WWE TLC 2011 - Punk(c) vs Del Rio vs Miz - WWE Championship - Triple Threat TLC match


Gone but never forgotten.

WWE.com said:
WWE Champion CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio and The Miz will square off in a Triple Threat Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match with the WWE Title on the line. Only one man can leave a winner when the current and two former WWE Champions meet in the first-ever Triple Threat TLC Match for the WWE Championship at WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs, live on pay-per-view Sunday, Dec. 18.

Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and Interim Raw General Manager John Laurinaitis announced this high-octane match where the Superstars will use tables, ladders and chairs as weapons and as tools to reach the WWE Title, which will be suspended some 20 feet in the air over the ring. Dangerous, harrowing and thrilling, TLC matches push competitors to the limit physically and mentally as they battle at dizzying heights in their quest for squared circle immortality.

The Miz and Del Rio had to defeat two SmackDown Superstars - Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan, respectively - on Raw Supershow to earn their spots in the WWE TLC Match. While John Cena was named as another participant, he gave up his chance at the WWE Title to give his friend, Zack Ryder, an opportunity to earn a U.S. Title Match against Dolph Ziggler.

Since CM Punk won the WWE Championship from Alberto Del Rio at Survivor Series (PHOTOS), The Mexican Aristocrat has been pining for an opportunity to get the title back. Although he was unsuccessful in his first bid to recapture the WWE Championship, Del Rio can look forward to another crack at The Second City Savior, along with another dangerous former champion.

The Miz, the third competitor in the Triple Threat Match, is flying solo after separating from tag team partner R-Truth. After The Rock and John Cena defeated The “Awesome Truth” at Survivor Series, the Cenation leader confronted The Miz and R-Truth. He played mind games on the underhanded pair, culminating in them turning on each other and Miz blasting Truth with a brutal Skull Crushing Finale on the steel entrance ramp. (PHOTOS)

A loner again, The Awesome One looks to regain the WWE Championship and then get revenge on Cena. Not one to be limited to one rivalry, The Miz attacked CM Punk. Having to defend himself from Del Rio and The Miz, Punk must feel like he’s being assailed on all sides; and that includes certain WWE management.

John Laurinaitis has been having difficulties with the title holder. “The Voice of the Voiceless” has already promised change and overhaul as he continues his second reign as WWE Champion (PHOTOS). This does not appear to sit very well with the Interim GM, who is unable to even say "CM Punk" and "WWE Champion" in the same sentence. Laurinaitis placing Punk in such a difficult and grueling match is certainly a questionable decision.

All bets are off when WWE Champion CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio and The Miz step into the ring for a Triple Threat Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match on Dec. 18. No matter which Superstar is victorious, the WWE Universe will see exciting, high-flying action.

This is another match that I'm interested in.

I can't see CM Punk losing this match. The WWE is currently putting way too much stock into the guy. Plus, Del Rio's title run was so stale that it would be a miracle for him to regain the title. We all blinked an eye and now the Miz is back in the world title picture but not enough weight has been put into his return to the singles division to warrant him another world title run.

Discuss the match in here. (NO SPAMMING!!)
WWE dropped the ball on this match.

I agree that I dont see CM Punk losing this match. I think, not that I want him anywhere near the title, it would've been better to have Cena in the match. You already have a first ever triple threat TLC match...SPICE IT UP MORE!

Hell I was also hoping to have Ziggler in there too.! Have him lose to Ryder earlier in the night or right before the ME. Then you have the TLC match with 5 guys. It sets the level for Punk to win higher and stacks the odds against him more.

The next night on RAW you can have Punk boast that he beat JL's odds and came out on top. Then you have Ziggler bitch about him losing because he already had a match before that.

