WWE General Complaints Thread

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Several weeks ago, we saw Ryback cut his first promo, and we've seen a few similar promos since. I want to first start by saying the promos themselves were awful. If you ever want an example of what an obviously written, memorized and regurgitated promo sounds like, look no further. It came off as wooden and fake, completely lacking in convincing passion and intensity.

The bigger point I want to make though, is that the Ryback character shouldn't have been cutting promos at all. Having Ryback get on the mic and speak like everyone else does kills his mystique. He's actually much more interesting if he just destroys people and screamed FEED ME MORE, because there is a mysterious aura about that. Yes, down the road eventually you might have to have him talk once his character evolves, but now certainly is not that time. For example, look at Goldberg. When Mean Gene would try to interview him after he destroyed someone Goldberg wouldn't say a word and just kept on walking by. This helped to create Goldberg's mystique and was a huge part of his appeal.

With Ryback, you had a guy who stood out from the pack, there was something about him that made him different from everybody else, and having a character like that is the key to success in wrestling. By having him get pinned they took some of that away, they made him just a little bit more like everybody else. Now by having him cut promos it's almost been entirely taken away, he's just another wrestler when he was originally something more.

So my questions to you guys are: Do you think Ryback's promos were good? and beyond that, do you think the Ryback character should be cutting promos at all? You certainly know where I stand on these questions, but I'm curious to see whether or not you agree.
I think they should have given him a manager (labeled as his "handler" or something) to do his talking. That way, he could just stand in the background looking angry while someone else breathes out threats on his behalf.
I think a big part is the lack of competition. Back in the day, WCW hit Vince where it hurt: his wallet. Vinny had to up his game because a lot of people were not watching his shows, buying his merchandise, going to his live events. They had a viable alternative to his product. Both companies had to listen to their fans or risk losing them to the competition.

Fast forward to today. WWE stands alone at the top of the hill & there's no one big enough to knock them down. And Vinny knows this. So like any other big business without competition, WWE is content to coast along.

In my opinion, until either another company gains enough of a following to kick Vince in the wallet or he's out of the picture & someone with a passion for the business (not the bucks) takes over, it's probably not going to improve too much.
Several weeks ago, we saw Ryback cut his first promo, and we've seen a few similar promos since. I want to first start by saying the promos themselves were awful. If you ever want an example of what an obviously written, memorized and regurgitated promo sounds like, look no further. It came off as wooden and fake, completely lacking in convincing passion and intensity.

The bigger point I want to make though, is that the Ryback character shouldn't have been cutting promos at all. Having Ryback get on the mic and speak like everyone else does kills his mystique. He's actually much more interesting if he just destroys people and screamed FEED ME MORE, because there is a mysterious aura about that. Yes, down the road eventually you might have to have him talk once his character evolves, but now certainly is not that time. For example, look at Goldberg. When Mean Gene would try to interview him after he destroyed someone Goldberg wouldn't say a word and just kept on walking by. This helped to create Goldberg's mystique and was a huge part of his appeal.

With Ryback, you had a guy who stood out from the pack, there was something about him that made him different from everybody else, and having a character like that is the key to success in wrestling. By having him get pinned they took some of that away, they made him just a little bit more like everybody else. Now by having him cut promos it's almost been entirely taken away, he's just another wrestler when he was originally something more.

So my questions to you guys are: Do you think Ryback's promos were good? and beyond that, do you think the Ryback character should be cutting promos at all? You certainly know where I stand on these questions, but I'm curious to see whether or not you agree.

I started a thread about this a while back (it got merged along the way with some other...anyway) and I respectfully disagree with you. I think in order to enhance the Ryback character, his mystique has to be done away with. Guys like Warrior and Goldberg suffered to recover from their invincabiltiy once they dropped titles. They peaked so to speak. I would hate to see that happen to Ryback even though I'm not his biggest advocate. I stated in a previous thread that he needs mic time and a submission hold and he also needs to sell more on defense. He can still maintain his characters credibility and reputation, but the three things I mentioned above would make him more interesting to watch instead of squashing everyone. It will put more years on his career and a submission will come in handy when somebody kicks out of Shellhock (Cena)... You know it's going to happen... But the mystique has to go. He's going to have to lose legit eventually, and when he does, it won't stunt his career growth.

I actually enjoyed his mic work. It was a return to "character based" wrestlers as opposed to smarky, sarcastic promos cut by guys just being their normal asshole self (Punk [ I love Punk, but he's an asshole], Miz, Rhodes, Cena). I was waiting for a Macho Man/ Hogan type of promo and Ryback was as close as it gets.

Good thread man.
I may be the only one who thinks this and will ever think this but I think the main problem today is what happened in 2003 and that is Rock and Austin leaving.

We had a pretty solid main event division from 1998-2003 with HHH, Undertaker, Rock, Austin, Mankind, and Kane with guys like Angle, and Jericho thrown in there from time to time. Mankind retired and Rock and Austin departed which meant that HHH was the biggest star left to carry the company.

This is a reason why I don't completely blame HHH for the awfulness of WWE in that time period but he didn't do much to help. Think about who was still there. Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, Angle, Booker T, RVD, and Kane. I'm going to talk about each of them.

