2010 Hall of Famers?


The Cheesehead in Ohio
Now that we know who's going to headline the Class of 2009, who should join the Hall in 2010? Going with wrestlers that actually have a shot from Vinny Mac of entering...here's my list of 8 (or should I say 9):

1.) "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase: How has this man not entered in yet? The Million Dollar Man was arguably one of the best heels of the 80s. He is the character people love to hate: using his money and not his talent to get ahead in the world. (inducted by Ted DiBiase Jr.)

2.) The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal: Arguably one of the best tag teams of all times. We have the Briscoes, the Freebirds, and now The Funks...lets get LOD the recognition they deserve! (inducted by James Laurinaitis)

3.) Davey Boy Smith: The British Bulldog needs a Hall of Fame nod...c'mon! (inducted by DH Smith)

4.) Miss Elizabeth: The popular valet of the Macho Man...and center to the implosion of the Mega Powers. Miss Elizabeth was one of the best female valets ever, and should be recognized as such. (inducted by Hulk Hogan)

5.) Lou Thesz: One of the all time greats! (inducted by JR)

6.) Ron Simmons: First African-American World Champion in history, multiple time WWE Tag Team Champion, leader of the Nation of Domination...only one word...DAMN! (inducted by JBL)

7.) Dean Malenko: The man was a great wrestler for WCW and a good wrestler for WWE...but has been a good loyal road agent for the WWE. Lets see Dean get a spot! (inducted by Ric Flair)

8.) Paul Heyman: From his WCW days as Paul E. Dangerous, to founding one of the top 3 wrestling companies in the 90s, to basically help create the concept of hardcore wrestling with many others in Philly...Heyman deserves a Hall of Fame nod! (inducted by Rob Van Dam)

Your opinions? Didn't see this thread created, so if it's a duplicate, sorry!
Didnt Lou Thesz already get inducted?? sure i heard his name previous.

I think all of the above are good candidates, i would like to see Randy Savage and The Warrior inducted one day but that may be some way down the line.
2010 Hall of Fame

1) The Rock - leading the 2010 Hall of Fame Class (steve austin leading this year, im sure The Rock will be leading next year) for all of his accomplishments

2) Ron Simmons - He has retired and now its time for him to be recognized as a true legend!

i dont know on who else
Anyone else torn on the Hall of Fame like me?

I remember a few weeks back Mr. T was asked if he ever wants to be in the HOF or a similar question and he said something like he doesn't want to be in it because Pete Rose, who never wrestled a match, is in the HOF.

I mean come on....PETE ROSE......
I do like where they are going with the HOF and trying to make it more creditble but I think they induct too many guys every year. This year they are inducting like 9 people.
i'm going to say the 2 most deserving but who wont get in are obviously macho man and bruno samartino, but since vince's hates them both (And vice versa) that won't be happening.

- The Million Dollar Man, I actually read that he would have been inducted this year if not for so many other big names and that it's a lock he'll be one of the top people inducted next year.

-Jake "the snake" Roberts, deserves as much as anyone to be inducted, amazing in ring work and in terms of laying out a match and telling a story the best.

-L.O.D./Road Warriors- arguably the greatest tag team every, if any tag team belongs they do

-The british bulldogs- same as above, i could see Davy Boy being inducted as a solo worker as well and justified all though I dont think his work as a singles would be reason enough alone.

-The Ulimate Warrior, yes he's a bit off his rocker but his accomplishments warranted an acknowledgement and definitely belong in the hall of fame (and as much as people not him as a wrestler he has had a few really good mania matches: rick rude, hulk hogan, macho man)

-Owen Hart, won every belt other than the big one, an amazing technical wrestler and entertainer.

-Miss Elizabeth, the first lady of wrestling, nough said!

-The rock, I can make an obvious case for but i think it's too soon, maybe in a couple years (i dont think he's in a rush to be inducted either to be honest)

-Trish Stratus, redefined the term Diva
I will agree with the Million Dollar Man, and LOD also. Both very deserving and I'm not saying the other people you mentioned aren't deserving but I'm just giving my top picks. So in additon to these picks I'm going with a long shot but someone who, no matter the circumstances and personal BULLSHIT, deserves as much if not more than anyone to be inducted and that person is the "Macho Man" Randy Savage!!! I mean c'mon vince! Can't you just let it go? Holding onto these old grudges is ridiculous especially for someone in thier 60's. I'll be so pissed if he doesnt make it to the HOF soon!

