Saddam Hussian Sentenced to Death.

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BAGHDAD, Iraq - An Iraqi court on Sunday sentenced Saddam Hussein to the gallows for crimes against humanity, closing a quarter-century-old chapter of violent suppression in this land of long memories, deep grudges and sectarian slaughter.


The former Iraqi dictator and six subordinates were convicted and sentenced for the 1982 killings of 148 people in a single Shiite town after an attempt on his life there.

Shiites and Kurds, who had been tormented and killed in the tens of thousands under Saddam's iron rule, erupted in celebration — but looked ahead fearfully for a potential backlash from the Sunni insurgency that some believe could be a final shove into all-out civil war.

Saddam trembled and shouted "God is great" when the hawk-faced chief judge, Raouf Abdul-Rahman, declared the former leader guilty and sentenced him to hang.

Televised, the trial was watched throughout Iraq and the Middle East as much for theater as for substance. Saddam was ejected from the courtroom repeatedly for his political harangues, and his half-brother and co-defendant, Barzan Ibrahim, once showed up in long underwear and sat with his back to the judges.

The nine-month trial had inflamed the nation, and three defense lawyers and a witness were murdered in the course of its 39 sessions.

"Long live the people and death to their enemies. Long live the glorious nation, and death to its enemies!" Saddam cried out after the verdict, before bailiffs took his arms and walked the once all-powerful leader from the courtroom. There was a hint of a smile on Saddam's face.

With justice for Saddam's crimes done, the U.S.-backed Shiite prime minister called for reconciliation and delivered the most eloquent speech of his five months in office.

"The verdict placed on the heads of the former regime does not represent a verdict for any one person. It is a verdict on a whole dark era that was unmatched in Iraq's history," Nouri al-Maliki said.

The White House praised the Iraqi judicial system and denied the U.S. had been "scheming" to have the historic verdict announced two days before American midterm elections, widely seen as a referendum on the Bush administration's policy in Iraq.

President Bush called the verdict "a milestone in the Iraqi people's efforts to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law."

"It's a major achievement for Iraq's young democracy and its constitutional government," the president said.

"Today, the victims of this regime have received a measure of the justice which many thought would never come," he added.

But symbolic of the split between the United States and many of its traditional allies over the Iraq war, many European nations voiced opposition to the death sentences in the case, including France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden. A leading Italian opposition figure called on the continent to press for Saddam's sentence to be commuted to life imprisonment.

Lost in the drama of Sunday's death sentence was any mention of the failed search for the alleged weapons of mass destruction that Bush said led the United States to invade and occupy Iraq in March 2003.

Saddam was found hiding with an unfired pistol in a hole in the ground near his home village north of Baghdad in December 2003, eight months after he fled the capital ahead of advancing American troops.

Twenty-two months later, he went on trial for ordering the torture and murder of nearly 150 Shiites from the city of Dujail. Saddam said those who were killed had been found guilty in a legitimate Iraqi court for trying to assassinate him in 1982.

Ibrahim, Saddam's half brother and intelligence chief during the Dujail killings, was sentenced to join the former leader on the gallows, as was Awad Hamed al-Bandar, head of Iraq's Revolutionary Court, which issued the death sentences against the Dujail residents.

Iraq's former Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan was convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Three defendants were given up to 15 years in prison for torture and premeditated murder. Abdullah Kazim Ruwayyid and his son, Mizhar Abdullah Ruwayyid, were party officials in Dujail, along with Ali Dayih Ali. They were believed responsible for the Dujail arrests.

A local Baath Party official Mohammed Azawi Ali, was acquitted for lack of evidence.

In the streets of Dujail, a Tigris River city of 84,000, people celebrated and burned pictures of their former tormentor as the verdict was read. In Baghdad, the Shiite bastion of Sadr City exploded in jubilation.

But in Saddam's hometown of Tikrit, not far from Dujail, 1,000 people defied the curfew and carried pictures of the city's favorite son through the streets. Some declared the court a product of the U.S. "occupation forces" and condemned the verdict. Policemen wept in the streets.