Benoit and Guerrero: They were both great wrestlers who could walk out of bed and have at least a **** match with anybody. The problem I saw was that they were basically midcarders expected to put over lower card wrestlers. The result was that everybody was at the same level and Benoit and Guerrero couldn't reach that higher level because they were always expected to try to make stars out of guys when they weren't stars themselves. Of course they both got their title runs but Benoit was overshadowed by HHHBK and Smackdown was awful in 2004.

Booker T: I always viewed him as a guy who wrestles up or down to his competition. He was just average to me but he was getting huge pops in late 2002 and early 2003. If there was ever a time to make a new star, Wrestlemania 19 would have been it. The blueblood going up against the street tough. Everything about that buildup led to Booker T finally being on top, but it didn't happen.

RVD: The man was over from the moment he set foot in the WWE. It can be said that he should have won the title at No Mercy in 2001. He had plenty of chances to win the strap but they never pulled the trigger on him. Some will state that they did in 2006 and look what happened with him as a reason to why they were so cautious. I don't agree with that reasoning.

Jericho: First undisputed champion. Beat Rock and Stone Cold in the same night. We hear it from him time and time again because that is the main feather in his cap. Given what we saw in the months after, putting the title on him was the wrong decision. He wasn't even the second most important person leading up to his Wrestlemania match with HHH. Stephanie and a dog were more important than him. With Austin, Rock, and the nWo swirling around, Jericho basically had no chance. After he lost the title, he was directionless until he left in 2005.

Angle: I liken his world title reign to what Punk's has been in the past few months. Have solid matches only to escape with the title. I don't think anybody bought Angle as a star back then and he was always seen as a guy who can be thrust into the world title picture in a moment's notice and go right back to the midcard without any problem.

Kane: When he returned from injury in 2002, he looked leaner than I've ever seen and he was getting pops each and every week. They could and should have pulled the trigger on him and let him take the title off of HHH but they had to go with that awful Katie Vick mess and have HHH retire the Intercontinental Title.

What also didn't help is the fact that Undertaker and HBK basically put over nobody. You can claim that HBK put over Orton at Unforgiven in 2003, but HBK got that win back the next month and Orton didn't do much until he won the Intercontinental Title off of RVD. Don't even get me started with Undertaker in 2002 and 2003.

Cena and Batista were a breath of fresh air and Edge later came (even though I believe Cena made Edge a star more than anyone else) but you had nobody else. Imagine if guys like Booker T, RVD, and Jericho were big stars in 2005 and 2006. They could have helped put over guys like Shelton Benjamin or Carlito.

Added on to the fact that everybody has to get their win back over everybody else, you're just left with a whole lot of 50-50 wrestlers with very few rising to the top. Barrett beats Orton on Raw, then loses to him on Smackdown, then cheats to beat him on the next Raw. It doesn't help anybody. If you want to push somebody, than push him. Let him win without the worry of the guy he beats needing to get that win back.

I think Orton would be just fine if he lost a couple in a row to a Barrett or a Rhodes. The Rock lost all the time and he wasn't any less over because of it. Take a chance, WWE. Guys can't rise to the top if they don't win. They can't be over if they don't win. Winning may not be the only thing, but it goes a long way.

The lack of big stars today is what's missing due to them having numerous opportunities to create them in the past and failing and the absence of getting over by winning.
To answer the OP's question. You'll be waiting for Austin, maybe Sting, certainly Flair. Would Angle excite you back in WWE? 5 more Cena championships ( seriously, how many more does he win? Hunter will be back (and eventually in the Vinnie Mac on tv role) .

The problem is. We are all going to wait for the old stars to come back. It's what we do. And WWE knows it can always find someone to bring back to achieve satisfying the fix of lifers.

That's not to say new stars aren't being made. In 10 years we will clamor for Punk Bryan Orton. And money says well get em. It's just how it works.
Recently, former developmental wrestler Kevin Matthews spoke about and tweeted about Bill DeMott's outrageous leadership in the developmental system. As a long time WWE fan, this coupled with the lack of interest and struggling ratings concerns me.

There is a photograph that was tweeted by Kevin Matthews showing one naked wrestler sitting on another wrestlers face with the leader of WWE Developmental Bill DeMott laughing ringside. It is this type of stuff that can take a company to it's knees.

I don't think it is in WWE's best interest to have this guy in charge of the future talent of the WWE...what happened to the Be A Star campaign?