Adding 5 guys to this match sets you up for the Elimination Chamber. With 2 weeks left still, since they already did the "contract signing" there is no chance of adding anyone to this match either.
This match should be a 1 on 1 match. Punk vs Miz for the WWE Title. ADR at this point doesn't belong in the title picture. He has become so boring and stale, I have just lost all intrest in character. They should take him off of TV for a while and tweak him to make him appear to have more depth. The only reason he invovled in this match is because they have nothing else for him to do. Anyway, Punk won't lose here and I fully expect him to carry this title until WM28. Miz is just starting is single run again and it would be way to soon for him to get the strap here. And ADR is a flop as a champ for the reason I explained above.
WWE dropped the ball on this match.

I agree that I dont see CM Punk losing this match. I think, not that I want him anywhere near the title, it would've been better to have Cena in the match. You already have a first ever triple threat TLC match...SPICE IT UP MORE!

Hell I was also hoping to have Ziggler in there too.! Have him lose to Ryder earlier in the night or right before the ME. Then you have the TLC match with 5 guys. It sets the level for Punk to win higher and stacks the odds against him more.

The next night on RAW you can have Punk boast that he beat JL's odds and came out on top. Then you have Ziggler bitch about him losing because he already had a match before that.

Adding 5 guys to this match sets you up for the Elimination Chamber. With 2 weeks left still, since they already did the "contract signing" there is no chance of adding anyone to this match either.

The funny thing is that you'll complain about John Cena oversaturating the main event picture and one he's taken out of it you want him back in? Don't you want other superstars in the spotlight, for once? Don't you want to see new feuds and pushes?

I love the fact that Cena is out of this and possibly having a feud elsewhere. It gives the other three a chance to shine and lets us and the WWE know if they can handle a high-profile main event match in a PPV without using John Cena as the conduit.
WWE dropped the ball on this match.

I agree that I dont see CM Punk losing this match. I think, not that I want him anywhere near the title, it would've been better to have Cena in the match. You already have a first ever triple threat TLC match...SPICE IT UP MORE!

Hell I was also hoping to have Ziggler in there too.! Have him lose to Ryder earlier in the night or right before the ME. Then you have the TLC match with 5 guys. It sets the level for Punk to win higher and stacks the odds against him more.

The next night on RAW you can have Punk boast that he beat JL's odds and came out on top. Then you have Ziggler bitch about him losing because he already had a match before that.

Adding 5 guys to this match sets you up for the Elimination Chamber. With 2 weeks left still, since they already did the "contract signing" there is no chance of adding anyone to this match either.

I have to agree whole-heartedly here, Im by no means a Cena fan but Cena has to be in this match. Firstly, Punk and Cena have history and good chemistry together and with Cena in the match there is always the what if factor ie what if Vince decides to put the belt back on Cena, otherwise there is no other outcome other than a Punk victory, not that thats a bad thing but at least with Cena in there it will create that suspense that Punk may drop the belt.

For me Del Rio v Miz v Punk is ok but nothing more than that, The Miz has done nothing meaningful since he dropped the belt, and has spent the last few weeks being owned by Cena week in week out, and Del Rio's credability as champ is shot to pieces (at the present time) in my eyes, and putting him up against Punk and Miz is damaging him even more because his mic skills are being made to look terrible, and he is coming across as the weak link in this trio.

However on the face of it who else is there for Punk to face right now? I would loved to have seen Ziggler but they are still putting the finishing touches on his Ryder storyline. It doesnt make sense right now IMO to have him go into a full storyline with Cena again. He has been feuding with Del rio so there is only really the Miz?

IMO there seems to be a lot of booking issues right now caused by setting Cena v The Rock so far out. Cena seems to be in limbo waiting to start the build toward WM, and main eventers like the Miz look weak due to the Rock storylines. Zack Ryders unexpected rise has delayed Dolphs main event push and right now the main event scene looks threadbare other than Punk.

Save us Y2J :worship:
The funny thing is that you'll complain about John Cena oversaturating the main event picture and one he's taken out of it you want him back in? Don't you want other superstars in the spotlight, for once? Don't you want to see new feuds and pushes?

