WWE General Complaints Thread

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Begging the pardon of the Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon, i thought as a long time fan, i would like to start this open letter to yourself, your company and the internet, in hopes of making a point.

I found myself NOT ONCE ever saying, "Gee i wish there was more WWE" or "Id like to see a 3 hour RAW". I mean youve got RAW, Smackdown, Superstars, NXT every week. Its hard enough to be a good boy and not just Tivo the program or watch the HD rips people put on youtube and skip the squash matches, piss poor divas matches, random tag events or anything boring.

And the same goes for PPV's. Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Survivor Series, Were the last 3 i bought. Its not a lack of money, or im not going to use a throwaway excuse like you cant build a PPV fued in 4 weeks, i once got interested in Undertaker vs HHH from No Way Out to Wrestlemania X7 just in the 4 appearences on RAW and the 4 on Smackdown.

I have however, thought "F*ck me this is S*it". I thought that at Wrestlemania 28, when D Bryan (The WHC) and Sheamus (The RR Winner) was done in 18 seconds, i thought that when i watch Smackdown and find myself watch 10 minute replays of RAW that i watched earlier in the week. I find myself saying that everytime i see the current tag team or womens division.

Ive found myself being guilty of laughing when the crowd chants Goldberg at Ryback. I did the same when they chanted Batista at Mason Ryan. Ive found myself guilty of taking a piss break everytime i hear "Somebody call ma momma". Ive felt frustration and anger seeing squash after squash every week from Tensai, to Ryback to Clay.

Ive fallen for your shit, When Punk stole some of his ROH 2005 Title promo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HreA5N16LUc) I was hooked, i watched WWE again, MITB became a PPV i wanted to see and again with Summerslam. Change, Punk talked of Change, Attitude, Different, something to break the soul crushing monotony.

However its almost a year since then, And no Ice Cream Bars, No 2nd Attitude Era and no change, WWE has taken its hottest superstar in years and turned him into generic good guy #317. PG promos and carrying around that god awful John Cena belt, that looks like a rappers sh*t. Though he may be the champion make no mistake, John Cena is still the main event.

You know, finally after being rid of the plague that was the WWE guest hosts, who couldnt give a f*ck about the WWE (Summerfest am i right guys?) WWE still brings back the 3 stooges, and i took offence to Sean Hayes saying he was embarassed to be on RAW. But i looked at the quality of the product lately and i cant blame the guy. And this guy acted like an over the top fruit on a TV Show for years.

In closing VKM, think about whats best for your product, and dont go back to the WWE magic 8 ball and give it a shake looking for guidence, cause a "New John Cena shirt" or "Tag team match playas" aint gonna cut it.

Stop trying to make the WWE something its not. At the end of the day theres nothing really PG about two guys beating each other up. You can talk about Bullying and Be A STar (Which i think its great, really PG or not should be doing this), Having CM Punk call John Laurinitis a toolbox is lame from a fans perspective and having John Cena dump water on and spray a fire extinguisher on John Laurinitis is just fodder for your anti bullying critics.

Invest in Creative, Dont just make Punk v Bryan another fued, give it top billing and make it the story of the summer. Dont be afraid to have John Cena step aside, HHH said it the other night, it aint a one man band. Dont hold back your talent and listen to the crowd. People say Punk only became a real star in 2011, if he had of been giving the chance from the start he would have been HOT all those years ago. Look at Survivor Series 2006, HHH, Shawn Michaels, The Hardyz, Edge, Randy Orton all in the ring and they were chanting CM Punk. Read Dave Laganas article on CM Punk and understand what he had to go through to get to where he is. It would be nice if all the agents who wanted Bob Holly to go over him in ECW were fired.

We dont want to see guest stars, the WWE are our stars. And a 3rd hour of RAW, what are you going to do that you cant do with two hours. We dont really want a 3rd hour of RAW, we want more quality in RAW. Give us Quality and we will tell you we want more!

Else, fall to the wayside, fall like WCW and fall like your share prices.
Your Long Time Fans.
WWE's stock price has actually gone up two dollars since WM-28. As far as falling like WCW, will never happen unless wrestling itself dies out, which it won't. WWE is the face of wrestling across the globe and nothing but a disaster will change that. WCW failed because the WWF competed better and because Eric Bischoff signed old bastards to contracts full of entitlements they didn't deserve.

Third hour of Raw can only mean we get to see more talent who deserve it getting a shot to go out and prove themselves. If you bother to watch NXT or Superstars, that's just your fault. If you don't recall, which you probably don't because I doubt you were old enough to be interested in wrestling at the time, Nitro for years was 3 hours and had a fantastic run during that period.

