Wrestlemania 27 - Undertaker vs Triple H - NO DQ STREAK MATCH

Is Taker vs HHH lacking the expectation & anticipation Taker vs HBK had?

  • True....that makes me wonder as well....

  • Considering they'll have to follow not one but TWO HBK vs Taker matches? Unsurprising.

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After Taker, HHH is the next biggest legend left in the company, so needless to mention that the expectations will soon arise. Wait until HBK returns and probably gets involved in the angle and when the promos start, with HHH saying that he wants revenge - what would be better is if HBK becomes special guest referee, and somehow Taker overcomes the odds and beats HHH once again to improve the streak (which will happen anyways, since the streak is not ending and HHH wants to retire, that is why he returned on the same day as Taker and confronted him, otherwise he would've returned earlier and confronted Sheamus). The unfinished Taker/ Nexus or Taker/ Kane and HHH/ Sheamus stories should be finished in the next two weeks with revenge matches on Smackdown/ Raw which Taker/ HHH will win, so that they can show momentum going into Wrestlemania.

The match will definitely be good, since HHH will perform to his best if its his last match and Taker would definitely perform well as he did in the last 4 Manias. Remember the Taker/ HHH match on Smackdown in 2008 where we saw a good exchange of technical wrestling?

Time to Slay the Game!
My question is, why is that? Am I right assuming HHH vs Taker, no matter how big it is ATM, lacks the expectation and anticipation the two HBK vs Taker match had?

Yes, you are right. First I am going touch on the question about anticipation. Few in the IWC are anticipating this bout, voicing their preference for Sting vs Undertaker or Cena vs Undertaker instead. WWE just came off one of the most mysterious angles in recent history and the fact that it was Taker and HHH disappointed them. They wanted Sting or even Cena but they got HHH and they are not the least happy with it. As a result, Taker vs HHH have to endure the unnecessary pressure of this hole, which was dug by the WWE themselves and the IWC itself. The 2 21 11 angle played a pivotal role in the anticipation of the fans for this match, as the end result did not suit what the IWC craved for and wanted. Taker vs Michaels at Mania 25 did not have that.

Adding to that, you have this year's Wrestlemania, which looks to be one of the weakest on paper. With the exception of Taker vs HHH, you don't have that secondary blockbuster that will make the PPV a must buy for the fans. The last two Mania had Orton vs HHH and Cena vs Batista and Vince vs Bret to a slighter extent respectively, while this year's don't have the same luxury.

And that's not all, there is still 2 prodigious and indelible bouts of Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker to live up to. The people whom did not buy last year's Mania, I doubt they will for this year's. With these 3 factors, Taker vs HHH will not have the same anticipation as Taker vs Michaels from last year's, no matter how WWE build it up.

Now onto the expectations, the last time The Undertaker and Triple H went one on one at Wrestlemania, was a decade ago where the fans were treated to a stellar bout that was overshadowed by Rock vs Austin at arguably the best Wrestlemania of all time. While this year's Triple H vs The Undertaker should surpass their initial match up, the fans are not sure whether it will do the same for Michaels vs Taker I and II. While according to you, the fans certainly don't think so, and like you said, it actually could be a blessing in disguise.

IMO, Triple H vs The Undertaker have all the potential in the world to surpass Michaels vs Taker. They have a mountain to climb though, a boundless and oppressive one. However, it is not out of the question. The Cerebral Assassin has just recently been named as the most overrated superstar of all time, a statement echoed by most of the fans and if they don't, some would probably rank him second to the one and only Immortal Hulk Hogan. The thing about Triple H is this, he does not really have the spine-chilling, ground-breaking match that gives the fans goosebumps, the closest he could muster is the Triple Threat Match up at WM 20 or the one against Cactus Jack back in Rumble 2000. This is the time! The time to play the game! The time to deliver a bout that will be remembered for years to come, a bout that will have fans gloating that they were there to witness it. And if its indeed Triple H's last match and even if it is not, this represents his best chance to deliver 'that' match.

