WWE General Complaints Thread

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To the two idiots above, "Sheamus passed out"?

Can you say irony...well maybe you can't. You don't seem all that bright, if your post here is anything to go by.

I'm not going to go through your entire post bit by bit, as I can only handle so much stupid at once before I get the urge to crotchpunch someone so they never spawn future generations of stupid, but there is something that caught my eye. From what I can tell, your main bitching points seem to be that Sheamus, CM Punk and Cena had the nerve to win last night. How dare they. Let's burn them.

to which I say, write about it in your blog, emo kid.

First, Daniel Bryan lost absolutely nothing in losing. Not only was he booked strong in defeat, he made the champion "pass out" (Oh wait. you're taking the bitch way out by going "LOL, WWE is stages, dumbazzes" when proven wrong) and in no way does that mean he's back to mid card for life just because he lost the mach. (2 falls to 1, might I add. so they really made bryan look weak here, huh.)

You want the belt on Jericho just for the sake of putting the belt on Jericho, to which I have to ask how long have you been mentally challenged? First of all, why on earth would they put their main title on someone who they know isn't staying around? Not only is that stupid from a fan's perspective, it's bad business. You want your main guy to be someone you can count on, someone who won't leave whenever they want because their band gets a hair up their ass to go on tour. Jericho is great. But to put the title on him just for the sake of giving him a one month title reign (as you suggest) is not only asinine to us, the fans it's insulting to JerichoI'd say more, but honestly I feel a migraine coming on, so I'll just move onto my last point

Brock Lesnar kicked ass. There’s no other way around it, and just because he lost doesn’t change this fact. But you seem to have a huge case of the butt hurt because Cena won. To which I say you need to order an extra-large case of man the fuck up.Sometime's it's better to look strong in defeat then to win by a landslide, and I think it was one of these times. Cena won with a chain and the AA, yes. but Lesnar sent a message to the locker room (kayfabe again. just so you can tell I know it's scripted) that he isn't someone to fuck with.

So, in closing:

WWE, myself along with many more of your universe are pleading, please get the shit straight.

shut the fuck up and don't fucking put us in with you. That's what I find most offensive

...I think this is the longest post I've done on here, god damn.
my complaint, the blackballing of any WWE Superstar that has a Diva for a girlfriend / wife that decides not to re-sign with the WWE. Because your significant other got tired of being a Diva, we're going to punish YOU for it. Even though you are a top superstar, do all the promotion work on the side, and everything we ask of you. Look at what's happening to the Miz right now. It's pathetic and childish
my complaint, the blackballing of any WWE Superstar that has a Diva for a girlfriend / wife that decides not to re-sign with the WWE. Because your significant other got tired of being a Diva, we're going to punish YOU for it. Even though you are a top superstar, do all the promotion work on the side, and everything we ask of you. Look at what's happening to the Miz right now. It's pathetic and childish

I forgot about That particular little fact. I would agree but the Miz gets a decent amount if mic-time considering his current place on the roster and he will be back in the world title picture soon enough. Are they punishing him? Absolutely, but its probably his own fault like everything else...
I forgot about That particular little fact. I would agree but the Miz gets a decent amount if mic-time considering his current place on the roster and he will be back in the world title picture soon enough. Are they punishing him? Absolutely, but its probably his own fault like everything else...

John Morrison too. Then again I was never much of a fan of his "parkour" push. It's odd that the Miz was in some crappy matches on PPV recently and then he gets a YouTube match against Santino. Give me a break. I know I'm in the minority that hates Santino (the gimmick is old and you had the Fear the Cobra shirts months before the actual gimmick began) but the Miz is relentless in doing promo work - tv, radio, etc.
“Why put Brock over the other guys?” putting Brock over would help from a business standpoint. Brock Left MMA at the height of his career which in turn would and could get MMA fans to tune into WWE. ANOTHER reason is that the day WWE KEEPS pushing John Cena Down our throats has to end at some point. I respect John Cena but come on? There are a lot better people who deserve a push as well. Having John Cena Lose would not have done anything to John Cena's reputation or career. The WWE might be the biggest wrestling entertainment company out there but they are surely not beyond making stupid mistakes. Again, from a business standpoint – John Cena sales t-shirts, Toys, Merchandise, etc. John Cena equals money because the kids love him, so you do the math. What’s more important? The people that value entertainment and understand that you can only us the “suspension of disbelief” so much or the millions of dollars that is made from John Cena Merchandise?