Fianlly my top pick for 2010 HOF is The Great One...The Rock! Is there anyone more derserving than the People's Champ? I don't think so and with Austin being the headliner of this year's class it seems pretty likely that The Rock will be and should be the headliner for next year!
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i'm going to say the 2 most deserving but who wont get in are obviously macho man and bruno samartino, but since vince's hates them both (And vice versa) that won't be happening.

- The Million Dollar Man, I actually read that he would have been inducted this year if not for so many other big names and that it's a lock he'll be one of the top people inducted next year.

-Jake "the snake" Roberts, deserves as much as anyone to be inducted, amazing in ring work and in terms of laying out a match and telling a story the best.

-L.O.D./Road Warriors- arguably the greatest tag team every, if any tag team belongs they do

-The british bulldogs- same as above, i could see Davy Boy being inducted as a solo worker as well and justified all though I dont think his work as a singles would be reason enough alone.

-The Ulimate Warrior, yes he's a bit off his rocker but his accomplishments warranted an acknowledgement and definitely belong in the hall of fame (and as much as people not him as a wrestler he has had a few really good mania matches: rick rude, hulk hogan, macho man)

-Owen Hart, won every belt other than the big one, an amazing technical wrestler and entertainer.

-Miss Elizabeth, the first lady of wrestling, nough said!

-The rock, I can make an obvious case for but i think it's too soon, maybe in a couple years (i dont think he's in a rush to be inducted either to be honest)

-Trish Stratus, redefined the term Diva

you made some good points about good wrestlers theres just a couple of wrestlers on that list i don't ever see entering.

Owen Hart: His widow Martha will never allow them to induct him. She sued wwe after he died and left such a bad taste about Owen in Vinces mouth that i don't think he will ever get inducted. and if he ever does, it will be by Bret (cause yokozuna is dead and jarrret is tna) and Owen's wife and kids won't be there guaranteed.

The Rock: It will be a very long time before this happens because he simply doesn't want to have anything to do with the WWE anymore.

The British Bulldogs: I see Davey Boy getting the nod but they will never induct The Dynamite Kid. He's to crazy now and has such a drug problem Vince wouldn"t want to associate with him.

Ultimate Warrior: He will never be inducted for the same reason as Savage and Samartino. |Vince hates him and he hates Vince. Oh yah and the guy was a shit wrestler with a shit finisher. a splash from a guy that size is gonna finish someone off. Please thats bullcrap.

Miss Elizabeth: She might be but i don't know if Vince wants to associate himself with someone that killed themselves with pills and booze with the aftermath of Benoit.

The rest of the list i think has a very good chance of getting inducted.
wwe dropped the ball by not having the road warriors inducted in chicago. they had 2 other big names but it would've been perfect for them.
I think they are all deserving, but I think the relationship with the McMahons (Mainly Vince) has a lot to do with whether someone makes it in the HOF or not.

I agree that the Rock should headline the 2010 class. He has been away long enough to be recognized for his accomplishments and is a lock IMO.

"The Million Dollar Man" is another lock for me. I cant remember any heel being hated as much as he was in his hay day.

I thought the LOD was already inducted but I guess I was mistaken. If they havent been then they would also be a lock to get in next year.
Yes Savage deserves in there. as well as the Milliondollar Man. And oh God yes please put Jake Roberts in soon,,,,,,,,,,,,, you guys have mentioned a ton of great guys to induct.

I however want to see one of the " Greatest of all the times" ( thanks Santino) get inducted in 2010 ,,,,,,,,,, BRUNO SAMMARTINO . nobody, even Savage deserves to be inducted more than BRUNO.
Warrior will never be in the hall of fame because he supposedly was an asshole towards vince mcmahon supposedly... watch self destruction of the ultimate warrior..... and filed a lawsuit against vince.... savage might be since they're releasing a dvd so it might lead to a hall of fame induction sometime in the future..... If they don't do rock next year, i think they should induct Vince Mcmahon.... seriously vince is the greatest heel character of all time and obviously the reason why most of us watch wrestling... I think that they should devote the whole show just to him... no more inductees..... just my opinion
Ted Dibiase is a dead cert for next year I think.
I reckon The Rock won't go in yet, its still a bit soon. We could maybe see Undertaker or HBK go in if they retire come Wrestlemania 26
I agree with everyone's take on Warrior, and agree with the post in my including him in the HOF and those that say he was definitely a shit wrestling,

