2-10-11 iMPACT! Preview


Championship Contender
From TNAwrestling.com:

- The TNA World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line on Thursday as Mr. Anderson defends against "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan! The winner of the bout will defend the gold this Sunday at Against All Odds on Pay-Per-View in a Ladder Match against Jeff Hardy!

- Jeff Jarrett is also scheduled to face Kurt Angle at Against All Odds on Sunday! On Thursday's broadcast, they will make it official with a contract signing! The question is, will all hell break loose between Jarrett and Angle with Karen in attendance?

- Speaking of Jarrett, he will team with Jeff Hardy for a huge tag team bout on Thursday's broadcast against AJ Styles and Robert Roode of Fortune! Will Immortal try to get revenge on Fortune?

Seems like a weird way to do the "go home" show. I can understand the storyline aspect of Immortal booking Anderson/Morgan as a way to soften up the winner for Hardy, but you ruin that by having Hardy compete in the tag match with Fortune. Why wouldn't you just have Anderson/AJ vs. Jeff & Matt Hardy instead?

Not only that, but does Angle/Jarrett really need a contract signing? I hate these segments anyway, but this one seems pretty ridiculous. I guess it's one of the ways they can have Karen involved that wouldn't be a completely physical altercation. But regardless, I'm prepared to be bored.

Plus, why is Jarrett wrestling the show before his match with Angle and Kurt's not? I know that could change once Impact starts, but it seems like it should be the other way around.

TNA's on a roll right now and I'd hate to see them mess up, but this seems like a very oddly-booked card so far. What do you guys think?
From TNAwrestling.com:

Seems like a weird way to do the "go home" show. I can understand the storyline aspect of Immortal booking Anderson/Morgan as a way to soften up the winner for Hardy, but you ruin that by having Hardy compete in the tag match with Fortune. Why wouldn't you just have Anderson/AJ vs. Jeff & Matt Hardy instead?

Not only that, but does Angle/Jarrett really need a contract signing? I hate these segments anyway, but this one seems pretty ridiculous. I guess it's one of the ways they can have Karen involved that wouldn't be a completely physical altercation. But regardless, I'm prepared to be bored.

Plus, why is Jarrett wrestling the show before his match with Angle and Kurt's not? I know that could change once Impact starts, but it seems like it should be the other way around.

TNA's on a roll right now and I'd hate to see them mess up, but this seems like a very oddly-booked card so far. What do you guys think?

I will cover it one by one and maybe make sense of it. I am basing this as my opinion because I don't know what is going to happen this Thursday or at the PPV.

It is clear given the stipulation of the Jarret/Angle match that Angle is going to lose some how this Sunday. I don't think this will finish until Lockdown IMO. So it makes Jeff Jarrett that much stronger by having a match this week while Kurt doesn't and then have Jarrett go over at the PPV to keep this feud going.

Jeff Hardy is a draw. You can't keep him off TV and it makes a TON of sense that Immortal would want to get revenge as quick as possible. It may not be a clean finish to that match because they will build for a better pay off, but it wouldn't make sense for Hardy to get styles clashed last week and not want pay back this week.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

Immortal, the group that "owns" TNA and has the ability to book matches and such, just lost a lot of their firepower. Their "young guns" turned on them and are now their enemies. With that, they took their tag team and X-Division titles with them. Now, all Immortal has is the TV Title and that belongs to a dead man.

That said, for over a month, all Bischoff and Flair could talk about was needing leverage and to get that, they needed to obtain all the gold. Has that changed? No, because there was a continuance in the case so you would think that conceivably, they would still need all the gold. Thus, with one week before the next Pay Per View, Immortal needs to book themselves right into title matches. Get Terry and Hardy together for the tag titles. Find an x-division guy to "turn" in that title match (will be tough since 2 heels are already in it). Lastly, come up with a plan for Jeff to win the title back (highly unlikely given the court stuff he has in real life). If you are Immortal, you have to get yourself involved with the titles so you can get that leverage back. If this is ignored, it will be an unsuccessful Impact and an unsuccessful PPV on Sunday. Simple as that.

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