I love the fact that Cena is out of this and possibly having a feud elsewhere. It gives the other three a chance to shine and lets us and the WWE know if they can handle a high-profile main event match in a PPV without using John Cena as the conduit.

Its LOGIC. I dont want him in the title picture, but without Ziggler in there who else could go in? Swagger? All Im saying is...you already have the first TLC triple threat match, why not up the anti and add one more guy? Cena is the next logical choice. Just throwing Miz and ADR in there isn't going to create new feuds. Throwing Cena in there gives everyone the impression that Cena MIGHT win. WWE is playing with fan emotion. He was booed at Survivor Series, he might get booed in that match. Cena has history with all of them, adding him to the match spices it up. Besides...what's Cena doing now anyway? They are just going to throw him into a match at TLC anyway. He has no set feud with anyone, and TLC is 2 weeks away.

WWE cant even create good feuds with who they have! Already the are relying on Booker T to feud with Rhodes. REALLY!? Give Booker T to someone WHO NEEDS IT! DiBiase feuding with Jinder Mahal? YAWN. Henry and Big Show? Lets move on now please. Divas are getting boring. They have so many Divas but focus on 4 or 5. Tag team division is a bust.

WWE has too many stars, and they only focus on a select few. PPVs could be so much better if they would just focus more on OTHER feuds and stars and not the same ones all the time.
Punk Will Win. Simple as that.

BUT i am extremely happy with this match. It was set up perfectly. The superstars are all past MitB winners and they know how to work with a ladder. Especially Punk. This should definitely be match of the night.

I do see Cena getting into this match someway. Because i don't have any idea what he could do at this particular PPV. Who else could he face?
I'm looking forward to this match, as long as I don't work that night.

I want to say Punk is going to retain, and I hope that's true. Del Rio just is such a boring champion and boring in general. Punk even said it last night, paraphrasing of course "If you say it's your destiny I swear it's gonna drive me to drink". That is all Del Rio has is "It's my destiny!!!" At least give the guy a new schtick, it's way too played out, and if it's your destiny every time you get a chance to win the title, then you shouldn't really lose it that quickly.

Miz will probably have a good showing the next few weeks, but I can't see him reclaiming the title just yet. If/when R-Truth comes back, I'm sure it will set him up to go after Miz for taking him out, and I can't see the WWE brass wanting to make it for a title or anything. Just a thought.

Good to see former Money in the Bank winners in there "proving" they know how to win a dangerous match like this. A small factoid that I hope is brought up in the next couple weeks by commentary. Should be a fun match though.
Personally, I can't wait for this match! I'm going to be there at the event via some of the worst tickets I've ever had, but none the less I think this match will be stealing the show. CM Punk will be winning here considering it is the only logical option, but I fully expect them to make it look like Miz and ADR have a chance to build the suspense.

John Cena could have been in this match and I still would have been excited for it but without him is even more appealing. I say good for giving those three a spot in the main event without Cena and hopefully Vince will learn that Cena doesn't have to be there in the top spot for the product to thrive.
I think this will be a great match but there's no way in hell Punk loses.

This should help the Miz get back over in the singles division and I think all three of these guys should be able to put on an entertaining match.

Also, don't rule out John Cena being thrown into this match at the last minute. We all know what happened last night but somehow, some way, they'll put him in this match. I still think Punk wins though, even with Cena in there.
I'm expecting a great match that will probably result in the overall end of Punk's program with Del Rio and will signal the beginning of something with The Miz.

I don't see any way Punk loses this match. Del Rio's title runs have been duds overall and The Miz needs to get some heat back I think before he can get the title back and be looked at with legitimacy.
This should be a good one, I was really hoping to see Dolph in this match but ofcourse he'll have plenty to deal with in his US title defense, but the additions of both Miz and Del Rio to this match should make it good already. Obviously Punk won't be losing here, hopefully it'll end his feuding with Del Rio and give us some good stuff between him and Miz. I expect ADR and Miz to gang up on Punk at first but then Del Rio will focus on Miz and when he does Punk will surprise him and pin him, Punk retains and Miz starts his feud for the title because he wasn't the one pinned.
Gunslinger's Prediction
CM Punk Retains
Someone said "WWE dropped the ball on this" what you MEAN to say is "they didn't book it exactly how I want, so I'm going to bitch".

