way to set something up between Lawler/Cole at WM, which would be endlessly entertaining IMO. For anyone wanting to rip Lawler, I hope all of us can do our jobs as well at 61. Even at his age I think he's more skilled than half the roster.
I understand that, and I believe that's the point WWE is trying to make, but at the same time they are showing that Miz might not be ready to headline RAW or even a PPV if he can barely beat Lawler who hasn't been an active wrestler for a long, long time.

I know this is gonna be followed with Cole or Riley vs. Lawler at Wrestlemania, and that's fine for me, but they aren't wasting time with this storyline, and burying Miz by doing so.

It doesn't make sense, it's not logical booking, 3 months in a row, Miz beats Randy Orton, the top face of the company, and now he will have trouble beating Jerry freaking Lawler?! If Lawler was Miz first title challanger, it would have been fine with me, now, it's seems rushed and pointless.

thats where your wrong though, as Chrsi Jericho says "in prowrestling winning and losing doesnt matter" all it really will show is that he can make people look good. I havent heard anybody praise a Jerry lawler match in WWE other than with the miz, and thats saying something. Miz is a heel challenging the easiest challenger, and barely pullin out a win, this is classic heel tactics.
Someone asked the question in an earlier forum how can The Miz possibly survive EC? Answer...don't make him compete in the match. All the big names are competing in EC.
Nobody would ever believe that The Miz could possibly win in the chamber match. He has already nearly lost every title defense. So how can he possibly win in a match with all the big stars with no opportunity for outside help? He can't. Enter Jerry Lawler. They develop a little feud in a desperate attempt to drum up some interest for this match while continuing to protect The Miz. For some reason the WWE has this idea that The Miz will be great main eventing mania. Last year John Cena wrestled Batista for the WWE championship and I don't think anyone believed Batista would win that match. And now we are gonna get the pleasure of The MIz wrestling Cena. EC is gonna suck for the most part. There's no way we aren't gonna get Cena vs The Miz at mania. No drama at all...this can be seen from 100 miles away. I am not looking for to it at all.
Couple of reasons why this shouldn't be regarded as a comedy headliner. Flair was regarded as a contender right up until he finished with WWe (despite the fact that a well placed fart would incapacitate him in his role as backup to Evolution) - he even handed Orton an ass-kicking in his last appearance despite having 'retired' (until Legacy made the save). In real life an out of shape and over the hill George Foreman won the boxing Heavyweight title and Tom Watson kind of threw away the chance to be British Open champion in golf at the age of 59. On any given day, someone of advanced age might overcome logic (and the odds) to beat somone they would otherwise lose to 99 times out of 100. Going back to Flair, in his WCW days he would face jobbers and lower card guys whilst Champion and make us believe they might beat him - did this lower our opinion of him? A correction, Jerry Lawler's legacy is actually as a babyface in the Memphis territory, he was only a heel in the WWF/e for his feud with Bret and subsequent colour commentary role. Lawler has held more title than ANYONE in wrestling (over 200), so IMO he can believably be a very serious contender to Mr Mizarin in a short series affair... Really? Really!
It may make people laugh!! But it's the only way right now that Miz can take the WWE championship to Mania!! He will go over King obviously in this match and that so could be his first clean win defending the title!! He is a coward and this match is there for a reason!! So he makes it to WrestleMania as champion.
I just want to correct something. Lawler isn't a guy who hasn't wrestled for like 15 or 20 years. In fact Lawler wrestled at a Square Circle Wrestling event in 2010, defeating Jimmy Olsen. And I know that's also been active on the indy circuit in 2009.

Now I'll admit I was shocked when Lawler became the won that Raw Rumble, I thought it would be Cena. But this is a way to create go ahead with 2 storylines at the same time leading up to Wrestlemania. I know some folks are saying it's going to be Lawler vs. Cole at Wrestlemania or Lawler vs. Cole and Riley at Wrestlemania. But I have a feeling that Jim Ross will somehow be involved, either on commentary during that match, or teaming with Lawler. This way there can be a chance of Lawler and Ross teaming up one last time as Lawler gets his send off.