but his cred's speak for themselves and his accomplishments would suggest he is worthy, and I'll admit he was a horried actual wrestler, but to my surprise did pull out a few good matches every year around wrestlemania

but personal feeling aside he definitely belongs,

good call one vince McMahon too, however that isn't going to happen for a long time (probably after he's dead to be honest), he doesnt like his name or character referenced at all at the hall of fame!
New Savage DVD = 2010 HOF Induction :weird:

Both Vince and MM have to bury the hatchet in order for that one to ever happen, but if Vince is going to make a DVD on him what better way to make a tie-in to next year's HOF than that.
Ted Dibiase might go in. He's one of wrestlings all time great heels and he's a very underrated in ring wrestler. He wont be the headliner but hopefully he'll be inducted. Owen Hart is also a possibility, but I expect them to wait untill Wrestlemania goes back to Canada before they induct him. I'd also expect to see Jake Roberts inducted. The guy was just great. If I was a wrestler I'd look to him for my heel psychology. The guy's ring presence was just phenomenal. If he doesnt get in next year, he'll get in someday for sure.
Many of the names already mentioned are deserving in my opinion. If I had to choose for the coming year, I'd probably pick:

LOU THESZ: Thesz was legitimately skilled and a legitimate tough guy. Possibly the most "legitimate" World Champion in pro wrestling history. His first reign as NWA World Heavyweight Champion was the longest in the title's history and, by the time his reign was finished, he'd basically unified every other "world" title in the country.

OWEN HART: Owen had great in-ring skills and the matches he had against Bret were some of the best of the 90s. He was a great singles and tag team wrestler, but what I think made him stand out the most, at least to me, was that he managed to forge his own identity. He wasn't in Bret's shadow and proved he could compete with his bro on the same level in the ring.

MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE: Looking back, it's hard for me to really take the Macho Man's character seriously, though maybe it wasn't really intended to be. During interviews, he put so much straing in his voice and face that he looked as if he were constipated. However, none of that stopped him from being entertaining. He was good on the mic and he more than proved himself inside the ring. Aside from being a multi-time World Champion, he was one of the guys that really gave the I.C. title credibility and legitimacy. The fact that WWE is putting out a DVD of him this summer, which means that Vince is at least acknowledging that the guy existed, is a little ray of hope that it might happen someday.

ARN ANDERSON: Ric Flair may have been the unofficial leader of the Four Horsemen, but I always felt that Arn Anderson was the heart and soul of the group. Double A proved himself as a singles and tag team wrestler and had that great Anderson ring style. During the 80s, his work on the mic was second to none in my opinion. He had that unique ability to just make stuff up as he went along, none of it sounded the least bit rehearsed. It's an almost guarantee he'll get in someday, I just hope the next time around.

BARRY WINDHAM: In a lot of ways, Windham was one of the true golden boys of the NWA during the 80s. While his skills on the mic weren't really that great, maybe a little above average, he could have a great match with anyone he worked. He was a major force in the Florida and Mid-Atlantic NWA territories and later on in WCW. A great all around athlete that was great as both a singles and tag team wrestler, including two times as WWF Tag Team Champion. His inclusion into the Four Horsemen with Flair, Anderson and Blanchard gave the group, in my opinion, its strongest line-up as far as in ring ability goes.

TULLY BLANCHARD: Blanchard was simply the best heel in any NWA promotion during the 1980s. He got so much heat from the crowds that it was downright scary to be near the guy at times. He had great skills in the ring, had the titles to prove it and gave great interviews as well. Unfortunately, Tully only really shined for about five or six years before he kind of faded away by the very early 90s, but he did more than most do in 20 years. His feuds with Dusty Rhodes, Magnum T.A. The Rock 'n' Roll Express and the Road Warriors were just plain sweet. They were violent, bloody and looked extremely personal.

THE ROAD WARRIORS: Arguably the greatest tag team of the 1980s and early 1990s. They dominated the tag team division of any company they went to, whether it be the AWA, NWA or WWF. They didn't have much in the way of finesse, but they got the job done and electrified crowds wherever they went.