What's your opinion?
This might sound a little crazy, especially on a site like this, but I think what really matters is what we see on TV. At the end of the day wrestling is a show and the wrestlers are all actors/performers. To me this situation would be like complaining about the antics going on between actors and actresses behind the scenes of your favorite TV shows. Who cares? I think that kinda ruins it. No one seems to see it as a show that they should enjoy anymore. It used to be just a show that people would get excited over and see what happened next. Now instead of a show it's just a "product" and instead of worrying about the entertainment value of the show, they just worry about whether or not this product is making it's business. Instead of watching people read results online now and fast forward through most of the show just to catch the hightlights. Instead of people wishing their favorite wrestlers win or become champions based on their character, they view the belts as nothing more than a tool that the wrestlers "need" to elevate their status up to the next level before passing it on to the next person in line. People here have personal problems with wreslters for things they do or have done in their personal lives versus what they do on tv(I'm looking at you Triple H haters).I always find that funny, people give him crap for holding the belt for so much and cheating to retain it instead of putting over the next rising star, but applaud Punk for it based soley on who Triple H married and hung out with. Then they get on him for winning the title so many times, yet applaud Cena(who gives up 6 years to HHH) based soley on what they do in their personal lives. I always hear about how great of a guy Cena is and the charitable things he does, and then hear about how Triple H is a dick and is married into success. Who cares what happens off camera? What do they each honestly contribute to the entertainment of the show. Cena provides the predictable super hero role that doesn't change or adapt on TV. That's great for kids and people looking for a hero. Triple H constantly improved and worked and tweaked and changed and led two of the WWE's most entertaining stables and emotion driven feuds. But who cares about that when Cena granted 300 wishes. I'm not hating on Cena or being a HHH fanboy either. Hogan is the same way. Hogan was the same predictable super hero role model character as Cena. But people give him shit for what he does behind the scenes. Why? What does it have to do with the entertainment of value of this TV show? Leave the behind the scenes antics, relationships, personal deeds, development etc behind the scenes when judging the show. That's my honest opinion about the whole Kevin Matthews complaint.
This topic has been brewing in my mind for quite some time and RAW just finished so I have to get it off my chest

What's with all the poor camera work seen on RAW?

I understand having to switch camera angles within the match to keep it interesting

But IMO I'd really like to see the other Wrestler when a guy is about to jump from the top rope .. because when there's a counter

they have to switch camera's ... or it's just in to close and looks sloppy

ex, Cody putting up his knees to block the splash .. and Big Show missing his second Vader Bomb type splash

both times the camera went in very close on top rope wrestler and did a very poor job of capturing the full action

**and then the in ring madness with Shield, Team Hell No, Cena Ziggler and Sheamus .. the shots of the wrestlers brawling in the corner was IMO corny

when you have 7 plus guys in the ring why not just keep the camera wide to show the whole ring?

as a camera man myself, maybe I'm a bit overly critical of the work, but it just annoys me because I grew up watching WWE (when it was WWF)

so discuss .. are these camera "issues" at all noticeable to you, or is it a non-factor?
If Del Rio is going to be portrayed as 'the Maxican Aristocrat' and he supposedly has a lot of money, etc, why hasn't he been allowed to use that? I don't want him leading a stable of all Hispanic wrestlers, since I'm not a huge fan of all one race stables, but he could and should have been the leader of a stable already. If you're a heel and you supposedly are rich, wouldn't you do everything you can to win, including buying people off? Sure, it's in some part a rip-off of Ted DiBiase, but all stroylines are regurgitated from years past in wrestling, and that one hasn't been done much since the late 80s. Give him a group of 2-4 wrestlers to help him.....it's the one thing that might make him interesting.

Yes, I'm a fan of stables. It's a great way to get more wrestlers exposure, and exposure is the only thing that tells you which wrestlers are worth investing into in the future. Not all members of a stable need to wrestle every week, and not all members of a stable even need to have a 3 minute promo every week. But they are needed.

Cesaro....if he's going to continue with this gimmick, he needs a stable also. 2-3 wrestlers with a common goal or purpose is needed to join him. I think he's got a great future (provided that he's given the right booking...he's not someone that will make it to the top no matter what, like some wrestlers in the past) and can move up the ladder quicker as a heel as the leader of a stable.

Long term, I see Cesaro as a great face....I don't know why. I can't be the only one that sees the same thing, right? He's got the power to leave the crowd in awe, based on him picking Brodus up the way he did and based on that move from last night's RAW where he caught Kofi in mid air and countered a crossbody into a backbreaker or whatever it was. He could have a serious, all business attitude about him, but as a face......no Sheamus-like smirky smiles, no 'I wanna fight, fella' promos with smiles on his face. Just a rugged, smart, powerful, all-business face. For some reason, when I look at him, that's what I see. I'd like to see that.

Orton.....needs to be a heel. That's it.

Barrett....I think he's a main event level talent. He's a natural heel, but my favorite part of his character is when he lets it be known, either to a face or heel, that he's in it for himself. He's a heel that comes off as a tweener at times. I love that. That should be played up, and I think the only way to do that is get him involved in a 3 way or 4 way feud (not Kofi, Cesaro, and Truth as the other 3).....I think he's above the IC belt, but it looks like that's where he's headed...when he moves past that and is on the brink of the ME level, he should be booked in the way I just described.....he can really set himself apart from the rest of the roster in that way. I love his potential.

Sandow.....keep his gimmick the same....he's struck gold and is excellent in that role. He'll do wonders for the tag division and he should be kept there for now, even though I think he's ready for a big singlles push....eventually, he'll grow way beyond that and will be great....his acting is superb, which leads me to believe he'll go through at least a couple of face/heel turns at some point. Good for him.

I can't wait until Bryan is on his own again....I love his work with Kane, but he's someone that I'm convinced can work anything he's given and turn it into gold, and if that's the case, I'd rather have him on his own where he can bring himself up to whatever levels he feels like.....I don't care if he's a face or a heel, he'll get over no matter what he's given. My only fear is that the WWE knows how versatile he is, which makes them put him wherever he's needed at the moment, even if it's underneath him.

For those Ryder fans out there.....I'd book him to get back together with Hawkins....for a few weeks, he turns Hawkins into whatever Ryder is, and that's their gimmick as a tag team. Tag division needs more teams that make sense to be together....this would make sense for both and would get them some air time.
Jesus on a pogo stick ! These are your brillant ideas? Revolutionary.

