10/10/10! The TNA Bound For Glory LD


Lord And Master
Staff member


It's a date that only comes once every 500 years. Tonight history will be made as the wrestlers of TNA take center stage and feuds culminate. Who are "They"? Is Hulk's condition merely a work? Is Abyss really gone? Is Team 3D retiring? Will Kurt Angle's career end? Who will be the new World Heavyweight Champion? All is answered tonight.

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Sting/Kevin Nash/ D 'Angelo Dinero
Samoa Joe/Jeff Jarrett/Hulk Hogan?

Since Hulk arrival, Sting has not been pleased with his once arch-enemy running things. He has taken it upon himself to "un-blind" TNA. But with Jeff Jarrett of all people in the way, the journey has been difficult. With Nash and The Pope by his side, it seems his plan has finally fallen in place as he looks to take out Hogan's top 2 supporters in Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe. But one tiny problem... Hulks isn't here! Will Sting's frustrations finally be solved? Or will will Hogan's heroes turn the tide with an unexpected surprise?


The misfits versus the wack jobs. These two teams collide looking at the possibility of becoming the next challengers for the TNA Tag Team titles.


Four corners of beautifully dangerous Knockouts as they look to take the TNA Knockouts title. But lets not forget the 5th element. Guest referee, Mickey Freakin' James!


Jay Lethal continues to get under Ric Flair's skin by taking the X Division Championship from Fourtune. More specifically, Douglas Williams. Can Williams regain the gold for the 3rd occasion? Or will the "Average man's" momentum continue to "grow"?


To say this may end up being a slaughtering is an understatement. For month's Fourtune has been bitter at the site of EV2 joining TNA and even running an entire PPV for themselves. I Quit matches and Last Man Standing matches have nothing on the level of hatred jammed up in Lethal Lockdown.


The two greatest tag teams in TNA and probably the world take center stage yet again in an attempt to steal the show. With the Young Bucks becoming a pair of Junior High A-Holes, one must wonder if the outcome will be different this time. A match everybody want's to see. Even though we've seen it 10 times this year already. Go figure.


For months Abyss has been maiming people while spreading his 10/10/10 prophecy. But one of his victims wants to fight back. Bad. Now with Abyss' days in TNA numbered, The Whole Freakin' Show looks to reduce The Sentinel Of Destruction to what he once was. A barbed wire covered teddy bear. Can RVD make it out in one piece? Or will "They" get there wish?


Hardy want's to avenge RVD. Angle wants to redeem himself or quit and Anderson wants that first taste of gold. But only one can get their wish granted. The main event looks to crown the next TNA Champion, but the price may be a big one to pay. Will this be Kurt's last match?


All this and more tonight, live from Daytona Beach, Florida.

Will you be there?
Unless I get invited to somebody's house, I won't be watching. I don't have a source.
I'll try. I've got company coming over tonight so a good part of my evening is going to be eaten up by 'having somebody talk at me about Japanese cartoons, warships and a historical re-enactment society'. I may also be playing Risk.

If I'm not too tired and able to find a means of watching then I'll definitely show. If not I'll weigh in tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed.
I was supposed to be at Bound For Glory, but the people I planned on going with bailed on me, and I refuse to drive 5 or 6 hours by myself, so if I can stay awake, I'll definitely be here tonight.

Still, I'm kind of pissed, because now I'm out of sixty something bucks:suspic:
So since there's no better non-spam area to do this, I'll post my picks here.

ME: Kurt Angle
Tag Titles: MCMG
X title: Doug (I can dream damnit)
RVD/Abyss: RVD

I forgot the rest of the matches.
Free at last, free at last, thank God, free at last.

The dullest man alive has left the house, and my girlfriend has very generously offered to sleep downstairs on the sofa so that I can be here for Bound For Glory. Given that she has six hours of medical degree tomorrow whilst I don't even have to wake up that's got me feeling pretty guilty, but I'm sure those feelings will wash away at the first sight of Kurt Angle's strong masculine thighs (taking with it the last remnants of my heterosexuality).

This is all dependent on me being able to watch online of course, which I haven't done for months so there's a very strong possibility that I still won't be here.

My picks for tonight...