STAN HANSEN: Stan "The Lariat" Hansen was arguably the greatest brawler in the history of the business. Off the top of my head, the only ones that can legitimately challenge that claim are Abdulla the Butcher, Bruiser Brody or Mick Foley. He was legendary for his stiff working style and Hansen, in many ways, was Stone Cold Steve Austin when Steve Austin was still in grade school. Hansen was just a rough and ready brawler, nothing the least bit pretty about him. He looked and sounded like the ultimate Texas redneck. Hansen also attained near godlike status while working for All Japan Pro Wrestling. His reverence within that company is probably second only to that of the Giant Baba, and that's only because he founded AJPW and was, of course, Japanese.

SAM MUCHNICK: As far as a non-wrestler goes, I don't think anyone deserves more recognition than Sam Muchnick. Aside from being the President of the NWA for 22 years, Muchnick is, in all honesty, probably the one person that kept the NWA from falling apart during the turbulent years of the mid and late 1950s. Muchnick was that rarest of rare gems: an honest and honorable wrestling promoter. While his work as NWA President kept him from devoting as much time to his St. Louis Wrestling Club as he'd liked, he never had trouble drawing big crowds or top performers to work for him because you'd always get a good show and a fair deal. In a business built on backstage politics and dirty business practices, it'd be a nice kick to see just a good ol' fashioned nice guy get some well deserved recognition.
I was going to try to mention some names that no one else did just to get feedback but everyone's answers were pretty good and consistent. My personal favorites: Ted DiBiase and Arn Anderson. Ted DiBiase was so good that if he couldn't win a title, he created one. He was great and I hated him as a kid which really makes me respect his career now that I understand that was the point to his character. As a kid from NC(NWA country), Arn Anderson was another favorite. A guy who worked with just about every main-eventer to come through without actually carrying the title. My favorite Anderson match was actually vs Flair at Fall Brawl 95. Now some some conversation starters:

The Demolition: WWE's answers to the Warriors but they were pretty good.

The Mountie: just kidding

The Model Rick Martel: Pink tights and his "Arrogance" perfume. Great stuff.

The Doctor of Style Slick: This guy is damn irritated but pretty comical as a manager.

Ravishing Rick Rude: He was as good on the mic as he was in the ring.
I hope the 2010 HoF will look a little something like this:

Vincent K. Mcmahon: Everyone is saying that The Rock will headline next years class but I think it will be the boss himself. Now I know people will say it's to early for him but I think the time is right. I say this becuse Vince himself has seemed to diminish his onscreen role, which, IMO , makes a good candidate. I think it would be awesome if Vince went in by inducting himself.

Macho Man Randy Savage: Someone metioned before about the dvd coming out, and I don't think it will tarnish him like Warriors did for him. I really think this is gonna happen because Vince always makes up with guys he hates and vice versa.

Ted Dibiasie: I can't believe he isn't in already. This is must for next year.

LOD: Hawk and Animal are one of the greatest tag teams of all time, in and out of the wwe. Plus, IMO, I think they were a big part of the attitude era( a significant era whether you like or not), and helped put alot of good teams over. (I know LOD 2000 was retarted, I'm talking before that).

Elisabeth: She was the first true sex symbol of wrestling and was invovled in some of the biggest storylines in wrestling history.

Taz: Listen , he was one of the best in the 90's. At one point this guy was the top draw for ECW. He's been in the wwe just shy of decade, and although he's been behind the desk rather then in the ring for most of it, I think he is a great color man. As for those who think he should go in with Cole one day, I'm not sure Cole ever will.
Lots of good suggestions, totally forgot about Ravishing Rick Rude (that can happen when you post at 4AM...). Unfortunately at this time I don't see Jake "The Snake" Roberts getting the HoF nod mainly because of his drug problems...which is a shame. There are plenty of wrestlers who deserve to be in that will never get in as long as Vince McMahon breathes: "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Bruno Sammartino, Ultimate Warrior, Owen Hart...it's a shame. Recognition in the HoF should have nothing to do with family issues or personal issues between individuals...the Hall of Fame is for giving the great wrestlers the recognition they deserve. Hell if Bret Hart and Vince McMahon can bury the hatchet to induct the Hitman, anyone can...
Class of 2010:

HBK (longest-running active employee, debatable greatest of all time)
Vince McMahon (If his dad can be in, so can he)
Million Dollar Man (Shame he isn't in already)
LOD (See above)
The Freebirds (See above above)
J.J. Dillon (possibly Horsemen as a group)
Ron Simmons (First African-American World Champion...damn!)
Tony Shiovani (yes, I said it...he wasn't the best, but he was the voice of late NWA/all of WCW...he should get at least that much credit...plus it's been the trend the last few years of including an announcer in the class, and there aren't too many left who would fit right now)
Headliner-Macho Man Randy Savage and Miss Elisabeth
-I think it will be time to finally induct Savage. With the DVD coming out, maybe it is a sign that Savage will finally get that induction. And who better to induct Savage and Elisabeth than Hulk Hogan.

Mid Tier-Ted DiBiase, Ravishing Rick Rude, Four Horseman (JJ Dillon, Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Barry Windham, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger), Ron Simmons
-I think all those are worthy to be inducted and have a good chance to be inducted come 2010. Not sure about all the horseman, as that is a hefty bunch, but all are deserving. They could be inducted by Ric Flair. And DiBiase was arguably one of the greatest heels and the business and he deserves a spot in the hall. He would obviously be inducted by his son Ted Jr. Ron Simmons is planted in history as the first African American champion and he had a good career and deserves inducted. Could be inducted by JBL or Teddy Long. And Rick Rude also deserves a spot. Great heel and in ring worker. And he was good on the mic. Not sure who could induct Rude, maybe Ricky Steamboat, Jimmy Hart, or Heyman.
Why has no one mentioned ...Eric Bischoff.
Think about it.
Without Bischoff{with help from ECW} nipping at Mcmahons heels we wouldnt have had the attitude era.
If Bischoff hadnt taken WCW as high as he did,we would probably still be subject to 2 hours or squash matches on RAW.
Many of the names already mentioned are deserving in my opinion. If I had to choose for the coming year, I'd probably pick:

LOU THESZ: Thesz was legitimately skilled and a legitimate tough guy. Possibly the most "legitimate" World Champion in pro wrestling history. His first reign as NWA World Heavyweight Champion was the longest in the title's history and, by the time his reign was finished, he'd basically unified every other "world" title in the country.

OWEN HART: Owen had great in-ring skills and the matches he had against Bret were some of the best of the 90s. He was a great singles and tag team wrestler, but what I think made him stand out the most, at least to me, was that he managed to forge his own identity. He wasn't in Bret's shadow and proved he could compete with his bro on the same level in the ring.

MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE: Looking back, it's hard for me to really take the Macho Man's character seriously, though maybe it wasn't really intended to be. During interviews, he put so much straing in his voice and face that he looked as if he were constipated. However, none of that stopped him from being entertaining. He was good on the mic and he more than proved himself inside the ring. Aside from being a multi-time World Champion, he was one of the guys that really gave the I.C. title credibility and legitimacy. The fact that WWE is putting out a DVD of him this summer, which means that Vince is at least acknowledging that the guy existed, is a little ray of hope that it might happen someday.

ARN ANDERSON: Ric Flair may have been the unofficial leader of the Four Horsemen, but I always felt that Arn Anderson was the heart and soul of the group. Double A proved himself as a singles and tag team wrestler and had that great Anderson ring style. During the 80s, his work on the mic was second to none in my opinion. He had that unique ability to just make stuff up as he went along, none of it sounded the least bit rehearsed. It's an almost guarantee he'll get in someday, I just hope the next time around.

BARRY WINDHAM: In a lot of ways, Windham was one of the true golden boys of the NWA during the 80s. While his skills on the mic weren't really that great, maybe a little above average, he could have a great match with anyone he worked. He was a major force in the Florida and Mid-Atlantic NWA territories and later on in WCW. A great all around athlete that was great as both a singles and tag team wrestler, including two times as WWF Tag Team Champion. His inclusion into the Four Horsemen with Flair, Anderson and Blanchard gave the group, in my opinion, its strongest line-up as far as in ring ability goes.

TULLY BLANCHARD: Blanchard was simply the best heel in any NWA promotion during the 1980s. He got so much heat from the crowds that it was downright scary to be near the guy at times. He had great skills in the ring, had the titles to prove it and gave great interviews as well. Unfortunately, Tully only really shined for about five or six years before he kind of faded away by the very early 90s, but he did more than most do in 20 years. His feuds with Dusty Rhodes, Magnum T.A. The Rock 'n' Roll Express and the Road Warriors were just plain sweet. They were violent, bloody and looked extremely personal.