So, despite of the fact that Triple H vs The Undertaker is taking place with the underwhelming circumstances, it serves as the best chance for the former to deliver and I think it may very well happen.
Maybe since I saw this coming before it was announced as a potential spoiler, I'm not disappointed. To me it made sense from the beginning. And Rock/Austin definitely overshadows Triple/Taker at WM17 in hindsight, but this is the moment that will give Triple H an opportunity to prove something to those that do think he's underrated. For months we could have seen this coming, but the IWC is to pretensious and speculative that they were thinking about Triple H/Sheamus, hopeful for Sting when the evidence of an appearance was circumstantial, and hopeful for Cena even when Taker wasn't sure to return in time and that'd be better left for Taker's last match anyway. Who else was there that could come close to being a big enough opponent for Undertaker? Triple H made the most sense. His intensity is sure-fire for promos going into the event, he's among the most experienced of big names still wrestling and has the psychology, presence, move set, charisma, and ability to sell... and we KNOW he has motive in HBK retiring and the opportunity to end THE STREAK.
I think what ruined it for the IWC was this wild Sting rumor... I admit I'm also guilty of my hopes becoming expectations (Rock/Cena match), but at least that was only after the Rock SHOWED UP and dissed Cena... We've heard nothing from Sting... But Sting letdown aside, we shouldn't have been underwhelmed by this development... I, for one, am very whelmed and excited for this match, and the lead up to it. But you should have expected this... And no, they didn't need words... They didn't need more time between entrances, because Undertaker didn't even need to sell himself as being surprised. And if he had mic time before Triple H came out, what would he have said? What should Triple H have said that wasn't already oozing out of the mere context? For the IWC to be disappointed here is bogus and unfair... but they're really only cheating themselves out of being excited.
the build up to it was whack. I mean taker comes into the ring and 2 seconds later triple h comes back after being gone for a year? they stare at each other stupidly and stare at the wrestlemania logo like we're all suppose to be impressed? There has been no build up or history between the two for over 10 years and suddenly we're suppose to bye into the fact that these 2 suddenly want a match against each other? And are they not going to explain why Triple H was out for a year from a story line perspective (Sheamus).
Son how long have been watching wrestling they have history dating back to battles between them for the tag team championships involving stone cold and kane and might i add and epic wrestlemania 17 match in 2001 not forgetting in 2002 they wanted to kill each other to get a shot at the wwe championship when brand extension first took place and of course the man retired his best friend forever ending DX.
It feels like the concelation prize and very rushed rather than organic the way both Taker/HBK matches were booked or even the first Taker/Triple H match was booked. Add to that how beat up both guys are and the fact neither has been in the ring for quite some time and I think it's wise to keep expectation grounded.
Now onto the expectations, the last time The Undertaker and Triple H went one on one at Wrestlemania, was a decade ago where the fans were treated to a stellar bout that was overshadowed by Rock vs Austin at arguably the best Wrestlemania of all time. While this year's Triple H vs The Undertaker should surpass their initial match up, the fans are not sure whether it will do the same for Michaels vs Taker I and II. While according to you, the fans certainly don't think so, and like you said, it actually could be a blessing in disguise.

True, that. With minimal expectation and anticipation, I think HHH & Taker can and will perform better than if they have some 'limitation' to par to. I kinda like how most IWC downplay the match long before it happened, saying "It should have been Undertaker vs Sting" where the fact says otherwise although I was upset as well or "Undertaker vs Cena should have happened" when everyone dead and alive knew Undertaker vs Cena at Wrestlemania will never happen in this lifetime because WWE doesn't want Cena to get heel reaction and his credibility ruined.

It's just like HBK & Taker at WM 25. I think I would be lying if I say Orton vs HHH didn't get the biggest attention at that time (look at my explanation in the OP). Everyone knew Taker & HBK would be good but not that good, so it was simply two legends going out there and showing the entire roster how a classic is done. Even Triple H himself admitted once he saw that match, he knew there was no way he would be able to follow it and he was right.

With the similar situation for Taker & HHH, I will not be surprised if Taker/HHH blow the entire card out of the water and rival matches like Rock/Hogan or Taker/HBK.