I'm bored with the idea of "own country" factions. Canadians, Mexicans, New Jerseyians. It's been done. And its not interesting. "I am from Mexico, so that means we have to fight." Where is there go with it?

For Cesaro, the guy is not over, so you give him a group around him? How does that make sense? What then?

Also, you are basically saying you would make Wade Barrett be better. "I have a great idea Wade, this is going to blow your mind.... Be much better at your job"

I'd be ok with an angle where Ryder tries to Jerseyfy someone (despite this being 4 years out of date). Some funny material can come out of it.

What is the point of this post?
If Del Rio is going to be portrayed as 'the Maxican Aristocrat' and he supposedly has a lot of money, etc, why hasn't he been allowed to use that? I don't want him leading a stable of all Hispanic wrestlers, since I'm not a huge fan of all one race stables, but he could and should have been the leader of a stable already. If you're a heel and you supposedly are rich, wouldn't you do everything you can to win, including buying people off? Sure, it's in some part a rip-off of Ted DiBiase, but all stroylines are regurgitated from years past in wrestling, and that one hasn't been done much since the late 80s. Give him a group of 2-4 wrestlers to help him.....it's the one thing that might make him interesting.

I see no reason to put Del Rio in a stable. We've seen stables in the past in which one guy is the central figure and he has a couple of wrestlers that are mostly there just to help him get ahead. That was the role DiBiase, Jr. & Cody Rhodes had in Legacy and it was the role that every other member of Nexus had with Wade Barrett as the leader. Stables work best generally when everyone is viewed as equals and Del Rio's character is someone that simply wouldn't mesh with others as far as being equal.

Cesaro....if he's going to continue with this gimmick, he needs a stable also. 2-3 wrestlers with a common goal or purpose is needed to join him. I think he's got a great future (provided that he's given the right booking...he's not someone that will make it to the top no matter what, like some wrestlers in the past) and can move up the ladder quicker as a heel as the leader of a stable.

Again, why does Cesaro need to be in a faction? Cesaro is currently attaining his goal of being a good heel United States Champion without the support of wrestlers with a common goal or purpose. The only real way I see Cesaro meshing in a faction is if you pair him with wrestlers that are anti-American and that is probably the single biggest wrestling faction cliche` that has been absolutely done to death. Anti-American factions don't get over in the same way that they used to. Cesaro's promos are getting better and he's now starting to get good heat. Cesaro is someone that WWE is taking their time with and it looks like it's paying off so far.

Long term, I see Cesaro as a great face....I don't know why. I can't be the only one that sees the same thing, right? He's got the power to leave the crowd in awe, based on him picking Brodus up the way he did and based on that move from last night's RAW where he caught Kofi in mid air and countered a crossbody into a backbreaker or whatever it was. He could have a serious, all business attitude about him, but as a face......no Sheamus-like smirky smiles, no 'I wanna fight, fella' promos with smiles on his face. Just a rugged, smart, powerful, all-business face. For some reason, when I look at him, that's what I see. I'd like to see that.

It's possible. Cesaro is someone that, at some point, I do think could potentially be a strong babyface. That spot with Kofi last night looked awesome and Cesaro is someone who is deceptively strong. It takes a LOT of strength to catch a 200+ pound man the way he caught Kofi jumping off the top rope last night and spin him into a backbreaker. I also agree that if he ever did turn face somewhere down the line, I'd much prefer him as someone that's more serious. I'm a fan of Sheamus but, personally, his jovial & fun loving Irish galoot act isn't portraying in nearly as he could be. When Sheamus is passionate in there, as we've seen him do sometimes in his promo, that's when he's at his best.

.....needs to be a heel. That's it.

Last I heard, WWE intended to turn him heel and yes, he needs to go heel. He's been a face long enough, he's gone as far as he can as a face and he's far better as a heel.

Barrett....I think he's a main event level talent. He's a natural heel, but my favorite part of his character is when he lets it be known, either to a face or heel, that he's in it for himself. He's a heel that comes off as a tweener at times. I love that. That should be played up, and I think the only way to do that is get him involved in a 3 way or 4 way feud (not Kofi, Cesaro, and Truth as the other 3).....I think he's above the IC belt, but it looks like that's where he's headed...when he moves past that and is on the brink of the ME level, he should be booked in the way I just described.....he can really set himself apart from the rest of the roster in that way. I love his potential.

In the grand scheme of things, I see Barrett as someone that's above the IC title but no so far above it that feuding over it for a while can't be a huge benefit to him. Kofi & Barrett, thus far, have had a pretty solid feud over the title. It's a feud that's done a lot for Kofi as well as he's finally getting chances to establish himself as someone that's more than just a happy, smiling babyface. It's been a fun feud so far and it's one that's doing good stuff for Barrett, Kofi & the title. WWE seems to be taking their time with Barrett since he came back. He's missed a lot of action and I'm betting that there are potentially ideas for matches, feuds & storylines heading into WM season that, frankly, might deliver an overall bigger payoff than Barrett being in the main event, at least for right now. As I said, he was out for more than half a year and WWE is building him back up as a strong singles competitor really for the first time without him being part of a group.