"By our souls, by our blood we sacrifice for you, Saddam," the Tikrit crowds chanted.

A trial envisioned to heal Iraq's deep ethnic and sectarian wounds appeared rather to have deepened the fissures.

"This government will be responsible for the consequences, with the deaths of hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of thousands, whose blood will be shed," Salih al-Mutlaq, a Sunni political leader, told Al-Arabiya satellite television.

The death sentences automatically go to a nine-judge appeals panel, which has unlimited time to review the case. If the verdicts and sentences are upheld, the executions must be carried out within 30 days.

A court official told The Associated Press that the appeals process was likely to take three to four weeks once the formal paperwork was submitted. If the verdicts are upheld, those sentenced to death would be hanged despite Saddam's second, ongoing trial for allegedly murdering thousands of Iraq's Kurdish minority.

"The problem really is that this tribunal has not shown itself to be fair and impartial — not only by international standards, but by Iraqi standards," said Sonya Sceats, an international law expert at the Chatham House foreign affairs think tank in London.

Saddam's Sunni supporters, the bulk of the insurgency that has killed the vast majority of American troops in Iraq, could still explode in violence once an open-ended curfew is lifted in coming days.

But the former leader's chief lawyer, Khalil al-Dulaimi, told The Associated Press his client had called on Iraqis to reject violence and refrain from taking revenge on U.S. invaders.

"His message to the Iraqi people was 'Pardon and do not take revenge on the invading nations and their people,'" al-Dulaimi said.

U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad issued a statement saying the verdicts "demonstrate the commitment of the Iraqi people to hold them accountable. ... closing the book on Saddam and his regime is an opportunity to unite and build a better future."

U.S. officials who advised the tribunal on standards of international justice said Saddam's repeated courtroom outbursts may have played a key part in the convictions. They cited his admission in a March 1 hearing that he had ordered the trial of the 148 Shiites, insisting that was legal because they had conspired to kill him.

"Where is the crime? Where is the crime?" Saddam asked the five-judge panel then.

Later in the same session, he argued that his co-defendants must be released and that because he was in charge, he alone must be tried. His outburst came a day after the prosecution presented a presidential decree with a signature they said was Saddam's approval for death sentences, their most direct evidence against him.

About 50 of those sentenced by the Revolutionary Court died during interrogation before they could be executed. Some of those hanged were children.

The United States has denied direct involvement in the trial, but some legal observers believe it was tainted by association with the American presence. Miranda Sissons, head of the Iraq program at the International Center for Transitional Justice in New York, said: "There will always be some doubt as to how much influence it exerted on the trial."

All I have to say is Thank God.. Now all they need to do is Find Osama and blow up Korea, and we're good to go :)
Personally I'm all for capital punishment, so long as there is concrete proof that a crime has been perpritrated.
My Mates Said That The Hanging is Going to Be Televised doe's anyone know if this is True ?
PauLwaLL said:
BAGHDAD, Iraq - An Iraqi court on Sunday sentenced Saddam Hussein to the gallows for crimes against humanity, closing a quarter-century-old chapter of violent suppression in this land of long memories, deep grudges and sectarian slaughter.


The former Iraqi dictator and six subordinates were convicted and sentenced for the 1982 killings of 148 people in a single Shiite town after an attempt on his life there.

Shiites and Kurds, who had been tormented and killed in the tens of thousands under Saddam's iron rule, erupted in celebration — but looked ahead fearfully for a potential backlash from the Sunni insurgency that some believe could be a final shove into all-out civil war.

Saddam trembled and shouted "God is great" when the hawk-faced chief judge, Raouf Abdul-Rahman, declared the former leader guilty and sentenced him to hang.

Televised, the trial was watched throughout Iraq and the Middle East as much for theater as for substance. Saddam was ejected from the courtroom repeatedly for his political harangues, and his half-brother and co-defendant, Barzan Ibrahim, once showed up in long underwear and sat with his back to the judges.

The nine-month trial had inflamed the nation, and three defense lawyers and a witness were murdered in the course of its 39 sessions.