Let me know what you think?
One Wrestling Fan
I have been a WWE fan all my life but for the past few months, I do wish if there was an alternate wrestling company that beat the ratings. Last monday night show was a nonsense. Why is the WWE still sucking up to John Cena character? Have they run out of the other idea? All the past and present wrestlers might be thinking, never in history of the wrestling industry promoted a star who is not an original(Eminem wanna be), who lacks wrestling skills(YOU CAN'T WRESTLE) and after Extreme Rules when he talked about taking a break, he comes back again(Ofcourse where else will he go). The fans are booing its loud and clear, still he is a face of the company...why...are fans fools. Just because you got some ladies and kids who idolize him, if it weren't for the guy fans...there would be no WWE.

Whats up with the beat the clock matches? The final match, Daniel bryan vs JERRY THE KING LAWLER, what the hell??? After all other matches, the final match a big mismatch.

Whats with John Laurantis character? At tough enough shows, its essential to be good with the mic when you are in the ring, but this character is allowed to make mistakes as much as he wants. He is not learning from his mistakes and continues doing it.

The music, the graphics the songs that they provide when to promote John cena, with this kind of attention they give to one single superstar, they could have got atleast 3 other young superstars. Utter nonsense.
My general complaint is about the amount of PPV's. One its too soon.....Extreme Rules was over Sunday, and Monday they already sealed 2 matches at over the Limit. But most importantly its the money. I can't order 12 ppvs a year. The WWE blames everything else about the low buy rates they receive. But in reality the real reason is the fans are not rich like McMahon. Most of "WWE Universe" are regular working people. Who have other more important expenses such as "mortages, child care,car notes..and etc" Who cannot afford the 49.95 ppv price every month.
They can't put on quality TV matches, so I have a hard time believing this dribble. Yes, the WWE is at fault for the most part but it isn't because they aren't pushing the right women, it's because they aren't hiring the right women.

The whole division is entirely compiled of rotten apples. I know this is a common thing on the internet. Saying, "They just don't push the right ones" and "They don't give them enough time." Well personally, I wish they would give them less time then they do now. I don't appreciate my precious time being wasted with a 2 minute match with competitors who are not properly trained professionals. Constant botches, a lack of anything remotely interesting, and complete and utter disregard for the art of wrestling detours me away from women wrestling.

But don't take my word for it. I happen to think that Trish, Lita, and Mickie James are in the same league as Beth and Natalya. Like I said, I don't lower my standards of what makes a good wrestling match just because there are women in the ring.[/QUOTE]

I disagree with you 100%. The women's division is not that bad. They have some really good talent and with the right amount of time and the right story lines, they could be fun to watch. Just look at last year when Karma debuted, how much attention they were starting to get. Of course, I do understand that it was mostly Karma they were giving the spotlight to but who knows where it could have gone.
Not all of them are great in the ring and/or have great mic skills but they are entertaining and I bet can do a lot better job than you could in the ring. So give them some credit for going out there and doing what they are asked to do, their job! Oh, and if those 2 to 5 minutes are a waste of your time, then don't watch. Simple, right?
I got to thinking about how some of the wrestlers seem to lose their momentum & started to wonder if WWE realizes that they do it or do they do it on purpose?

Both Randy Orton & Sheamus were turn by the fans, most of us got behind them being the big heel which turns them into a face technically but then the WWE changes them. Sheamus was liked for his mercyless attitude & how it was fun for him then it became a joke & now sheamus jokes around way to much. Where is the Irish temper? Orton was cold distant & ruthless now he is capable of being those things but now he seems to be almost caring.

