Wrestlemania 27 - Undertaker vs Triple H - NO DQ STREAK MATCH

Is Taker vs HHH lacking the expectation & anticipation Taker vs HBK had?

  • True....that makes me wonder as well....

  • Considering they'll have to follow not one but TWO HBK vs Taker matches? Unsurprising.

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This should be a good match, It's not something that has been done to death in the last few years and HHH is right there is nobody else in the back that could be a legit threat to the streak that isn't already in a match at wrestlemania. The only problem is I can't see it being anywhere as good as last years match. the career vs streak thing is getting old and it's not something that should happen two years in a row.
true, but this WM17 encounter gotta show up in the comming weeks, they can act like it never happened.

Sure they can. Taker/HBK encounter in the 1990's never showed up during any of their build up be it at WM 25 or WM 26.

And I believe they do it on purpose because mentioning HHH being a victim would lessen his credibility as threat for The Streak.
This match has a chance to be fantasic. The story behind it is great, two of the biggest superstar's ever going at it at the biggest stage of them all.

This match is gonna be a great match. Even though Taker's knee's are definatley not what they used to be, and Triple H is older, it's still be a good match regardless becuase of the story behind it and the people involved.
In my opinion the way I would make The Undertaker and Triple h Road to Wrestlemania feud better is I would incorporate the fact that Triple H is married to Stephanie McMahon. If you remember correctly twelve years ago The Undertaker abducted Stephanie McMahon and almost forced marriage on her behalf.

Now what I would suggest is that they should put the fact of how Stephanie wakes up in cold sweats at night and still has dreaded nightmares about when she had to spend a night with The Undertaker and the way he was touching her the wrong way and etc.

And another way is how he could be getting revenge when he lost 10 years ago.

But what do yall guys think?:icon_neutral:
That would essentially make Taker the heel of the feud though wouldn't it? During the ministry time, he was the biggest heel of the company, Do you think that now is a good time for such a drastic switch?

I do agree a bit more story would make this good, as beyond number one contender type things, we havent really had full on story driven feuds, sure we had injuries and such, but not full on story things. I think that if given more time, the stephanie angle would bring more ''attitude era''=ish storylines to the now, but they dont have enough time, and as taker said, its the ''End of an era'', Its like he was kissing the attitude era goodbye with the ending of both their careers.
What I think would make it way better is if they made it HAIC at WM. They both claim to be the definer of that match so have them see who is the best one on one. The only time they been in a HIAC match togther was in the Armagedon HIAC 10 years ago. I tihnk it would add some excitement to the storyline.
Undertaker may have been heel back at that time with the Ministry but I distinctly remember him getting a decent face reaction at the time. Maybe because there were perverts in the audience who fantasized like most of us did back then about getting Stephanie in the sheets or maybe it was more about them respecting him even back then.
But yeah the Undertaker/HHH feud needs some serious momentum.

How about turning HHH heel? Here's how!
Have the "GM" start screwing the Undertaker similar to the way he did with Edge. I know this would require Undertaker being on Raw but to be honest would anyone really be opposed to watching Undertaker on Raw/SmackDown! and HHH running back and forth from Raw/SmackDown!? Then have it be revealed as either HHH or Stephanie. Simple heel turn right there if it's HHH but if it's Stephanie the heel change could be a longer, thought out process. You know pitting Undertaker/HHH together as partners on some occasions. Then eventually have it come down to the point where Stephanie says HHH is either with her or against her. Then you have video footage roll "unexpectedly" showing all the times Stephanie screwed HHH in the past.
Then it's "decision time". HHH acts like he is choosing to remain face and side with the Undertaker and the fans, but then *BOOM* Pedigree on the dead man.

