WZCW Discussion Thread

I wouldn't say he was stiring up drama. All he said was he repped me and he agreed with me an Iscy that an e-fed leader and his charecter shouldn't become the same.

Thank you once again, Derf. That is exactly what I was saying. I like Monkey as a guy, but as an e-fed member... no. Sorry.
I have no problem with Derf. Derf didn't flat out say we suck. In fact, I really wish Derf wasn't taking hiatus. I think he was just getting ready to get over the hump.

Shock, on the other hand, "left" ungracefully, completely burning his bridges. If we suck, then why are you still posting here? I see no other reason than to stir up drama.
I've never been a "bridge burning" kinda guy, I rarely even talk trash about other people. Took at the past two years I've been on WZ (not ust the e-fed) and you can count on one hand how many times I've actually been even close to leaving, and even then it's barely.

It's already been mentioned a few times that I won my first ever title a few weeks back, which is a huge deal for me, and on Jan 12th, I have a chance to win another one in a merger match. That match is actually against Milenko, and since he beat me in my last official match here, I've got momentum to beat him for his belt. I already did my RP, and I got the highest rating I've ever gotten for an RP, so I'm really hoping to beat him.

And in closing. Like I said, one of the reason I quit is cause I had to pick two out of three feds to stay in, and I left my weakest, RP-wise. I'm not burnin any bridges, because one of those feds is actually just starting up, and it might fail before it begins, but I am friends with the guy staring it (it's not Shock) and I might even have a place on Staff, or even a good shot at winning the title in the first match. (I won't be taking both) But either way, my e-fedding life is the highest it's ever been since leaving, no offence to WZCW.
Personal opinion: I think if Derf had not stated that he was leaving, then his match would have been won. His RP was simply better. (When somebody doesn't address an opponent in an RP, then it becomes character development which has a place in another thread.)

No dig at Bozz as I like the character a lot. A second RP may have won it for him but as it was Derf wrote the better piece.

Credit where it is due however. Lee wrote a very good injury angle and it leaves a lot of angles open.

Lee, thanks for the PM, I'm OK to go down that route.
Can everyone now leave the fact that Derf lost? It had nothing to do with him leaving, whatsoever.

Ricky got rid of the opponent RP rule, so Bozz was not in violation of it.
I'd just like to go on record and say I'm finished with WZCW as well. The long break I had throughout most of last year really dropped my interest. Even though I came back big, I just didn't have the kind of want to RP and stuff that I used to.

Another big reason for departure is the way the fed's run. I won't come out and rag on any member of creative, but I say take the time to just shut down the fed for a little, and create a system that works for all and makes for more efficient show releases year round. It'll benefit yourselves and garner more interest in the fed as a whole.

So, I say goodbye to all of the great guys here in the fed-Ricky, Will, Numbers, Everest , Isy just to name a few-and I hope everything works out for you guys here in the fed. Wish me well in my future endeavors ;).
How can you complain hopw the fed's run when it's just changed last week?
well there we go, you can't use as your excuse for leaving "the way it's run" when things have changed, and the show was up within 4 days of the RP deadline. This being on the week in between Christmas and New Years.
well there we go, you can't use as your excuse for leaving "the way it's run" when things have changed, and the show was up within 4 days of the RP deadline. This being on the week in between Christmas and New Years.

First of all, me leaving because of the way the fed's run wasn't A) an excuse or B) the main reason. The main reason was because of the fact I lost interest in the fed. I'm glad you found a system that's working so far, what I said was just a suggestion. It wasn't meant to get anyone all pissed off.
Oh well, sorry to hear that Ben. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
Ok, when I left, I had a sour taste in my mouth with some members of WZCW, and alot of that has since passed. Me, Ricky, and Lee all had a talk, and whatever bad blood we had has passed. Another reason I left was because I didn't wanna try to juggle three feds at once. That can get confusing. But since I have left, I noticed quite a few others have followed suit, and I don't want to sound arogent, but morale level is at an all time low since I took off.

I'm here to announce that I'm going to return to the roster ASAP, if possible.

I've still got all my other stuff going on, but I also still care about WZCW, always have. And the way things are looking right now, WZCW is quite possibly at it's lowest it's ever been, even if Lee did recently take over for the better, no disrespect to Ricky. I talked to Ricky and Lee last night about a return, and at the time I chose not to for the already mentioned reasons. But seeing that now Ben is leaving as well, not to menton we lost Shock, Murfish, and possibly Iscy, as well as a few others (Dead Wood Match) I'm returning. I'll suck up my pride if it helps get the fed back on track, because thats the number 1 reason for my return, to help get the morale back up, and to help get things back on track.
Trust me, no disrespect is taken. The fact that I quit as head THREE TIMES should be indicative of how well I thought I was suited to run the fed. Just...nobody did anything with it when I laid it out there.

And while morale may be low with people jumping ship (dare I say, giving up?), I have no hesitation in saying that the leadership right now is ace. We are recruiting guys, and I am doing more than I did when I was in charge (as the pressure is off...I always felt like I was just trying to keep the fed alive...couldn't focus on getting it to flourish). I'm much more fit for the complimentary role, though I will brag and say I thought I had a good month or so as top dog.

Derf, simply put...real glad to have you back.
Also after various feedback sessions we have placed Iscariot as Staff liaison. Whilst we know he doesn't have time to be a full time member of staff, the liaison is to be between fed members and staff. For those who feel like they can't talk to us.

I'm real sorry for the way I've been acting. It's been an act because I have been living up my heel character. I thought it would be fun and you guys would catch on. I guess you didn't. So I'm sorry for going around and acting like a dick to those who definitely don't deserve it. I'm here for you guys if you need me to be. Just as the rest of staff are. Don't be scared to come to us.

Derf, it's good to have you back buddy.

Wow, all this happens in like the span of 2 days, and I come back to read it lol. Interesting stuff really.

Good to have you back Derf. And we (although, I never really had a problem with it in the first place) forgive you Monkey. Hopefully this place can stay on strack, and we can build up again.

You favourite Aussie (don't deny it), Danmen.

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