Kofi had a great feud with Orton a cpl yrs ago & we saw a Vicious side to him the fans really got behind him & then the feud ended quickly so did his rise.

Morrison heel persona was better then his face the only benifit his face persona had was they let him show off more of his abilities.

So is it just me that sees this & if not are they doing it on purpose?
Ive been seeing it as well especially the last few months. I dont think it has anything to do with the wrestlers themselves. Its all wwe creative, they throw these guys around into fueds they think everyone wants to see, without any kind of build up at all.

What i have really noticed is how creative is only thinking about the right now and whats going to be a big draw, thats great and all and its what the fans want, but there not thinking about down the road 2 3 months from now. They are throwing guys. big names, into fueds and then after one big match thats it fueds over and really no explination.

Then afterwards you have these big names orton, cena, lesner, and more, to be left standing there waiting for there next fued without much build. It doesnt really make sense to me.
For the last couple of weeks I've been wondering how will be like to have NEW PPV's for 2013. Here are some ideas. Let me know what you think.

1. New Year’s Revolution
2. Royal Rumble
I was thinking of moving this PPV to February because I simply hate that the Royal Rumble winner has to wait until Elimination Chamber (which is a PPV I completely hate) to decide whether he's going for the World Champion or the WWE Title.
3. Wrestlemania
4. Vengeance
I like a lot the Extreme Rules PPV but I think is getting old. Just changing the name to Vengeance will make more sense because many of the Wrestlemania feuds will just continue until this PPV. Currently, the EXTREME RULES PPV says that every match has to be under an extreme stipulation but this doesn't happen anymore as we saw last week that Layla faced Nikki Bella in a One on One Match, as well as Brodus Clay vs. Dolph Ziggler. Vengeance will keep up the idea of having extreme matches but not is completely necessary to have them for some matches.
6. No Way Out
Eliminating the Elimination Chamber PPV could be one of the best ideas in the world! No Way Out would be the night where Steel Cages, Lumberjack Matches, Elimination Chamber Matches, Hell in a Cell Matches will take place. Of course, you can't have 3 different cages hanging above the ring but that's the best thing because you can have an Elimination Chamber Match on any other PPV and have in this one a Hell in a Cell or a Steel Cage Match.
7. Money in the Bank
8. Summerslam
9. Bad Blood
I hate the idea of having a "Night of Champions PPV" when you only have 6 titles. Titles should be defended whenever they should be defended. Bad Blood could be like the "Vengeance" PPV for Wrestlemania, but for Summerslam.
10. King of the Ring
This could be the perfect way to make a "Road to Survivor Series". The King of the Ring tournament will determine the number #1 contender to the WWE or World Championship.
11. Survivor Series
12. TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs
Do you think the wwe needs more titles. I do i think they need to separate their division again.

They should have a cruiser weight title agian, for the smaller guys.

think they should bring back the european title.

I know they wont bring back the hardcore title because of this whole pg era and the ban of blood on tv.

I think both raw and smackdown need tag titles and they need to change the design of the tag titles because they are hideous right now.

They need to scrap the divas title its ridiculous, they need the womens championship back to bring some respect back to that division. i mean really a belt in the shape of a butterfly.

These are just my thoughts please share yours...
no they dont need any more titles, they already treat the IC and US championships with little respect so whats the point of adding more titles that wont mean any thing
I agree with the title design changes, but on the bringing back of titles, I don't think they really need to right now, if anything, maybe the cruiser weight title. I feel they need some title for NXT/Superstars for the lower tiered guys
One thing I will 100 percent agree with is the removal of the Divas Championship in favor of the Women's. It is so degrading to the business. But it won't matter. Cruiserweight wouldn't hurt either but it seems like we'll see some show come from that.

Other than designs, that's all I agree with. WWE's issue isn't the amount of titles. It's the booking of them, and the talent within the pictures.
More titles means less value. What they actually need to do is get RID of some of the titles.