Then from there HHH could say it's been eating him alive since WM17 that he didn't beat the Undertaker. And now he wants to kill the streak, end the Takers career and be considered the "ONLY Phenom in the WWE" etc etc etc

Throw in some creative ideas and it could spice things up.
From Triple H's promo the fued and match seem based so much off of respect for the other wrestler I don't see how they can really turn one of them (without much purpose might I add because everyone wants to see the match anyway) I say give it time and we'll see what happens although it will probably just be a promo war and just make the fight at WM27 the moment they actually "get" to fight. I don't really wanna see this turn into a fued with the heel of the fued attacking the face and all that overused stuff, I like the dircetion it has been goin since their original stare off.
I agree with some that its going just fine. With the time they have to make this work they really cant do much for it other than what they are doing right now. I agree that I dont wanna see a face/heel just do this one out of respect. Um I think we can all guess that Shawn will be involved also but I dont think he should but I want to see HHH and undertaker not the three of them. Personally I also believe that they dont have enough time to make it career vs streak but I gotta feelin thats the path they are taking on this one. I just dont think HHH will be back long enough for his career to really matter. To be honest though I do want to see the match though I think it will be a classic edge of the seat wrasslin match haha. I guess if they was going to add a bit of story to this I would go the rout of HHH sayin he was behind taker getting barried by Nexus because he retired Shawn, sense it didnt keep taker down now he has to do it at wrestlemania.

Note I dont want them to go that way with the Nexus but that would make it more interesting.
What I would do to make it better (although it is still in the early stages and I think it is going sort of ok) is have Triple H viciously attack The Undertaker and then explain his reasonings for wanting to destroy Taker at Mania not just for the feud, but because he ended his best friend Shawn Michaels' career.

This would make it more personal than just HHH being interested in basically Undertaker's stats and him putting a 1 in the loss column. A much better, more personal feud.
the problem with the streak matches are that at this point nobody really believes it will end so it kind of takes the excitement down a little. But I guess u never know. I read where the expectation is Undertaker will retire after 28, so what I'd like to see is Triple H end the streak, rematch at 28 where taker wins and goes into retirement. Or taker win this time, rematch next year and HHH end it and him retire
If Triple H doesn't put his career on the line at Wrestlemania, I think the Undertaker has a huge chance to be 18-1 at Wrestlemania.

Seriously, I'm rooting for Triple H to win. Imagine the breakdown of the IWC, damn they'll go insane. It'll be hilarious.

Time for someone to put an end to the Streak. The Game will do just that.
Why doesn't the WWE mention that HHH already faced Undertaker at WM back in 2001?
I beleive on RAW i heard josh matthews say can Triple H do what 18 others could not, wasn't exactly 18 diffrent people, two have been HBK, two Kane and now for the 2nd time.. HHH
I do not think we will see the end of the streak this year, Undertaker will retire with the streak at 20-0, I 100% believe that.

It makes sense for The Game to be the challenger this year, as Undertaker retired his best friend, and I hope that this isnt the final match of Triple H.

He comes back after a year out for one match...loses....and retires? That is not the kind of send off I expect for Triple H. I expect Vince will end up giving him a Ric Flair style big send off at WM when he decides to call it a day. It should not be this year.

I predict an Undertaker win, but no retirement from Triple H. He will be back.
know they aught to really mention the fact that they have wrestled at a Wrestlemania before, but that isn't the purpose of the feud.

The fact that Undertaker beat Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XXV was the sole catalyst that set up there Match the following year at Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania X-Seven is history and has nothing to do with this new fresh feud. If Triple H was to say I've lost to you at Wrestlemania before but beating you at Wrestlemania is the last thing I need to accomplish etc, then it's basically just copying the previous Undertaker/Shawn Michaels feud.

They are trying to build this Match upon the fact that they are the last two Outlaws, and while they obviously don't feel comfortable saying Triple H's Career is on the line, the remarks towards 'Death' is virtually another way of putting it. There is no challenge left for either man after one of them loses this Match, therefore there Career will essentially be over.

It makes sense to keep them apart from one another and just have them do Promos. If they keep it this way, they will both go into Wrestlemania as strong as they possibly can. They are above and past beating each other up and costing each other Matches leading up to the PPV. This is about more than that. It's words, and facts.
I'm looking forward to this, its a shame they had to fire this on such short notice. Undertaker would have been better to miss this year through injury or whatever, meaning it wouldn't matter who he challenged since it wouldn't be so directly compared to taker/hbk. I do love the whole "last outlaw" idea, great concept, can make awesome promos. However, just throwing it out there, hasn't Mark henry been in the wwf a long time too, since 96/97 ish?