It's been fun so far and you should spread out your most over guys to make more of the card more appealing. It will be a really fun match with Miz, ADR, and Punk all pretty creative and talented guys. The feud should be really fun too. A real mis-mash of personalities.
Someone said "WWE dropped the ball on this" what you MEAN to say is "they didn't book it exactly how I want, so I'm going to bitch".

It's been fun so far and you should spread out your most over guys to make more of the card more appealing. It will be a really fun match with Miz, ADR, and Punk all pretty creative and talented guys. The feud should be really fun too. A real mis-mash of personalities.

Yeah...that would be me. Go back and read WHY I said that. Nevermind...let me post it for you so you dont miss it...

WWE dropped the ball on this match.

I agree that I dont see CM Punk losing this match. I think, not that I want him anywhere near the title, it would've been better to have Cena in the match. You already have a first ever triple threat TLC match...SPICE IT UP MORE!

Hell I was also hoping to have Ziggler in there too. Have him lose to Ryder earlier in the night or right before the ME. Then you have the TLC match with 5 guys. It sets the level for Punk to win higher and stacks the odds against him more.

The next night on RAW you can have Punk boast that he beat JL's odds and came out on top. Then you have Ziggler bitch about him losing because he already had a match before that.

Adding 5 guys to this match sets you up for the Elimination Chamber. With 2 weeks left still, since they already did the "contract signing" there is no chance of adding anyone to this match either.

Its not how I wanted it to go...its how it SHOULD'VE GONE. WWE PPVs have been lackluster lately. Im not expecting anything good from Triple H/Nash, Big Show/Mark Henry has been done (yes I know its a rubber match but I bet I can guess the winner), Divas never produce...so what do you have?

*Cena thrown into something last minute

*A great match between Ziggler and Ryder

*Some filler matches maybe

*Rhodes vs Booker T

*Orton vs Barrett

You have the opportunity to produce a higher quality ME then what you are giving. You are already "setting history" with a triple threat TLC match so why not add something else to it?
I would have preferred a 5 man match but a 3 way will do for me. This is the easiest match to predict of all the matches so far. The road for the WWE championship is pretty clear from here on out. Punk wins this, faces Miz at the RR and then proceeds to defend it at EC where the speculation of the title on Rock vs Cena will begin.

Anyway as to the quality of the match it should be great much like the SD main event last year. Expect Ricardo Rodriguez interference and Punk to win it in the end by taking out Del Rio last. Then he and the Miz can fued.

Z's Prediction

CM Punk retains the WWE championship
Yeah...that would be me. Go back and read WHY I said that. Nevermind...let me post it for you so you dont miss it...

Its not how I wanted it to go...its how it SHOULD'VE GONE. WWE PPVs have been lackluster lately. Im not expecting anything good from Triple H/Nash, Big Show/Mark Henry has been done (yes I know its a rubber match but I bet I can guess the winner), Divas never produce...so what do you have?

*Cena thrown into something last minute

*A great match between Ziggler and Ryder

*Some filler matches maybe

*Rhodes vs Booker T

*Orton vs Barrett

You have the opportunity to produce a higher quality ME then what you are giving. You are already "setting history" with a triple threat TLC match so why not add something else to it?

Those are all your opinions. The divas divison has produced some pretty good matches with Phoenix carrying the barbies.

Don't say "how it SHOULD'VE GONE" your opinion isn't the only one that matters. In fact, it probably doesn't matter as much at all because you're not of the same opinion as most of the core audience.