As long as WWE doesn't add cheap and unneeded aversion and swerve in the form of HBK being special ref thus stealing every attention there's to steal, just like I've been saying hundred times before.

IMO, Triple H vs The Undertaker have all the potential in the world to surpass Michaels vs Taker. They have a mountain to climb though, a boundless and oppressive one. However, it is not out of the question. The Cerebral Assassin has just recently been named as the most overrated superstar of all time, a statement echoed by most of the fans and if they don't, some would probably rank him second to the one and only Immortal Hulk Hogan. The thing about Triple H is this, he does not really have the spine-chilling, ground-breaking match that gives the fans goosebumps, the closest he could muster is the Triple Threat Match up at WM 20 or the one against Cactus Jack back in Rumble 2000. This is the time! The time to play the game! The time to deliver a bout that will be remembered for years to come, a bout that will have fans gloating that they were there to witness it. And if its indeed Triple H's last match and even if it is not, this represents his best chance to deliver 'that' match.

So, despite of the fact that Triple H vs The Undertaker is taking place with the underwhelming circumstances, it serves as the best chance for the former to deliver and I think it may very well happen.

I think this match has had a couple of factors in which why it took so long to start to develop and it needs more to it if I am going to hype it up so much. In my mind I don't think HBK-Takers matches the last two wrestlemania's will get topped but you never know.

The first 3 weeks of vignettes (which we all know now was the undertaker) it had a lot of us believing it was Sting because of the similarities it had with his other vignettes in WCW a long time ago. I think these vignettes were made like that to promo Sting cause I believe the WWE were in fact negotiating with him but couldn't come up with a deal in time. With these vignettes taker style too, well they had a save it they needed and they did.

It was also discussed Wade Barret and Taker but I don't think that is the road to go. Too soon for Barret and Barret vs. Taker after two legendary matches with HBK would probably kill the angle.

Here's a question though, who else in the WWE other than HHH or Cena would of been a suitable opponent for Taker to make the streak storyline still interesting?
I think this match has had a couple of factors in which why it took so long to start to develop and it needs more to it if I am going to hype it up so much. In my mind I don't think HBK-Takers matches the last two wrestlemania's will get topped but you never know.

The first 3 weeks of vignettes (which we all know now was the undertaker) it had a lot of us believing it was Sting because of the similarities it had with his other vignettes in WCW a long time ago. I think these vignettes were made like that to promo Sting cause I believe the WWE were in fact negotiating with him but couldn't come up with a deal in time. With these vignettes taker style too, well they had a save it they needed and they did.

It was also discussed Wade Barret and Taker but I don't think that is the road to go. Too soon for Barret and Barret vs. Taker after two legendary matches with HBK would probably kill the angle.

Here's a question though, who else in the WWE other than HHH or Cena would of been a suitable opponent for Taker to make the streak storyline still interesting?

When he isn't too busy dancing with the stars? Chris freaking Jericho.

Not Randy Orton, CM Punk, Morrison, Gaymus, Bryan, Barrett, and the rest of the roster but Jericho & Cena (after this match with HHH).
I love the idea of Hell in a Cell as both men are the two kings of it. Also mention HBK's retirement and HHH's revenge for it. I so wanna see a HHH heel turn doing stuff like getting to the "heart of Taker". If it isnt HIAC then good counters and storytelling is want I want too see out of this match, if both men arnt too old to put on good counters.
I'm looking forward to this match. Although wrestling wise I'd doubt whether it would be anywhere near the phenomenal quality of Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker, but story wise, this could be amazing. The only downer will be if it's a streak vs. Career, I know HHH is moving on, but I just don't want to see him go just yet, as I don't think the streak is going, if it was to break, Shawn Michaels was the man to do it.

HHH is one of the most decorated wrestlers of all time, with his career on the line, its going to be an intriguing road to wrestlemania. Taker will unlikely lose at Mania, the streaks a part of history, and should just be left untarnished. HHH will do well on the mic, and I don't see Taker doing a huge amount on the mic. I can't wait to see what they add to the feud, hopefully they don't just ramble to Mania, something big needs to happen, a real ignition to the feud.