"Long live the people and death to their enemies. Long live the glorious nation, and death to its enemies!" Saddam cried out after the verdict, before bailiffs took his arms and walked the once all-powerful leader from the courtroom. There was a hint of a smile on Saddam's face.

With justice for Saddam's crimes done, the U.S.-backed Shiite prime minister called for reconciliation and delivered the most eloquent speech of his five months in office.

"The verdict placed on the heads of the former regime does not represent a verdict for any one person. It is a verdict on a whole dark era that was unmatched in Iraq's history," Nouri al-Maliki said.

The White House praised the Iraqi judicial system and denied the U.S. had been "scheming" to have the historic verdict announced two days before American midterm elections, widely seen as a referendum on the Bush administration's policy in Iraq.

President Bush called the verdict "a milestone in the Iraqi people's efforts to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law."

"It's a major achievement for Iraq's young democracy and its constitutional government," the president said.

"Today, the victims of this regime have received a measure of the justice which many thought would never come," he added.

But symbolic of the split between the United States and many of its traditional allies over the Iraq war, many European nations voiced opposition to the death sentences in the case, including France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden. A leading Italian opposition figure called on the continent to press for Saddam's sentence to be commuted to life imprisonment.

Lost in the drama of Sunday's death sentence was any mention of the failed search for the alleged weapons of mass destruction that Bush said led the United States to invade and occupy Iraq in March 2003.

Saddam was found hiding with an unfired pistol in a hole in the ground near his home village north of Baghdad in December 2003, eight months after he fled the capital ahead of advancing American troops.

Twenty-two months later, he went on trial for ordering the torture and murder of nearly 150 Shiites from the city of Dujail. Saddam said those who were killed had been found guilty in a legitimate Iraqi court for trying to assassinate him in 1982.

Ibrahim, Saddam's half brother and intelligence chief during the Dujail killings, was sentenced to join the former leader on the gallows, as was Awad Hamed al-Bandar, head of Iraq's Revolutionary Court, which issued the death sentences against the Dujail residents.

Iraq's former Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan was convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Three defendants were given up to 15 years in prison for torture and premeditated murder. Abdullah Kazim Ruwayyid and his son, Mizhar Abdullah Ruwayyid, were party officials in Dujail, along with Ali Dayih Ali. They were believed responsible for the Dujail arrests.

A local Baath Party official Mohammed Azawi Ali, was acquitted for lack of evidence.

In the streets of Dujail, a Tigris River city of 84,000, people celebrated and burned pictures of their former tormentor as the verdict was read. In Baghdad, the Shiite bastion of Sadr City exploded in jubilation.

But in Saddam's hometown of Tikrit, not far from Dujail, 1,000 people defied the curfew and carried pictures of the city's favorite son through the streets. Some declared the court a product of the U.S. "occupation forces" and condemned the verdict. Policemen wept in the streets.

"By our souls, by our blood we sacrifice for you, Saddam," the Tikrit crowds chanted.

A trial envisioned to heal Iraq's deep ethnic and sectarian wounds appeared rather to have deepened the fissures.

"This government will be responsible for the consequences, with the deaths of hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of thousands, whose blood will be shed," Salih al-Mutlaq, a Sunni political leader, told Al-Arabiya satellite television.

The death sentences automatically go to a nine-judge appeals panel, which has unlimited time to review the case. If the verdicts and sentences are upheld, the executions must be carried out within 30 days.

A court official told The Associated Press that the appeals process was likely to take three to four weeks once the formal paperwork was submitted. If the verdicts are upheld, those sentenced to death would be hanged despite Saddam's second, ongoing trial for allegedly murdering thousands of Iraq's Kurdish minority.

"The problem really is that this tribunal has not shown itself to be fair and impartial — not only by international standards, but by Iraqi standards," said Sonya Sceats, an international law expert at the Chatham House foreign affairs think tank in London.

Saddam's Sunni supporters, the bulk of the insurgency that has killed the vast majority of American troops in Iraq, could still explode in violence once an open-ended curfew is lifted in coming days.

