WZ Pet peeves

When people are too lazy to flush. Do I seriously look like I want to look at your shit all over the toilet when I'm taking a piss? No, no I don't actually.

Wait...were the pet peeves supposed to be about thing on WZ?
Your face.

Thread series' that get no replies and the poster still carries on.
-People who relentlessly and humorlessly bash other people and are like, "HERP DERP I WAS JUST KIDDING LEARN TO TAKE A JOKE" when someone responds harshly.

-People who come out of the woodwork to insult you because you disagreed with a mod/admin

-People who make extremely narrow topics, barely allowing discussion, and/or yes or no question threads.

-People who respond to threads with 9-10 paragraphs that can have the same exact effect with 3-4 sentences.
Should it really matter if you have a pet peeve or not? Not trying to sound like a dick or anything, but what happened to posting for fun? I understand posts that you have trouble reading, like really bad spelling and grammar. But who cares about a few mistakes?
Should it really matter if you have a pet peeve or not? Not trying to sound like a dick or anything, but what happened to posting for fun? I understand posts that you have trouble reading, like really bad spelling and grammar. But who cares about a few mistakes?

"Who are you?" and stuff like "You've achieved nothing on these forums"

Answer: He's probably someone with a better life than you ya dick

It doesnt wind me up as such, but it would if I were to be wound up by such things.
My latest pet peeve is (no homo) when someone says they like/love a wrestler.

Are these people really that afraid someone is going to think they're gay because they say they love a wrestler? I'm pretty sure we all get the context. I'm confident that if I say I love Shawn Michaels everyone will understand I love watching him as a wrestler and not assume I'm flipping through 15 year old issues of Playgirl.
When people say "drab" or "asinine" or my anti-favorite "and it's not even close". Usually when one side of an argument is almost certainly correct that makes the topic in question a hard topic to debate for the opposition. That people usually manage to leads me to question the validity of the statement.

When people correct spelling or grammar and make similar mistakes without acknowledging they do the same thing.

Mod sucker-uppers, I'll name no names.

People who don't respect the hierarchy. Nobody got to the position they did by accident. Every mod and every high rated poster is so because it's generally acknowledged that when they post non-spam, no matter how often they opt to do it, they are highly capable and even have flashes of character or originality in their work. Some more than others.

How many people jump on someone when they do something wrong. Only takes one person to point out a mistake, but you'll always have another 25 to drag it on and add nothing new and constructive.

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