The Undertaker vs Triple H WM 17

CM Steel

A REAL American
At Wrestlemania 28 on April 1, 2012. Triple H will go down in Wrestlemania history as the only wrestler to face the Undertaker at a Wrestlemania more than twice. The past two years Triple H has faced the Undertaker as a babyface.

Does anybody remember the Undertaker vs Triple H eleven years ago at Wrestlemania 17 in Houston, Texas? The challenge, the storyline, the build-up. With the Undertaker as the american badass at that time playing the babyface. And Triple H playing the heel along sided his then-to-be soon wife Stephanie McMahon.

And wasn't that match no DQ too? Because Triple H used the sledgehammer in the match. That was the first time on WWE TV that the WWF/E recongized the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania. And the begining of the Undertaker sweeping the faction known as Evolution at a Wrestlemania (Flair-18, Orton-21, Batista-23).
At Wrestlemania 28 on April 1, 2012. Triple H will go down in Wrestlemania history as the only wrestler to face the Undertaker at a Wrestlemania more than twice. The past two years Triple H has faced the Undertaker as a babyface.

Does anybody remember the Undertaker vs Triple H eleven years ago at Wrestlemania 17 in Houston, Texas? The challenge, the storyline, the build-up. With the Undertaker as the american badass at that time playing the babyface. And Triple H playing the heel along sided his then-to-be soon wife Stephanie McMahon.

And wasn't that match no DQ too? Because Triple H used the sledgehammer in the match. That was the first time on WWE TV that the WWF/E recongized the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania. And the begining of the Undertaker sweeping the faction known as Evolution at a Wrestlemania (Flair-18, Orton-21, Batista-23).

With Shawn Michaels as the special guess referree at Wrestlemaina 28 in Hell in a Cell with the Undertaker & Triple H. Will this the last time we see either the Undertaker or Triple H compete at a Wrestlemania??

Yes i completely remember it. But i don't remember as a DQ match in 2001. The ref was knocked out i believe. We have to wait and see the the results are after Wrestlemania 28.
Actually, the first Triple H/Undertaker match at WrestleMania XVII was a match that became an "unofficial" street fight when the referee was accidentally knocked out (oddly enough for a very extended period of time...)

I always felt that this match was one of the hidden gems, and oftentimes ignored, in a great WrestleMania, overshadowed by TLC II and Austin VS. Rock. The two just beat the living hell out of each other, with a huge spot of Undertaker chokeslamming HHH off of a camera tower (although there was a botched spot afterwards with the "leg drop" from Undertaker that was wide off the mark). It was after this match that the idea of "the streak" began, putting Undertaker at 9-0.
I remember that match, it was yet another reason why WM17 is the greatest WWE PPV of all time!

I was a huge fan of the American Bad Ass Undertaker. From his attire, to his cool entrance music, to the motorcycle, to the Last Ride finisher...he was just plain cool as fuck.

It was a really good match, and got even better once 'Taker dropped the elbow on the referee which somehow kept him down for about 15 minutes, allowing HHH and The Deadman to fight all over the arena. I remember jumping out of my seat when Undertaker chokeslam Triple H off the camera tower. It looked fantastic.

I know this match is rarely mentioned nowadays as WWE seems to want fans to forget about this incarnation of the Undertaker, but for me it will remain as one of his most enjoyable matches. Nowhere near the standard of his epic WM clashes with Shawn Michaels, or this classic match against Kurt Angle at No Way Out (I think), but a personal favourite.
This match was epic it showed why these two men will be in the HOF and are two of the greatest in ring performers in wrestling history. I will say the ref was out for a bit long from what I remember but was still one of the top matches in recent history witch at WM always seams to involve Taker or shawn in some way.

