Recent content by da real glacier

  1. D

    WZCW Application Thread *CLOSED*

    I can be a face. How do i know if im in?
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    Greatest Frontman of All Time

    Kurt Cobain was a really good preformer. But i would have to say from watching DVD's and old concerts Jim Morrison (the doors) was amazing, he knew how to put on a show. Honorable mention granted he isnt the lead singer but Angus Young AC/DC is frigging awesome. I saw them back in the late...
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    Your worst movie you ever saw?

    Batman and Robin back in 1997 was a huge steaming pile of crap. That was horrible in every single way. I could serisouly start listing the things wrong with this movie, BUT i need to work in 50 mins and i honestly do not have time.....did i mention that i didnt...nay COULDNT finish this horrible...
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    Which is Better? PS3, Wii, or Xbox 360

    360 hands down. NOt only is it less expenive than the ps3. The graphics are amazing, tons of games which is always nice. The only thing that i am missing is HD, i bet it would be frigging amazing on hD...
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    Breaking controllers

    Madden 08 has made me break my wireless controller. Then i calm down and get pissed at myself cause i need to go to walmart and buy another 50 dollar controller. Smackdown vs Raw has made me break a few controller, San Andreas.....come to think of it. I have broken a few of them....any sports...
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    Abortion is one of the most debatied subjects EVER. People claim that its killing kids...blah blah blah. My question is, people who do not like abortion most likeley use condoms? What does that do? Your not killing one child but MILLIONS of them. This can go both ways, i mean obvisouly if...
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    What's Your Home Like?

    Well since my last post was considered LISTING instead of giving detail and marked spam..lets try this: My house is white, its set aback from the other houses on my street. My driveway is acually in the BACK of my house which is interesting. When you open my door you have my kitchen. It has a...
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    Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

    Everything is going to be better when Jericho comesback imo. He has tons of charisma and great wrestling ability. The reason there probably giving the date of return is obvisouly people are going to watch it. I am, so it worked.
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    WZCW Application Thread *CLOSED*

    Real Name: N/A Wrestlers Name: Glacier Wrestlers Nickname: The Master of mInd Games, The Immortal Height: 6'2 Weight: 237lbs Hometown: N/A Billed From: N/A -----------Hair color/length: Black, Shoulder length -----------Eye color: Green -----------Facial Hair: Mutton Chops...
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    WZCW Discussion Thread

    Hey Everyone; Just have a quick question. Who's in charge here.
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    Glacier vs. Kyle Senton (Carnage)

    Glacier looks out of his window in his office, the sun shines and the birds sing. Glacier looks on Glacier: Kyle, Kyle, Kyle. So little you know. You have no idea what you are going to go through when i make my in-ring debute in a one on one match against you. Glacier's phone rings; but...
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    Glacier vs. Kyle Senton (Carnage)

    Glacier is sitting in his office on the old WZWF building grounds; he reviews the card for the up coming event; he begins to laugh a little at the easy competition he will be facing Glacier: Hahaha. You people are just so unbelieveable. Putting the Immortal Glacier against some son of a bitch...
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    Saddam Hussian Sentenced to Death.

    Yea, i dont think its going to be on TV; but its about time that son of a bitch is going to hang for all the shit he has done!