But the former leader's chief lawyer, Khalil al-Dulaimi, told The Associated Press his client had called on Iraqis to reject violence and refrain from taking revenge on U.S. invaders.

"His message to the Iraqi people was 'Pardon and do not take revenge on the invading nations and their people,'" al-Dulaimi said.

U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad issued a statement saying the verdicts "demonstrate the commitment of the Iraqi people to hold them accountable. ... closing the book on Saddam and his regime is an opportunity to unite and build a better future."

U.S. officials who advised the tribunal on standards of international justice said Saddam's repeated courtroom outbursts may have played a key part in the convictions. They cited his admission in a March 1 hearing that he had ordered the trial of the 148 Shiites, insisting that was legal because they had conspired to kill him.

"Where is the crime? Where is the crime?" Saddam asked the five-judge panel then.

Later in the same session, he argued that his co-defendants must be released and that because he was in charge, he alone must be tried. His outburst came a day after the prosecution presented a presidential decree with a signature they said was Saddam's approval for death sentences, their most direct evidence against him.

About 50 of those sentenced by the Revolutionary Court died during interrogation before they could be executed. Some of those hanged were children.

The United States has denied direct involvement in the trial, but some legal observers believe it was tainted by association with the American presence. Miranda Sissons, head of the Iraq program at the International Center for Transitional Justice in New York, said: "There will always be some doubt as to how much influence it exerted on the trial."

All I have to say is Thank God.. Now all they need to do is Find Osama and blow up Korea, and we're good to go :)

i really love how you ended that lol, and we're good to go, that is great. but another thing, suunis are pissed off now and korea already hates us i think, um...korea is an exact replica to USA as far as weaponry, i just hope bush decides to make peace with them. so we dont get blown up.
PauLwaLL said:
All I have to say is Thank God.. Now all they need to do is Find Osama and blow up Korea, and we're good to go :)

LoL when we find Osama that will be the greatest day in the World he is Gay just like The Koeain Guy
Well, atleast we know the Korean dude wont blow us up for a little while yet.. I was watchin ESPN and they did a artiicle on him, and hes a huge fan of the NBA.. And he enjoys watchin it..

I say, we give him season tickets to w/e games he wants to go forever.. He'd love that.
About time they find him guilty IMO and it finally puts all the critics including myself to shame who dissagreed with the iraq war it shows that Blair did actually do the right thing in following old gerogie boy in even if it means he ruined his political reputation but nonetheless this time next here he will be dead and the world will be a better place (the person being dead obviously being saddam) hopefully they will find osama bin laden and give that bastard what he deserves and leave the korean guy to pop his clogs because lets be honest he hasn't got long yet. now Saddam is actually a dead man walking surley we (the allied forces) should set our sites on getting bin laden which ironicly brings me to a joke said by roy chubby brown "how the fuck is it so hard to find a bloke with the surname bin who lives in a cave wid a fucking drip attatched to him" obviously that was a joke but the fact remains that is actually showing to be true of how hard it is to find bin laden.

anyway back on subject, Saddams conviction is the best news to come out of Iraq since the dictators demise and not only does it restore your faith in your own country (considering most people are from the uk and usa here) but it also gives the iraqi people faith that there is such a thing as justice and the man who took theirs away will have the most precious gift of all taken away from him....