.....keep his gimmick the same....he's struck gold and is excellent in that role. He'll do wonders for the tag division and he should be kept there for now, even though I think he's ready for a big singlles push....eventually, he'll grow way beyond that and will be great....his acting is superb, which leads me to believe he'll go through at least a couple of face/heel turns at some point. Good for him.

I like Sandow a lot. I was impressed with his promo ability from the minute I saw his first vignette. He's shown to be pretty good in the ring as well, he looked like a star a while back on Raw in a match against Sheamus. However, right now, I like that Sandow is part of a tag team. The WWE is putting serious effort into their tag team scene for the first time in years, so having talented wrestlers that are being used for something meaningful and relevant is always a good thing.

I can't wait until Bryan is on his own again....I love his work with Kane, but he's someone that I'm convinced can work anything he's given and turn it into gold, and if that's the case, I'd rather have him on his own where he can bring himself up to whatever levels he feels like.....I don't care if he's a face or a heel, he'll get over no matter what he's given. My only fear is that the WWE knows how versatile he is, which makes them put him wherever he's needed at the moment, even if it's underneath him.

I also agree here. Bryan is easily the most overall improved guy in wrestling for 2012. He's gone from someone that was generally a generic babyface to being one of the most over talents on the WWE roster. He's shown that he has the personality & promo ability to get over, and people've known he's had the stuff in the ring for years already. Bryan is someone that can be a long term star in WWE. I think he & Kane have been an entertaining team and they've done a good job as champs. They've made the tag team titles relevant again in WWE. What I generally see happening, I might be completely wrong though, is that Bryan does go back to being a singles competitor sometime next year, possibly before or just after WM. He wins either the United States or IC title and goes on a strong run as a mid-card champ before ultimately making his way back into the main event scene, at least for a while. I don't see Bryan back in the main event picture anytime soon because I have a feeling that Sheamus, Ziggler, Orton and possibly Show are going to be in WHC picture leading up to and probably for a little while after WM. For the WWE Championship picture, it's going to be Punk vs. Rock at the Rumble then it's anybody's guess. If Punk somehow retains, I see him having bit match at WM, possibly against The Undertaker and maybe Cena picking things back up with Punk after WM. Or The Rock wins at the Rumble and begins feuding with Cena leading to Cena winning the title at WM and possibly holding it for most of if not the entire rest of the year. That's just some stuff I think MIGHT happen. For all I know, Bryan will be right back in the WHC picture come WrestleMania, but I'm doubting it.

For those Ryder fans out there.....I'd book him to get back together with Hawkins....for a few weeks, he turns Hawkins into whatever Ryder is, and that's their gimmick as a tag team. Tag division needs more teams that make sense to be together....this would make sense for both and would get them some air time.

I read a report a few months back stating that there were talks of repackaging Zack Ryder. I think that he's ending his You Tube show after the first of the year. In an episode a few months back, Ryder said something about how people see him as a joke and that episode was what's led to some speculation that Ryder's current character is going away after the beginning of the year.
Before I respond.....how do I separate the quoted part like you did? After hitting the quote button, what do I do? It's pissing me off that I can't figure it out.....do I have to go to each section I'm separating and put the other side of the html code (/quote)?
Jesus on a pogo stick ! These are your brillant ideas? Revolutionary.

I'm bored with the idea of "own country" factions. Canadians, Mexicans, New Jerseyians. It's been done. And its not interesting. "I am from Mexico, so that means we have to fight." Where is there go with it?

For Cesaro, the guy is not over, so you give him a group around him? How does that make sense? What then?

Also, you are basically saying you would make Wade Barrett be better. "I have a great idea Wade, this is going to blow your mind.... Be much better at your job"

I'd be ok with an angle where Ryder tries to Jerseyfy someone (despite this being 4 years out of date). Some funny material can come out of it.

What is the point of this post?

I'm sorry, did I say they were revolutionary ideas? I'm not trying to come up with some huge NWO, Nexus, take over the show kind of stuff.....just some things I think would improve some of the characters I see and the reactions they get. Chill out a bit.

Did you read the part where I said Del Rio would not have a one-race faction, but a small group of guys he pays? It doesn't look like you actually read my post.

I'm wondering how you got that about Wade from what I said....it's too bad reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong suit. No worries, you'll get there.
If Del Rio is going to be portrayed as 'the Maxican Aristocrat' and he supposedly has a lot of money, etc, why hasn't he been allowed to use that? I don't want him leading a stable of all Hispanic wrestlers, since I'm not a huge fan of all one race stables, but he could and should have been the leader of a stable already. If you're a heel and you supposedly are rich, wouldn't you do everything you can to win, including buying people off? Sure, it's in some part a rip-off of Ted DiBiase, but all stroylines are regurgitated from years past in wrestling, and that one hasn't been done much since the late 80s. Give him a group of 2-4 wrestlers to help him.....it's the one thing that might make him interesting.

Yes, I'm a fan of stables. It's a great way to get more wrestlers exposure, and exposure is the only thing that tells you which wrestlers are worth investing into in the future. Not all members of a stable need to wrestle every week, and not all members of a stable even need to have a 3 minute promo every week. But they are needed.

I don't agree with this. I think there are enough stables at the moment, but I am not really a fan of lower midcarders being in stables in the first place. For all the potential people that could get a little push out of being ADR's lackey, I don't see how this would be better for getting them heat than a singles push would be.