I know it ruins all ideas of stories and we're supposed to forget these things but he has been a mainstay a long time too...
Let's see:

First, we are informed in the latest 20 minute promo that this will now be a No Holds Used, er....... Barred Match. Great since the Son-in-Law doesn't know any.

And the problem with this is?

Next we find out that the writers have been told not to mention that we've already seen this one - 10 years ago!

Undertaker and HHH were different wrestlers ten years ago so they want to push it as "The Game" vs. "The Deadman". The older fans already know about WM 17. It's mainly for the benefit of the younger fans that they don't mention it.

Yeah, this one is shaping up to be a real 'gem'....


Probably had the same intention for your post as well.
The reason there not mentioning the Mania 17 match is because WWE wants to put Triple H over as a credible threat to The Undertaker's streak, so creative has been told not to have the bout mentioned on TV so that the marketability of the WrestleMania 27 match is not hurt, nor is the fan's perception that Triple H can actually end the streak.

This IMO is bullshit, I feel like there playing on ppl's intelligence. Now I don't have a problem w/HHH & Undertaker going at it again (wish it was in a HELL IN A CELL), but to pretend as if HHH never got his ass whooped already at Mania is preposterous. If they wanted HHH to seem as a credible threat than they should have had this feud about revenge for HBK instead of two legends colliding. They should have built the feud where it wasn't all about the streak, cause when Undertaker's Mania feuds are just about his opponent tryn to end the streak you automatically think Taker not gon lose.

Not to mention Undertaker not mentioning there match is just not realistic!! If someone kicks your butt & you come to them & challenge them again there gonna be like man I don already mopped the floor w/you soooooo what gives you the idea you can beat me now. Why should I even fight you, is what they would say. The other person would have to give you a reason to want to fight them again, just like HBK did last year by putting up his career.

When HHH came out & said there isn't anything else for me to accomplish, but end the streak in reality Undertaker would have responded by saying well I done bashed you already & your not the champ so the only thing you can offer me is your career. HHH should have had to force Taker into the match like HBK did.

Is Taker vs HHH lacking the expectation & anticipation Taker vs HBK had?
For me just a little only because there tryn to make it seem like HHH has never went 1 on 1 w/Taker. It seems like there tryn to hard to make this match more epic or seem just as epic as HBK/Taker, which IMO there's no need for that. HHH is money so is Taker it doesn't have to feel as epic as HBK/Taker & there's no reason it should when you already know Taker whooped H before. All they had to do is just make the feud personal.
As much as i would love for taker to keep the streak , I dont think it will happen. I think HHH could use Barrett somehow in this match allowing Barret to screw Undertaker out of the streak would give Barrett more credibility. Also, it could make things more interesting between HHH and Barrett, Barrett could say he was the one who actually took out the Undertaker which could lead to a fued between the two.
No Holds Barred seems good to me. But, Hell in a Cell seems perfect. WrestleMania is in a dome so there is a roof for it to hang from and it would certainly deliver. Final match of the night Streak vs Career or no Streak vs Career.
I think this could turn out well. I think with how huge The Rock returning has taken over the push for WM27, this match is a solid backdrop. That may sound bad but its not. I think what has to happen is other wrestlers need to get involved.

With how HHH was bringing up where HBK failed I thought that was a HUGE boost in terms of "WOWing" with promos. AT SOME POINT, I think they need to go at it in a slug fest to really turn up the heat. Either way its progressing well.
Am I the only one that thinks HHH vs. Undertaker may end in a draw???

Streak would still be in tact…???

Very interesting question. I think maybe it should end in a draw... But then maybe it should be ordered to continue on Last Man Standing rules... for UnderTaker to win. That'd be epicity...
in a draw? then the streak wouldn't be in tact:


a draw, if you go by sports standings, goes for 1/2 a win, 1/2 a loss. but no, it shouldn't end in a draw, not at WrestleMania.

the match is no DQ also. how would it be a draw?! Lol both men KO'd?
i had thought this would happen with shawn michaels, it will be a great match and i like the idea of it being in a tie as stated above then have it be a last man standing rule, just don't think that will happen. what i think will happen, is that hhh will almost win then shawn michaels will come out, screw hhh cause he doesnt' want hhh to get the win since he did not.

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