If u want meaningful feuds and titles that mean something, they need to be more prestigious. All they need is:

1. WWE World Heavyweight Championship - unify the belts already. The "brand" era is over

2. WWE Intercontinental Championship - unify the IC and US belts with the winner keeping their "legacy" alive. Obviously, Vince kills everything he didn't create so the US belt is no more.

3. WWE Tag Titles - just create 4-6 tag teams so there's actually a reason to even have the belts. There's a ton of mid-card talent that isn't utilized. I'd rather see them thrown in a tag team so they can get into a match (ie: Swagger, Mason Ryan, Christian, Santino, etc...)

4. Women's Title - I really don't care either way, but they'll always have it around. How about using a retro belt? (ie: Madusa's belt, oh wait.... it may still be in a Nitro trash can)

This would force the IC title to carry weight because the champion would have numerous contenders at each ppv and a weekly match on TV (either raw or smackdown). It enables the ability to have tag teams created. They won't all work, but some may. What can they possibly lose by giving that a chance?

Why am I even bothering with this....WWE is entertainment, they're not concerned with logic or wrestling. Vince enjoys twisting stories to "fool" the internet fan. Let's just enjoy watching him lose more stock, lose more fans, and lose more talent. THAT is how it will get better.

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keep it real.
I was just about to give my input and I read what anvilx8 above put. they are correct. And keep the womans title too - but they need a few more technical skilled women wrestlers to stop the title from being the joke it has become.

They also need to redesign the WWE title belt and the tag title belt (which look like pennies = Ultimate Warrior said that - he is not wrong). Both titles look dated and not good. the old wwf tag titles that hart Foundation, Money Inc etc held were the best looking belts.
I am definitely feeling ready for 1 set of titles in the whole company. I really, really do like some benefits of the 2 brand set up, because I've enjoyed the WHC runs of Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, Christian and Jericho a lot. I'm not sure those guys would have ever got WWE title runs. Still, with the shows being dual-branded lately there is no need for brand specific titles anymore. All we need is this:

WWE Title
Intercontinental Title
Tag Team Title
Divas Title

The sooner, the better. It's just too convenient to have so many titles. Jack Swagger just had a US title run, did anyone even notice?
I think they got lots of titles already, what they need right now is to focus on making these titles worth fighting for. The values of some WWE titles have diminished due to lack of credible champions. What they need right now is to unify the WWE and WHC. Maintain the I-C and US Title (Make this the new European Title). No need for them to revive the Cruiserwieght Title. They just need a credible Champion.
Recently, I have received some negative criticism about the way I criticize WWE's current product. As of late, such examples include the way they have been booking Jericho, WWE having a ppv called Extreme Rules when there really isn't anything extreme about it at all, and just the overall product as a whole.

It seems I get bashed on for voicing my opinion, and no this is not a moaning and bitching post. I guess you all cannot see the clear picture here and yes, everyone has their opinion and we will all disagree with each other at least once, but people wake up, it seems like a ton of people in the forums have forgotten what good wrestling really is.

WWE needs to step up their product, they need to book better, they need to have better story angles, and they need to become what old wrestling used to be. Wrestling is crumbling around it's foundation it was built on and some people are really losing that grasp on that reality.

The smartest decision WWE could have made and you people would have been bitching:
Jericho taking the strap off of CM Punk at Wrestlemania, holding it for nearly a month and losing it back to CM Punk at Extreme Rules. It would have made sense, Jericho has been buried since he had returned, talk about putting faith into a performer that made you millions. CM Punk was already over, I don't give a shit what you people say, he was, CM Punk has been over for a long while now, WAKE UP!!!

Vince letting Cena go over on Lesnar, how the hell did that make sense, it was headed to Cena taking time off, and we got the same ole shit where Cena, a proverbial underdog for the thousandth time beats Brock Lesnar. That was a fucking joke. I'm sure Lesnar isn't happy about this in reality one bit and I would be 100 percent behind him to leave. Why bury great talent after Cena was headed towards a great storyline, losing two ppv matches in a row, down in a hole, injured, and taking a little time off, then rising back up as a more aggressive Cena. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

This isn't strictly a complaint or concern from a fan's point of view, this is a point of view with the current WWE product as a whole. I could care less who won, but it makes sense with what I am saying. I am to the point and on cue, there are tons who agree, and you marks that will still bitch and moan will never understand. Wrestling needs to return to it's prominence or soon, viewership will keep declining, buy rates will decline, and pretty soon, HELLO BANKRUPTCY!!!

