Petty Pet Peeves

Agreed on all points. Especially in places that are super basic and nation wide....taco bell, burger king.

You fucking know what is on the goddamn menu.
When it comes to chain places that I don't frequent on the reg but I know I'll be going to because why-ever, I generally try to look up the menu online. Because I genuinely can't be bothered holding up a line like that.

A shame I'm a weirdo for being civilized.
People that see your message but don't reply on WhatsApp, or reply in 2-3 words. I know, "get the sign buddy," but then I gotta stay true to my nationality. But on a serious note, it also happens at times with normal messages to the same gender. Also, people that still type in txt like it's 2004 (my sister).. Gotta stay calm and patient on each occasion.
People who use the phrase "My Man" when talking about their boyfriend, and even more annoying is when they use capitals for both words.

Then make it even worse by incorporating "My Man" into fucking pointless, irriating Facebook posts like "Cooking a nice chicken stew for My Man!" or "Work is over for the week and My Man is home tonight!".

Winds me up so much.

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