Hopefully this will be a good one.
I'm actually really looking forward to this match and I wouldn't consider myself to be a big fan of Trips or Taker. They're both obviously on the tail end of long careers and know how to pull out all the stops for a match of this magnitude. I'm hoping and expecting it'll be a good one.

That being said. I just don't think that Triple H is ever going to win this match. Shawn Michaels could have won the match... Or at least people believed that he could. Triple H, from the outset, has absolutely no chance of winning this match. With only 6 weeks to go before the actual match takes place, you have to believe that there is not enough time for the WWE to build Triple H up enough to give us the same feeling that some of us got before Shawn Michaels match at WrestleMania 26. The segment on Raw went some way towards accomplishing that but I really doubt that a lot of people are actually going to believe that Triple H can overcome the Deadman and that is a complete waste. Putting him in the ring with John Cena would be completely different.

Anyone that squares off against Taker at Wrestlemania in general doesn't seem to really have a chance of ending the streak. The streak is so epic and has been maintained for so long that it's pretty hard to find an opponent that's a convincing enough threat. Who can really defeat the man who has conquered all?

They managed to craft a pretty convincing opposition when it came down to Shawn and it's possible they could do it again with HHH. It doesn't take much time to put together a video package or cut a few promos... I think a pretty compelling case can be made for HHH by the WWE and people will eat it up like they always do.
I just dont get how there throwing this match at us. Dont get me wrong, i think it will be a decent match, much better then Undertaker vs. Barret, just cux Barret is nowhere near that level yet. I just dont get it, do they just expect us to forget what Sheamus did to HHH. Sheamus took him out for almost a year, and they dont even follow up on it. I just find it hard to beleive that HHH will come back after a 10 month absence and then retire 1 month later. Its just stupid and lazy booking imo. If this is a career match, HHH is going to have the worst retirement ever. Very dissapointing.
Honestly, I hope they dont go the carreer Vs Streak route. There just inst nearly enough build and anticipation to end one of the great carreers of all time over this. Im cool with Trips going after the streak as Vengeance for Micheals, but it would be silly to do a carreer angle with only 5 weeks to build for it.
I agree that Triple H's carreer shouldn't be placed on the line. It just doesn't seem like it would fit into any sort of story-line. With HBK, it was about 'Taker not wanting to give Shawn a rematch unless he (Shawn) put something huge on the line as well. How would that fit in with Triple H? It really is too late to build any sort of desperation on Triple H's part that we could ever logically see him risk everything for HBK. Hell, as of right now, we're not even officially sure why they are facing each other.

Triple H wanting to seek retribution for his friend is more of than enough of an intriguing set up that it just isn't a necessity to put more on the line. Like Norcal said, it would be such a lame way to end someone like Triple H's carreer ; it's so out of the blue and in such a pointless fashion.
hell in a cell should be the match they are both the best in that match fuck michaelshe had his time now it triple hs turn to go down undertaker 19-0 triple h will lose and finally the will reveal him as the raw gm
Triple H and The Undertaker II will be an awesome match, no doubt about it.

Triple H isn't stupid, he would realise that he has to follow two awesome HBK matches and if you think Triple H isn't going to want to tear the house down and really bring it to the Undertaker then you're losing your mind. Kayfabe wise, he retired Triple H's best friend, Triple H is going to be on a fucking mission to destroy and end The Undertaker's streak and he's definately going to bring his A-Game to WrestleMania.