I like Del Rio and I do agree that something needs to change because I feel like he could be a lot more entertaining if the writing / creative department wasn't so bad as a whole. I just don't like stables that much, especially heel ones. Between WWE and TNA I am completely worn out on them and I want to go a long break from seeing them again

Orton.....needs to be a heel. That's it.
This is the other part of your post I disagree with. I have seen a lot of people on this forum & another one saying Orton needs to be heel and I really don't think he should go heel, probably for the rest of his career

He turned face in the first place because the crowd forced him to. He was a heel and the crowd started cheering for him when he turned on Legacy. I don't know if the crowd will let him stay heel for an extended period of time

Plus, I did not enjoy his last years as a heel at ALL. I think he was entertaining up through his 2007 title reign, but once the viper stuff started he just became too bland , and it became really noticeable after the IED storyline ended that his promos' quality had completely tanked. Unless he suddenly dumps all the viper / voices crap, I have no interest in heel Orton

Other than these two I agree with a lot of what you posted, especially about Wade

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I see no reason to put Del Rio in a stable. We've seen stables in the past in which one guy is the central figure and he has a couple of wrestlers that are mostly there just to help him get ahead. That was the role DiBiase, Jr. & Cody Rhodes had in Legacy and it was the role that every other member of Nexus had with Wade Barrett as the leader. Stables work best generally when everyone is viewed as equals and Del Rio's character is someone that simply wouldn't mesh with others as far as being equal.

I totally disagree about Del Rio.....he's more boring and stale than anyone on the roster. Good in-ring worker, boring character. I'd guess 90% of the crowd and the viewers at home and the dirtsheet readers like us look at him like that. At any time during his 4 or 5 PPV feud with Sheamus, did you think he had a great chance at any of those PPVs of winning? I sure didn't...he came off as filler feud at all times.

Think of it like this.....if you're supposedly rich, I mean DiBiase rich, wouldn't you do everything you can to win that match, that title, etc? The question is, why wouldn't he have a bodyguard or couple of them to help him? Does he try to come off as a heel with honor? No, so he should go all out to the point that others will help him do his dirty work.

Again, why does Cesaro need to be in a faction? Cesaro is currently attaining his goal of being a good heel United States Champion without the support of wrestlers with a common goal or purpose. The only real way I see Cesaro meshing in a faction is if you pair him with wrestlers that are anti-American and that is probably the single biggest wrestling faction cliche` that has been absolutely done to death. Anti-American factions don't get over in the same way that they used to. Cesaro's promos are getting better and he's now starting to get good heat. Cesaro is someone that WWE is taking their time with and it looks like it's paying off so far.

It's possible. Cesaro is someone that, at some point, I do think could potentially be a strong babyface. That spot with Kofi last night looked awesome and Cesaro is someone who is deceptively strong. It takes a LOT of strength to catch a 200+ pound man the way he caught Kofi jumping off the top rope last night and spin him into a backbreaker. I also agree that if he ever did turn face somewhere down the line, I'd much prefer him as someone that's more serious. I'm a fan of Sheamus but, personally, his jovial & fun loving Irish galoot act isn't portraying in nearly as he could be. When Sheamus is passionate in there, as we've seen him do sometimes in his promo, that's when he's at his best.

I'll agree that Cesaro doesn't NEED a faction....I just think it'd be nice to see, but I'll give you this one....and yes, that spot where he caught Kofi was awesome. He's very impressive.....I guess I mentioned him as someone that coulduse a stable because I'm not confident WWE will let him keep growing, but I hope I'm wrong.

In the grand scheme of things, I see Barrett as someone that's above the IC title but no so far above it that feuding over it for a while can't be a huge benefit to him. Kofi & Barrett, thus far, have had a pretty solid feud over the title. It's a feud that's done a lot for Kofi as well as he's finally getting chances to establish himself as someone that's more than just a happy, smiling babyface. It's been a fun feud so far and it's one that's doing good stuff for Barrett, Kofi & the title. WWE seems to be taking their time with Barrett since he came back. He's missed a lot of action and I'm betting that there are potentially ideas for matches, feuds & storylines heading into WM season that, frankly, might deliver an overall bigger payoff than Barrett being in the main event, at least for right now. As I said, he was out for more than half a year and WWE is building him back up as a strong singles competitor really for the first time without him being part of a group.

Again, I agree....Like I said in my previous post, I think he's above the IC title, but if they keep him and Kofi working together through the Rumble, maybe with their feud ending at the PPV after Rumble, they could do very good things for that belt and the division.....I'd like to see a couple of the next group of mid-carders to have a small role in this too, to really put focus on the mid-card and the title and start laying the seeds for the next ones that will be players in that division, because each division is at its best when the feuds are layered and a tad more complicated than 'Wrestler X wants to fight Wrestler Y', but this feud, if given the time and effort to develop those layers, will be very good.

I like Sandow a lot. I was impressed with his promo ability from the minute I saw his first vignette. He's shown to be pretty good in the ring as well, he looked like a star a while back on Raw in a match against Sheamus. However, right now, I like that Sandow is part of a tag team. The WWE is putting serious effort into their tag team scene for the first time in years, so having talented wrestlers that are being used for something meaningful and relevant is always a good thing.