A fresh start is what they need and again, if it doesn't come soon, with new story angles, more aggressive wrestling, and putting the right wrestlers over at the right time, and quit burying superstars that can carry a crowd, GOODBYE WRESTLING and GOODBYE PROMINENCE.

Have a nice day.
I agree with the title design changes, but on the bringing back of titles, I don't think they really need to right now, if anything, maybe the cruiser weight title. I feel they need some title for NXT/Superstars for the lower tiered guys

I think that since Santino is the U.S. Champion, they should just make the U.S. Title the new low card belt. Ever since Ryder's win at TLC, the U.S. belt has been given to arguably "lower tier" wrestlers who were never given real pushes. Santino's highest profile victory is over The Miz, who is arguably being "buried" and immediately got his win back the next night decisively once a bigger prize (the possibility of a WWE Championship match) was entered into the equation.

They should unify the World Titles however. Let the WWE Champion show up on both brands. The WWE Champion can have his major feuds on RAW, and show up on SmackDown to cut promos or have one-off matches.
It seems I get bashed on for voicing my opinion, and no this is not a moaning and bitching post.

Sure seems like it to me.

I guess you all cannot see the clear picture here and yes, everyone has their opinion and we will all disagree with each other at least once, but people wake up, it seems like a ton of people in the forums have forgotten what good wrestling really is.

This is a nice contradicting statement. So far, your credibility is through the roof.

WWE needs to step up their product, they need to book better, they need to have better story angles, and they need to become what old wrestling used to be. Wrestling is crumbling around it's foundation it was built on and some people are really losing that grasp on that reality.

Oh God. Should TV go back to the way it was because it had some awesome shows in the 50s and 60s? Bring back black and white TV with no remote controls. Fuck HDTV.

WWE is making an inordinate amount of money with its current product. "Crumbling around its foundation" seems a bit like a piss and moan universalizing statement because you don't like the show, as you provide no basis for your remarks.

The smartest decision WWE could have made and you people would have been bitching:
Jericho taking the strap off of CM Punk at Wrestlemania, holding it for nearly a month and losing it back to CM Punk at Extreme Rules. It would have made sense, Jericho has been buried since he had returned, talk about putting faith into a performer that made you millions. CM Punk was already over, I don't give a shit what you people say, he was, CM Punk has been over for a long while now, WAKE UP!!!

Yeah, let's showcase a guy who has been gone for over a year, take the belt off of a guy who just resigned long-term with us and is the one guy that can prove that he is a fan-favorite to rival with Cena, and furthermore, throw around a belt like it's a prop. :rolleyes:

So far, this is just a bitch and moan fest from a guy who wants the Attitude Era back. Let me guess, you loved the HIAC at Wrestlemania, though right?

Vince letting Cena go over on Lesnar, how the hell did that make sense, it was headed to Cena taking time off, and we got the same ole shit where Cena, a proverbial underdog for the thousandth time beats Brock Lesnar. That was a fucking joke.

Makes a lot of sense actually. Puts Cena up to Lesnar's level of credibility. Everyone wants to see Cena/Lesnar II, whereas if Lesnar just beat the shit out of him, people would have been far less interested in a match that, no question, will happen twice. And why put Lesnar, a flighty guy who has proved no love for the business, over a guy who is 24/7 365 a wrestler?

The only fucking joke I see is your post.

I'm sure Lesnar isn't happy about this in reality one bit and I would be 100 percent behind him to leave.

And do what? Go to TNA? What is left for Brock to do, if not WWE?