It should not be in a Hell in a Cell either, it does not need it. It should just be straight up, Triple H vs The Undertaker, that's it, no gimmicks, just the streak
My buddy actually said to me right after that Raw segment that their match should be hell in a cell, so I'm glad some people agree with me on this. This would add a level of interest to an already potentially great match up so I am all for a HIAC match with these two guys. But do some people think it is odd that Triple h, as egotistical as he most likely is, would make his big return just to lose to a man that he doesn't get along with all that well? I'm just saying it's worth thinking about in my opinion; I still think Taker will win.
undertaker will probably win but i dont think it would be smart for trips to make it a retirement match. since hes staying with the company he might as well come back and wrestle a match here and there like slaughter, steamboat, rhodes, and the other backstage workers. no point of a retirement match.
I love it when two legends collide, no matter who those two legends are. And Triple H and The Undertaker are right now the two biggest legends working in the WWE. This is truly perfect. The last time these two wrestled one on one at WrestleMania X-Seven (and I'm fairly sure this is the first time they'll wrestled one on one since?), they put on one hell of a match. Now, given that card was already stacked and had Austin/Rock II as the main event, the fact their match is still remembered fondly speaks volumes. As of right now, this is the main event in my view. I don't understand why people are knocking the idea of this match happening, it's perfect! If Triple H admits that one of, if not the main reason why he challenged Undertaker is because of what happened at WrestleMania XXVI when Taker retired Shawn, it makes perfect sense. It adds emotional value to the match because all the Shawn Michaels' fans will wanna see Triple H get one over the man who retired him by ending the streak.

Whilst the match will be great regardless, there is one ingredient that is missing as of right now. And that is Shawn Michaels himself. If he is announced as some kind of enforcer or even the guest referee, just how intriguing is this match? Shawn could claim that he'll call it down the middle and that theres no hard feelings between him and Undertaker, but of course Shawn and Triple H are best friends both off and on screen. Will Shawn REALLY be 100% fair? Or could it even be Shawn Michaels who delivers Sweet Chin Music to The Undertaker to screw him over? The possibilities are endless with Shawn Michaels involved.
I am not the biggest fan of this match but I understand why it was put together. Up to this point the card for WM27 has been...well...lackluster. Miz/Cena w/Rock as possible ref looks good but after that there is nothing (Edge/Del Rio is not enough to sell the ppv). Should be a good build up with a possible appearence by HBK. i hope they don't go the way of a career vs streak match, it's been doen too many times. In the end I think you can add HHH as another victim to the Deadman.
10 years in the making...I was hoping for this match to take place since Wrestlemania XVII. These two before all the Eddies, all the Ortons, all the Punks etc, were my very two favorite wrestlers. For me it was and it WILL BE a dream match. The WWE couldn't went with a better direction, this feud (even with his short 6 weeks build up) is going to be definitely more interesting than HHH/Sheamus and Taker/Barrett.

Now onto the match itself, I think it is going to be HUGE. Triple H might be no Shawn Michaels, yet he has manage to bring his A-game to very single Mania match he has been. These two are the biggest (old school) names the E has to offer today, and both have main evented Mania multiple times. I have many, many expectations on this one. Besides Orton/Punk, I think this one may steal the show and get me at the edge of my seat. I'm actually rooting for both, for a couple of minutes, I'm goign to completely forget that Taker is going to win and actually enjoy the match itself.
To be honest the only reason this match is lackluster and lacking is because I know and pretty much the whole damn world knows HHH doesnt have a chance in hell of winning, the streak is a mute point now it has been made to be bigger then the Undertaker character it self, after seeing both HBK matches my thought was the streak is pointless in hyping as a mainevent because you went from the best in ring performer in WWE/F history putting his career on the line and losing it, to now his best friend vs taker

so yes the expectation and the anticipation is lacking because when it was Career vs Streak people thought their was a chance to the streak being broken after the first match at mania people really had to open their eyes and say WOW, and all of HBK and Takers past matches at Mania as prelude of what each brings to the table, alot of fans trully thought the streak was in jeopardy now its just a match of two legends and while that is still a great match to see comparitively to HBK vs Taker it is lacking because the outcome is not questionable but very obvious for this years wrestlemania
Totally the wrong way. I do not agree with this at all. You have guys on the roster who you see barely every show. If things are so "youth movement" then why let HBK/HHH leave because of the Undertaker when their skills can be used to feud with someone who needs it and improving their skills. If HHH goes out this way it makes no sense to let Sheamus be who he is, King of the ring and HHH's assailant. It should be a return against Sheamus much like the King Booker story. I see no need for this to happen. There wasnt enough build up for me. The whole both come in and you know its official doesnt work for me. I think it should have been something bigger. They should have had Barret face him like it was said to be. This way HHH can help someone elses career before he retires much like Morrison could use, i always wanted to see HBK and Morrison but since HBK retired off of Undertaker theres no point in dreams now.
I just finished watching part 2 of this week's CSR [26/02/11] and was left wondering about if HBK does get call up to be the special guest referee for what might be the Streak v Career match.