that and last year taker HH match is why i cant wait to see this one if done right (and known hhh and taker it will be) it will be the show stealer yes rock and cena the money maker and main event but cena rubbish in the ring and altho i am a rock fan he not wrestled in years so won't be a great as he once was and has a huge movie life now he cant risk getting hurt anymore so it wont be a great match but taker hhh will be
Their match at WMX7 was one of my favorites. Its hard to say if this will be the last go round for both of them at a WM event. Rumors keeps flying that Taker is going to retire, but until you hear it from his mouth, its just speculation. Trip on the other hand competes a few times during the year so chances are he'll be in a few more WM's.
At Wrestlemania 28 on April 1, 2012. Triple H will go down in Wrestlemania history as the only wrestler to face the Undertaker at a Wrestlemania more than twice. The past two years Triple H has faced the Undertaker as a babyface.

Does anybody remember the Undertaker vs Triple H eleven years ago at Wrestlemania 17 in Houston, Texas? The challenge, the storyline, the build-up. With the Undertaker as the american badass at that time playing the babyface. And Triple H playing the heel along sided his then-to-be soon wife Stephanie McMahon.

And wasn't that match no DQ too? Because Triple H used the sledgehammer in the match. That was the first time on WWE TV that the WWF/E recongized the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania. And the begining of the Undertaker sweeping the faction known as Evolution at a Wrestlemania (Flair-18, Orton-21, Batista-23).

im glad u brought this match up another reason why WM17 was the greatest of all time. This match in general IMO gets overlooked big time!! No it wasnt a no DQ match undertaker didnt agree with the ref and whooped his ass:lmao:. Anyway this match to me is the best so far!! The american badass vs Trips at that time was a dream match.

Trips had beaten everyone at that point cept the undertaker!! If you try me ill make you famous (words uttered by the american bad ass). The match was just down right brutal a legit fight between the two greatest stars of the company. Slegehammers taker throwing trips off the balcony and it was a fight indeed. To me IMO Second best match on the card!! I absoutely loved that match and will watch it again as it gets closer to WM!!
i cant understand y wwe banned all references 2 this match as i thought they could ov built it up better
Personally I believe there are two reasons why the WWE doesn't reference this match, one is because of the American Bad Ass gimmick, if you really look they don't ever usually show a clip from when he beat Flair during this time, or the 2 on 1 handicap match he had. This time in his life I think if you reference it takes away from the mystique of the deadman, it makes him look human again...

The second reason is Why would anyone want to remember Undertaker has beaten a guy twice and then see it a third time? Sure Taker and Hunter were in two different realms there and things change in 11 years, but think about this, go back into your DVD vault and look up your self destruction of Ultimate Warrior DVD and look up where Warrior comes into WCW and cuts his promo on Hogan where he talks about what he did back at Wrestlemania 6 and how he beat Hogan. Ok so if we know he has beat hogan in the past why do we need to see it now 8 years later? Now ask yourself this with Triple H and Undertaker if Undertaker had said " I beat you at Wrestlemania 17, ten years later I beat you again but just barely, why would I want to invest my mind into Wrestlemania 28 for these two? Is a HIAC enough justification for me to watch them wrestle? Is the possibility for HBK Screwing either one of them and tainting the streak enough of a reason to shell out our hard earned money?

So if you forget the memories from WM 17 and focus on Last year your much more inclined to want to see WM 28.
My guess is they dont reference the match from WM 17 is that 11 years is a lifetime ago and the majority of fans Im guessing dont follow wrestling for that long.

Shit, 11 years ago Flair still looked presentable.

The further the WWE gets away from the American Badass and Lord Hunter Hearst Hemsley Aristocrat gimmick the better.
You can't say enough about this match. IMO, this is the Undertaker's third best WM match of all the times. This match really helped make WM X7 the greatest WWF/E PPV ever.

Undertaker vs HHH at WM X7 really gets over looked a lot when talking about the best of the Undertaker and HHH. In reality, this was probably the 2nd best match on the WM X7 card(Yes I'm putting it above Rock vs. Austin II as TLC II was the best match on the card). This match was fast paced, had drama, and was unpredictable. It was truly amazing.