And let's say Cole interfers and the Miz, Riley and Cole start to beat down Lawler. John Cena, who I believe wins the Elimination chamber makes the save.
So let me guess the problems the OP has with this storyline

Jerry Lawler is old: Undoubtedly he is. But crowd reaction trumps everything else in wrestling. The crowd is firmly behind Jerry Lawler as you have seen over the past 3 months and the storyline of a veteran having one last shot at glory is a compelling one. Lawler has shown that he can handle himself pretty well in the ring.

Apart from that it is the only match that makes sense at this point. Orton vs Miz has been done too many times and it would make no sense to make him lose again to Miz and make the hottest babyface in the WWE both weak and stupid. Morrison vs Miz is a story that needs a bigger build and cannot be given away in such an inconsequental manner.

But then perhaps the OP wanted R-Truth vs Miz over this.

Miz will look weak: Miz will defeat a very over babyface by nefarious means and deny a veteran his last chance of headlining WrestleMania. By the time WrestleMania rolls in the people will only remember how big of a dick The Miz is and that is all what matters. Defeating Jerry Lawler will help Miz get even more over as a heel.
Because The Miz needs 61 year old Jerry Lawler to guide him by the hand to another fantastic match? Yeah, that is hilarious.

Fantastic match? The TLC match was a bunch of spots nothing else. Well, Flair and Edge did a way better job back in 2005/2006.

The facts:

-Lawler can still do less with more and get people to give him wild reactions. His TLC match a few months back was one of the best matches Miz has ever had and proof that people are willing to invest in this story. It's also proof that Miz, someone who's also very limited in the ring, has a lot to learn about storytelling from a guy like Lawler.

I'm not saying that he can't do it, I'm saying he shouldn't. Of course he makes money, kids would want to see Santino challenging Miz if they could, that doesn't mean Santino should headline RAW with The Miz... One of the best matches The Miz has had? What about Cena/Miz, Orton/Miz? A bunch of spots with a old guy with two interferences doesn't make it a good match.

-Lawler isn't Flair. Lawler looks better than Flair at this point and isn't blading all the time, doing turnbuckle flips, and embarassing himself by taking off his shirt in front of an audience. Lawler's having a great farewell run and is making some serious coin for the WWE right now in a major position. Flair is humiliating himself with his feeble attempts to recapture his former glory.

He looks better? His outfit looks like something you would see in a 70's wrestling show. It looks out of place, sure, Flair is out of place too. But even when he left WWE he was looked as a great wrestler, he beat a lot of guys before retiring against Shawn Michaels, so what did Jerry Lawler do besides commentating for the past 15 years? Nothing?

-This is generating more interest in Miz than another match with Orton would. How is that bad for Miz? His stock keeps rising. He gets to be part of a superb Rocky Balboa storyline and escape the rut of defending the belt against the same guy for the third PPV in a row. Good for him.

I'm not sure about getting more interest. If you would have told me a year ago if I could choose between Lawler/Miz and Orton/Miz, I would likely say Orton/Miz 99 times out of 100.

Who gives a fuck about 15-20 years from now? Jerry Lawler can make the WWE some coin right now because the fans are invested in this Lawler vs. Cole/Miz story. And right now is all that matters in the wrestling business.

Sure, let the kids be happy, with a 60 years old guy and a color commentator storyline, yeay. Just what I like in the WWE.

Hulk Hogan says you're wrong.

Yeah, sure, because Hogan is usually a guy you see jobbing.

And yet the cowardly heel has held onto the belt while looking weaker than everyone who's challenged him since November. It's almost as though his perceived weakness is part of the plan. Hmm.

I understand that. It's good for him to be champion, but look at what's happening in this way: if Miz can't handle Jerry Lawler by his own without needing help from Riley or Cole how can he handle John Cena at Wrestlemania? I know it's his character, but it might hurt him a lot...

I'm sure you're not the only one, but that doesn't mean your point of view isn't stone cold ******ed.

Sure, you can have a different opinion, sure as hell, I won't call it ******ed. ;)
I do believe that people need reminding of a few facts:
1. Lawler wasn't exactly in his prime 15-20 years ago either. He was in his 40s and still managed to steal the "most hated heel" title of 1993 out from under Big Van Vader. Considering the tear the big man was on, that was truly an accomplishment for the King.