I think Sandow will be great on his own, but there's no room for him just yet, so I love the tag team pairing here.....and I also love his promos. Him and Ambrose (yes, already, with what little we've seen of him in WWE) are the ones to impress me the most right off the bat with their debuts as far as promo abilities go.

I also agree here. Bryan is easily the most overall improved guy in wrestling for 2012. He's gone from someone that was generally a generic babyface to being one of the most over talents on the WWE roster. He's shown that he has the personality & promo ability to get over, and people've known he's had the stuff in the ring for years already. Bryan is someone that can be a long term star in WWE. I think he & Kane have been an entertaining team and they've done a good job as champs. They've made the tag team titles relevant again in WWE. What I generally see happening, I might be completely wrong though, is that Bryan does go back to being a singles competitor sometime next year, possibly before or just after WM. He wins either the United States or IC title and goes on a strong run as a mid-card champ before ultimately making his way back into the main event scene, at least for a while. I don't see Bryan back in the main event picture anytime soon because I have a feeling that Sheamus, Ziggler, Orton and possibly Show are going to be in WHC picture leading up to and probably for a little while after WM. For the WWE Championship picture, it's going to be Punk vs. Rock at the Rumble then it's anybody's guess. If Punk somehow retains, I see him having bit match at WM, possibly against The Undertaker and maybe Cena picking things back up with Punk after WM. Or The Rock wins at the Rumble and begins feuding with Cena leading to Cena winning the title at WM and possibly holding it for most of if not the entire rest of the year. That's just some stuff I think MIGHT happen. For all I know, Bryan will be right back in the WHC picture come WrestleMania, but I'm doubting it.

I'll be pissed if Bryan is bumped down to the US title next....he's so far above that, it's ridiculous. I never thought of that until I read your post. I just assumed he'd go back to filler feuds until there was an opening in the ME scene and one of the titles. I really, really hope he doesn't get moved down, even if it's temporary. He's someone that can get ANYTHING over, imo. He's impressed me a ton. Like I've said over and over again, I fear one thing with him.....that the WWE sees just how versatile he is (goddammit, they were going to have him feud with Sheen), and they keep him reserved for those types of storylines instead of giving him the push he deserves, because if he gets that push, h'll get himself as over as he wants to get. I seriously could see him getting to that level just under SCSA in 'overness' and crowd reaction if they let him, but I don't think they will.
Man I really don't think about being negative, much like the IWC is, but one thing i'm sick of is this constant segment garbage. MizTV is straight whack. The Miz is a face? Really? (<- I will never do that line again) He is so repetitive. If any character in the WWE needs a major boost in creativity and or the entertainment department, for sure the miz should/needs to be first in line. Vickie-A.J. is straight terrible as well. It's like... no i can't even think of anything as crappy as that. Antonio Caesaro is a terrible wrestler to hold the WWE US Championship. He's not bad in the ring, but his promos are weak. I've been thinking about this lately, I don't think a problem with the WWE is having it be PG, which may be a big reason, but anyways I think a big problem is the roster size. How about instead of adding people to the roster, how about the WWE trims the roster and gets rid of a few heads. We don't need the 3MB, we have The Shield, which...already has alot more attention than the 3MB.

Another problem I have with the WWE right now is how the WWE expects us all to watch every WWE show. I don't have a problem with a company wanting to promote it's products, I'm all for that. But think about it. RAW, Superstars, Main Event, NXT, Saturday Morning Slam, SmackDown. That's way too much for me. Honestly, Main Event is my favorite WWE show right now. It's more focused on actually wrestling. SmackDown is going down the toilet, RAW is a big mess etc etc. Another thing, is how much involved I have to be with the WWE social media. Oh RAW is advertising what Michael Cole just tweeted on what Alberto Del Rio just said to Rosa Mendes? Hold up, lemme get at my twitter.......Wait what? Fundakoo released a new vigenette? Where do I find it? the wwe App? Great, now I gotta find my Google Droid. What's that i hear? Josh Matthews announced a new list on wwe.com on the 50 best mid-carders in the AWA? I HAVE TO CHECK THAT OUT!

basically, the WWE wants us all to get involved with these social media/apps, and half the time its absolutely nothing to be honest.
I think Cesaro is great. Him and Ziggler are usually the two most "must-see" matches each night. Cesaro always has something new in his arsenal. Then on top of that his strength is incredible. He difinitely has to be the strongest pound for pound. I like his brutal fighting style.He would do great in feuds with Sheamus, or Barrett. I just really hope they don't drop the ball on him. With him speaking all the languages and being a European wrestling in the U.S. and other continents, I'd like to see him win the IC belt for a while and hold both titles for a short bit. This is going to sound crazy but why not even push him to the moon and give him a feud for the WHC after that and have the angle of him conquering the U.S. then the continents therefore making him worthy of being champion of the world. He wins the WHC and then drops both the U.S. and IC belt for a tournament to give some fresh names a chance. He would then maintain his deal with no American beating him for the U.S. belt. When WHC he can feud with DBD, Barrett(bringing him into the picture), Sheamus, Show, Ryback etc. All the brutal styled wrestlers.