Pastie out
My Mates Said That The Hanging is Going to Be Televised doe's anyone know if this is True ?
Probably not, but I would totally watch it.
The thing we have to do is find the Korean president and the one's who are in charge of making the weapons in North Korea. Blowing up Korea isn't the thing to do. There are people who live there who have nothing to do with anything that their leader is in favor of. they just have the misfortune of living under the power of a dictator. All Koreans aren't bad people, just like all Arabs, Muslims, and Middle Eastern people aren't bad people either. Korea needs to stop making nuclear weapons. A war with them wouldn't be guaranteed in our favor with their technology. The US needs to lay low, TRY to make peace with them and stop them from making their nucular weapons. That's all we can do for right now. But BLOWING UP Korea isn't the answer to this worldwide problem.
realblackhart said:
The thing we have to do is find the Korean president and the one's who are in charge of making the weapons in North Korea. Blowing up Korea isn't the thing to do. There are people who live there who have nothing to do with anything that their leader is in favor of. they just have the misfortune of living under the power of a dictator. All Koreans aren't bad people, just like all Arabs, Muslims, and Middle Eastern people aren't bad people either. Korea needs to stop making nuclear weapons. A war with them wouldn't be guaranteed in our favor with their technology. The US needs to lay low, TRY to make peace with them and stop them from making their nucular weapons. That's all we can do for right now. But BLOWING UP Korea isn't the answer to this worldwide problem.
why do we have to stop them from making nukes,if no ones going to stop america from making nukes. Who says america gets to pick who the bad guys are ,its not fair
monkeymonkeymonkey said:
why do we have to stop them from making nukes,if no ones going to stop america from making nukes. Who says america gets to pick who the bad guys are ,its not fair

ok, ill give you that, in that respect, your right. I guess we're (America) is afraid that Korea might use it against us or some of our allies. My post was mostly to defend their people. It was to defend the people of North Korea. It was mostly for people who feel blowing up countries who disagree is the answer to our problems. It isn't. The post was more for people who generalize a race becuase of some people who choose to ruthlessly kill within that race. Why should a single mother of 2 die at her dinner table because a bomb hit her home. Many innocent people die in scuffles like this all over the world. When a country attacks another, nobody is caring about the "innocent people" who are dying who have nothing to do with the wars. People are dying in Iraq (women and children) everyday. I understand this is a sensitive subject, we lost MANY lives in September 11th but it's time for a plan to bring our soldiers home. We have thousands of soldiers putting their lives on the line for our country. Everyday a mother or wife is getting a knock on their door telling them that their son/daughter died fighting for this country and for our freedom. The best thing to happen is for North Korea to stop making nukes, and make a peace treaty with us. We have Iran to worry about too. We are going to be bringing soldiers back and when we do we will probably be sending them to Iran. It doesn't end. The US has enough to worry about then to unnuke Korea but if we don't do it then who will. It's not that we get to pick the bad guys but notice I'm not saying what others are saying by saying to bomb them away. You're right, it isn't fair but life isn't always fair. Id rather we (US) unnuke them then suffer anything remotely similar to 9:11. What is your take? Are they making nukes to defend themselves just in case or to attack us or another country? That is the question at hand.
maybe every countries leader needs to get together and come to some kind of an agreement to dispose of all the worlds WMD(launch them into space or something), I know it's extremley unlikley but that would probably be the best way to go, if one country can't have WMD then no country should be allowed to have WMD
But you always have one country with them...russia had them but disposed of them korea took their place usa had them and 'disposed' of them iran took their place. and really its nothing to do with the WMD its about who holds the WMD like Britain more then likely has them and nobody wories Korea has them and everyone is shitting themselves because their under a dictatorship.
which brings out the fact that if you have a looney with WMD you shit yourself if you have a 'sensible' person in charge of them they will hardly if ever get used.

pastie out
i think, we should shoot him in the right shin...wait 2 minutes...then in the left shin...wait 2 minutes...then in the right ball...wait 2 minutes...then in the left ball...and wait 2 more minutes. then in the back of the head. make his dirty ass suffer. as a matter of fact, we should televise THAT
The problem is that contries like the U.S and U.K are in the trenches so to speak losing troops and all sorts trying to sort these hell holes out, they are attacked by enemy forces in iraq and attacked by protestors back on thier own soil, If everyone was behind these two brave armies then maybe, just maybe they would be able to make a difference, as it stands they are fighting a war which they will never be able to win
I personally think that Saddam should suffer slowly and painfully. But i dont think they would do that. :(

I really hate the fact that they didnt just kill the man as soon as they saw him. I know that every man has a right to a fair trial and stuff but he caused so much chaos and shit like that why not just put a bullet in his head right then and there?
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