Some of the other stuff you said made sense, but I think you should just enjoy the fact that we have another hour of primetime wrestling a week.
Jericho has always been about putting people over. Especially at this point, where he really doesn't have anything else to prove.

The one thing that irks me about Jericho is the fact that he has yet to defeat the top face of the company -- John Cena (no, the rookie Cena doesn't count). Until he has done this one thing, he hasn't proven why he is the best at what he does. Unless, of course by being the best at what he does is putting others over, then by all means he is the king at that.

And why is it that after winning both the WWE title and WCW title, Jericho feels like he has done everything there is to do? Why not win another WWE title? I feel like his attitude changed too soon and for the remainder of his career, it was all about him putting others over. He pulled the HBK move too soon in my opinion. At least HBK in his first run won three WWE titles and won major memorable matches. Jericho has only put on good matches, but never had major memorable victories [in the WWE] other than the ones against The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
WWE's stock price has actually gone up two dollars since WM-28. As far as falling like WCW, will never happen unless wrestling itself dies out, which it won't. WWE is the face of wrestling across the globe and nothing but a disaster will change that. WCW failed because the WWF competed better and because Eric Bischoff signed old bastards to contracts full of entitlements they didn't deserve.

Third hour of Raw can only mean we get to see more talent who deserve it getting a shot to go out and prove themselves. If you bother to watch NXT or Superstars, that's just your fault. If you don't recall, which you probably don't because I doubt you were old enough to be interested in wrestling at the time, Nitro for years was 3 hours and had a fantastic run during that period.

Some of the other stuff you said made sense, but I think you should just enjoy the fact that we have another hour of primetime wrestling a week.

I assure you friend, i havent watched NXT since they laid into "Daniel Bryan" in season 1.

And i do agree with you about the demise of WCW, Giving massive lucrative contracts and Creative Control to Aging dinosaurs who were only in it for themselves (Fingerpoke of Doom, David Arquette etc).

However, i do disagree with your "Third hour of Raw can only mean we get to see more talent who deserve it getting a shot to go out and prove themselves." line. If you are right, then i will be like the grinch whos heart grew 3 sizes that day. However i disagree with your certainty of the situation. What else could an extra hour of RAW mean? More guest hosts? 10 minute replays of what happened on last weeks Smackdown? The return of how did Mick Foley put it, weekly 20 minute HHH's.

As for my point about the stocks, i know WWE is far from going out of business, hell at WWE HQ they probably spin 2 massive wheels, one with colors and one with John Cena slogans, take those two, slap a $20 price tag on a John Cena kids shirt and its a license to print money, the point i was trying to make was this:

"Shares of WWE stock closed today at 7.96, the lowest close since the stock closed at 7.95 in April of 2003." - That was from April this year.

Also, case in point the ratings, again i will let Wrestlezone make my point:

"The return of Brock Lesnar last month was able to help ratings stay reasonable for awhile, but his loss to John Cena at Extreme Rules and quitting storyline has caused numbers to tumble. A clear sign fans have become bored with the current product."

Bottom line: All about the title of the thread, Want to see some more Quality before some more Quantity
I can't help but notice this, but after the whole angle with Big Show at Over the Limit, I hope that the WWE realises they did almost this exact same storyline 4 years ago. Big Show was being harrassed by Vickie Guerrero when she was GM, and then when it seemed like Show was about to take out the GM, he turns around, punches out the Face, and becomes a heel for the next 18 months.

WWE have obviously run out of ideas, if they're just copy/pasting Storylines from several years earlier. Your job is to write the storylines, not just copy everything on a 5 year cycle to prevent yourselves from getting fired for doing nothing.

Just to add, have the writers ever done this before, cause i have the feeling that it's not the first time. If you can find another instance of writers copy/pasting, it'd be good to know about it.
I agree with that, but don"t you think they'd think "oh wait, we already did that"

to replay a story is one thing. But to do it a second time, again with Big Show, that's just Madness!
I'm from pittsburgh. On monday i was shouting "retire" while all the kids looked at me as if i was adolf hitler. What else were they gonna do with Show? He had to go heel.
Welcome to the world of professional wrestling. It's all been done before and every storyline in the past decade probably was recycled. it would be harder to try and find a angle that hasn't been done before, than try to find another example of one that has. Look at TNA for example and their version of the Montreal Screwjob last year. Or Daniel Bryan and AJ mirroring the relationship between Miss Elizabeth and Macho Man for most of their run. And for another Big Show example, Remember how he and Mark Henry collapsed the ring with that turnbuckle spot and the announcers were trying to act like that's never happened before, even though Big Show and Brock Lesnar did the exact same thing in the exact same way just a few years prior?
well my only problem with it was it was soo predictable if you could not guess that thats was going to happend as soon as the board say no wwe supurstar could get invovled i said either brock or big show but show made more sense i wish they did not go that route tho cause it has been done to many times
More like this was done in '99 at St Valentines Day Massacre. Only this time without the cage.