As far as the factions go, why not. Why are so many people opposed to factions. So what they have been done before. It'snatural for people to group up in any situation in life. Why can't there be several factions. If one faction had wrestlers 1,2,3 and 4 while the other faction had members a,b,c, and d and they were enemies that feud can deliver 16 different possible 1on 1 matchs that still have a legitimate feud there. Then you still have various tag matches. It makes it so we don't have to see the same thing over and over again. Just sparks more rivals. It's not like they have to even constantly do promos together either. And they don't have to constantly brawl like in late 97 with the DOA, NOD, Heart Foundation, Las Borricuas. But if they did it something more like DX vs Corporation. Various members of each team each had their own feuds but also feuded with members of the other team constantly, and they did it without having to involve the whole group. Like Billy Gunn feuding with Shamrock from the corporation but still having other side feuds and not having DX run in for all of his matches etc.

Sandow is doing a great job too. I like what he's doing and I hope he doesn't get too stale. He's funny and heelish at the same time. The only thing I don't like is his pink tights. I don't get it. It doesn't fit his character at all. You would think he would wear a more sophisticated color.
I was hoping since this is a compaints thread we could get a discussion about the worst champions of 2012 going.

Who would you say they are? It seems like WWE has done a pretty good job promoting their champion so far, but someone always has to be at the bottom of it all. I'd say the midcard champions haven't been booked well a lot of the time this year. At least the IC title started the year off strong with Cody Rhodes. Now the IC and US titles looked to have flipped with Cesaro having a strong reign and Kofi having another tired run.

In case you don't remember all the champions here some Wiki links to the title histories:

http://bit.ly/XgHYuK (World)
http://bit.ly/zth6p (IC)
http://bit.ly/aVFyoM (US)
http://bit.ly/p98mLg (Tag)
http://bit.ly/12hWFgZ (Divas)

I left the WWE Title history off because honestly who would consider Punk's reign as the worst in 2012?

Also here, is a list on the subject: http://bit.ly/ZaMlbU

I wish I could find some more lists, but after a brief Google search all I could find were worst champs of all time.
If you are reading this, then you just watched Jerry Lawler win the Slammy Award for "Comeback of the Year" Now, I know the King's heart attack was very serious, and thank god for his recovery and return, but was it really worthy of a Slammy? If you watched the nominee videos, you can obviously tell that the WWE were trying to push Lawlers heart attack to win. His video was much more intense and serious. Now, keep in mind that this post is in NO WAY trying to disrespect the King. I just do not feel that his return was bigger than others. Keep in mind that his return was announced weeks beforehand and therefore we all expected it. Look at the other nominees:

Brock Lesnar: Though many felt like he would be returning the night after Mania, there was still a cloud of doubt in many people's heads. Cena comes out and cuts a promo, then all of a sudden, BOOM Lesnar returns, the crowd goes wild. He comes in the ring, and F-5's Cena. The place erupted. His return was fierce.

Degeneration X: This one is kind of in the same catagory as the King's. Though it was announced, it wasn't clear if all the members of DX would be present. The time comes, and out come HHH and HBK. They cut a classic DX promo and then introduce, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, and X-Pac. For the first time in many years, we finally saw all the members of DX in the same ring together again. The Nostalgic feeling alone was enough to bring back many many memories to the "Attitude" fans.

Chris Jericho: One thing I love about Chris Jericho, he's a genius. Both his 2008 return and his most recent return promo's both left many confused. He was able to fool a lot of people and kept them fooled until his return. His last return was priceless, all those weird promo videos talking about "The end of the world as we know it." Then, the lights go out, silence. We see the jacket light up, the hands go up and everyone freaked out. BREAK THE WALLS DOWN! He comes out, hi-fives everyone, and leaves without speaking a word. He continued this for weeks until finally turning heel.

In all honesty, do you truly believe that The King's comeback was better then all of these? What are your thoughts?
I'm with you but I am willing to take it one step further... EVERY WWE "poll" is rigged. Cena winning superstar of the year just gave Punk the opportunity to come out, be "disrespected" some more and play the whiney heel.

The one thing I will say about Lawler is that his comeback was the only unscripted comeback.
Seriously...this is just pathetic. John cena is 2012 superstar of the year?
How stupid is that, so CM Punk who has been the WWE Champion ALL YEAR LONG and the guy who won only 2 big matches that I can remember which was brock lesnar and mitb is superstar of the year?

So after the WWE universe voted in cena he passed it off to flair....he pretty much smacked the people in the face that voted for him.

The question here is, who here felt cena passing off the award as disrespectful and that the superstar of the year award wasn't even the main award this year
I would agree with you that the awards are rigged. A guy surviving death is going to win even if it were put to a true vote regardless. But Cena winning superstar of the year and only having one major win this year is beyond me.
I don't think you understand the meaning of Comeback. I think you are making a decent case but you case would be better suited for "Return" of the year. Typically Comeback award winners in American sports return from injuries. Peyton Manning is likely to win this year. Jerry Lawler "came back" from near death. I think something as silly as a Slammy is perfectly reasonable.

As far as the awards being rigged, it wouldn't surprise me. How many scripts do you expect WWE to write? And who cares, it's just a TV show like any other.
All the awards are rigged. It's professional wrestling. Most people going in knew they were rigged.
Like HillBilly said the superstar of the year was rigged to set up the whole Flair thing.
Kiss of the year was rigged to set up the whole thing with Dolph and make that match.

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