I really hope that this year 'Taker and Trips can surpass the match that they had 11 years ago. They are the best two to ever step foot inside the Hell in a Cell and I can't wait to see what they do this year.
Personally I thought not mentioning this match at all was kind of dumb last year. In fact it robbed us of the annual "List Of The Beatens" we used to get in video highlight packages (that was half joking there).

Ive said before that this is the start of when "The Streak" becomes a big deal, going through HHH & Flair in consecutive WMs really put The Streak at the forefront, Im not even sure WWE was aware of it until after WM 18. From that point on not only have Taker's WM matches typically been in the Top 2 or 3 of the card every year, but he's faced the biggest stars in the company, Orton, Batista, Edge, HBK. So much of the early streak was built on mid card matches and lightly promoted bouts, the whole Streak Phenomenon as it is really kick started vs HHH at WM 17.
I loved their match at WM17. One of my all time favorite matches. It stole the show on that night, in my opinion. And that's saying something, considering the main event was Austin vs Rock in their primes. I thought it was very cool that Motoerhead played Triple Hs theme music (even though it wasn't their best performance), but that's not the reason that match was so special. There wasn't even a big storyline for this (something about H being in Taker's yard...), just two of the best of all time battling it out on the big stage, putting on a stellar performance. It was epic.

As several people already pointed out, it wasn't no DQ, but the ref got knocked out. I also don't recall Stephanie being involved in the match at all. I also don't recall any mention of the streak then. I think that only started a few years later.
It was an okay match. The spot where HHH is chokeslamed off the scaffolding onto the foam pad was pretty phony. I bet on the DVD version it was edited so you don't see it. I used to have a taped version of the live broadcast. Looked horrible. Was a pretty good attitude era style match though. Lots of brawling, reff bump, blood, weapons, finisher counters, etc. Good stuff. I'd call it a "fun" match but not a "great" match.
This match was by far the better of the two Taker-HHH Mania matches. To hear last years get all of the pomp and circumstance in the IWC is some what shocking. I thought it pailed in comparison to Mania 17. Its the main reason why I am not anxious about this up in coming match at Mania 28.
Mania 17 from start to finish is a Mania classic. To be honest, I am not a big fan of HHH and this is his most memeorable match that comes to my mind.

FYI, this upcoming match will see Undertaker win with a tombstone. At Mania 17, he won with the Last Ride. Mania 27 he won with the Hells Gate. And this year he will beat HHH with the tombstone.
Just finished watching this match on the tombstone dvd and i come here and find this! They definitely mention the streak! The Undertaker was 8-0 before this match!
I'm probably in the minority but I dig this match a lot more than the one last year because I didn't like the pace of last year's match and it was a complete spotfest. It felt as if it dragged on too long and the numerous finishers and kickouts made the finishers look weak than anything else. I could've sworn Taker had him in the Hell's Gate for eternity and I didn't dig the endign either although obviously that was used as the stepping stone for this year's match. The match at WM 17 featured more back and forth action and classic brawling with a couple of cool spots involved as well. I can't remember much about the build up but it couldn't be any worse than that of 27 which seemed like a randomly thrown match as well. IIRC, I know they had Taker demand the match from Regal after Kane held Stephanie (in reality, it was a dummy) up high and threatened to throw her from the top floor.
I remember that match, had a good build-up, some good spots, an overall good match.
haha when taker chokeslammed trips off the rail in the crowd. nice spot.
but yes, good match.
Remember it? How can I forgot?! That match was art, much better than last years 'mania match, probably than this year's too. The X7 build was spot on, the build to last years and this years mania has been lackluster at best, where's the heat?

The image from that feud that really sticks out to me is Hunter sitting on Taker's neck with a steel chair "you're the guy who makes people famous? You know what I'm famous for dead man? I'm famous for crippling people!" Excellent.

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