Why bury great talent after Cena was headed towards a great storyline, losing two ppv matches in a row, down in a hole, injured, and taking a little time off, then rising back up as a more aggressive Cena. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

Because maybe WWE has something else in store. And maybe because Cena didn't want to take time off...I think he's deserved the option of that. Cena is, without question, the biggest draw WWE has, and keeping him on TV is the best decision moving forward for the company.

Youtube has a great selection of old wrestling, if you are interested. You could probably access it on a 56k dial-up if you're in to old shit.

This isn't strictly a complaint or concern from a fan's point of view, this is a point of view with the current WWE product as a whole. I could care less who won, but it makes sense with what I am saying. I am to the point and on cue, there are tons who agree, and you marks that will still bitch and moan will never understand. Wrestling needs to return to it's prominence or soon, viewership will keep declining, buy rates will decline, and pretty soon, HELLO BANKRUPTCY!!!

A fresh start is what they need and again, if it doesn't come soon, with new story angles, more aggressive wrestling, and putting the right wrestlers over at the right time, and quit burying superstars that can carry a crowd, GOODBYE WRESTLING and GOODBYE PROMINENCE.

Have a nice day.

Ratings and buyrates are up you clown. I would take some business classes and understand how finances work.
Just wanted to comment on a few things....

The smartest decision WWE could have made and you people would have been bitching:
Jericho taking the strap off of CM Punk at Wrestlemania, holding it for nearly a month and losing it back to CM Punk at Extreme Rules. It would have made sense, Jericho has been buried since he had returned, talk about putting faith into a performer that made you millions. CM Punk was already over, I don't give a shit what you people say, he was, CM Punk has been over for a long while now, WAKE UP!!!

Jericho has always been about putting people over. Especially at this point, where he really doesn't have anything else to prove.

Also I remember people complaining about him getting buried the last time he came back. And that lead to, IMO, one of the best feuds in HBK's career.

Vince letting Cena go over on Lesnar, how the hell did that make sense, it was headed to Cena taking time off, and we got the same ole shit where Cena, a proverbial underdog for the thousandth time beats Brock Lesnar. That was a fucking joke. I'm sure Lesnar isn't happy about this in reality one bit and I would be 100 percent behind him to leave. Why bury great talent after Cena was headed towards a great storyline, losing two ppv matches in a row, down in a hole, injured, and taking a little time off, then rising back up as a more aggressive Cena. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

Yes, because Brock Lesnar is TOTALLY buried right now. While I don't agree with Cena going over, at least it wasn't total ownage like his matches usually go. If anything it was a "by the skin of his teeth" thing. And then from there Lesnar "injured" HHH and now Paul Heyman is involved. Yeah, he's really doing bad for himself there.

This isn't strictly a complaint or concern from a fan's point of view, this is a point of view with the current WWE product as a whole. I could care less who won, but it makes sense with what I am saying. I am to the point and on cue, there are tons who agree, and you marks that will still bitch and moan will never understand. Wrestling needs to return to it's prominence or soon, viewership will keep declining, buy rates will decline, and pretty soon, HELLO BANKRUPTCY!!!

A fresh start is what they need and again, if it doesn't come soon, with new story angles, more aggressive wrestling, and putting the right wrestlers over at the right time, and quit burying superstars that can carry a crowd, GOODBYE WRESTLING and GOODBYE PROMINENCE.

Have a nice day.

While I agree a fresh start is nice, I don't think they're in any danger of bankruptcy anytime soon. Remember, they don't cater to us, but the WWE Universe of kids and marks.

Also, Cena has been nowhere near the title picture for quite a while now. That's a big step up from years ago.
I think that they made a mistake by adding WWE Superstars to WWE.com. I just don't like watching shows on WWE.com because the videos are slow and the graphics aren't as good as on my TV. The wrestlers usually don't get any TV time then, also. I also don't like how WWE has all these re-caps. They can be helpful to people who miss some of the show, but instead of showing us what happened, just explain it before a match or something, so then the wrestlers at least get their entrances in. In the time it takes them to do a re-cap, an underused wrestler COULD be wrestling a match.

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