How can you say the WWE dropped the ball when 1) it hasn't happened yet and 2) you don't know the full story yet? It's not like the show is tomorrow, it's in 10 days. Not only that, but the story doesn't just end at TLC, they have a long term plan in place.

Get real sick of the "this is my opinion and this is how it SHOULD happen". You sound like a child. It's not about you. Your ideas suck too btw. Show and Henry will have a great match. HHH vs Nash might suck, but it could surprise people too. Clusterfucking the main event would be shitty. Instead you have Miz injected into the title scene and Cena out of the title picture (which is what I thought you guys want?).

You have what? 6 or 7 matches so far (if you read spoilers, I won't say what the new matches are). 8 is about the max you can do and give everyone a decent amout of time, especially when some matches are hatred/gimmick matches. What if cena doesn't even have a match? What if he's just in Ryder's corner? You don't know what will happen. Cena likes Ryder, if cena is 'just' in Ryder's corner for the match, it make sense.
I can't see the outcome of this match being anything other than punk retaining the title. I'm happy that the miz is back in the wwe title picture, but really hoping that adr gets the hell out of it after this match. Don't know whats gonna happen to adr after tlc though. It's pretty obvious that he's not going to win, but where does he go from there? My guess is that he'll have a little petty feud with someone like ...... i dont know.
Should be a good match, but there's no way CM Punk loses this one. Hell, I can see him hanging onto that WWE Championship until past WrestleMania. Not only is Alberto Del Rio boring, but he was a bit of a flop as champion and Miz will probably be dealing with R-Truth when he returns, so this is a pit stop for him -- which I REALLY like, as it keeps him looking like a major contender and gives him something to do until R-Truth serves out his suspension.

I like that this match doesn't have John Cena, not because I'm a Cena hater, but for a reason touched on earlier: it's giving CM Punk, The Miz, and Alberto Del Rio the ball. It's giving them the opportunity to see if they can carry a PPV, without John Cena plastered on the main event, it offers flexibility. It's an awesome move in the long run, especially if it works out. Cena's the top guy, but he doesn't have to be the center of the WWE Universe, he can just easily be the sub-main event and have an extensive impact.

I'm looking forward to this match and the implications of it. For all I know, it could set the tone for the WWE for the foreseeable future. It's exciting, that's for sure.
Really looking forward to this match. I would definitely be surprised if Punk drops the belt in this match.

If I heard correctly on this past Monday's Raw (Slammy Awards Edition), I heard Cole say that the only way to win is by pinfall or submission. Hopefully that was just an error, but if it wasn't, it takes away from the purpose of the TLC match - to climb a ladder and grab the championship/briefcase/contract/whatever, while using all three objects as weapons. Now that there's pinfalls or submissions, it just kind of loses meaning. In all of the TLC matches, you've seen guys climb the ladder to attempt to grab the championship, and someone else comes in and pushes the ladder over, causing a great spot in the match (usually). So now, I suppose all three superstars are just gonna climb a ladder just for the hell of it? I know, I know, it's happened plenty of times, but when there's nothing hanging above the ring and you see someone climbing a ladder, you're just like, "What the hell's that guy doing?"

I know I'm probably being very silly about this, but making that kind of stipulation is very silly in my eyes. Oh well, I'm sure it'll still be match of the night, and I look forward to Punk retaining!
Alberto Del Rio and The Miz have sworn that CM Punk will not retain his WWE Championship come TLC. I believe we'll see a lot of team work between the two heels eventually breaking apart midway through the match. The Miz has made it clear he does not want a partner. He's attacked John Morrison and R-Truth enough to put them out of action, what makes Del Rio think Miz won't turn on him as quickly as the bell starts? This match seems like fun but there's no way the WWE can take Punk's Championship away so soon; he'll overcome these odds. Del Rio flopped as Champion and Miz needs to stay relevant until R-Truth returns. PPV's usually end with a good cliffhanger but I can't tell what. Whatever happens, this match will be awesome.