2. Bob Backlund was in his 40s when he appeared at WM 9 and made Razor Ramon look like a backyard wrestler. Did it hurt Razor's career? Nope, it led to possibly the best ladder match of them all: WM X vs HBK for the IC title. This isn't going to hurt Miz's career. In fact, the Miz will look better no matter the outcome because then he can brag that he's the most awesome champion of all time.

3. In the 80s, Lawler ruled just about everywhere he went and was actually a face for a decent chunk of that.

4. What Lawler-Miz shows is that WWE needs some main-event faces on Raw immediately. Three matches in a row against Orton? Really? See.... I'm all for a feud but it gets stale after a while. Miz-Orton, Miz-Cena, back to Miz-Orton. Dear God, Miz-Lawler is a breath of fresh air. Name one face other than Cena and Orton that's ready for the big time, and JoMo/R-Truth don't count (R-Truth is highly unlikely to make it seeing as a world champ not allowed in Canada just won't fly...and JoMo needs a serious overhaul to hope to be ready). Having to rack your brains eh? I rest my case.
It's a bit obvious Miz will retain this one.. King is the only guy I can think off at this point in the feud for Miz to take on and go over, it only makes sense!! This match may make people laugh, but it's for The Miz to take the WWE title to WrestleMania..
Fantastic match? The TLC match was a bunch of spots nothing else.
It's professional wrestling. It's all spots. The spots in that match flowed logically and got the crowd hella-invested, so that means it was fantastic. Simple as. I've seen guys in their prime fail to capture the audience in a ladder match the way Lawler did on that night. I don't see how you can criticize that.

I'm not saying that he can't do it, I'm saying he shouldn't. Of course he makes money, kids would want to see Santino challenging Miz if they could, that doesn't mean Santino should headline RAW with The Miz...
Why not? People certainly care about Santino enough to get behind a serious push for him in a big way.

Also, are you implying that what "kids" want has no place at the top of the card? Because nothing could be farther from the truth.

One of the best matches The Miz has had? What about Cena/Miz, Orton/Miz? A bunch of spots with a old guy with two interferences doesn't make it a good match.
Cena vs. Miz has been okay but ordinary and a notch below standard Cena fare. Orton vs. Miz is tiresome and boring (a result of involving Orton). Lawler vs. Miz had a match that, while restricted by what Lawler can do, still jumped through the television screen and excited people because Lawler knows how to work smart and get people to care. Combine that, the novelty of the situation, and the way the storyline seamlessly blended into the match and you have a very polished, palatable piece of business in the episodic television industry and the perfect climax to a show.

He looks better? His outfit looks like something you would see in a 70's wrestling show. It looks out of place, sure, Flair is out of place too. But even when he left WWE he was looked as a great wrestler, he beat a lot of guys before retiring against Shawn Michaels, so what did Jerry Lawler do besides commentating for the past 15 years? Nothing?
Doesn't matter what he's done over the last 15 years. What he's doing now is being awesome, electrifying audiences every week, and taking part in the best storyline in the WWE. Who cares about the past?

Flair spent the years preceeding his match with Shawn Michaels making everyone he got in the ring with look silly for selling for his flabby ass. His matches with Kennedy and MVP were atrocious and killed any momentum both guys had. He's a joke and a parody of himself.

As for Lawler's attire, God forbid someone stand out in the crowd, right?
I'm not sure about getting more interest. If you would have told me a year ago if I could choose between Lawler/Miz and Orton/Miz, I would likely say Orton/Miz 99 times out of 100.
Of course back then, Orton in the title scene as a face wasn't quite as played and Lawler wasn't in the best storyline of the year. So there's that.

Sure, let the kids be happy, with a 60 years old guy and a color commentator storyline, yeay. Just what I like in the WWE.
What do the kids have to do with anything? I'm in my 20s and I'm eating this shit up with a spoon.

Yeah, sure, because Hogan is usually a guy you see jobbing.
You said something. You were wrong. Get over it.

I understand that. It's good for him to be champion, but look at what's happening in this way: if Miz can't handle Jerry Lawler by his own without needing help from Riley or Cole how can he handle John Cena at Wrestlemania? I know it's his character, but it might hurt him a lot...
This is what happens with every heel in the WWE. The rest seem to be doing just fine. Similarly, Miz will land on his feet. Considering that he's been pushed as one of the new faces of the company, there's no evidence to suggest he won't end up like Edge rather than Swagger.