Sting, Nash and Pope against JJ and Joe

I don't understand why Pope is in this match in the first place. Come to it I'm not really sure why Joe's involved, but I suppose they need someone for JJ to turn on. That's right, I'm calling a Jeff Jarrett heel turn.

I also don't really expect answers to come from this match. Possibly later in the show or on Monday, but I don't think you give away a massive angle during an under-card match.

Knockouts Match

Sorry, I don't care. At a guess I'd say Mickie James to award herself the title, but traditional booking suggests that Angelina Love wins and then has a stare down. The days of the deceptively awesome knock-out matches departed with Kong, and Ijust can't gen interested in the division anymore.

Ink Ink vs Young and Jordan.

Err... I'm going to go for radical here and suggest that this match never takes place. Somebody comes out and kicks the ever loving shit out of both teams before declaring themselves in charge of the company. Win win.

If that doesn't happen then Ink Ink win, and I'm left wondering why and earth they couldn't just ask the otehr matches to all go three minutes longer. Fuck, give the entire duration of this match to Kurt Angle, anyone here doubt he could pull it off?

Jay Lethal vs Doug Williams

This match really could have used more build. Given how much attention Lethal was getting a couple of months ago in comparison to how much he's gotten recently I'm dissapointed with the build. I was expecting Amazing Red to be thrown into this match and have it be Ultimate X after the house show shinanigans, but regardless, Lethal wins. TNA clearly gave him the belt on Impact jsut so the face could go over at Bound For Glory. Fair enough I guess.

Lethal Lockdown

I think it's a shame that TNA has dismantled it's two gimmick PPVs. Lockdown and Slamiversary will struggle to maintain their special status now. Anyway, fortune definitely need to win here to blow off the EV2.0 feud.
AJ usually does something crazy during a lethal lock-down match (which are usually pretty mediocre and descend into nothing but guys hitting one another with cooking sheets) so it will be worth keeping an eye one.

Machine Guns vs Gen Me

Guns retain. It'll be a fine match, could well open the show. Another match that could have benefited from a gimmick, but since these two have already done Ultimate X you can't really have them go much higher. Good but nothing special.

RVD vs Abyss

No idea. I don't have a fucking clue what's going down here. 'They' presumably have to show up in some capacity, but I'll be damned if I know what.

My instinct says Abyss should win. He needs momentum, RVD is apparently running low on dates on his contract, and it wouldn't hurt for him to put somebody over. My instinct also tells me however that RVD walks away with the clean victory before shit goes down.

Angle vs Hardy vs Anderson

I'd go so far as to call this the worst built Bound for Glory main event in company history. That being said, odds are it'll be the best match that BFG has generated. Angle has been putting on five star classics every singe time he steps into the ring recently (he had a great match with Amazing-fucking-Red) so I salivate at the thought of what'll happen when he steps it up for Bound for Glory. Anderson and Hardy need to simply shut up and do Exactly what Kurt Angle tells them.

I'll be chearing for Kurt, but I wouldn't put it past the sneaky bastard to fire a curve ball and all of us and retire. Think about it, "They" have taken over the company at this point, and suddenly TNA's biggest hope is abandoning the company.

People can beg Angle not to go but he insists on keeping his word, TNA gets destroyed in the upcoming war, and then when Angle does show up to lead the revolution it'd be just about the most fantastic angle ever. That's what I'd book.

Cold logic suggests that he wins and sends the fans home happy, but I don't want to be sent home happy, I want to be send home feeling that the past six months have been building to something truly worth while and that Impact will be compelling TV again.

Fingers crossed.

Oh, and I lost at Risk.
My picks

(Hardy will get pinned/he will Submit)

MCMG Vs Gen me Winner: MCMG

Abyss/Rvd winner:Abyss wins due to interference from 'They"

Lethal lock down Winner: Fortune

Lethal/Williams winner: Lethal

Popes's Tag team match: winner: Joe's team

Ink ink vs Young and Orlando WInner:Ink ink

Knock outs winner: I don't know the challenger so Angelina/Velvet/Who ever is champ retians
I've got myself set up with almost a dozen different feeds. TNA really needs to go ahead and give me a way to fucking pay for the show. I'd be first in line.

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