Hamler's Prediction - CM Punk will retain the WWE Championship
Punk's reign basically just started, and it's clear that they're trying him out as Cena's Number 2, possibly even Number 1 overall if they need that from him. He'll retain, unless they decide to book this match under the influence of mind-altering substances. It should be a great match, as TLC matches almost always are (can anyone name a truly bad TLC match, at least in WWE?). Del Rio's involvement with the title should be over after Sunday, and I think Miz may be the guy to slide into his spot for the Rumble. There's been talk of Cena being added to the match, which wouldn't be surprising, but he seems to be getting involved with Kane now. Cena being added might make the match better, as that means more bodies to toss around. Anyway, Punk will retain, in a very good match.
I keep no secret that CM Punk is one of my favorites in the WWE at the moment so I hope he wins here from a fans view. A simple reason for Punk is keep the belt is because the title reign just started. That is really the only reason you need at the moment. You don't want to kill the momentum that Punk has by having him drop the belt just weeks into his reign as the top dog. From a fans view it will make Punk look weak and from an IWC it shows a lack of faith in Punk to carry you brand. If the WWE want Punk to help carry the brand with Cena then he has to win. Make Punk look strong and keep the gold around his waist.

Alberto Del Rio has become as boring as bat shit. The guy has nothing to offer and get little crowd reaction. How the hell is a guy that is playing a rich Mexican not getting booed out of the building in a time when people are having trouble buying bread? This guy has one of the most waisted gimmicks in the WWE and someone needs to wake up and see what they are missing out on. You can have him do so much but at TLC he isn't winning. You gave him two title runs and both times he did nothing to make the feuds interesting. He was boring, dull and anything else you want to add.

When I look at Miz I see someone who has a bright future, one that will go far, but TLC isn't his time. I think Miz is going to be in a high profile feud at WrestleMania, maybe against Punk should Jericho not return, so he doesn't need the title. You can keep Miz looking strong by having him grab the title a couple of times however no victory. No matter what happens the Miz will stay in a top spot so keeping the title on Punk just keeps two guys looking strong. This match should go to CM Punk so he can get a decent title run instead of dropping it just weeks after winning the damn thing.
I'm tempted to go with The Miz here, but I'm going to pick CM Punk to retain. WWE has invested a lot of time and energy in Punk, and I think he will finally have a more lengthy run with the WWE Championship this time around. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Punk went into Mania 28 as the champion, because he is one of the better options to be the WWE Champion at the big show. The Miz has been on fire lately, and he has regained a good amount of momentum. But Punk is still in the early stages of his run as champion, and WWE probably wouldn't pull the plug so soon. Miz will surely wear the WWE Championship again someday, but it's not going to happen right now. As far as Del Rio goes, he doesn't any sort of chance here. Del Rio will just be the other guy in this match, because he has two forgettable runs with the WWE Championship, and his huge push should cool off soon.

All three men should provide a thrilling and entertaining match here, this one could feature some jaw-dropping spots, and this TLC match could become a strong Match Of The Year candidate.
This should probably be the match of the night. Just for the fact that its a TLC match. You can pull off some great and memorable spots in this type of match.

Punk is winning this. Del Rio is going back to the midcard after this match. And Miz and Punk probably start a feud together and wrestle each other at the RR.
It is rather safe to say that this will close the show. Punk's promos and segments with Miz and Del Rio have been done quite well leading up to this match. My wife would disagree though. It is her three least favorite guys in a match together lol.... I am trying to slowly make a her become a Punk fan though....I think this will be the end of Del Rio's involvement in the world title scene on Raw for a bit while a Miz/Punk feud begins. Punk is going to win. Miz might end his reign but I don't see that happening just yet. I always look forward to TLC matches and this is no exception. There will be higher level of unpredictability because of the involvement of all three weapons from the gimmick, tables, ladders, and chairs. It is one of my favorite match types. Should be a pretty good match with a few crazy spots to end the show with a Punk retention.

CM Punk will retain the WWE Championship

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