I think if HBK is involved it will be bad for the match.

I don't think HHH's career should be on the line, I'd rather see him get a slightly longer run going into Summerslam, but that's beside the point.

But. With the Streak v Career, we're left wondering.. Is HHH retiring? If he's not? Is the streak Really going to end? The suspense Is there.

I'm completely all for HBK being used as HHH's motive for the match but that's where I think it should end. With HHH using his resentment for his best friend being gone as fuel to keep him goading at Undertaker with [as said on CSR] no physical contact happening until 'Mania.

Here is where my problem with HBK, the person, being involved comes in. HBK; like 'Taker and HHH, is a centre stage Alpha-Male.
When HBK turns up at 'Mania he will do his very best to steal the "Thunder", and where 'Taker and HHH are so big themselves it won't quite work out that way.
What we'll be left with is 'Taker and HHH not quite getting all the "Thunder", HBK not quite getting all the "Thunder", and the match itself, the magnitude of it (especially if it is HHH's last) getting lost in a shuffle of battling egos and storm clouds [excuse the awful metaphor].

Also. Could we really believe HBK would count an honest three count with HHH's shoulders down?

This is all just a lot of thoughts I've been having regarding the match and I'm sure either way when it comes to it, the match Will Not disappoint.

I wanna know what other people's thoughts are on the matter..

Is HBK a good thing when it's Streak v Career?
I just finished watching part 2 of this week's CSR [26/02/11] and was left wondering about if HBK does get call up to be the special guest referee for what might be the Streak v Career match.

I think if HBK is involved it will be bad for the match.

I don't think HHH's career should be on the line, I'd rather see him get a slightly longer run going into Summerslam, but that's beside the point.

But. With the Streak v Career, we're left wondering.. Is HHH retiring? If he's not? Is the streak Really going to end? The suspense Is there.

I'm completely all for HBK being used as HHH's motive for the match but that's where I think it should end. With HHH using his resentment for his best friend being gone as fuel to keep him goading at Undertaker with [as said on CSR] no physical contact happening until 'Mania.

Here is where my problem with HBK, the person, being involved comes in. HBK; like 'Taker and HHH, is a centre stage Alpha-Male.
When HBK turns up at 'Mania he will do his very best to steal the "Thunder", and where 'Taker and HHH are so big themselves it won't quite work out that way.
What we'll be left with is 'Taker and HHH not quite getting all the "Thunder", HBK not quite getting all the "Thunder", and the match itself, the magnitude of it (especially if it is HHH's last) getting lost in a shuffle of battling egos and storm clouds [excuse the awful metaphor].

Also. Could we really believe HBK would count an honest three count with HHH's shoulders down?

This is all just a lot of thoughts I've been having regarding the match and I'm sure either way when it comes to it, the match Will Not disappoint.

I wanna know what other people's thoughts are on the matter..

Is HBK a good thing when it's Streak v Career?

Yes it is for one simple fact it is the ONLY way to put doubt in peoples mind that the streak is going to end, because people make it bigger then it really is. If its taker vs HHH 1 on 1 the anticipation of the match goes done by ALOT

as i said before people thought HBK had a very big chance of beating taker, HHH is just coming back, he is in charge of talent backstage, its very easy to see him losing to undertaker and damn near impossible to see him ending the streak unless HBK is by his side in throws a major curve in the minds of wrestling fans, especially those who make the streak bigger then wrestlemania itself it leads to specualtion and people saying moronic comments like "if the Undertaker steaks end we riot" which is why I really wanted to see cena vs taker because it puts a big question mark into my mind that the streak could end.

And thats what the streak is alll about die hards living by it and people sick of it wanting it to end, I think WWE knows that and i think Vince knows that which is why i think HBK will be involved in some capacity their is not point in having a match of such big magnitude if the majority of the people in the building know how its going to end

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