THE ROAD WARRIORS: Arguably the greatest tag team of the 1980s and early 1990s. They dominated the tag team division of any company they went to, whether it be the AWA, NWA or WWF. They didn't have much in the way of finesse, but they got the job done and electrified crowds wherever they went.

STAN HANSEN: Stan "The Lariat" Hansen was arguably the greatest brawler in the history of the business. Off the top of my head, the only ones that can legitimately challenge that claim are Abdulla the Butcher, Bruiser Brody or Mick Foley. He was legendary for his stiff working style and Hansen, in many ways, was Stone Cold Steve Austin when Steve Austin was still in grade school. Hansen was just a rough and ready brawler, nothing the least bit pretty about him. He looked and sounded like the ultimate Texas redneck. Hansen also attained near godlike status while working for All Japan Pro Wrestling. His reverence within that company is probably second only to that of the Giant Baba, and that's only because he founded AJPW and was, of course, Japanese.

SAM MUCHNICK: As far as a non-wrestler goes, I don't think anyone deserves more recognition than Sam Muchnick. Aside from being the President of the NWA for 22 years, Muchnick is, in all honesty, probably the one person that kept the NWA from falling apart during the turbulent years of the mid and late 1950s. Muchnick was that rarest of rare gems: an honest and honorable wrestling promoter. While his work as NWA President kept him from devoting as much time to his St. Louis Wrestling Club as he'd liked, he never had trouble drawing big crowds or top performers to work for him because you'd always get a good show and a fair deal. In a business built on backstage politics and dirty business practices, it'd be a nice kick to see just a good ol' fashioned nice guy get some well deserved recognition.
see you did not read my post . lou thesz & SAM MUCHNICK were both put in the HOF at the first ever Bad blood in st louis in 1997 .i have that PPV & it shows them getting inducted during the PPV.st louis was one of top paying area in wrestling at that time .Lou Thesz did not just basically unified every other "world" title in the country, he did. LOu thesz won every territories title at the time one by one & never lost them & became the first ever undisputed world champion by doing it. go read wrestling at the chase the book . it is a good read.
i think that there also may be some that are active right now maybe a JBL, Batista, HBK, Taker all over 40 i think and they have all said that they are contemplating retirement so don't be surprised if their name pops up.... Has batista really done enough to be in HOF tho same question with JBL... What do you think about Foley? Has he ruined his chances to be in WWE hall of fame now by going to TNA or do you think that when or if he ever retires that Vince will let him enter the hall of fame?
Ok you can't have a legitimate Hall of Fame Class without these names:

Macho Man Randy Savage: No one in the WWF/E has accomplished as much as this man in the period of wrestling he was in. Hulk Hogan ruled everything and never let Savage get the true credit he deserved. Savage was 10X the wrestler and athlete Hogan ever was and deserved a lot more than he got, but yeah Savage easily deserves it.

Miss Elizabeth: The greatest valet in wrestling history. Signified class and beauty. She was and is the most beautiful woman wrestling has ever seen.

Owen Hart: This man deserved the world title and would still be alive today if he went to WCW. Vince should have let him out of his contract. Owen deserves to be in, he was one of the greatest technical wrestlers of our time.

Sting: Yeah he works for TNA, but he carried the NWA/WCW on his back and was one of their three franchise players along with Ric Flair and Lex Luger. He deserves to be in A hall of Fame. He should have accomplished more if the WCW didn't pick up Hulk Hogan who held back guys like Savage, Sting, and Luger.

Tony Schiavone: This man was the voice of NWA/WCW and yes he was one of the best announcers in wrestling. He had a great mind for the business and displayed it every night he was on.

Four Horsemen: One of the original 4 horsemen teams Flair, Anderson, Blanchard, and Windham. All have accomplished enough to merit going into the Hall.

Steiner Brothers: The WWF didn't use these guys to their potential but they are one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history.

The Total Package Lex Luger: This man has done it all and won it all. He actually should have won more world championships than he did. He never gets the credit he deserves in any aspect of his career. A true professional in and out of the ring. If anyone deserves to be in the Hall of Fame it is the Total Package.

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