well not really because big show was not fired from WWE before 99 he was wcw. St Valentines Day Massacre was the first we we saw him in a wwe ring

but to the point of the post as been said this is wrestling it always happens but using big show again is stupid but when has the wwe writers been smart the last few years
I don't mind. Show was getting old as a face and I'm sure when he had Laurinaitis held up or anytime prior to the finish, Laurinaitis told Show "If I win the match, I'll rehire you."

It'' be interesting to learn if Show is heel because of his own choice or if he's being forced by Johnny Ace where he'll eventually just go with it.
We all saw this coming (I even mentioned it in a post on a prior thread, albeit some of the exact details didn't come to be, the gist of it was the same).

As I said in that thread. I think this has Big Show playing the reluctant heel role to help Johnny in order to get his job back. Kind of reminds me of the JBL/HBK angle where HBK was indebted to JBL. Don't know how long the "reluctant" part lasts here, but that's how it came off last night. Plus, this probably puts a Cena/Johnny/Show program for the next month or so, with Show doing Johnny's dirty work to keep his job. Don't know if Johnny gets in the ring again or if Show or even Tensai get put in matches with Cena.
Would it ot have been smarter for a wrestler to come out, take out Cena and give the GM the win. Wrestler would have been fired and then rehired by John Laurinitas (sp?) on the next Raw? That's how they fire John Cena and rehire him, so it would have been amussing for all the Cena haters and fired up the Cena, kickstarting a brand new feud.

Admittedly my idea was no more original than the one used at the PPV, but at least then any wrestler could have done the run in instead of the telegraphed Big Show heel turn.
Big Show (along with Kane) is one of those wrestlers who has seemingly switched from face to heel and vice versa at least 250 times in his WWE career. Yeah, it was extremely predictable, but the storyline makes sense. Personally, I would've rather seen a returning star (Big Daddy V) interfere and cost Cena the match because we've seen Cena vs Show enough times over the years. I guess we'll have to see how they follow it up on Raw tonight.
I can't help but notice this, but after the whole angle with Big Show at Over the Limit, I hope that the WWE realises they did almost this exact same storyline 4 years ago. Big Show was being harrassed by Vickie Guerrero when she was GM, and then when it seemed like Show was about to take out the GM, he turns around, punches out the Face, and becomes a heel for the next 18 months.

WWE have obviously run out of ideas, if they're just copy/pasting Storylines from several years earlier. Your job is to write the storylines, not just copy everything on a 5 year cycle to prevent yourselves from getting fired for doing nothing.

Just to add, have the writers ever done this before, cause i have the feeling that it's not the first time. If you can find another instance of writers copy/pasting, it'd be good to know about it.

You've picked something out here that may have a basis to the storyline. What you are describing as copy/paste I think could actually be argued as 'precedent' and logical story telling. Lauranitis may be an ego-maniac but he shows some intelligence at times. He may remember Show's actions from years ago and used it to his advantage. Lauranitis may have known about the 'firing' stipulation before he announced it at the end of Raw.

Or maybe Big Show has been in cahoots with Lauranitis longer than we thought. Seriously, who fires someone for doing an impression?

Seems like it may have been a bit of a con all along.

Tensai/Big Show tag team anyone?
John Cena hasn't been in the WWE title picture pretty much since he dropped the WWE championship to ADR. Yet in spite of this he has main-evented every PPV since then that I can recall. My issue with this is that he is essentially lessening the importance of the WWE championship, it makes it seem as if John Cena no matter what he does is the most important and undisputed top guy in the company.

This is of course in real terms true but in kayfabe it shouldn't be. In years gone past when guys as massive as Austin and Rock were involved in non-title fueds their matches would be below the WWE title on the card and I fail to see why it shouldn't be the same for Cena.

I completely understand why masisve matches against he likes of Rock and Lesnar would main-event as they are qite simply iconic and generate massive interest. Yet should his matches vs guys like Kane and last nights against JL really be taking precedence over the WWE champiosnhip just because John Cena is involved?

Last night was the perfect example, in Punk/Bryan you had a match that the crowd was absolutely hot for, a fued that many people have been waiting to see between two of the hottest guys in the company at the moment. This however is booked before Cena/Laurinitis, a match throughout which the crowd was absolutely dead, except when chanting 'this is awful', surely it would have made more sense to finish with Punk/Bryan and end the PPV on a high.