Sure, you can have a different opinion, sure as hell, I won't call it ******ed. ;)
Because my opinion isn't ******ed. Your's is.
Fantastic match? The TLC match was a bunch of spots nothing else. Well, Flair and Edge did a way better job back in 2005/2006.

Yeah that's what a match is, a bunch of spots put together to tell a fucking story, Miz and Lawler do a great job of that

I'm not saying that he can't do it, I'm saying he shouldn't. Of course he makes money, kids would want to see Santino challenging Miz if they could, that doesn't mean Santino should headline RAW with The Miz... One of the best matches The Miz has had? What about Cena/Miz, Orton/Miz? A bunch of spots with a old guy with two interferences doesn't make it a good match.

Orton is busy building a feud with Punk and the New Nexus, having him chase Miz and the title doesn't work right now, & Cena is clearly being saved for WM, Lawler fits perfectly, and can teach Miz shit loads about story telling in a match, Lawler has won 79 World Heavyweight Titles through various promotions over his 40+ years in wrestling, the guy can still go and put on great matches, Lawler is in a perfect situation to put Miz over huge as a heel, and Lawler/Miz at EC is not going to be the ME match, if anything it will be the second to last match on the Card, one of the EC (prolly the SD! one) will close the PPV

He looks better? His outfit looks like something you would see in a 70's wrestling show. It looks out of place, sure, Flair is out of place too. But even when he left WWE he was looked as a great wrestler, he beat a lot of guys before retiring against Shawn Michaels, so what did Jerry Lawler do besides commentating for the past 15 years? Nothing?

Lawler is in great shape, Flair look like shit, Lawler puts people over and has watchable matches, Flair flops around the ring like a fish and is just an embarrassment to the industry these days

I'm not sure about getting more interest. If you would have told me a year ago if I could choose between Lawler/Miz and Orton/Miz, I would likely say Orton/Miz 99 times out of 100.

and a shit load of people would disagree with you

Sure, let the kids be happy, with a 60 years old guy and a color commentator storyline, yeay. Just what I like in the WWE.

Kids = $$$$, for every kid you get to come to a wrestling event you have a adult accompanying them, it's good buisness, and tha's what WWE is a business first

Yeah, sure, because Hogan is usually a guy you see jobbing.

So it's ok for a gimpy Hogan to no sell and got over Orton but Lawler facing Miz is laughable, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight................. that makes sense:rolleyes:

I understand that. It's good for him to be champion, but look at what's happening in this way: if Miz can't handle Jerry Lawler by his own without needing help from Riley or Cole how can he handle John Cena at Wrestlemania? I know it's his character, but it might hurt him a lot...

It won't hurt him a bit, Miz beats Lawler he gains more heat, especially if he uses Riley and/or Cole to help him, Miz only benefits from feuding with Lawler for a month
Ok so Miz is verry undeserving and lawler is and should beat him at the ppv. wat i think should happen is that lawler should beat miz. and the night after assume the gm role and give the title to someone who does desrve it like hmm... Orton or Morrison. And some might say lawler doesnt need the title. Well let me say this. Bret hart didn't need the us title. but he beat miz and shut him up. even if miz did gain it back. and Miz is verry and i mean verry lucky JBL doesnt come back cause he would kill miz. Miz, Riley, and Michael cole need to give it up. And miz needs to go back to reality tv where he belongs. Oh it makes me laugh so hard when i hear that miz is and should be the face of wwe. what a joke.:lmao:
I have a huge problem with how the Elimination Chamber is being booked which includes this match. The EC is the last stop before Wrestlemania so it's usually a day of controversy and shocking moments. By having the EC match win a title match rather than the title and then putting the Miz against someone like Jerry Lawler is horrible booking.

In my opinion and many others, Miz hasn't been booked in a way to show that his wrestling skills match what a world champion needs. In the first place, Miz obviously isn't the best wrestler on the roster and then booking him in a way to never get a clean pin isn't helping his liability as a champion. Then by putting him against Jerry Lawler at one of the most important PPVs (if not the most important PPV) before 'Mania is just stupid.

