2011-12 NBA Playoffs LD

So you agree it's not a foul? That's kind of my point.

I'm saying that bumps on a drive frequently get no called unless they are major. If every ref went by the exact definition of the rule book then it would take 4 hours to get through every game and Shaq would have attempted 30+ free throws a game throughout his career. When there is constant contact from a defender throughout a few second period those are the types of things that should be called, not every little bump that has minimal to no affect on a play.
I'm saying that bumps on a drive frequently get no called unless they are major. If every ref went by the exact definition of the rule book then it would take 4 hours to get through every game and Shaq would have attempted 30+ free throws a game throughout his career. When there is constant contact from a defender throughout a few second period those are the types of things that should be called, not every little bump that has minimal to no affect on a play.

So, as I said before, you agree it was not a foul? You sure do have a long-winded way of agreeing with me.
I don't even think it was a judgment call, I think it was pretty clearly a block.

I thought it was a judgement call. Both of Battier's feet were planted on the ground and he was standing up pretty straight when Durant made contact. Then again, Battier did deliberately step in front of Durant's way, and it could be argued that he was still sort of leaning away when Durant made contact. I could have seen the call going either way, but am not upset that it was called a block, and I'm a Heat fan. Or a fan of LeBron James and Shane Battier anyway.

On a related note, basketball fans need to make peace with the fact that the game is not fair and certain players get preferential treatment. It's so apparent that it has become a fairly acceptable practice that most sports broadcasters are jaded to. Complaining about one call that could have gone either way and had no real impact on the outcome of the game doesn't make you look like an intelligent fan. It makes you look petty.
If the Heat would have lost that game I think the blame should have fell on Spo. There's like under one minute, up by 5 and they knew the Thunder were going to try go full court to cause a turnover. I have no idea why he didn't just advance the ball instead of having the Heat force it up the court to beat the 8 second count. That's what caused the turnover by Wade. He had to rush the ball past the midcourt line.
Then nearly every time LeBron drives, he gets fouled, agreed?

If you go by the letter of the law then yes but if you let guys play a little and don't call every bump, then no. When LeBron drives he usually gets bumped but it is often something minimal, the contact LeBron had on Durant was not minimal.
If you go by the letter of the law then yes but if you let guys play a little and don't call every bump, then no. When LeBron drives he usually gets bumped but it is often something minimal, the contact LeBron had on Durant was not minimal.
Yes it was. What did LeBron do that was "not minimal"?

Yes it was. What did LeBron do that was "not minimal"?


He had his arm under Durant's and was making constant contact throughout the duration of the play. Minimal contact is a little bump or a hand check, not constantly keeping illegal contact on the guy you are defending because you looked away for a split second and were about to get beat. It was a smart play by LeBron because they had a foul to give and he would have been beat clean if he didn't do it but it still should have been a foul.
He had his arm under Durant's and was making constant contact throughout the duration of the play.
With his forearm, which is a legal guarding position.

not constantly keeping illegal contact on the guy you are defending because you looked away for a split second and were about to get beat.
A forearm is not illegal contact. From the NBA Rulebook:

(3) A defender may apply contact with a forearm to an offensive player with the ball at any time in the Lower Defensive Box.

You'll notice the contact occurs in the Lower Defensive Box, and thus, is not a foul.
You're conveniently leaving out the part of the rule that states "At no time may the forearm be used to dislodge, reroute or impede the offensive player." LeBron was clearly using his forearm to impede the progress of Durant.
You're conveniently leaving out the part of the rule that states "At no time may the forearm be used to dislodge, reroute or impede the offensive player." LeBron was clearly using his forearm to impede the progress of Durant.
Please direct me to where you found this. Give me the link, because it is no where on the page I quoted. Please show me EXACTLY where you found that exact phrase. Here is what the rule says:

B. Personal Foul

Section I--Types
a. A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an oppo-nent by extending a hand, forearm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a posi-tion that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately.
b. Contact initiated by the defensive player guarding a player with the ball is not legal. This contact includes, but is not limited to, forearm, hands, or body check.

However, it ALSO says this:

(1) A defender may apply contact with a forearm to an offensive player with the ball who has his back to the basket below the free throw line extend-ed outside the Lower Defensive Box.
(2) A defender may apply contact with a forearm and/or one hand with a bent elbow to an offensive player in a post-up position with the ball in the Lower Defensive Box.
(3) A defender may apply contact with a forearm to an offensive player with the ball at any time in the Lower Defensive Box. The forearm in the above exceptions is solely for the purpose of main-taining a defensive position.

By that rule and exception, what LeBron James did was not a foul.
Wow...way to not blow your whistles. That HAD to be either a foul by OKC or a travel on James. No way someone can jump up in the air and come down with the ball.


Still waiting Big Sexy.
I've been flipping back and forth between No Way Out and the game, but the Big Three all played fairly well in the first quarter.
Overall Heat were worthy winners. Great game but too many phantom fouls called for Wade today for those 3 point plays. Missed free throws cost OKC the game.

Durant played like a 4th quarter Lebron, missing clutch shots and free throws. ;) Harden was terrible offensively but made up with some good defence. Westbrooks was very good. Big 3 for the Heat all played excellent.

Another close game. This final might just beat out last year's for competitiveness and last year's was an excellent final.
This has been a great series to watch so far. Probably because it's just fun to watch teams I actually care about. I so would have checked out already if the Celtics or Spurs ended up in the Finals.
Yeah OKC is in about as close to a must win situation as you can be. I don't see them rolling of 3 in a row if they fall down 3-1. Ideally for the heat, though, you protect your home court (where they've been pretty damn good all postseason) and you'll see the confetti fall. It looked like the road environment got to some of the Thunder players today (Harden) and KD can't keep getting in foul trouble.
I've enjoyed this series very well. Miami has a better chance to seize the opportunity and win the next two games, both of which are in Miami, and become NBA champs and get Lebron his first ring. That would be the perfect scenario for James but whether or not that happens we'll see. OKC has to get over their road game jitters if they don't want to go down 3-1.

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