I'm not anti-Cena I just don't think the WWE needs to try and shoehorn him into every main-event storyline and consistently book him over the championship.
The one thing that irks me about Jericho is the fact that he has yet to defeat the top face of the company -- John Cena (no, the rookie Cena doesn't count). Until he has done this one thing, he hasn't proven why he is the best at what he does. Unless, of course by being the best at what he does is putting others over, then by all means he is the king at that.

And why is it that after winning both the WWE title and WCW title, Jericho feels like he has done everything there is to do? Why not win another WWE title? I feel like his attitude changed too soon and for the remainder of his career, it was all about him putting others over. He pulled the HBK move too soon in my opinion. At least HBK in his first run won three WWE titles and won major memorable matches. Jericho has only put on good matches, but never had major memorable victories [in the WWE] other than the ones against The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Well he's beat Rock and Austin. Rock beat Cena, so if you want to imply A-B-C logic...

But yeah, he hasn't beat Cena. Dunno if he will either. But really, what would beating Cena at this point accomplish? Give him a greater push that he doesn't need? He beat two of the biggest names in the last two decades in their primes. He had a VERY memorable feud with Shawn. At this point, in my opinion, Jericho is above the need to beat Cena.
It would be that one win to close his career with. He's beaten everyone else when he didn't need to, so why not beat John Cena? Even Shawn Michaels has beaten John Cena in a one-on-one match and he didn't have to.

Look at The Rock. Stone Cold Steve Austin beat him ALL the time until that final WrestleMania match between them where The Rock finally beat Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Rock didn't have to, but he did.
quick side note: not sure where to put this thread. if it needs to be moved feel free.

ok now to the topic at hand:

the squash match. it has its place for sure. but i am sick of it happening sooo much and sooo often. Ryback has been doing nothing but squash random no name wrestlers for weeks now. even getting some ppv squash matches. the same thing could be said for brodus clay up untill a few weeks ago when his matches started lasting longer than his entrance. and now the wwe is considering lord tensai a flop. of course he is a flop. he did nothing but squash ppl. he had one maybe two real matches. he was never given a feud. i was never given a reason to care about the character.

why does the wwe think that giving us the same useless match every week is helping get these guys over? yes they look strong and impressive but thats because they are facing nobodies. ryback and clay would look even better if they were beating on ppl who are established. give ryback a feud. i dont care who its with or what storyline they have to come up with. but these constant squashes of "local wrestlers" is a joke. give him a feud with someone like randy orton or kane or christian. ryback hasnt even cut a promo yet. winning 20 squash matches is not going to get someone over. give me a real reason to care about the guy.

tell me im not the only one who is sick of these pointless matches week after week. giving a few straight up beat downs and dominating a few opponents works for about two weeks but after that its just pointless and more of the same.
The Idea of squash matches is to make someone Ryback look like a powerful unstoppable force.

I do agree that some of the guys like Ryback and Tensai need to cut promos and Lord Tensai had a match with Cena which i would not consider a squash match , also if wwe were to give ryback lenghty matches where he was jobbing most of the match , it would make Ryback look like a weak useless jobber. If you look at it this way when Goldberg debuted most of his matches were squash matches where his opponents lost in a few minutes.
Squash matches are fine at first, but they do get old if the same guy keeps winning squash matches week after week. I'm not a big fan of some of the random squash matches either. Pretty recent Alberto Del Rio beat Santino in what seemed like less then a minute. I like Santino, but what is the point of having someone carrying a belt to be dominated that easily.

I've felt for a long time like the WWE's problem (I don't watch TNA, so I can't speak to them) is that they're afraid of having people lose. That's why every Raw or Smackdown you usually only get one good match, i.e. Punk/Bryan, Ziggler/Orton, or whatever, and the balance is made up of a star or guy receiving a push versus a nameless jobber or Alex Riley type, who you know stands no chance. They want both sides of a feud to head into every pay-per-view with momentum, so they put them both over against guys who never win over and over again.

Recently, in the lead-up to the World Championship four-way match, they had the different wrestlers take losses against each other, but that was almost exclusively because it was a four-way event and they needed to build everyone's credibility. But how often do we get matches on television where we aren't quite sure who will win? Almost never.
I don't know about you but when Brodus Clay confronted Big Show I was genuinely excited to see the match and I think it's because of his undefeated streak. Would I have cared if Brodus had a handful of losses? Probably not as much. So I think squash matches have there purpose in the long run but in the short run I agree it's not that entertaining.
Squashes have their place, but that place isn't to be done every week for months on end...

They make Ryback look strong, sure, fine, but they also make him boring after repeated uses. It's time for him to have some real matches instead of just squashing no-names.

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