We know King won't win the title at Elimination Chamber so Miz will retain then the Elimination Chamber match isn't very relevant as no one could really care if it doesn't have the title in it.
It's too bad I'm late to the party, but the OP is clearly all sorts of dumb.

Jerry Lawler is one of the most over people in professional wrestling. That's right, not RAW, not WWE, professional wrestling. The fans love seeing him lace up the boots one more time in his quest to accomplish something he couldn't do when he was in his prime. How awesome a story is that? It's almost romantic in that he wants to be able to say to his grandchildren, "I was a WWE champion, and I main evented Wrestlemania!" That whole notion is about fifty times better than any lame grudge match the WWE throws at the fans. The motivation is terrific, and that is what gives this feud so much fire.

The OP lost all credibility when he said Flair could put on a good match until he was 91. Flair can't put on a good match now, and he is hard to look at. He's exactly what you would think a 61 year old wrestler who has been going at it non-stop since he was 20 would look like. Jerry, on the other hand, still has the moves. He looks fantastic in the ring despite his limited moveset, and he looks like he could be in his mid 40s. Seriously, I showed a picture of him to a fried of mine asking how old she thought he was, and she said 45.

And Lawler won't get anything out of this? ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS? You're making me regret that I didn't quote-reply you, but I'm too lazy to go back. This is CLEARLY setting up a match for him at Wrestlemania. Even if he doesn't win the WWE Championship, and he won't, the main motivation for Jerry here is to be a part of Wrestlemania, something he's never done before despite having a legendary wrestling career. This not only benefits Jerry, but it'll be a big selling point for the WWE as well. Cole has been insufferable for months now, and the fans would LOVE to see Jerry Lawler kick the living shit out of Cole at Wrestlemania. I know I'm excited for the prospect of seeing Cole get his face stomped in.

The reason Miz can't beat Jerry cleanly is because he can't beat ANYBODY cleanly. It's heel booking 101, make the heel look weak so people think the face will be able to kick his ass at the PPV, and then have the heel pull out a dirty victory. He's been doing this since day one of his championship reign, and he will continue to do it until he finally drops the belt.

The Miz is NOT being buried as he was never billed to look strong. You are among a small group of people who think this is a bad idea, and the rest of that group is on the short bus. There may still be room for you to hop on.
It's nice to know how bad the WWE is right now. That everyone that is bashing me considers that Jerry Lawler is getting great reactions from the crowd, yeah sure. And I loved the line he threw at The Miz: "You guys think that Miz suck?" (YEAH!), I even bet you stood up cheering "Lawler! Lawler! Lawler!"

It's pathetic. A 60 years old guy that doesn't even had a spot in the active roster for so much time, even being considered for this position is stupid. He deserves to get one final push? Of course. For the championship? Nop. The Miz doesn't need to beat some old fart to be considered relevant. I'm pretty sure that 50 years from now no one will know who the fuck was Jerry Lawler.

But yeah, he is getting great reactions from the kids. Yeah, he looks as pathetic in the ring as Khali right now, he is doing fewer moves than John Cena, but fuck it, he is great, he is so damn great that he is gonna sell pay-per-views, because after you watch Miz vs. Lawler you will want to see Lawler vs. Cole at Wrestlemania, but not as much as Ms. Wrestlemania bullshit that WWE now does every other year.

Go ahead, cheer the fuck out for Lawler. An old guy that hasn't been relevant in decades. Why couldn't WWE just run Miz/Morrison storyline? 3 months would be a perfect time to play it. Then, after, Wrestlemania they could fight again by the time of Summerslam, but no, everyone wants to see Lawler, a guy that is average on the mic as a color commentator because he can't even be a good face, and all the WWE fans will remember him for being the guy that sometimes yelled "puppies!".

