WZCW Discussion Thread

I don't possibly know why an in-ring promo would be against the rules.

Although I don't see a problem with it, I think what was ment by the rule (or what I remember smeone saying someplace) was "In ring" as in during a match, making yoursef in to look better. Hell, it might of been me tha said that in the RP Pet Peeves thread. I don't remember right now.

But the way GM did it, I don't think thats against the rule/suggestion/whatever the hell it was.

I need to take a nap.
What I say is; it's not a breach of the rules as such, we'd just prefer if you didn't do it as realistically you don't get 10 people having in ring promos.
As far as I'm concerned, RPs are pieces of art. And art has no boundaries. The more you RP out of the box and really tap into your creativity...the better an RP is. Just don't use real wrestlers. That's the only rule that I can think of (assuming the RP doesn't violate the terms and conditions of WZForums).
I have been here over a year and have done at least one other in ring promo. (It was better than this one.)

I don't see the point of not allowing in ring promos as I don't any other fed that would not allow it in the way that i have done it.

And Dan, don't worry about it.
we're not 'other feds'

BUT ring promos are allowed....

There's no rules on how it should be done.

In ring? Not mentioning your opponents? I care not, just have fun with it...go guys :p
Holy crap, suckahs. The RPs in the 8 man tag thread are phenomenal, fellas. Let's keep them going. Other dudes...remember that midnight is the deadline unless you've told us otherwise.
Shock just made me the most epic sig ever, e-fed related. The problem? It features me holding my title from another fed, very simaler looking to the Elite X title. I am asking permission to use it here.

you don't need permission...just do it, you can't make the other feds name out
Every single RP I have read has been incredible for this meltdown. Keep up the great work guys...we need it =)
am gunna have to take back my early statement :p

I like your RPs actually Norcal, you get the emotions spot on.
Whilst Numbers & NorCal were lacking in quantity, I still liked them.

Milenko, yours was great, if that's you rushed... :/
OK the Show shall be posted on Thursday, with the final card announced on Friday for the next Meltdown.

The show after that will be the PPV Apocalypse.
Milenko, yours was great, if that's you rushed... :/
It was, I did it 30 minutes the day it was due with my sister breating down my throat telling me she had a shcool paper to type. I'm glad people like it even though I still think I could have done better. Oh well, you know what they say you are your own worst critic.

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