If this was TNA, and Jerry Lawler was Tazz, a guy who has retired not 10 years ago, everyone would be bashing TNA for doing it, because it looks bad for a guy that is retired to wrestle in a PPV, but it is WWE and everybody will eat everything McMahon throws at you.
For those fans who have no appreciation for experience in the pro wrestling business, I can understand why this sort of booking would seem bad. Perhaps even an insult to the Miz. To be honest, after seeing Lawler in the ring, I have to say that nothing could be farther from the truth. If there's any old wrestler who still has "got it" then Lawler is it. I'm not saying this because he wrestles like he did in his youth, which he does not. I'm saying this because he knows what he can do and manages to do it effectively. He can sell, he can follow through with a match, and despite his limitations he can still come across as a solid contender.

Still, it is my opinion that this whole story is not for the purpose of showcasing Lawler. He's had his time to be showcased. This is for the Miz's benefit. The Miz is a heel and Lawler is extremely well liked. The Miz is to gather heat by beating the tar out of the old man and allowing him to get across the message "I'm the Miz and I'm an A**HOLE". This sort of feud can only benefit the Miz and it's nothing new. Lawler is just the latest in a series of opponents who have been helping the Miz to gradually look more and more dangerous, even if only as a chickensh** heel.

I'm reminded of a Wrestlemania a couple of years ago where something similar was done with Chris Jericho. Anybody remember him taking on Roddy Piper, "Supa-fly" Snooka, and Ricky Steamboat? What was the purpose of that? Why, to make Jericho look even more of an insufferable prick than he already did. He was a heel, that's what he was supposed to be, it was super effective.

Now, Lawler ain't no three legends. I'll grant you that. But Elimination Chamber ain't no Wrestlemania either. Nonetheless, it accomplishes the same goal. The fact that the match is a foregone conclusion in our minds doesn't matter. For many wrestling fans, it's still up in the air. And who knows? The WWE has pulled surprises on us before...
It's nice to know how bad the WWE is right now. That everyone that is bashing me considers that Jerry Lawler is getting great reactions from the crowd, yeah sure. And I loved the line he threw at The Miz: "You guys think that Miz suck?" (YEAH!), I even bet you stood up cheering "Lawler! Lawler! Lawler!"

Doesn't change the fact that Lawler is, in fact getting a great reaction from the crowd.

It's pathetic. A 60 years old guy that doesn't even had a spot in the active roster for so much time, even being considered for this position is stupid. He deserves to get one final push? Of course. For the championship? Nope.

So Miz gets to brag about defeating a 60 year old, probably due to outside interferance? That's going to get him a lot of heat from the crowd because, ya know who the fuck brags about beating up an old man?

The Miz doesn't need to beat some old fart to be considered relevant. I'm pretty sure that 50 years from now no one will know who the fuck was Jerry Lawler.

First of all, if you think people won't remember Lawler in 50 years time, you're insane. Secondly, Miz doesn't need to beat anyone to be considered relavent. He's got the top title and promo time on every show he's on. He's alreade relavent. Lawler's push is to give him a Ric Flair retirement moment at 'Mania. End of story.

But yeah, he is getting great reactions from the kids. Yeah, he looks as pathetic in the ring as Khali right now, he is doing fewer moves than John Cena, but fuck it, he is great, he is so damn great that he is gonna sell pay-per-views, because after you watch Miz vs. Lawler you will want to see Lawler vs. Cole at Wrestlemania, but not as much as Ms. Wrestlemania bullshit that WWE now does every other year.

I'm not going to dignefy that butthurt speil with a responce.

Go ahead, cheer the fuck out for Lawler. An old guy that hasn't been relevant in decades. Why couldn't WWE just run Miz/Morrison storyline? 3 months would be a perfect time to play it.

Morrison isn't ready to headline 'Mania.

Then, after, Wrestlemania they could fight again by the time of Summerslam, but no, everyone wants to see Lawler, a guy that is average on the mic as a color commentator because he can't even be a good face, and all the WWE fans will remember him for being the guy that sometimes yelled "puppies!".

And yet, he's still been dragging good matches out of the Miz at every opportunity. Funny how that works out isn't it?

If this was TNA, and Jerry Lawler was Tazz, a guy who has retired not 10 years ago, everyone would be bashing TNA for doing it, because it looks bad for a guy that is retired to wrestle in a PPV, but it is WWE and everybody will eat everything McMahon throws at you.

In TNA, the pensioners are used long term to bolster ratings. In WWE they get a nostalgia/farewell push then bugger off to the sidelines. Nice try though.

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